# Print output for @column tags ?>
Contains high-level classes encapsulating the overall Android application model.
An Android application is defined using one or more of Android's four core application
components. Two such application components are defined in this package: Activity
and Service
. The other two components are from the android.content
package: BroadcastReceiver
and ContentProvider
An Activity
is an application component that provides a screen with which
users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or
view a map. An activity can start other activities, including activities that live in separate
A Service
is an application component that can perform
long-running operations in the background without a user interface. For example, a service
can handle network transactions, play music, or work with a content provider without the user being
aware of the work going on.
The Fragment
class is also an important part of an application's
design—especially when designing for large screen devices, such as tablets. A fragment defines
a distinct part of an activity's behavior, including the associated UI. It has its own lifecycle
that is similar to that of the activity and can exist alongside other fragments that are embedded in
the activity. While an activity is running, you can add and remove fragments and include each
fragment in a back stack that's managed by the activity—allowing the user to navigate
backwards through the fragment states, without leaving the activity.
This package also defines application utilities, such as dialogs, notifications, and the action bar.
For information about using some the classes in this package, see the following documents: Activities, Services, Fragments, Using the Action Bar, Creating Dialogs, and Notifying the User.
ActionBar.OnMenuVisibilityListener | Listener for receiving events when action bar menus are shown or hidden. |
ActionBar.OnNavigationListener | This interface is deprecated. Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline toolbar action bars. Consider using other common navigation patterns instead. |
ActionBar.TabListener | This interface is deprecated. Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline toolbar action bars. Consider using other common navigation patterns instead. |
AlarmManager.OnAlarmListener | Direct-notification alarms: the requester must be running continuously from the time the alarm is set to the time it is delivered, or delivery will fail. |
Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks | |
Application.OnProvideAssistDataListener |
Callback interface for use with Application#registerOnProvideAssistDataListener
and Application#unregisterOnProvideAssistDataListener .
AppOpsManager.OnOpActiveChangedListener | Callback for notification of changes to operation active state. |
AppOpsManager.OnOpChangedListener | Callback for notification of changes to operation state. |
DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener | The listener used to indicate the user has finished selecting a date. |
FragmentBreadCrumbs.OnBreadCrumbClickListener | This interface is deprecated. This widget is no longer supported. |
FragmentManager.BackStackEntry |
This interface is deprecated.
Use the
Support Library FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener |
This interface is deprecated.
Use the
Support Library
KeyguardManager.OnKeyguardExitResult |
This interface is deprecated.
Use KeyguardDismissCallback
LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> |
This interface is deprecated.
Use the
Support Library LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks
Notification.Action.Extender |
Extender interface for use with Builder#extend .
Notification.Extender |
Extender interface for use with Builder#extend .
PendingIntent.OnFinished | Callback interface for discovering when a send operation has completed. |
SearchManager.OnCancelListener |
See SearchManager#setOnCancelListener for configuring your activity to monitor
search UI state.
SearchManager.OnDismissListener |
See SearchManager#setOnDismissListener for configuring your activity to monitor
search UI state.
SharedElementCallback.OnSharedElementsReadyListener |
Listener to be called after SharedElementCallback#onSharedElementsArrived(List, List, OnSharedElementsReadyListener)
when the shared elements are ready to be hidden in the source Activity and shown in the
destination Activity.
TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener | The callback interface used to indicate the user is done filling in the time (e.g. they clicked on the 'OK' button). |
UiAutomation.AccessibilityEventFilter | Listener for filtering accessibility events. |
UiAutomation.OnAccessibilityEventListener |
Listener for observing the AccessibilityEvent stream.
WallpaperManager.OnColorsChangedListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when colors change on a wallpaper. |
ZygotePreload |
This is the interface to be implemented for the class that is specified by the
android:zygotePreloadName of the <application> tag.
ActionBar | A primary toolbar within the activity that may display the activity title, application-level navigation affordances, and other interactive items. |
ActionBar.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with action bar custom views. |
ActionBar.Tab | This class is deprecated. Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline toolbar action bars. Consider using other common navigation patterns instead. |
Activity | An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. |
ActivityGroup |
This class is deprecated.
Use the new Fragment and FragmentManager APIs
instead; these are also
available on older platforms through the Android compatibility package.
ActivityManager |
This class gives information about, and interacts with, activities, services, and the containing process. |
ActivityManager.AppTask | The AppTask allows you to manage your own application's tasks. |
ActivityManager.MemoryInfo |
Information you can retrieve about the available memory through
ActivityManager#getMemoryInfo .
ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo | Information you can retrieve about any processes that are in an error condition. |
ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo | Information you can retrieve about tasks that the user has most recently started or visited. |
ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo | Information you can retrieve about a running process. |
ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo | Information you can retrieve about a particular Service that is currently running in the system. |
ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo | Information you can retrieve about a particular task that is currently "running" in the system. |
ActivityManager.TaskDescription | Information you can set and retrieve about the current activity within the recent task list. |
ActivityOptions |
Helper class for building an options Bundle that can be used with
Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle) and related methods.
