# Print output for @column tags ?> Notification - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class Notification
extends Object implements Parcelable

   ↳ android.app.Notification

A class that represents how a persistent notification is to be presented to the user using the NotificationManager.

The Notification.Builder has been added to make it easier to construct Notifications.

Developer Guides

For a guide to creating notifications, read the Status Bar Notifications developer guide.


Nested classes

class Notification.Action

Structure to encapsulate a named action that can be shown as part of this notification. 

class Notification.BigPictureStyle

Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment. 

class Notification.BigTextStyle

Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text. 

class Notification.BubbleMetadata

Encapsulates the information needed to display a notification as a bubble. 

class Notification.Builder

Builder class for Notification objects. 

class Notification.CarExtender

Helper class to add Android Auto extensions to notifications. 

class Notification.DecoratedCustomViewStyle

Notification style for custom views that are decorated by the system

Instead of providing a notification that is completely custom, a developer can set this style and still obtain system decorations like the notification header with the expand affordance and actions. 

class Notification.DecoratedMediaCustomViewStyle

Notification style for media custom views that are decorated by the system

Instead of providing a media notification that is completely custom, a developer can set this style and still obtain system decorations like the notification header with the expand affordance and actions. 

interface Notification.Extender

Extender interface for use with Builder#extend

class Notification.InboxStyle

Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings. 

class Notification.MediaStyle

Notification style for media playback notifications. 

class Notification.MessagingStyle

Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include multiple back-and-forth messages of varying types between any number of people. 

class Notification.Style

An object that can apply a rich notification style to a Notification.Builder object. 

class Notification.WearableExtender

Helper class to add wearable extensions to notifications. 



If this notification is being shown as a badge, use the getLargeIcon() to represent this notification.


If this notification is being shown as a badge, always show as a number.


If this notification is being shown as a badge, use the getSmallIcon() to represent this notification.


Notification category: alarm or timer.


Notification category: incoming call (voice or video) or similar synchronous communication request.


Notification category: asynchronous bulk message (email).


Notification category: error in background operation or authentication status.


Notification category: calendar event.


Notification category: incoming direct message (SMS, instant message, etc.).


Notification category: map turn-by-turn navigation.


Notification category: progress of a long-running background operation.


Notification category: promotion or advertisement.


Notification category: a specific, timely recommendation for a single thing.


Notification category: user-scheduled reminder.


Notification category: indication of running background service.


Notification category: social network or sharing update.


Notification category: ongoing information about device or contextual status.


Notification category: system or device status update.


Notification category: media transport control for playback.


Special value of color telling the system not to decorate this notification with any special color but instead use default colors when presenting this notification.


Use all default values (where applicable).


Use the default notification lights.


Use the default notification sound.


Use the default notification vibrate.


extras key: the audio contents of this notification.


extras key: flat String representation of a content URI pointing to an image that can be displayed in the background when the notification is selected.


extras key: this is the longer text shown in the big form of a BigTextStyle notification, as supplied to BigTextStyle#bigText(CharSequence).






extras key: whether the chronometer set on the notification should count down instead of counting up.


extras key: whether the notification should be colorized as supplied to Builder#setColorized(boolean).


extras key: the indices of actions to be shown in the compact view, as supplied to (e.g.) MediaStyle#setShowActionsInCompactView(int...).


extras key: a CharSequence to be displayed as the title to a conversation represented by a Notification.MessagingStyle


extras key: an array of historic Notification.MessagingStyle.Message bundles provided by a Notification.MessagingStyle notification.


extras key: this is a small piece of additional text as supplied to Builder#setContentInfo(CharSequence).


extras key: whether the Notification.MessagingStyle notification represents a group conversation.


This constant is deprecated. Use getLargeIcon(), which supports a wider variety of icon sources.


extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the one from Builder#setLargeIcon(android.graphics.Bitmap) when the notification is shown in its expanded form, as supplied to BigPictureStyle#bigLargeIcon(android.graphics.Bitmap).


extras key: A MediaSession.Token associated with a Notification.MediaStyle notification.


extras key: an array of Notification.MessagingStyle.Message bundles provided by a Notification.MessagingStyle notification.


extras key: the person to be displayed for all messages sent by the user including direct replies Notification.MessagingStyle notification.






This constant is deprecated. the actual objects are now in EXTRA_PEOPLE_LIST


extras key: An arrayList of Person objects containing the people that this notification relates to.


extras key: this is a bitmap to be shown in BigPictureStyle expanded notifications, supplied to BigPictureStyle#bigPicture(android.graphics.Bitmap).


extras key: this is the progress value supplied to Builder#setProgress(int, int, boolean).


extras key: whether the progress bar is indeterminate, supplied to Builder#setProgress(int, int, boolean).


extras key: this is the maximum value supplied to Builder#setProgress(int, int, boolean).


If the notification contained an unsent draft for a RemoteInput when the user clicked on it, we're adding the draft as a String extra to the contentIntent using this key.


extras key: this is the remote input history, as supplied to Builder#setRemoteInputHistory(CharSequence[]).


