# Print output for @column tags ?> ControlsProviderService - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public abstract class ControlsProviderService
extends Service

   ↳ android.content.Context
     ↳ android.content.ContextWrapper
       ↳ android.app.Service
         ↳ android.service.controls.ControlsProviderService

Service implementation allowing applications to contribute controls to the System UI.




String TAG

Inherited constants

Public constructors


Public methods

abstract Publisher<Control> createPublisherFor(List<String> controlIds)

Return a valid Publisher for the given controlIds.

abstract Publisher<Control> createPublisherForAllAvailable()

Publisher for all available controls Retrieve all available controls.

Publisher<Control> createPublisherForSuggested()

(Optional) Publisher for suggested controls The service may be asked to provide a small number of recommended controls, in order to suggest some controls to the user for favoriting.

final IBinder onBind(Intent intent)

Return the communication channel to the service.

final boolean onUnbind(Intent intent)

Called when all clients have disconnected from a particular interface published by the service.

abstract void performControlAction(String controlId, ControlAction action, Consumer<Integer> consumer)

The user has interacted with a Control.

static void requestAddControl(Context context, ComponentName componentName, Control control)

Request SystemUI to prompt the user to add a control to favorites.

Inherited methods



public static final String SERVICE_CONTROLS

Constant Value: "android.service.controls.ControlsProviderService"


public static final String TAG

Constant Value: "ControlsProviderService"

Public constructors


public ControlsProviderService ()

Public methods


public abstract Publisher<Control> createPublisherFor (List<String> controlIds)

Return a valid Publisher for the given controlIds. This publisher will be asked to provide updates for the given list of controlIds as long as the Subscription is valid. Calls to Subscriber#onComplete will not be expected. Instead, wait for the call from Subscription#cancel to indicate that updates are no longer required. It is expected that controls provided by this publisher were created using Control.StatefulBuilder.

controlIds List: This value cannot be null.

Publisher<Control> This value cannot be null.


public abstract Publisher<Control> createPublisherForAllAvailable ()

Publisher for all available controls Retrieve all available controls. Use the stateless builder Control.StatelessBuilder to build each Control. Call Subscriber#onComplete when done loading all unique controls, or Subscriber#onError for error scenarios. Duplicate Controls will replace the original.

Publisher<Control> This value cannot be null.


public Publisher<Control> createPublisherForSuggested ()

(Optional) Publisher for suggested controls The service may be asked to provide a small number of recommended controls, in order to suggest some controls to the user for favoriting. The controls shall be built using the stateless builder Control.StatelessBuilder. The total number of controls requested through Subscription#request will be restricted to a maximum. Within this larger limit, only 6 controls per structure will be loaded. Therefore, it is advisable to seed multiple structures if they exist. Any control sent over this limit will be discarded. Call Subscriber#onComplete when done, or Subscriber#onError for error scenarios.

Publisher<Control> This value may be null.


public final IBinder onBind (Intent intent)

Return the communication channel to the service. May return null if clients can not bind to the service. The returned IBinder is usually for a complex interface that has been described using aidl.

Note that unlike other application components, calls on to the IBinder interface returned here may not happen on the main thread of the process. More information about the main thread can be found in Processes and Threads.

intent Intent: This value cannot be null.

IBinder This value cannot be null.


public final boolean onUnbind (Intent intent)

Called when all clients have disconnected from a particular interface published by the service. The default implementation does nothing and returns false.

intent Intent: This value cannot be null.

boolean Return true if you would like to have the service's onRebind(Intent) method later called when new clients bind to it.


public abstract void performControlAction (String controlId, 
                ControlAction action, 
                Consumer<Integer> consumer)

The user has interacted with a Control. The action is dictated by the type of ControlAction that was sent. A response can be sent via Consumer#accept, with the Integer argument being one of the provided ControlAction.ResponseResult. The Integer should indicate whether the action was received successfully, or if additional prompts should be presented to the user. Any visual control updates should be sent via the Publisher.

controlId String: This value cannot be null.

action ControlAction: This value cannot be null.

consumer Consumer: This value cannot be null.


public static void requestAddControl (Context context, 
                ComponentName componentName, 
                Control control)

Request SystemUI to prompt the user to add a control to favorites.
SystemUI may not honor this request in some cases, for example if the requested Control is already a favorite, or the requesting package is not currently in the foreground.

context Context: A context This value cannot be null.

componentName ComponentName: Component name of the ControlsProviderService This value cannot be null.

control Control: A stateless control to show to the user This value cannot be null.