# Print output for @column tags ?> android.renderscript - Android SDK | Android Developers

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RenderScript provides support for high-performance computation across heterogeneous processors.

For more information, see the RenderScript developer guide.


Allocation.OnBufferAvailableListener Interface to handle notification when new buffers are available via Allocation.USAGE_IO_INPUT



This class provides the primary method through which data is passed to and from RenderScript kernels. 

AllocationAdapter Only intended for use by generated reflected code. 
BaseObj BaseObj is the base class for all RenderScript objects owned by a RS context. 
Byte2 Class for exposing the native RenderScript byte2 type back to the Android system. 
Byte3 Class for exposing the native RenderScript byte3 type back to the Android system. 
Byte4 Class for exposing the native RenderScript byte4 type back to the Android system. 
Double2 Vector version of the basic double type. 
Double3 Vector version of the basic double type. 
Double4 Vector version of the basic double type. 

An Element represents one item within an Allocation

Element.Builder Builder class for producing complex elements with matching field and name pairs. 
FieldPacker Utility class for packing arguments and structures from Android system objects to RenderScript objects. 
Float2 Vector version of the basic float type. 
Float3 Vector version of the basic float type. 
Float4 Vector version of the basic float type. 
Int2 Vector version of the basic int type. 
Int3 Vector version of the basic int type. 
Int4 Vector version of the basic int type. 
Long2 Vector version of the basic long type. 
Long3 Vector version of the basic long type. 
Long4 Vector version of the basic long type. 
Matrix2f Class for exposing the native RenderScript rs_matrix2x2 type back to the Android system. 
Matrix3f Class for exposing the native RenderScript rs_matrix3x3 type back to the Android system. 
Matrix4f Class for exposing the native RenderScript rs_matrix4x4 type back to the Android system. 
RenderScript This class provides access to a RenderScript context, which controls RenderScript initialization, resource management, and teardown. 
RenderScript.RSErrorHandler The runtime error handler base class. 
RenderScript.RSMessageHandler The base class from which an application should derive in order to receive RS messages from scripts. 
Sampler Sampler object that defines how Allocations can be read as textures within a kernel. 
Sampler.Builder Builder for creating non-standard samplers. 
Script The parent class for all executable scripts. 
Script.Builder Only intended for use by generated reflected code. 
Script.FieldBase Only intended for use by generated reflected code. 
Script.FieldID FieldID is an identifier for a Script + exported field pair. 
Script.InvokeID InvokeID is an identifier for an invoke function. 
Script.KernelID KernelID is an identifier for a Script + root function pair. 
Script.LaunchOptions Class for specifying the specifics about how a kernel will be launched. 
ScriptC The superclass for all user-defined scripts. 
ScriptGroup A group of kernels that are executed together with one execution call as if they were a single kernel

In addition to kernels, a script group may contain invocable functions as well. 

ScriptGroup.Binding Represents a binding of a value to a global variable in a kernel or invocable function. 
ScriptGroup.Builder This class is deprecated. Use Builder2 instead. 
ScriptGroup.Builder2 The builder class for creating script groups

A script group is created using closures (see class Closure). 

ScriptGroup.Closure An opaque class for closures

A closure represents a function call to a kernel or invocable function, combined with arguments and values for global variables. 

ScriptGroup.Future An opaque class for futures

A future represents an output of a closure, either the return value of the function, or the value of a global variable written by the function. 

ScriptGroup.Input An opaque class for script group inputs

Created by calling the Builder2#addInput method. 

ScriptIntrinsic Base class for all Intrinsic scripts. 
ScriptIntrinsic3DLUT Intrinsic for converting RGB to RGBA by using a 3D lookup table. 
ScriptIntrinsicBLAS ScriptIntrinsicBLAS class provides high performance RenderScript APIs to BLAS. 
ScriptIntrinsicBlend Intrinsic kernels for blending two Allocation objects. 
ScriptIntrinsicBlur Intrinsic Gausian blur filter. 
ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix Intrinsic for applying a color matrix to allocations. 
ScriptIntrinsicConvolve3x3 Intrinsic for applying a 3x3 convolve to an allocation. 
ScriptIntrinsicConvolve5x5 Intrinsic for applying a 5x5 convolve to an allocation. 
ScriptIntrinsicHistogram Intrinsic Histogram filter. 
ScriptIntrinsicLUT Intrinsic for applying a per-channel lookup table. 
ScriptIntrinsicResize Intrinsic for performing a resize of a 2D allocation. 
ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB Intrinsic for converting an Android YUV buffer to RGB. 
Short2 Class for exposing the native RenderScript Short2 type back to the Android system. 
Short3 Vector version of the basic short type. 
Short4 Vector version of the basic short type. 

A Type describes the Element and dimensions used for an Allocation or a parallel operation. 

Type.Builder Builder class for Type. 


Allocation.MipmapControl Controls mipmap behavior when using the bitmap creation and update functions. 
Element.DataKind The special interpretation of the data if required. 
Element.DataType DataType represents the basic type information for a basic element. 
RenderScript.ContextType ContextType specifies the specific type of context to be created. 
RenderScript.Priority RenderScript worker thread priority enumeration. 


RSDriverException Base class for all exceptions thrown by the Android RenderScript 
RSIllegalArgumentException Base class for all exceptions thrown by the Android RenderScript 
RSInvalidStateException Base class for all exceptions thrown by the Android RenderScript 
RSRuntimeException Base class for all exceptions thrown by the Android RenderScript