This constant is deprecated. use EXTRA_MESSAGING_PERSON


extras key: whether when should be shown as a count-up timer (specifically a Chronometer) instead of a timestamp, as supplied to Builder#setUsesChronometer(boolean).


extras key: whether when should be shown, as supplied to Builder#setShowWhen(boolean).


This constant is deprecated. Use getSmallIcon(), which supports a wider variety of icon sources.


extras key: this is a third line of text, as supplied to Builder#setSubText(CharSequence).


extras key: this is a line of summary information intended to be shown alongside expanded notifications, as supplied to (e.g.) BigTextStyle#setSummaryText(CharSequence).


extras key: A string representing the name of the specific Notification.Style used to create this notification.


extras key: this is the main text payload, as supplied to Builder#setContentText(CharSequence).


extras key: An array of CharSequences to show in InboxStyle expanded notifications, each of which was supplied to InboxStyle#addLine(CharSequence).


extras key: this is the title of the notification, as supplied to Builder#setContentTitle(CharSequence).


extras key: this is the title of the notification when shown in expanded form, e.g. as supplied to BigTextStyle#setBigContentTitle(CharSequence).


Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should be canceled when it is clicked by the user.


Bit to be bitswised-ored into the flags field that should be set by the system if this notification is showing as a bubble.


Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification represents a currently running service.


Bit to be bitswise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is the group summary for a group of notifications.


This constant is deprecated. Use priority with a positive value.


Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that if set, the audio will be repeated until the notification is cancelled or the notification window is opened.


Bit to be bitswise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is relevant to the current device only and it is not recommended that it bridge to other devices.


Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should not be canceled when the user clicks the Clear all button.


Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is in reference to something that is ongoing, like a phone call.


Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you would only like the sound, vibrate and ticker to be played if the notification was not already showing.


This constant is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().


Constant for Builder#setGroupAlertBehavior(int), meaning that all notifications in a group with sound or vibration ought to make sound or vibrate (respectively), so this notification will not be muted when it is in a group.


Constant for Builder#setGroupAlertBehavior(int), meaning that the summary notification in a group should be silenced (no sound or vibration) even if they are posted to a NotificationChannel that has sound and/or vibration.


Constant for Builder#setGroupAlertBehavior(int), meaning that all children notification in a group should be silenced (no sound or vibration) even if they are posted to a NotificationChannel that has sound and/or vibration.


An activity that provides a user interface for adjusting notification preferences for its containing application.


This constant is deprecated. use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT instead.


This constant is deprecated. use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_HIGH instead.


This constant is deprecated. use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_LOW instead.


This constant is deprecated. use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_HIGH instead.


This constant is deprecated. use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_MIN instead.


This constant is deprecated. Use NotificationChannel#getAudioAttributes() instead.


Notification visibility: Show this notification on all lockscreens, but conceal sensitive or private information on secure lockscreens.


Notification visibility: Show this notification in its entirety on all lockscreens.


Notification visibility: Do not reveal any part of this notification on a secure lockscreen.

Inherited constants


public static final AudioAttributes AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT

The default value of audioAttributes.

public static final Creator<Notification> CREATOR

Parcelable.Creator that instantiates Notification objects

public Action[] actions

Array of all Action structures attached to this notification by Builder#addAction(int, CharSequence, PendingIntent).

public AudioAttributes audioAttributes

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#getAudioAttributes() instead.

public int audioStreamType

This field is deprecated. Use audioAttributes instead.

public RemoteViews bigContentView

A large-format version of contentView, giving the Notification an opportunity to show more detail.

public String category

One of the predefined notification categories (see the CATEGORY_* constants) that best describes this Notification.

public int color

Accent color (an ARGB integer like the constants in Color) to be applied by the standard Style templates when presenting this notification.

public PendingIntent contentIntent

The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked.

public RemoteViews contentView

The view that will represent this notification in the notification list (which is pulled down from the status bar).

public int defaults

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#getSound() and NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights() and NotificationChannel#shouldVibrate().

public PendingIntent deleteIntent

The intent to execute when the notification is explicitly dismissed by the user, either with the "Clear All" button or by swiping it away individually.

public Bundle extras

Additional semantic data to be carried around with this Notification.

public int flags

public PendingIntent fullScreenIntent

An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.

public RemoteViews headsUpContentView

A medium-format version of contentView, providing the Notification an opportunity to add action buttons to contentView.

public int icon

This field is deprecated. Use Builder#setSmallIcon(Icon) instead.

public int iconLevel

If the icon in the status bar is to have more than one level, you can set this.

public Bitmap largeIcon

This field is deprecated. Use Builder#setLargeIcon(Icon) instead.

public int ledARGB

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

public int ledOffMS

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

public int ledOnMS

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

public int number

The number of events that this notification represents.

public int priority

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#getImportance() instead.

public Notification publicVersion

Replacement version of this notification whose content will be shown in an insecure context such as atop a secure keyguard.

public Uri sound

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#getSound().

public CharSequence tickerText

Text that summarizes this notification for accessibility services.

public RemoteViews tickerView

Formerly, a view showing the tickerText.

public long[] vibrate

This field is deprecated. use NotificationChannel#getVibrationPattern().

public int visibility

Sphere of visibility of this notification, which affects how and when the SystemUI reveals the notification's presence and contents in untrusted situations (namely, on the secure lockscreen).

public long when

A timestamp related to this notification, in milliseconds since the epoch.