AlarmManager | This class provides access to the system alarm services. |
AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo | An immutable description of a scheduled "alarm clock" event. |
AlertDialog | A subclass of Dialog that can display one, two or three buttons. |
AlertDialog.Builder | |
AliasActivity |
This class is deprecated.
Use <activity-alias> or subclass Activity directly.
AppComponentFactory | Interface used to control the instantiation of manifest elements. |
Application | Base class for maintaining global application state. |
ApplicationErrorReport | Describes an application error. |
ApplicationErrorReport.AnrInfo | Describes an application not responding error. |
ApplicationErrorReport.BatteryInfo | Describes a battery usage report. |
ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo | Describes an application crash. |
ApplicationErrorReport.RunningServiceInfo | Describes a running service report. |
ApplicationExitInfo | Describes the information of an application process's death. |
AppOpsManager | App-ops are used for two purposes: Access control and tracking. |
AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback |
Callback an app can set to monitor the app-ops the
system has tracked for it.
AsyncNotedAppOp |
When an AppOpsManager#noteOp(String, int, String, String, String) and the
app the app-op is noted for has a AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback registered the
note-event needs to be delivered to the callback.
AutomaticZenRule | Rule instance information for zen mode. |
DatePickerDialog |
A simple dialog containing an DatePicker .
Dialog | Base class for Dialogs. |
DialogFragment |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
DialogFragment for consistent behavior across all devices
and access to Lifecycle.
DirectAction | Represents a abstract action that can be perform on this app. |
DirectAction.Builder | Builder for construction of DirectAction. |
DownloadManager | The download manager is a system service that handles long-running HTTP downloads. |
DownloadManager.Query | This class may be used to filter download manager queries. |
DownloadManager.Request | This class contains all the information necessary to request a new download. |
ExpandableListActivity |
This class is deprecated.
Use RecyclerView or use
ExpandableListView directly
Fragment |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
Fragment for consistent behavior across all devices
and access to Lifecycle.
Fragment.SavedState |
This class is deprecated.
Use Fragment.SavedState
FragmentBreadCrumbs | This class is deprecated. This widget is no longer supported. |
FragmentContainer |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
FragmentContainer .
FragmentController |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
FragmentHostCallback<E> |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
FragmentManager |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
FragmentManager for consistent behavior across all devices
and access to Lifecycle.
FragmentManager.FragmentLifecycleCallbacks |
This class is deprecated.
Use the
Support Library
FragmentManagerNonConfig |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
FragmentTransaction |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
Instrumentation | Base class for implementing application instrumentation code. |
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor | Information about a particular kind of Intent that is being monitored. |
Instrumentation.ActivityResult | Description of a Activity execution result to return to the original activity. |
IntentService |
This class is deprecated.
IntentService is subject to all the
background execution limits
imposed with Android 8.0 (API level 26). Consider using WorkManager
or JobIntentService , which uses jobs
instead of services when running on Android 8.0 or higher.
KeyguardManager | Class that can be used to lock and unlock the keyguard. |
KeyguardManager.KeyguardDismissCallback |
Callback passed to
KeyguardManager#requestDismissKeyguard(Activity, KeyguardDismissCallback)
to notify caller of result.
KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock |
This class is deprecated.
and/or LayoutParams#FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED
instead; this allows you to seamlessly hide the keyguard as your application
moves in and out of the foreground and does not require that any special
permissions be requested.
LauncherActivity |
This class is deprecated.
Applications can implement this UI themselves using
RecyclerView and
PackageManager.queryIntentActivities(Intent, int)
LauncherActivity.IconResizer | Utility class to resize icons to match default icon size. |
LauncherActivity.ListItem | An item in the list |
ListActivity |
This class is deprecated.
Use ListFragment or
RecyclerView to implement your Activity instead.
ListFragment |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
ListFragment for consistent behavior across all devices
and access to Lifecycle.
LoaderManager |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
LocalActivityManager |
This class is deprecated.
Use the new Fragment and FragmentManager APIs
instead; these are also
available on older platforms through the Android compatibility package.
MediaRouteActionProvider |
The media route action provider displays a MediaRouteButton
in the application's ActionBar to allow the user to select routes and
to control the currently selected route.
MediaRouteButton | |
NativeActivity | Convenience for implementing an activity that will be implemented purely in native code. |
Notification |
A class that represents how a persistent notification is to be presented to
the user using the NotificationManager .
Notification.Action | Structure to encapsulate a named action that can be shown as part of this notification. |
Notification.Action.Builder |
Builder class for Action objects.
Notification.Action.WearableExtender | Wearable extender for notification actions. |
Notification.BigPictureStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment. |
Notification.BigTextStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text. |
Notification.BubbleMetadata | Encapsulates the information needed to display a notification as a bubble. |
Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder |
Builder to construct a BubbleMetadata object.
Notification.Builder |
Builder class for Notification objects.
Notification.CarExtender |
Helper class to add Android Auto extensions to notifications. |
Notification.CarExtender.Builder |
Builder class for CarExtender.UnreadConversation objects.
Notification.CarExtender.UnreadConversation | A class which holds the unread messages from a conversation. |
Notification.DecoratedCustomViewStyle |
Notification style for custom views that are decorated by the system
Instead of providing a notification that is completely custom, a developer can set this style and still obtain system decorations like the notification header with the expand affordance and actions. |
Notification.DecoratedMediaCustomViewStyle |
Notification style for media custom views that are decorated by the system
Instead of providing a media notification that is completely custom, a developer can set this style and still obtain system decorations like the notification header with the expand affordance and actions. |
Notification.InboxStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings. |
Notification.MediaStyle | Notification style for media playback notifications. |
Notification.MessagingStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include multiple back-and-forth messages of varying types between any number of people. |
Notification.MessagingStyle.Message | |
Notification.Style |
An object that can apply a rich notification style to a Notification.Builder
Notification.WearableExtender | Helper class to add wearable extensions to notifications. |
NotificationChannel | A representation of settings that apply to a collection of similarly themed notifications. |
NotificationChannelGroup | A grouping of related notification channels. |
NotificationManager | Class to notify the user of events that happen. This is how you tell the user that something has happened in the background. |
NotificationManager.Policy | Notification policy configuration. |
PendingIntent | A description of an Intent and target action to perform with it. |
Person | Provides an immutable reference to an entity that appears repeatedly on different surfaces of the platform. |
Person.Builder |
Builder for the immutable Person class.
PictureInPictureParams | Represents a set of parameters used to initialize and update an Activity in picture-in-picture mode. |
PictureInPictureParams.Builder |
Builder class for PictureInPictureParams objects.
Presentation | Base class for presentations. |
ProgressDialog |
This class is deprecated.
ProgressDialog is a modal dialog, which prevents the
user from interacting with the app. Instead of using this class, you should
use a progress indicator like ProgressBar , which can
be embedded in your app's UI. Alternatively, you can use a
to inform the user of the task's progress.
RemoteAction | Represents a remote action that can be called from another process. |
RemoteInput |
A RemoteInput object specifies input to be collected from a user to be passed along with
an intent inside a PendingIntent that is sent.
RemoteInput.Builder |
Builder class for RemoteInput objects.
SearchableInfo | Searchability meta-data for an activity. |
SearchManager | This class provides access to the system search services. |
Service | A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use. |
SharedElementCallback |
Listener provided in
Activity#setEnterSharedElementCallback(SharedElementCallback) and
Activity#setExitSharedElementCallback(SharedElementCallback) as well as
Fragment#setEnterSharedElementCallback(SharedElementCallback) and
to monitor the Shared element transitions.
StatusBarManager | Allows an app to control the status bar. |
SyncNotedAppOp | Description of an app-op that was noted for the current process. |
TabActivity |
This class is deprecated.
New applications should use Fragments instead of this class;
to continue to run on older devices, you can use the v4 support library
which provides a version of the Fragment API that is compatible down to
TaskInfo | Stores information about a particular Task. |
TaskStackBuilder | Utility class for constructing synthetic back stacks for cross-task navigation on Android 3.0 and newer. |
TimePickerDialog |
A dialog that prompts the user for the time of day using a
TimePicker .
UiAutomation | Class for interacting with the device's UI by simulation user actions and introspection of the screen content. |
UiModeManager | This class provides access to the system uimode services. |
VoiceInteractor |
Interface for an Activity to interact with the user through voice.
VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest | Reports that the current interaction can not be complete with voice, so the application will need to switch to a traditional input UI. |
VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest | Execute a vendor-specific command using the trusted system VoiceInteractionService. |
VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest | Reports that the current interaction was successfully completed with voice, so the application can report the final status to the user. |
VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest | Confirms an operation with the user via the trusted system VoiceInteractionService. |
VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest | Select a single option from multiple potential options with the user via the trusted system VoiceInteractionService. |
VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option | Represents a single option that the user may select using their voice. |
VoiceInteractor.Prompt | A set of voice prompts to use with the voice interaction system to confirm an action, select an option, or do similar operations. |
VoiceInteractor.Request | Base class for voice interaction requests that can be submitted to the interactor. |
WallpaperColors | Provides information about the colors of a wallpaper. |
WallpaperInfo | This class is used to specify meta information of a wallpaper service. |
WallpaperManager | Provides access to the system wallpaper. |
AuthenticationRequiredException |
Specialization of SecurityException that is thrown when authentication is needed from the
end user before viewing the content.
Fragment.InstantiationException |
This class is deprecated.
Use Fragment.InstantiationException
PendingIntent.CanceledException | Exception thrown when trying to send through a PendingIntent that has been canceled or is otherwise no longer able to execute the request. |
RecoverableSecurityException |
Specialization of SecurityException that contains additional
information about how to involve the end user to recover from the exception.