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public abstract class Uri
extends Object implements Parcelable, Comparable<Uri>

   ↳ android.net.Uri

Immutable URI reference. A URI reference includes a URI and a fragment, the component of the URI following a '#'. Builds and parses URI references which conform to RFC 2396.

In the interest of performance, this class performs little to no validation. Behavior is undefined for invalid input. This class is very forgiving--in the face of invalid input, it will return garbage rather than throw an exception unless otherwise specified.


Nested classes

class Uri.Builder

Helper class for building or manipulating URI references. 

Inherited constants


public static final Creator<Uri> CREATOR

Reads Uris from Parcels.

public static final Uri EMPTY

The empty URI, equivalent to "".

Public methods

abstract Uri.Builder buildUpon()

Constructs a new builder, copying the attributes from this Uri.

int compareTo(Uri other)

Compares the string representation of this Uri with that of another.

static String decode(String s)

Decodes '%'-escaped octets in the given string using the UTF-8 scheme.

static String encode(String s, String allow)

Encodes characters in the given string as '%'-escaped octets using the UTF-8 scheme.

static String encode(String s)

Encodes characters in the given string as '%'-escaped octets using the UTF-8 scheme.

boolean equals(Object o)

Compares this Uri to another object for equality.

static Uri fromFile(File file)

Creates a Uri from a file.

static Uri fromParts(String scheme, String ssp, String fragment)

Creates an opaque Uri from the given components.

abstract String getAuthority()

Gets the decoded authority part of this URI.

boolean getBooleanQueryParameter(String key, boolean defaultValue)

Searches the query string for the first value with the given key and interprets it as a boolean value.

abstract String getEncodedAuthority()

Gets the encoded authority part of this URI.

abstract String getEncodedFragment()

Gets the encoded fragment part of this URI, everything after the '#'.

abstract String getEncodedPath()

Gets the encoded path.

abstract String getEncodedQuery()

Gets the encoded query component from this URI.

abstract String getEncodedSchemeSpecificPart()

Gets the scheme-specific part of this URI, i.e. everything between the scheme separator ':' and the fragment separator '#'.

abstract String getEncodedUserInfo()

Gets the encoded user information from the authority.

abstract String getFragment()

Gets the decoded fragment part of this URI, everything after the '#'.

abstract String getHost()

Gets the encoded host from the authority for this URI.

abstract String getLastPathSegment()

Gets the decoded last segment in the path.

abstract String getPath()

Gets the decoded path.

abstract List<String> getPathSegments()

Gets the decoded path segments.

abstract int getPort()

Gets the port from the authority for this URI.

abstract String getQuery()

Gets the decoded query component from this URI.

String getQueryParameter(String key)

Searches the query string for the first value with the given key.

Set<String> getQueryParameterNames()

Returns a set of the unique names of all query parameters.

List<String> getQueryParameters(String key)

Searches the query string for parameter values with the given key.

abstract String getScheme()

Gets the scheme of this URI.

abstract String getSchemeSpecificPart()

Gets the scheme-specific part of this URI, i.e. everything between the scheme separator ':' and the fragment separator '#'.

abstract String getUserInfo()

Gets the decoded user information from the authority.

int hashCode()

Hashes the encoded string represention of this Uri consistently with equals(java.lang.Object).

boolean isAbsolute()

Returns true if this URI is absolute, i.e. if it contains an explicit scheme.

abstract boolean isHierarchical()

Returns true if this URI is hierarchical like "http://google.com".

boolean isOpaque()

Returns true if this URI is opaque like "mailto:nobody@google.com".

abstract boolean isRelative()

Returns true if this URI is relative, i.e. if it doesn't contain an explicit scheme.

Uri normalizeScheme()

Return an equivalent URI with a lowercase scheme component.

static Uri parse(String uriString)

Creates a Uri which parses the given encoded URI string.

abstract String toString()

Returns the encoded string representation of this URI.

static Uri withAppendedPath(Uri baseUri, String pathSegment)

Creates a new Uri by appending an already-encoded path segment to a base Uri.

static void writeToParcel(Parcel out, Uri uri)

Writes a Uri to a Parcel.

Inherited methods



public static final Creator<Uri> CREATOR

Reads Uris from Parcels.


public static final Uri EMPTY

The empty URI, equivalent to "".