Public constructors


Constructs a Notification object with default values.

Notification(int icon, CharSequence tickerText, long when)

This constructor is deprecated. Use Builder instead.

Notification(Parcel parcel)

Unflatten the notification from a parcel.

Public methods

Notification clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

int describeContents()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

Pair<RemoteInputNotification.Action> findRemoteInputActionPair(boolean requiresFreeform)

Finds and returns a remote input and its corresponding action.

boolean getAllowSystemGeneratedContextualActions()

Returns whether the platform is allowed (by the app developer) to generate contextual actions for this notification.

int getBadgeIconType()

Returns what icon should be shown for this notification if it is being displayed in a Launcher that supports badging.

Notification.BubbleMetadata getBubbleMetadata()

Returns the bubble metadata that will be used to display app content in a floating window over the existing foreground activity.

String getChannelId()

Returns the id of the channel this notification posts to.

List<Notification.Action> getContextualActions()

Returns the actions that are contextual (that is, suggested because of the content of the notification) out of the actions in this notification.

String getGroup()

Get the key used to group this notification into a cluster or stack with other notifications on devices which support such rendering.

int getGroupAlertBehavior()

Returns which type of notifications in a group are responsible for audibly alerting the user.

Icon getLargeIcon()

The large icon shown in this notification's content view.

LocusId getLocusId()

Gets the LocusId associated with this notification.

CharSequence getSettingsText()

Returns the settings text provided to Builder#setSettingsText(CharSequence).

String getShortcutId()

Returns the ShortcutInfo#getId() that this notification supersedes, if any.

Icon getSmallIcon()

The small icon representing this notification in the status bar and content view.

String getSortKey()

Get a sort key that orders this notification among other notifications from the same package.

long getTimeoutAfter()

Returns the duration from posting after which this notification should be canceled by the system, if it's not canceled already.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags)

Flatten this notification into a parcel.

Inherited methods



public static final int BADGE_ICON_LARGE

If this notification is being shown as a badge, use the getLargeIcon() to represent this notification.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int BADGE_ICON_NONE

If this notification is being shown as a badge, always show as a number.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int BADGE_ICON_SMALL

If this notification is being shown as a badge, use the getSmallIcon() to represent this notification.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final String CATEGORY_ALARM

Notification category: alarm or timer.

Constant Value: "alarm"


public static final String CATEGORY_CALL

Notification category: incoming call (voice or video) or similar synchronous communication request.

Constant Value: "call"


public static final String CATEGORY_EMAIL

Notification category: asynchronous bulk message (email).

Constant Value: "email"


public static final String CATEGORY_ERROR

Notification category: error in background operation or authentication status.

Constant Value: "err"


public static final String CATEGORY_EVENT

Notification category: calendar event.

Constant Value: "event"


public static final String CATEGORY_MESSAGE

Notification category: incoming direct message (SMS, instant message, etc.).

Constant Value: "msg"


public static final String CATEGORY_NAVIGATION

Notification category: map turn-by-turn navigation.

Constant Value: "navigation"


public static final String CATEGORY_PROGRESS

Notification category: progress of a long-running background operation.

Constant Value: "progress"


public static final String CATEGORY_PROMO

Notification category: promotion or advertisement.

Constant Value: "promo"


public static final String CATEGORY_RECOMMENDATION

Notification category: a specific, timely recommendation for a single thing. For example, a news app might want to recommend a news story it believes the user will want to read next.

Constant Value: "recommendation"


public static final String CATEGORY_REMINDER

Notification category: user-scheduled reminder.

Constant Value: "reminder"


public static final String CATEGORY_SERVICE

Notification category: indication of running background service.

Constant Value: "service"


public static final String CATEGORY_SOCIAL

Notification category: social network or sharing update.

Constant Value: "social"


public static final String CATEGORY_STATUS

Notification category: ongoing information about device or contextual status.

Constant Value: "status"


public static final String CATEGORY_SYSTEM

Notification category: system or device status update. Reserved for system use.

Constant Value: "sys"


public static final String CATEGORY_TRANSPORT

Notification category: media transport control for playback.

Constant Value: "transport"


public static final int COLOR_DEFAULT

Special value of color telling the system not to decorate this notification with any special color but instead use default colors when presenting this notification.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int DEFAULT_ALL

Use all default values (where applicable).

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


public static final int DEFAULT_LIGHTS

Use the default notification lights. This will ignore the FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS bit, and ledARGB, ledOffMS, or ledOnMS.

See also:

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int DEFAULT_SOUND

Use the default notification sound. This will ignore any given sound.

A notification that is noisy is more likely to be presented as a heads-up notification.

See also:

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int DEFAULT_VIBRATE

Use the default notification vibrate. This will ignore any given vibrate. Using phone vibration requires the VIBRATE permission.

A notification that vibrates is more likely to be presented as a heads-up notification.

