# Print output for @column tags ?> android.service.notification - Android SDK | Android Developers

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Condition The current condition of an AutomaticZenRule, provided by the app that owns the rule. 
ConditionProviderService This class is deprecated. Instead of using an automatically bound service, use NotificationManager.setAutomaticZenRuleState(String, Condition) to tell the system about the state of your rule. In order to maintain a link from Settings to your rule configuration screens, provide a configuration activity that handles NotificationManager.ACTION_AUTOMATIC_ZEN_RULE on your AutomaticZenRule via AutomaticZenRule.setConfigurationActivity(ComponentName). 
NotificationListenerService A service that receives calls from the system when new notifications are posted or removed, or their ranking changed. 
NotificationListenerService.Ranking Stores ranking related information on a currently active notification. 
NotificationListenerService.RankingMap Provides access to ranking information on currently active notifications. 
StatusBarNotification Class encapsulating a Notification. 
ZenPolicy ZenPolicy determines whether to allow certain notifications and their corresponding sounds to play when a device is in Do Not Disturb mode. 
ZenPolicy.Builder Builder class for ZenPolicy objects.