Public methods


public abstract Uri.Builder buildUpon ()

Constructs a new builder, copying the attributes from this Uri.



public int compareTo (Uri other)

Compares the string representation of this Uri with that of another.

other Uri



public static String decode (String s)

Decodes '%'-escaped octets in the given string using the UTF-8 scheme. Replaces invalid octets with the unicode replacement character ("\\uFFFD").

s String: encoded string to decode

String the given string with escaped octets decoded, or null if s is null


public static String encode (String s, 
                String allow)

Encodes characters in the given string as '%'-escaped octets using the UTF-8 scheme. Leaves letters ("A-Z", "a-z"), numbers ("0-9"), and unreserved characters ("_-!.~'()*") intact. Encodes all other characters with the exception of those specified in the allow argument.

s String: string to encode

allow String: set of additional characters to allow in the encoded form, null if no characters should be skipped

String an encoded version of s suitable for use as a URI component, or null if s is null


public static String encode (String s)

Encodes characters in the given string as '%'-escaped octets using the UTF-8 scheme. Leaves letters ("A-Z", "a-z"), numbers ("0-9"), and unreserved characters ("_-!.~'()*") intact. Encodes all other characters.

s String: string to encode

String an encoded version of s suitable for use as a URI component, or null if s is null


public boolean equals (Object o)

Compares this Uri to another object for equality. Returns true if the encoded string representations of this Uri and the given Uri are equal. Case counts. Paths are not normalized. If one Uri specifies a default port explicitly and the other leaves it implicit, they will not be considered equal.

o Object: the reference object with which to compare.

boolean true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.


public static Uri fromFile (File file)

Creates a Uri from a file. The URI has the form "file://". Encodes path characters with the exception of '/'.

Example: "file:///tmp/android.txt"

file File

Uri a Uri for the given file

NullPointerException if file is null


public static Uri fromParts (String scheme, 
                String ssp, 
                String fragment)

Creates an opaque Uri from the given components. Encodes the ssp which means this method cannot be used to create hierarchical URIs.

scheme String: of the URI

ssp String: scheme-specific-part, everything between the scheme separator (':') and the fragment separator ('#'), which will get encoded

fragment String: fragment, everything after the '#', null if undefined, will get encoded

Uri Uri composed of the given scheme, ssp, and fragment

NullPointerException if scheme or ssp is null

See also:


public abstract String getAuthority ()

Gets the decoded authority part of this URI. For server addresses, the authority is structured as follows: [ userinfo '@' ] host [ ':' port ]

Examples: "google.com", "bob@google.com:80"

String the authority for this URI or null if not present


public boolean getBooleanQueryParameter (String key, 
                boolean defaultValue)

Searches the query string for the first value with the given key and interprets it as a boolean value. "false" and "0" are interpreted as false, everything else is interpreted as true.

key String: which will be decoded

defaultValue boolean: the default value to return if there is no query parameter for key

boolean the boolean interpretation of the query parameter key


public abstract String getEncodedAuthority ()

Gets the encoded authority part of this URI. For server addresses, the authority is structured as follows: [ userinfo '@' ] host [ ':' port ]

Examples: "google.com", "bob@google.com:80"

String the authority for this URI or null if not present


public abstract String getEncodedFragment ()

Gets the encoded fragment part of this URI, everything after the '#'.

String the encoded fragment or null if there isn't one


public abstract String getEncodedPath ()

Gets the encoded path.

String the encoded path, or null if this is not a hierarchical URI (like "mailto:nobody@google.com") or the URI is invalid


public abstract String getEncodedQuery ()

Gets the encoded query component from this URI. The query comes after the query separator ('?') and before the fragment separator ('#'). This method would return "q=android" for "http://www.google.com/search?q=android".

String the encoded query or null if there isn't one


public abstract String getEncodedSchemeSpecificPart ()

Gets the scheme-specific part of this URI, i.e. everything between the scheme separator ':' and the fragment separator '#'. If this is a relative URI, this method returns the entire URI. Leaves escaped octets intact.

Example: "//www.google.com/search?q=android"

String the encoded scheme-specific-part


public abstract String getEncodedUserInfo ()

Gets the encoded user information from the authority. For example, if the authority is "nobody@google.com", this method will return "nobody".

String the user info for this URI or null if not present


public abstract String getFragment ()

Gets the decoded fragment part of this URI, everything after the '#'.

String the decoded fragment or null if there isn't one


public abstract String getHost ()

Gets the encoded host from the authority for this URI. For example, if the authority is "bob@google.com", this method will return "google.com".

String the host for this URI or null if not present


public abstract String getLastPathSegment ()

Gets the decoded last segment in the path.

String the decoded last segment or null if the path is empty


public abstract String getPath ()

Gets the decoded path.

String the decoded path, or null if this is not a hierarchical URI (like "mailto:nobody@google.com") or the URI is invalid


public abstract List<String> getPathSegments ()

Gets the decoded path segments.

List<String> decoded path segments, each without a leading or trailing '/'


public abstract int getPort ()

Gets the port from the authority for this URI. For example, if the authority is "google.com:80", this method will return 80.

int the port for this URI or -1 if invalid or not present


public abstract String getQuery ()

Gets the decoded query component from this URI. The query comes after the query separator ('?') and before the fragment separator ('#'). This method would return "q=android" for "http://www.google.com/search?q=android".

String the decoded query or null if there isn't one


public String getQueryParameter (String key)

Searches the query string for the first value with the given key.

Warning: Prior to Jelly Bean, this decoded the '+' character as '+' rather than ' '.

key String: which will be encoded

String the decoded value or null if no parameter is found

UnsupportedOperationException if this isn't a hierarchical URI
NullPointerException if key is null


public Set<String> getQueryParameterNames ()

Returns a set of the unique names of all query parameters. Iterating over the set will return the names in order of their first occurrence.

Set<String> a set of decoded names

UnsupportedOperationException if this isn't a hierarchical URI


public List<String> getQueryParameters (String key)

Searches the query string for parameter values with the given key.

key String: which will be encoded

List<String> a list of decoded values

UnsupportedOperationException if this isn't a hierarchical URI
NullPointerException if key is null


public abstract String getScheme ()

Gets the scheme of this URI. Example: "http"

String the scheme or null if this is a relative URI


public abstract String getSchemeSpecificPart ()

Gets the scheme-specific part of this URI, i.e. everything between the scheme separator ':' and the fragment separator '#'. If this is a relative URI, this method returns the entire URI. Decodes escaped octets.

Example: "//www.google.com/search?q=android"

String the decoded scheme-specific-part


public abstract String getUserInfo ()

Gets the decoded user information from the authority. For example, if the authority is "nobody@google.com", this method will return "nobody".

String the user info for this URI or null if not present


public int hashCode ()

Hashes the encoded string represention of this Uri consistently with equals(java.lang.Object).

int a hash code value for this object.


public boolean isAbsolute ()

Returns true if this URI is absolute, i.e. if it contains an explicit scheme.

boolean true if this URI is absolute, false if it's relative


public abstract boolean isHierarchical ()

Returns true if this URI is hierarchical like "http://google.com". Absolute URIs are hierarchical if the scheme-specific part starts with a '/'. Relative URIs are always hierarchical.



public boolean isOpaque ()

Returns true if this URI is opaque like "mailto:nobody@google.com". The scheme-specific part of an opaque URI cannot start with a '/'.



public abstract boolean isRelative ()

Returns true if this URI is relative, i.e. if it doesn't contain an explicit scheme.

boolean true if this URI is relative, false if it's absolute


public Uri normalizeScheme ()

Return an equivalent URI with a lowercase scheme component. This aligns the Uri with Android best practices for intent filtering.

For example, "HTTP://www.android.com" becomes "http://www.android.com"

All URIs received from outside Android (such as user input, or external sources like Bluetooth, NFC, or the Internet) should be normalized before they are used to create an Intent.

This method does not validate bad URI's, or 'fix' poorly formatted URI's - so do not use it for input validation. A Uri will always be returned, even if the Uri is badly formatted to begin with and a scheme component cannot be found.

Uri normalized Uri (never null)

See also:


public static Uri parse (String uriString)

Creates a Uri which parses the given encoded URI string.

uriString String: an RFC 2396-compliant, encoded URI

Uri Uri for this given uri string

NullPointerException if uriString is null


public abstract String toString ()

Returns the encoded string representation of this URI. Example: "http://google.com/"

String a string representation of the object.


public static Uri withAppendedPath (Uri baseUri, 
                String pathSegment)

Creates a new Uri by appending an already-encoded path segment to a base Uri.

baseUri Uri: Uri to append path segment to

pathSegment String: encoded path segment to append

Uri a new Uri based on baseUri with the given segment appended to the path

NullPointerException if baseUri is null


public static void writeToParcel (Parcel out, 
                Uri uri)

Writes a Uri to a Parcel.

out Parcel: parcel to write to

uri Uri: to write, can be null