See also:

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final String EXTRA_AUDIO_CONTENTS_URI

extras key: the audio contents of this notification. This is for use when rendering the notification on an audio-focused interface; the audio contents are a complete sound sample that contains the contents/body of the notification. This may be used in substitute of a Text-to-Speech reading of the notification. For example if the notification represents a voice message this should point to the audio of that message. The data stored under this key should be a String representation of a Uri that contains the audio contents in one of the following formats: WAV, PCM 16-bit, AMR-WB. This extra is unnecessary if you are using MessagingStyle since each Message has a field for holding data URI. That field can be used for audio. See Message#setData. Example usage:

 Notification.Builder myBuilder = (build your Notification as normal);
 myBuilder.getExtras().putString(EXTRA_AUDIO_CONTENTS_URI, myAudioUri.toString());

Constant Value: "android.audioContents"


public static final String EXTRA_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URI

extras key: flat String representation of a content URI pointing to an image that can be displayed in the background when the notification is selected. Used on television platforms. The URI must point to an image stream suitable for passing into BitmapFactory.decodeStream; all other content types will be ignored.

Constant Value: "android.backgroundImageUri"


public static final String EXTRA_BIG_TEXT

extras key: this is the longer text shown in the big form of a BigTextStyle notification, as supplied to BigTextStyle#bigText(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.bigText"


public static final String EXTRA_CHANNEL_GROUP_ID

Optional extra for INTENT_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES. If provided, will contain a NotificationChannelGroup#getId() that can be used to narrow down what settings should be shown in the target app.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CHANNEL_GROUP_ID"


public static final String EXTRA_CHANNEL_ID

Optional extra for INTENT_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES. If provided, will contain a NotificationChannel#getId() that can be used to narrow down what settings should be shown in the target app.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CHANNEL_ID"


public static final String EXTRA_CHRONOMETER_COUNT_DOWN

extras key: whether the chronometer set on the notification should count down instead of counting up. Is only relevant if key EXTRA_SHOW_CHRONOMETER is present. This extra is a boolean. The default is false.

Constant Value: "android.chronometerCountDown"


public static final String EXTRA_COLORIZED

extras key: whether the notification should be colorized as supplied to Builder#setColorized(boolean).

Constant Value: "android.colorized"


public static final String EXTRA_COMPACT_ACTIONS

extras key: the indices of actions to be shown in the compact view, as supplied to (e.g.) MediaStyle#setShowActionsInCompactView(int...).

Constant Value: "android.compactActions"


public static final String EXTRA_CONVERSATION_TITLE

extras key: a CharSequence to be displayed as the title to a conversation represented by a Notification.MessagingStyle

Constant Value: "android.conversationTitle"


public static final String EXTRA_HISTORIC_MESSAGES

extras key: an array of historic Notification.MessagingStyle.Message bundles provided by a Notification.MessagingStyle notification. This extra is a parcelable array of bundles.

Constant Value: "android.messages.historic"


public static final String EXTRA_INFO_TEXT

extras key: this is a small piece of additional text as supplied to Builder#setContentInfo(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.infoText"


public static final String EXTRA_IS_GROUP_CONVERSATION

extras key: whether the Notification.MessagingStyle notification represents a group conversation.

Constant Value: "android.isGroupConversation"


public static final String EXTRA_LARGE_ICON

This constant is deprecated.
Use getLargeIcon(), which supports a wider variety of icon sources.

extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the small icon when showing the notification payload, as supplied to Builder#setLargeIcon(android.graphics.Bitmap).

Constant Value: "android.largeIcon"


public static final String EXTRA_LARGE_ICON_BIG

extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the one from Builder#setLargeIcon(android.graphics.Bitmap) when the notification is shown in its expanded form, as supplied to BigPictureStyle#bigLargeIcon(android.graphics.Bitmap).

Constant Value: "android.largeIcon.big"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_SESSION

extras key: A MediaSession.Token associated with a Notification.MediaStyle notification.

Constant Value: "android.mediaSession"


public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGES

extras key: an array of Notification.MessagingStyle.Message bundles provided by a Notification.MessagingStyle notification. This extra is a parcelable array of bundles.

Constant Value: "android.messages"


public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGING_PERSON

extras key: the person to be displayed for all messages sent by the user including direct replies Notification.MessagingStyle notification. This extra is a Person

Constant Value: "android.messagingUser"


public static final String EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_ID

Optional extra for INTENT_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES. If provided, will contain the id provided to NotificationManager#notify(String, int, Notification) that can be used to narrow down what settings should be shown in the target app.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.NOTIFICATION_ID"


public static final String EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_TAG

Optional extra for INTENT_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES. If provided, will contain the tag provided to NotificationManager#notify(String, int, Notification) that can be used to narrow down what settings should be shown in the target app.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.NOTIFICATION_TAG"


public static final String EXTRA_PEOPLE

This constant is deprecated.
the actual objects are now in EXTRA_PEOPLE_LIST

extras key: A String array containing the people that this notification relates to, each of which was supplied to Builder#addPerson(String).

Constant Value: "android.people"


public static final String EXTRA_PEOPLE_LIST

extras key: An arrayList of Person objects containing the people that this notification relates to.

Constant Value: "android.people.list"


public static final String EXTRA_PICTURE

extras key: this is a bitmap to be shown in BigPictureStyle expanded notifications, supplied to BigPictureStyle#bigPicture(android.graphics.Bitmap).

Constant Value: "android.picture"


public static final String EXTRA_PROGRESS

extras key: this is the progress value supplied to Builder#setProgress(int, int, boolean).

Constant Value: "android.progress"


public static final String EXTRA_PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE

extras key: whether the progress bar is indeterminate, supplied to Builder#setProgress(int, int, boolean).

Constant Value: "android.progressIndeterminate"


public static final String EXTRA_PROGRESS_MAX

extras key: this is the maximum value supplied to Builder#setProgress(int, int, boolean).

Constant Value: "android.progressMax"


public static final String EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_DRAFT

If the notification contained an unsent draft for a RemoteInput when the user clicked on it, we're adding the draft as a String extra to the contentIntent using this key.

Apps may use this extra to prepopulate text fields in the app, where the user usually sends messages.

Constant Value: "android.remoteInputDraft"


public static final String EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT_HISTORY

extras key: this is the remote input history, as supplied to Builder#setRemoteInputHistory(CharSequence[]). Apps can fill this through Builder#setRemoteInputHistory(CharSequence[]) with the most recent inputs that have been sent through a RemoteInput of this Notification and are expected to clear it once the it is no longer relevant (e.g. for chat notifications once the other party has responded). The extra with this key is of type CharSequence[] and contains the most recent entry at the 0 index, the second most recent at the 1 index, etc.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.remoteInputHistory"


public static final String EXTRA_SELF_DISPLAY_NAME

This constant is deprecated.

extras key: the username to be displayed for all messages sent by the user including direct replies Notification.MessagingStyle notification. This extra is a CharSequence

Constant Value: "android.selfDisplayName"


public static final String EXTRA_SHOW_CHRONOMETER

extras key: whether when should be shown as a count-up timer (specifically a Chronometer) instead of a timestamp, as supplied to Builder#setUsesChronometer(boolean).

Constant Value: "android.showChronometer"


public static final String EXTRA_SHOW_WHEN

extras key: whether when should be shown, as supplied to Builder#setShowWhen(boolean).

Constant Value: "android.showWhen"


public static final String EXTRA_SMALL_ICON

This constant is deprecated.
Use getSmallIcon(), which supports a wider variety of icon sources.

extras key: this is the resource ID of the notification's main small icon, as supplied to Builder#setSmallIcon(int).

Constant Value: "android.icon"


public static final String EXTRA_SUB_TEXT

extras key: this is a third line of text, as supplied to Builder#setSubText(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.subText"


public static final String EXTRA_SUMMARY_TEXT

extras key: this is a line of summary information intended to be shown alongside expanded notifications, as supplied to (e.g.) BigTextStyle#setSummaryText(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.summaryText"


public static final String EXTRA_TEMPLATE

extras key: A string representing the name of the specific Notification.Style used to create this notification.

Constant Value: "android.template"


public static final String EXTRA_TEXT

extras key: this is the main text payload, as supplied to Builder#setContentText(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.text"


public static final String EXTRA_TEXT_LINES

extras key: An array of CharSequences to show in InboxStyle expanded notifications, each of which was supplied to InboxStyle#addLine(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.textLines"


public static final String EXTRA_TITLE

extras key: this is the title of the notification, as supplied to Builder#setContentTitle(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.title"


public static final String EXTRA_TITLE_BIG

extras key: this is the title of the notification when shown in expanded form, e.g. as supplied to BigTextStyle#setBigContentTitle(CharSequence).

Constant Value: "android.title.big"


public static final int FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should be canceled when it is clicked by the user.

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)


public static final int FLAG_BUBBLE

Bit to be bitswised-ored into the flags field that should be set by the system if this notification is showing as a bubble. Applications cannot set this flag directly; they should instead call Notification.Builder#setBubbleMetadata(BubbleMetadata) to request that a notification be displayed as a bubble, and then check this flag to see whether that request was honored by the system.

Constant Value: 4096 (0x00001000)


public static final int FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification represents a currently running service. This will normally be set for you by Service#startForeground.

Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)


public static final int FLAG_GROUP_SUMMARY

Bit to be bitswise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is the group summary for a group of notifications. Grouped notifications may display in a cluster or stack on devices which support such rendering. Requires a group key also be set using Builder#setGroup.

Constant Value: 512 (0x00000200)


public static final int FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY

This constant is deprecated.
Use priority with a positive value.

Obsolete flag indicating high-priority notifications; use the priority field instead.

Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)


public static final int FLAG_INSISTENT

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that if set, the audio will be repeated until the notification is cancelled or the notification window is opened.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY

Bit to be bitswise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is relevant to the current device only and it is not recommended that it bridge to other devices.

Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)


public static final int FLAG_NO_CLEAR

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if the notification should not be canceled when the user clicks the Clear all button.

Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)


public static final int FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if this notification is in reference to something that is ongoing, like a phone call. It should not be set if this notification is in reference to something that happened at a particular point in time, like a missed phone call.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you would only like the sound, vibrate and ticker to be played if the notification was not already showing.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)


public static final int FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS

This constant is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

Bit to be bitwise-ored into the flags field that should be set if you want the LED on for this notification.

  • To turn the LED off, pass 0 in the alpha channel for colorARGB or 0 for both ledOnMS and ledOffMS.
  • To turn the LED on, pass 1 for ledOnMS and 0 for ledOffMS.
  • To flash the LED, pass the number of milliseconds that it should be on and off to ledOnMS and ledOffMS.

Since hardware varies, you are not guaranteed that any of the values you pass are honored exactly. Use the system defaults if possible because they will be set to values that work on any given hardware.

The alpha channel must be set for forward compatibility.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int GROUP_ALERT_ALL

Constant for Builder#setGroupAlertBehavior(int), meaning that all notifications in a group with sound or vibration ought to make sound or vibrate (respectively), so this notification will not be muted when it is in a group.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int GROUP_ALERT_CHILDREN

Constant for Builder#setGroupAlertBehavior(int), meaning that the summary notification in a group should be silenced (no sound or vibration) even if they are posted to a NotificationChannel that has sound and/or vibration. Use this constant to mute this notification if this notification is a group summary.

For example, you might want to use this constant if only the children notifications in your group have content and the summary is only used to visually group notifications rather than to alert the user that new information is available.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY

Constant for Builder#setGroupAlertBehavior(int), meaning that all children notification in a group should be silenced (no sound or vibration) even if they are posted to a NotificationChannel that has sound and/or vibration. Use this constant to mute this notification if this notification is a group child. This must be applied to all children notifications you want to mute.

For example, you might want to use this constant if you post a number of children notifications at once (say, after a periodic sync), and only need to notify the user audibly once.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)



An activity that provides a user interface for adjusting notification preferences for its containing application.

Constant Value: "android.intent.category.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES"


public static final int PRIORITY_DEFAULT

This constant is deprecated.
use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT instead.

Default notification priority. If your application does not prioritize its own notifications, use this value for all notifications.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int PRIORITY_HIGH

This constant is deprecated.
use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_HIGH instead.

Higher priority, for more important notifications or alerts. The UI may choose to show these items larger, or at a different position in notification lists, compared with your app's PRIORITY_DEFAULT items.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int PRIORITY_LOW

This constant is deprecated.
use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_LOW instead.

Lower priority, for items that are less important. The UI may choose to show these items smaller, or at a different position in the list, compared with your app's PRIORITY_DEFAULT items.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


public static final int PRIORITY_MAX

This constant is deprecated.
use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_HIGH instead.

Highest priority, for your application's most important items that require the user's prompt attention or input.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int PRIORITY_MIN

This constant is deprecated.
use NotificationManager#IMPORTANCE_MIN instead.

Lowest priority; these items might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as detailed notification logs.

Constant Value: -2 (0xfffffffe)


public static final int STREAM_DEFAULT

This constant is deprecated.
Use NotificationChannel#getAudioAttributes() instead.

Use this constant as the value for audioStreamType to request that the default stream type for notifications be used. Currently the default stream type is AudioManager#STREAM_NOTIFICATION.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


public static final int VISIBILITY_PRIVATE

Notification visibility: Show this notification on all lockscreens, but conceal sensitive or private information on secure lockscreens.

See also:

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int VISIBILITY_PUBLIC

Notification visibility: Show this notification in its entirety on all lockscreens.

See also:

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int VISIBILITY_SECRET

Notification visibility: Do not reveal any part of this notification on a secure lockscreen.

See also:

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)



public static final AudioAttributes AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT

The default value of audioAttributes.


public static final Creator<Notification> CREATOR

Parcelable.Creator that instantiates Notification objects


public Action[] actions

Array of all Action structures attached to this notification by Builder#addAction(int, CharSequence, PendingIntent). Mostly useful for instances of NotificationListenerService that provide an alternative interface for invoking actions.


public AudioAttributes audioAttributes

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#getAudioAttributes() instead.

The AudioAttributes to use when playing the sound.


public int audioStreamType

This field is deprecated.
Use audioAttributes instead.

The audio stream type to use when playing the sound. Should be one of the STREAM_ constants from AudioManager.


public RemoteViews bigContentView

A large-format version of contentView, giving the Notification an opportunity to show more detail. The system UI may choose to show this instead of the normal content view at its discretion. As of N, this field may be null. The expanded notification view is determined by the inputs to Notification.Builder; a custom RemoteViews can optionally be supplied with Notification.Builder#setCustomBigContentView(RemoteViews).


public String category

One of the predefined notification categories (see the CATEGORY_* constants) that best describes this Notification. May be used by the system for ranking and filtering.


public int color

Accent color (an ARGB integer like the constants in Color) to be applied by the standard Style templates when presenting this notification. The current template design constructs a colorful header image by overlaying the icon image (stenciled in white) atop a field of this color. Alpha components are ignored.


public PendingIntent contentIntent

The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked. If this is an activity, it must include the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag, which requires that you take care of task management as described in the Tasks and Back Stack document. In particular, make sure to read the notification section Handling Notifications for the correct ways to launch an application from a notification.


public RemoteViews contentView

The view that will represent this notification in the notification list (which is pulled down from the status bar). As of N, this field may be null. The notification view is determined by the inputs to Notification.Builder; a custom RemoteViews can optionally be supplied with Notification.Builder#setCustomContentView(RemoteViews).


public int defaults

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#getSound() and NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights() and NotificationChannel#shouldVibrate().

Specifies which values should be taken from the defaults.

To set, OR the desired from DEFAULT_SOUND, DEFAULT_VIBRATE, DEFAULT_LIGHTS. For all default values, use DEFAULT_ALL.


public PendingIntent deleteIntent

The intent to execute when the notification is explicitly dismissed by the user, either with the "Clear All" button or by swiping it away individually. This probably shouldn't be launching an activity since several of those will be sent at the same time.


public Bundle extras

Additional semantic data to be carried around with this Notification.

The extras keys defined here are intended to capture the original inputs to Builder APIs, and are intended to be used by NotificationListenerService implementations to extract detailed information from notification objects.


public int flags


public PendingIntent fullScreenIntent

An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.

The system UI may choose to display a heads-up notification, instead of launching this intent, while the user is using the device.

See also:


public RemoteViews headsUpContentView

A medium-format version of contentView, providing the Notification an opportunity to add action buttons to contentView. At its discretion, the system UI may choose to show this as a heads-up notification, which will pop up so the user can see it without leaving their current activity. As of N, this field may be null. The heads-up notification view is determined by the inputs to Notification.Builder; a custom RemoteViews can optionally be supplied with Notification.Builder#setCustomHeadsUpContentView(RemoteViews).


public int icon

This field is deprecated.
Use Builder#setSmallIcon(Icon) instead.

The resource id of a drawable to use as the icon in the status bar.


public int iconLevel

If the icon in the status bar is to have more than one level, you can set this. Otherwise, leave it at its default value of 0.

See also:


public Bitmap largeIcon

This field is deprecated.
Use Builder#setLargeIcon(Icon) instead.

A large bitmap to be shown in the notification content area.


public int ledARGB

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

The color of the led. The hardware will do its best approximation.

See also:


public int ledOffMS

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

The number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing. The hardware will do its best approximation.

See also:


public int ledOnMS

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#shouldShowLights().

The number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing. The hardware will do its best approximation.

See also:


public int number

The number of events that this notification represents. For example, in a new mail notification, this could be the number of unread messages. The system may or may not use this field to modify the appearance of the notification. Starting with Build.VERSION_CODES.O, the number may be displayed as a badge icon in Launchers that support badging.


public int priority

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#getImportance() instead.

Relative priority for this notification. Priority is an indication of how much of the user's valuable attention should be consumed by this notification. Low-priority notifications may be hidden from the user in certain situations, while the user might be interrupted for a higher-priority notification. The system will make a determination about how to interpret this priority when presenting the notification.

A notification that is at least PRIORITY_HIGH is more likely to be presented as a heads-up notification.



public Notification publicVersion

Replacement version of this notification whose content will be shown in an insecure context such as atop a secure keyguard. See visibility and VISIBILITY_PUBLIC.


public Uri sound

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#getSound().

The sound to play.

A notification that is noisy is more likely to be presented as a heads-up notification.

To play the default notification sound, see defaults.


public CharSequence tickerText

Text that summarizes this notification for accessibility services. As of the L release, this text is no longer shown on screen, but it is still useful to accessibility services (where it serves as an audible announcement of the notification's appearance).

See also:


public RemoteViews tickerView

Formerly, a view showing the tickerText. No longer displayed in the status bar as of API 21.


public long[] vibrate

This field is deprecated.
use NotificationChannel#getVibrationPattern().

The pattern with which to vibrate.

To vibrate the default pattern, see defaults.

See also:


public int visibility

Sphere of visibility of this notification, which affects how and when the SystemUI reveals the notification's presence and contents in untrusted situations (namely, on the secure lockscreen). The default level, VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, behaves exactly as notifications have always done on Android: The notification's icon and tickerText (if available) are shown in all situations, but the contents are only available if the device is unlocked for the appropriate user. A more permissive policy can be expressed by VISIBILITY_PUBLIC; such a notification can be read even in an "insecure" context (that is, above a secure lockscreen). To modify the public version of this notification—for example, to redact some portions—see Builder#setPublicVersion(Notification). Finally, a notification can be made VISIBILITY_SECRET, which will suppress its icon and ticker until the user has bypassed the lockscreen.


public long when

A timestamp related to this notification, in milliseconds since the epoch. Default value: System#currentTimeMillis(). Choose a timestamp that will be most relevant to the user. For most finite events, this corresponds to the time the event happened (or will happen, in the case of events that have yet to occur but about which the user is being informed). Indefinite events should be timestamped according to when the activity began. Some examples:

  • Notification of a new chat message should be stamped when the message was received.
  • Notification of an ongoing file download (with a progress bar, for example) should be stamped when the download started.
  • Notification of a completed file download should be stamped when the download finished.
  • Notification of an upcoming meeting should be stamped with the time the meeting will begin (that is, in the future).
  • Notification of an ongoing stopwatch (increasing timer) should be stamped with the watch's start time.
  • Notification of an ongoing countdown timer should be stamped with the timer's end time.
For apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.N and above, this time is not shown anymore by default and must be opted into by using Notification.Builder.setShowWhen(boolean)

Public constructors


public Notification ()

Constructs a Notification object with default values. You might want to consider using Builder instead.


public Notification (int icon, 
                CharSequence tickerText, 
                long when)

This constructor is deprecated.
Use Builder instead.

Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.

icon int: The resource id of the icon to put in the status bar.

tickerText CharSequence: The text that flows by in the status bar when the notification first activates.

when long: The time to show in the time field. In the System.currentTimeMillis timebase.


public Notification (Parcel parcel)

Unflatten the notification from a parcel.

parcel Parcel

Public methods


public Notification clone ()

Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning of "copy" may depend on the class of the object. The general intent is that, for any object x, the expression:

 x.clone() != x
will be true, and that the expression:
 x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
will be true, but these are not absolute requirements. While it is typically the case that:
will be true, this is not an absolute requirement.

By convention, the returned object should be obtained by calling super.clone. If a class and all of its superclasses (except Object) obey this convention, it will be the case that x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass().

By convention, the object returned by this method should be independent of this object (which is being cloned). To achieve this independence, it may be necessary to modify one or more fields of the object returned by super.clone before returning it. Typically, this means copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal "deep structure" of the object being cloned and replacing the references to these objects with references to the copies. If a class contains only primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually the case that no fields in the object returned by super.clone need to be modified.

The method clone for class Object performs a specific cloning operation. First, if the class of this object does not implement the interface Cloneable, then a CloneNotSupportedException is thrown. Note that all arrays are considered to implement the interface Cloneable and that the return type of the clone method of an array type T[] is T[] where T is any reference or primitive type. Otherwise, this method creates a new instance of the class of this object and initializes all its fields with exactly the contents of the corresponding fields of this object, as if by assignment; the contents of the fields are not themselves cloned. Thus, this method performs a "shallow copy" of this object, not a "deep copy" operation.

The class Object does not itself implement the interface Cloneable, so calling the clone method on an object whose class is Object will result in throwing an exception at run time.

Notification a clone of this instance.


public int describeContents ()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will include a file descriptor in the output of writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int), the return value of this method must include the CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR bit.

int a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR


public Pair<RemoteInputNotification.Action> findRemoteInputActionPair (boolean requiresFreeform)

Finds and returns a remote input and its corresponding action.

requiresFreeform boolean: requires the remoteinput to allow freeform or not.

Pair<RemoteInputNotification.Action> the result pair, null if no result is found.


public boolean getAllowSystemGeneratedContextualActions ()

Returns whether the platform is allowed (by the app developer) to generate contextual actions for this notification.



public int getBadgeIconType ()

Returns what icon should be shown for this notification if it is being displayed in a Launcher that supports badging. Will be one of BADGE_ICON_NONE, BADGE_ICON_SMALL, or BADGE_ICON_LARGE.



public Notification.BubbleMetadata getBubbleMetadata ()

Returns the bubble metadata that will be used to display app content in a floating window over the existing foreground activity.

Notification.BubbleMetadata This value may be null.


public String getChannelId ()

Returns the id of the channel this notification posts to.



public List<Notification.Action> getContextualActions ()

Returns the actions that are contextual (that is, suggested because of the content of the notification) out of the actions in this notification.

List<Notification.Action> This value cannot be null.


public String getGroup ()

Get the key used to group this notification into a cluster or stack with other notifications on devices which support such rendering.



public int getGroupAlertBehavior ()

Returns which type of notifications in a group are responsible for audibly alerting the user. See GROUP_ALERT_ALL, GROUP_ALERT_CHILDREN, GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY.



public Icon getLargeIcon ()

The large icon shown in this notification's content view.


See also:


public LocusId getLocusId ()

Gets the LocusId associated with this notification.

Used by the device's intelligence services to correlate objects (such as ShortcutInfo and ContentCaptureContext) that are correlated.

LocusId This value may be null.


public CharSequence getSettingsText ()

Returns the settings text provided to Builder#setSettingsText(CharSequence).



public String getShortcutId ()

Returns the ShortcutInfo#getId() that this notification supersedes, if any.

Used by some Launchers that display notification content to hide shortcuts that duplicate notifications.



public Icon getSmallIcon ()

The small icon representing this notification in the status bar and content view.

Icon the small icon representing this notification.

See also:


public String getSortKey ()

Get a sort key that orders this notification among other notifications from the same package. This can be useful if an external sort was already applied and an app would like to preserve this. Notifications will be sorted lexicographically using this value, although providing different priorities in addition to providing sort key may cause this value to be ignored.

This sort key can also be used to order members of a notification group. See Builder#setGroup.


See also:


public long getTimeoutAfter ()

Returns the duration from posting after which this notification should be canceled by the system, if it's not canceled already.



public String toString ()

Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

String a string representation of the object.


public void writeToParcel (Parcel parcel, 
                int flags)

Flatten this notification into a parcel.

parcel Parcel: The Parcel in which the object should be written.

flags int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE. Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES