# Print output for @column tags ?> MediaStore - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class MediaStore
extends Object

   ↳ android.provider.MediaStore

The contract between the media provider and applications. Contains definitions for the supported URIs and columns.

The media provider provides an indexed collection of common media types, such as Audio, Video, and Images, from any attached storage devices. Each collection is organized based on the primary MIME type of the underlying content; for example, image/* content is indexed under Images. The Files collection provides a broad view across all collections, and does not filter by MIME type.


Nested classes

class MediaStore.Audio

Collection of all media with MIME type of audio/*

interface MediaStore.DownloadColumns

Download metadata columns. 

class MediaStore.Downloads

Collection of downloaded items. 

class MediaStore.Files

Media provider table containing an index of all files in the media storage, including non-media files. 

class MediaStore.Images

Collection of all media with MIME type of image/*

interface MediaStore.MediaColumns

Common media metadata columns. 

class MediaStore.Video

Collection of all media with MIME type of video/*



Standard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture an image and return it.


Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture an image and return it when the device is secured (e.g. with a pin, password, pattern, or face unlock).


Standard action that can be sent to review the given media file.


Standard action that can be sent to review the given media file when the device is secured (e.g. with a pin, password, pattern, or face unlock).


Standard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture a video and return it.


The authority for the media provider


Specify that the caller wants to receive the original media format without transcoding.


When defined, the launched application is requested to set the given brightness value via WindowManager.LayoutParams.screenBrightness to help ensure a smooth transition when launching ACTION_REVIEW or ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE intents.


Specify the maximum allowed recording duration in seconds.


The name of the Intent-extra used to control the onCompletion behavior of a MovieView.


The name of an Intent-extra used to control the UI of a ViewImage.


The name of the Intent-extra used to define the album


The name of the Intent-extra used to define the artist


Specify the ApplicationMediaCapabilities that should be used while opening a media.


Specify the UID of the app that should be used to determine supported media capabilities while opening a media.


The name of the Intent-extra used to define the search focus.


The name of the Intent-extra used to define the genre.


This constant is deprecated. Android playlists are now deprecated. We will keep the current functionality for compatibility resons, but we will no longer take feature request. We do not advise adding new usages of Android Playlists. M3U files can be used as an alternative.


The name of the Intent-extra used to define the radio channel.


The name of the Intent-extra used to define the song title


The name of the Intent-extra used to indicate a content resolver Uri to be used to store the requested image or video.


The name of the Intent-extra used to control the orientation of a ViewImage or a MovieView.


The name of an Intent-extra used to control the UI of a ViewImage.


Specify the maximum allowed size.


The name of the Intent-extra used to control the quality of a recorded video.


An intent to perform a search for music media and automatically play content from the result when possible.


Activity Action: Perform a search for media.


This constant is deprecated. Use Intent.CATEGORY_APP_MUSIC instead.


The name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in still image mode.


The name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in still image mode for use when the device is secured (e.g. with a pin, password, pattern, or face unlock).


An intent to perform a search for readable media and automatically play content from the result when possible.


The name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in video mode.


An intent to perform a search for video media and automatically play content from the result when possible.


Value indicating that the default matching behavior should be used, as defined by the key documentation.


Value indicating that operations should exclude items matching the criteria defined by this key.


Value indicating that operations should include items matching the criteria defined by this key.


Value indicating that operations should only operate on items explicitly matching the criteria defined by this key.


Name of the file signaling the media scanner to ignore media in the containing directory and its subdirectories.


Name of current volume being scanned by the media scanner.


Name under which an activity handling ACTION_REVIEW or ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE publishes the service name for its prewarm service.


Name under which an activity handling INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA or INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA_SECURE publishes the service name for its prewarm service.


Flag that requests ContentResolver#query to include content from recently unmounted volumes.


Specify how MediaColumns#IS_FAVORITE items should be filtered when performing a MediaStore operation.


Specify how MediaColumns#IS_PENDING items should be filtered when performing a MediaStore operation.


Specify how MediaColumns#IS_TRASHED items should be filtered when performing a MediaStore operation.


Specify a Uri that is "related" to the current operation being performed.


The string that is used when a media attribute is not known.


Synthetic volume name that provides a view of all content across the "external" storage of the device.


Specific volume name that represents the primary external storage device at Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory().


Synthetic volume name that provides a view of all content across the "internal" storage of the device.


public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI

A content:// style uri to the authority for the media provider

Public constructors


Public methods

static boolean canManageMedia(Context context)

Returns whether the calling app is granted Manifest.permission.MANAGE_MEDIA or not.

static PendingIntent createDeleteRequest(ContentResolver resolver, Collection<Uri> uris)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to permanently delete the requested media items.

static PendingIntent createFavoriteRequest(ContentResolver resolver, Collection<Uri> uris, boolean value)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to favorite the requested media items.

static PendingIntent createTrashRequest(ContentResolver resolver, Collection<Uri> uris, boolean value)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to trash the requested media items.

static PendingIntent createWriteRequest(ContentResolver resolver, Collection<Uri> uris)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to grant your app write access for the requested media items.

static Uri getDocumentUri(Context context, Uri mediaUri)

Return a DocumentsProvider Uri that is an equivalent to the given MediaStore Uri.

static Set<String> getExternalVolumeNames(Context context)

Return list of all specific volume names that make up VOLUME_EXTERNAL.

static long getGeneration(Context context, String volumeName)

Return the latest generation value for the given volume.

static Uri getMediaScannerUri()

Uri for querying the state of the media scanner.

static Uri getMediaUri(Context context, Uri documentUri)

Return a MediaStore Uri that is an equivalent to the given DocumentsProvider Uri.

static ParcelFileDescriptor getOriginalMediaFormatFileDescriptor(Context context, ParcelFileDescriptor fileDescriptor)

Returns ParcelFileDescriptor representing the original media file format for fileDescriptor.

static Set<String> getRecentExternalVolumeNames(Context context)

Return list of all recent volume names that have been part of VOLUME_EXTERNAL.

static Uri getRedactedUri(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri)

Returns an EXIF redacted version of uri i.e.

static List<Uri> getRedactedUri(ContentResolver resolver, List<Uri> uris)

Returns a list of EXIF redacted version of uris i.e.

static boolean getRequireOriginal(Uri uri)

Return if the caller requires the original file contents when calling ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String).

static String getVersion(Context context, String volumeName)

Return an opaque version string describing the MediaStore state.

static String getVersion(Context context)

Return an opaque version string describing the MediaStore state.

static String getVolumeName(Uri uri)

Return the volume name that the given Uri references.

static boolean isCurrentSystemGallery(ContentResolver resolver, int uid, String packageName)

Returns true if the given application is the current system gallery of the device.

static Uri setIncludePending(Uri uri)

This method is deprecated. consider migrating to QUERY_ARG_MATCH_PENDING which is more expressive.

static Uri setRequireOriginal(Uri uri)

Update the given Uri to indicate that the caller requires the original file contents when calling ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String).

Inherited methods



public static final String ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE

Standard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture an image and return it.

The caller may pass an extra EXTRA_OUTPUT to control where this image will be written. If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is not present, then a small sized image is returned as a Bitmap object in the extra field. This is useful for applications that only need a small image. If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is present, then the full-sized image will be written to the Uri value of EXTRA_OUTPUT. As of Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP, this uri can also be supplied through Intent.setClipData(ClipData). If using this approach, you still must supply the uri through the EXTRA_OUTPUT field for compatibility with old applications. If you don't set a ClipData, it will be copied there for you when calling Context#startActivity(Intent).

Regardless of whether or not EXTRA_OUTPUT is present, when an image is captured via this intent, Camera.ACTION_NEW_PICTURE won't be broadcasted.

Note: if you app targets M and above and declares as using the Manifest.permission.CAMERA permission which is not granted, then attempting to use this action will result in a SecurityException.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE"


public static final String ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_SECURE

Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture an image and return it when the device is secured (e.g. with a pin, password, pattern, or face unlock). Applications responding to this intent must not expose any personal content like existing photos or videos on the device. The applications should be careful not to share any photo or video with other applications or Internet. The activity should use Activity.setShowWhenLocked(boolean) to display on top of the lock screen while secured. There is no activity stack when this flag is used, so launching more than one activity is strongly discouraged.

The caller may pass an extra EXTRA_OUTPUT to control where this image will be written. If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is not present, then a small sized image is returned as a Bitmap object in the extra field. This is useful for applications that only need a small image. If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is present, then the full-sized image will be written to the Uri value of EXTRA_OUTPUT. As of Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP, this uri can also be supplied through Intent.setClipData(ClipData). If using this approach, you still must supply the uri through the EXTRA_OUTPUT field for compatibility with old applications. If you don't set a ClipData, it will be copied there for you when calling Context#startActivity(Intent).

Regardless of whether or not EXTRA_OUTPUT is present, when an image is captured via this intent, Camera.ACTION_NEW_PICTURE won't be broadcasted.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE_SECURE"


public static final String ACTION_REVIEW

Standard action that can be sent to review the given media file.

The launched application is expected to provide a large-scale view of the given media file, while allowing the user to quickly access other recently captured media files.

Input: Intent#getData is URI of the primary media item to initially display.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.provider.action.REVIEW"


public static final String ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE

Standard action that can be sent to review the given media file when the device is secured (e.g. with a pin, password, pattern, or face unlock). The applications should be careful not to share any media with other applications or Internet. The activity should use Activity#setShowWhenLocked to display on top of the lock screen while secured. There is no activity stack when this flag is used, so launching more than one activity is strongly discouraged.

The launched application is expected to provide a large-scale view of the given primary media file, while only allowing the user to quickly access other media from an explicit secondary list.

Input: Intent#getData is URI of the primary media item to initially display. Intent#getClipData is the limited list of secondary media items that the user is allowed to review. If Intent#getClipData is undefined, then no other media access should be allowed.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.provider.action.REVIEW_SECURE"


public static final String ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE

Standard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture a video and return it.

The caller may pass in an extra EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY to control the video quality.

The caller may pass in an extra EXTRA_OUTPUT to control where the video is written.

  • If EXTRA_OUTPUT is not present, the video will be written to the standard location for videos, and the Uri of that location will be returned in the data field of the Uri. Camera.ACTION_NEW_VIDEO will also be broadcasted when the video is recorded.
  • If EXTRA_OUTPUT is assigned a Uri value, no Camera.ACTION_NEW_VIDEO will be broadcasted. As of Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP, this uri can also be supplied through Intent.setClipData(ClipData). If using this approach, you still must supply the uri through the EXTRA_OUTPUT field for compatibility with old applications. If you don't set a ClipData, it will be copied there for you when calling Context#startActivity(Intent).

Note: if you app targets M and above and declares as using the Manifest.permission.CAMERA permission which is not granted, then atempting to use this action will result in a SecurityException.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.media.action.VIDEO_CAPTURE"


public static final String AUTHORITY

The authority for the media provider

Constant Value: "media"



Specify that the caller wants to receive the original media format without transcoding. Caution: using this flag can cause app compatibility issues whenever Android adds support for new media formats. Clients should instead specify their supported media capabilities explicitly in their manifest or with the EXTRA_MEDIA_CAPABILITIES open flag. This option is useful for apps that don't attempt to parse the actual byte contents of media files, such as playback using MediaPlayer or for off-device backup. Note that the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission will still be required to avoid sensitive metadata redaction, similar to setRequireOriginal(android.net.Uri). Note that this flag overrides any explicitly declared media_capabilities.xml or ApplicationMediaCapabilities extras specified in the same open request.

This option can be added to the opts Bundle in various ContentResolver open methods.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.provider.extra.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_MEDIA_FORMAT"


public static final String EXTRA_BRIGHTNESS

When defined, the launched application is requested to set the given brightness value via WindowManager.LayoutParams.screenBrightness to help ensure a smooth transition when launching ACTION_REVIEW or ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE intents.

Constant Value: "android.provider.extra.BRIGHTNESS"


public static final String EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT

Specify the maximum allowed recording duration in seconds.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.durationLimit"


public static final String EXTRA_FINISH_ON_COMPLETION

The name of the Intent-extra used to control the onCompletion behavior of a MovieView. This is a boolean property that specifies whether or not to finish the MovieView activity when the movie completes playing. The default value is true, which means to automatically exit the movie player activity when the movie completes playing.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.finishOnCompletion"


public static final String EXTRA_FULL_SCREEN

The name of an Intent-extra used to control the UI of a ViewImage. This is a boolean property that overrides the activity's default fullscreen state.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.fullScreen"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_ALBUM

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the album

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.album"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_ARTIST

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the artist

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.artist"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_CAPABILITIES

Specify the ApplicationMediaCapabilities that should be used while opening a media. If the capabilities specified matches the format of the original file, the app will receive the original file, otherwise, it will get transcoded to a default supported format. This flag takes higher precedence over the applications declared media_capabilities.xml and is useful for apps that want to have more granular control over their supported media capabilities.

This option can be added to the opts Bundle in various ContentResolver open methods.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.provider.extra.MEDIA_CAPABILITIES"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_CAPABILITIES_UID

Specify the UID of the app that should be used to determine supported media capabilities while opening a media. If this specified UID is found to be capable of handling the original media file format, the app will receive the original file, otherwise, the file will get transcoded to a default format supported by the specified UID.

Constant Value: "android.provider.extra.MEDIA_CAPABILITIES_UID"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_FOCUS

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the search focus. The search focus indicates whether the search should be for things related to the artist, album or song that is identified by the other extras.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.focus"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_GENRE

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the genre.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.genre"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_PLAYLIST

This constant is deprecated.
Android playlists are now deprecated. We will keep the current functionality for compatibility resons, but we will no longer take feature request. We do not advise adding new usages of Android Playlists. M3U files can be used as an alternative.

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the playlist.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.playlist"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_RADIO_CHANNEL

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the radio channel.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.radio_channel"


public static final String EXTRA_MEDIA_TITLE

The name of the Intent-extra used to define the song title

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.title"


public static final String EXTRA_OUTPUT

The name of the Intent-extra used to indicate a content resolver Uri to be used to store the requested image or video.

Constant Value: "output"


public static final String EXTRA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION

The name of the Intent-extra used to control the orientation of a ViewImage or a MovieView. This is an int property that overrides the activity's requestedOrientation.

See also:

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.screenOrientation"


public static final String EXTRA_SHOW_ACTION_ICONS

The name of an Intent-extra used to control the UI of a ViewImage. This is a boolean property that specifies whether or not to show action icons.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.showActionIcons"


public static final String EXTRA_SIZE_LIMIT

Specify the maximum allowed size.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.sizeLimit"


public static final String EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY

The name of the Intent-extra used to control the quality of a recorded video. This is an integer property. Currently value 0 means low quality, suitable for MMS messages, and value 1 means high quality. In the future other quality levels may be added.

Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.videoQuality"


An intent to perform a search for music media and automatically play content from the result when possible. This can be fired, for example, by the result of a voice recognition command to listen to music.

This intent always includes the EXTRA_MEDIA_FOCUS and SearchManager.QUERY extras. The EXTRA_MEDIA_FOCUS extra determines the search mode, and the value of the SearchManager.QUERY extra depends on the search mode. For more information about the search modes for this intent, see Play music based on a search query in Common Intents.

This intent makes the most sense for apps that can support large-scale search of music, such as services connected to an online database of music which can be streamed and played on the device.

Constant Value: "android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH"

public static final String INTENT_ACTION_MEDIA_SEARCH

Activity Action: Perform a search for media. Contains at least the SearchManager.QUERY extra. May also contain any combination of the following extras: EXTRA_MEDIA_ARTIST, EXTRA_MEDIA_ALBUM, EXTRA_MEDIA_TITLE, EXTRA_MEDIA_FOCUS

See also:

Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_SEARCH"


public static final String INTENT_ACTION_MUSIC_PLAYER

This constant is deprecated.
Use Intent.CATEGORY_APP_MUSIC instead.

Activity Action: Launch a music player. The activity should be able to play, browse, or manipulate music files stored on the device.

Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MUSIC_PLAYER"


public static final String INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA

The name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in still image mode.

Constant Value: "android.media.action.STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA"



The name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in still image mode for use when the device is secured (e.g. with a pin, password, pattern, or face unlock). Applications responding to this intent must not expose any personal content like existing photos or videos on the device. The applications should be careful not to share any photo or video with other applications or internet. The activity should use Activity.setShowWhenLocked(boolean) to display on top of the lock screen while secured. There is no activity stack when this flag is used, so launching more than one activity is strongly discouraged.

Constant Value: "android.media.action.STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA_SECURE"

public static final String INTENT_ACTION_TEXT_OPEN_FROM_SEARCH

An intent to perform a search for readable media and automatically play content from the result when possible. This can be fired, for example, by the result of a voice recognition command to read a book or magazine.

Contains the SearchManager.QUERY extra, which is a string that can contain any type of unstructured text search, like the name of a book or magazine, an author a genre, a publisher, or any combination of these.

Because this intent includes an open-ended unstructured search string, it makes the most sense for apps that can support large-scale search of text media, such as services connected to an online database of books and/or magazines which can be read on the device.

Constant Value: "android.media.action.TEXT_OPEN_FROM_SEARCH"


public static final String INTENT_ACTION_VIDEO_CAMERA

The name of the Intent action used to launch a camera in video mode.

Constant Value: "android.media.action.VIDEO_CAMERA"


An intent to perform a search for video media and automatically play content from the result when possible. This can be fired, for example, by the result of a voice recognition command to play movies.

Contains the SearchManager.QUERY extra, which is a string that can contain any type of unstructured video search, like the name of a movie, one or more actors, a genre, or any combination of these.

Because this intent includes an open-ended unstructured search string, it makes the most sense for apps that can support large-scale search of video, such as services connected to an online database of videos which can be streamed and played on the device.

Constant Value: "android.media.action.VIDEO_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH"


public static final int MATCH_DEFAULT

Value indicating that the default matching behavior should be used, as defined by the key documentation.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int MATCH_EXCLUDE

Value indicating that operations should exclude items matching the criteria defined by this key.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int MATCH_INCLUDE

Value indicating that operations should include items matching the criteria defined by this key.

Note that items not matching the criteria may also be included depending on the default behavior documented by the key. If you want to operate exclusively on matching items, use MATCH_ONLY.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int MATCH_ONLY

Value indicating that operations should only operate on items explicitly matching the criteria defined by this key.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final String MEDIA_IGNORE_FILENAME

Name of the file signaling the media scanner to ignore media in the containing directory and its subdirectories. Developers should use this to avoid application graphics showing up in the Gallery and likewise prevent application sounds and music from showing up in the Music app.

Constant Value: ".nomedia"


public static final String MEDIA_SCANNER_VOLUME

Name of current volume being scanned by the media scanner.

Constant Value: "volume"


Name under which an activity handling ACTION_REVIEW or ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE publishes the service name for its prewarm service.

This meta-data should reference the fully qualified class name of the prewarm service

The prewarm service can be bound before starting ACTION_REVIEW or ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE. An application implementing this prewarm service should do the absolute minimum amount of work to initialize its resources to efficiently handle an ACTION_REVIEW or ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE in the near future.

Constant Value: "android.media.review_gallery_prewarm_service"



Name under which an activity handling INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA or INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA_SECURE publishes the service name for its prewarm service.

This meta-data should reference the fully qualified class name of the prewarm service extending CameraPrewarmService.

The prewarm service will get bound and receive a prewarm signal CameraPrewarmService#onPrewarm() when a camera launch intent fire might be imminent. An application implementing a prewarm service should do the absolute minimum amount of work to initialize the camera in order to reduce startup time in likely case that shortly after a camera launch intent would be sent.

Constant Value: "android.media.still_image_camera_preview_service"



Flag that requests ContentResolver#query to include content from recently unmounted volumes.

When the flag is set, ContentResolver#query will return content from all volumes(i.e., both mounted and recently unmounted volume whose content is still held by MediaProvider).

Note that the query result doesn't provide any hint for content from unmounted volume. It's strongly recommended to use default query to avoid accessing/operating on the content that are not available on the device.

The flag is useful for apps which manage their own database and query MediaStore in order to synchronize between MediaStore database and their own database.

Constant Value: "android:query-arg-recently-unmounted-volumes"


public static final String QUERY_ARG_MATCH_FAVORITE

Specify how MediaColumns#IS_FAVORITE items should be filtered when performing a MediaStore operation.

This key can be placed in a Bundle of extras and passed to ContentResolver#query, ContentResolver#update, or ContentResolver#delete.

By default, favorite items are not filtered away from operations.
Value is either 0 or a combination of MATCH_DEFAULT, MATCH_INCLUDE, MATCH_EXCLUDE, and MATCH_ONLY

See also:

Constant Value: "android:query-arg-match-favorite"


public static final String QUERY_ARG_MATCH_PENDING

Specify how MediaColumns#IS_PENDING items should be filtered when performing a MediaStore operation.

This key can be placed in a Bundle of extras and passed to ContentResolver#query, ContentResolver#update, or ContentResolver#delete.

By default, pending items are filtered away from operations.
Value is either 0 or a combination of MATCH_DEFAULT, MATCH_INCLUDE, MATCH_EXCLUDE, and MATCH_ONLY

Constant Value: "android:query-arg-match-pending"


public static final String QUERY_ARG_MATCH_TRASHED

Specify how MediaColumns#IS_TRASHED items should be filtered when performing a MediaStore operation.

This key can be placed in a Bundle of extras and passed to ContentResolver#query, ContentResolver#update, or ContentResolver#delete.

By default, trashed items are filtered away from operations.
Value is either 0 or a combination of MATCH_DEFAULT, MATCH_INCLUDE, MATCH_EXCLUDE, and MATCH_ONLY

See also:

Constant Value: "android:query-arg-match-trashed"

public static final String QUERY_ARG_RELATED_URI

Specify a Uri that is "related" to the current operation being performed.

This is typically used to allow an operation that may normally be rejected, such as making a copy of a pre-existing image located under a MediaColumns#RELATIVE_PATH where new images are not allowed.

It's strongly recommended that when making a copy of pre-existing content that you define the "original document ID" GUID as defined by the XMP Media Management standard.

This key can be placed in a Bundle of extras and passed to ContentResolver#insert.

Constant Value: "android:query-arg-related-uri"


public static final String UNKNOWN_STRING

The string that is used when a media attribute is not known. For example, if an audio file does not have any meta data, the artist and album columns will be set to this value.

Constant Value: ""


public static final String VOLUME_EXTERNAL

Synthetic volume name that provides a view of all content across the "external" storage of the device.

This synthetic volume provides a merged view of all media across all currently attached external storage devices.

Because this is a synthetic volume, you can't insert new content into this volume. Instead, you can insert content into a specific storage volume obtained from getExternalVolumeNames(android.content.Context).

Constant Value: "external"


public static final String VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY

Specific volume name that represents the primary external storage device at Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory().

This volume may not always be available, such as when the user has ejected the device. You can find a list of all specific volume names using getExternalVolumeNames(android.content.Context).

Constant Value: "external_primary"


public static final String VOLUME_INTERNAL

Synthetic volume name that provides a view of all content across the "internal" storage of the device.

This synthetic volume provides a merged view of all media distributed with the device, such as built-in ringtones and wallpapers.

Because this is a synthetic volume, you can't insert new content into this volume.

Constant Value: "internal"



public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI

A content:// style uri to the authority for the media provider

Public constructors


public MediaStore ()

Public methods


public static boolean canManageMedia (Context context)

Returns whether the calling app is granted Manifest.permission.MANAGE_MEDIA or not.

Declaring the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_MEDIA isn't enough to gain the access.

To request access, use Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_MANAGE_MEDIA.

context Context: the request context This value cannot be null.

boolean true, the calling app is granted the permission. Otherwise, false

See also:


public static PendingIntent createDeleteRequest (ContentResolver resolver, 
                Collection<Uri> uris)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to permanently delete the requested media items. When the user approves this request, ContentResolver#delete will be called on these items.

This call only generates the request for a prompt; to display the prompt, call Activity#startIntentSenderForResult with PendingIntent#getIntentSender(). You can then determine if the user granted your request by testing for Activity#RESULT_OK in Activity#onActivityResult. The requested operation will have completely finished before this activity result is delivered.

The displayed prompt will reflect all the media items you're requesting, including those for which you already hold write access. If you want to determine if you already hold write access before requesting access, use ContentResolver#checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int) with Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION.

resolver ContentResolver: Used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is Context#getContentResolver(), but if you need more explicit lifecycle controls, you can obtain a ContentProviderClient and wrap it using ContentResolver#wrap(ContentProviderClient). This value cannot be null.

uris Collection: The set of media items to include in this request. Each item must be hosted by MediaStore#AUTHORITY and must reference a specific media item by BaseColumns#_ID. This value cannot be null.

PendingIntent This value cannot be null.


public static PendingIntent createFavoriteRequest (ContentResolver resolver, 
                Collection<Uri> uris, 
                boolean value)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to favorite the requested media items. When the user approves this request, MediaColumns#IS_FAVORITE is set on these items.

This call only generates the request for a prompt; to display the prompt, call Activity#startIntentSenderForResult with PendingIntent#getIntentSender(). You can then determine if the user granted your request by testing for Activity#RESULT_OK in Activity#onActivityResult. The requested operation will have completely finished before this activity result is delivered.

The displayed prompt will reflect all the media items you're requesting, including those for which you already hold write access. If you want to determine if you already hold write access before requesting access, use ContentResolver#checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int) with Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION.

resolver ContentResolver: Used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is Context#getContentResolver(), but if you need more explicit lifecycle controls, you can obtain a ContentProviderClient and wrap it using ContentResolver#wrap(ContentProviderClient). This value cannot be null.

uris Collection: The set of media items to include in this request. Each item must be hosted by MediaStore#AUTHORITY and must reference a specific media item by BaseColumns#_ID. This value cannot be null.

value boolean: The MediaColumns#IS_FAVORITE value to apply.

PendingIntent This value cannot be null.

See also:


public static PendingIntent createTrashRequest (ContentResolver resolver, 
                Collection<Uri> uris, 
                boolean value)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to trash the requested media items. When the user approves this request, MediaColumns#IS_TRASHED is set on these items.

This call only generates the request for a prompt; to display the prompt, call Activity#startIntentSenderForResult with PendingIntent#getIntentSender(). You can then determine if the user granted your request by testing for Activity#RESULT_OK in Activity#onActivityResult. The requested operation will have completely finished before this activity result is delivered.

The displayed prompt will reflect all the media items you're requesting, including those for which you already hold write access. If you want to determine if you already hold write access before requesting access, use ContentResolver#checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int) with Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION.

resolver ContentResolver: Used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is Context#getContentResolver(), but if you need more explicit lifecycle controls, you can obtain a ContentProviderClient and wrap it using ContentResolver#wrap(ContentProviderClient). This value cannot be null.

uris Collection: The set of media items to include in this request. Each item must be hosted by MediaStore#AUTHORITY and must reference a specific media item by BaseColumns#_ID. This value cannot be null.

value boolean: The MediaColumns#IS_TRASHED value to apply.

PendingIntent This value cannot be null.

See also:


public static PendingIntent createWriteRequest (ContentResolver resolver, 
                Collection<Uri> uris)

Create a PendingIntent that will prompt the user to grant your app write access for the requested media items.

This call only generates the request for a prompt; to display the prompt, call Activity#startIntentSenderForResult with PendingIntent#getIntentSender(). You can then determine if the user granted your request by testing for Activity#RESULT_OK in Activity#onActivityResult. The requested operation will have completely finished before this activity result is delivered.

Permissions granted through this mechanism are tied to the lifecycle of the Activity that requests them. If you need to retain longer-term access for background actions, you can place items into a ClipData or Intent which can then be passed to Context#startService or JobInfo.Builder.setClipData(ClipData, int). Be sure to include any relevant access modes you want to retain, such as Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION.

The displayed prompt will reflect all the media items you're requesting, including those for which you already hold write access. If you want to determine if you already hold write access before requesting access, use ContentResolver#checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int) with Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION.

For security and performance reasons this method does not support Intent#FLAG_GRANT_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION or Intent#FLAG_GRANT_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION.

The write access granted through this request is general-purpose, and once obtained you can directly ContentResolver#update columns like MediaColumns#IS_FAVORITE, MediaColumns#IS_TRASHED, or ContentResolver#delete.

resolver ContentResolver: Used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is Context#getContentResolver(), but if you need more explicit lifecycle controls, you can obtain a ContentProviderClient and wrap it using ContentResolver#wrap(ContentProviderClient). This value cannot be null.

uris Collection: The set of media items to include in this request. Each item must be hosted by MediaStore#AUTHORITY and must reference a specific media item by BaseColumns#_ID. This value cannot be null.

PendingIntent This value cannot be null.


public static Uri getDocumentUri (Context context, 
                Uri mediaUri)

Return a DocumentsProvider Uri that is an equivalent to the given MediaStore Uri.

This allows apps with Storage Access Framework permissions to convert between MediaStore and DocumentsProvider Uris that refer to the same underlying item. Note that this method doesn't grant any new permissions; callers must already hold permissions obtained with Intent#ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT or related APIs.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

mediaUri Uri: The MediaStore Uri to convert. This value cannot be null.

Uri An equivalent DocumentsProvider Uri. Returns null if no equivalent was found.

See also:


public static Set<String> getExternalVolumeNames (Context context)

Return list of all specific volume names that make up VOLUME_EXTERNAL. This includes a unique volume name for each shared storage device that is currently attached, which typically includes MediaStore#VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY.

Each specific volume name can be passed to APIs like MediaStore.Images.Media#getContentUri(String) to interact with media on that storage device.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

Set<String> This value cannot be null.


public static long getGeneration (Context context, 
                String volumeName)

Return the latest generation value for the given volume.

Generation numbers are useful for apps that are attempting to quickly identify exactly which media items have been added or changed since a previous point in time. Generation numbers are monotonically increasing over time, and can be safely arithmetically compared.

Detecting media changes using generation numbers is more robust than using MediaColumns#DATE_ADDED or MediaColumns#DATE_MODIFIED, since those values may change in unexpected ways when apps use File#setLastModified(long) or when the system clock is set incorrectly.

Note that before comparing these detailed generation values, you should first confirm that the overall version hasn't changed by checking MediaStore#getVersion(Context, String), since that indicates when a more radical change has occurred. If the overall version changes, you should assume that generation numbers have been reset and perform a full synchronization pass.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

volumeName String: specific volume to obtain an generation value for. Must be one of the values returned from getExternalVolumeNames(android.content.Context). This value cannot be null.


See also:


public static Uri getMediaScannerUri ()

Uri for querying the state of the media scanner.



public static Uri getMediaUri (Context context, 
                Uri documentUri)

Return a MediaStore Uri that is an equivalent to the given DocumentsProvider Uri. This only supports ExternalStorageProvider and MediaDocumentsProvider Uris.

This allows apps with Storage Access Framework permissions to convert between MediaStore and DocumentsProvider Uris that refer to the same underlying item. Note that this method doesn't grant any new permissions, but it grants the same access to the Media Store Uri as the caller has to the given DocumentsProvider Uri; callers must already hold permissions for documentUri obtained with Intent#ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT or related APIs.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

documentUri Uri: The DocumentsProvider Uri to convert. This value cannot be null.

Uri An equivalent MediaStore Uri. Returns null if no equivalent was found.

See also:


public static ParcelFileDescriptor getOriginalMediaFormatFileDescriptor (Context context, 
                ParcelFileDescriptor fileDescriptor)

Returns ParcelFileDescriptor representing the original media file format for fileDescriptor.

Media files may get transcoded based on an application's media capabilities requirements. However, in various cases, when the application needs access to the original media file, or doesn't attempt to parse the actual byte contents of media files, such as playback using MediaPlayer or for off-device backup, this method can be useful.

This method is applicable only for media files managed by MediaStore.

The method returns the original file descriptor with the same permission that the caller has for the input file descriptor.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

fileDescriptor ParcelFileDescriptor: This value cannot be null.

ParcelFileDescriptor This value cannot be null.

IOException if the given ParcelFileDescriptor could not be converted

See also:


public static Set<String> getRecentExternalVolumeNames (Context context)

Return list of all recent volume names that have been part of VOLUME_EXTERNAL.

These volume names are not currently mounted, but they're likely to reappear in the future, so apps are encouraged to preserve any indexed metadata related to these volumes to optimize user experiences.

Each specific volume name can be passed to APIs like MediaStore.Images.Media#getContentUri(String) to interact with media on that storage device.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

Set<String> This value cannot be null.


public static Uri getRedactedUri (ContentResolver resolver, 
                Uri uri)

Returns an EXIF redacted version of uri i.e. a Uri with metadata such as location, GPS datestamp etc. redacted from the EXIF headers.

A redacted Uri can be used to share a file with another application wherein exposing sensitive information in EXIF headers is not desirable. Note: 1. Redacted uris cannot be granted write access and can neither be used to perform any kind of write operations. 2. To get a redacted uri the caller must hold read permission to uri.

resolver ContentResolver: The ContentResolver used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is gotten from Context#getContentResolver() This value cannot be null.

uri Uri: the Uri Uri to convert This value cannot be null.

Uri redacted version of the uri. Returns null when the given Uri could not be found or is unsupported

SecurityException if the caller doesn't have the read access to uri

See also:


public static List<Uri> getRedactedUri (ContentResolver resolver, 
                List<Uri> uris)

Returns a list of EXIF redacted version of uris i.e. a Uri with metadata such as location, GPS datestamp etc. redacted from the EXIF headers.

A redacted Uri can be used to share a file with another application wherein exposing sensitive information in EXIF headers is not desirable. Note: 1. Order of the returned uris follow the order of the uris. 2. Redacted uris cannot be granted write access and can neither be used to perform any kind of write operations. 3. To get a redacted uri the caller must hold read permission to its corresponding uri.

resolver ContentResolver: The ContentResolver used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is gotten from Context#getContentResolver() This value cannot be null.

uris List: the list of Uri Uri to convert This value cannot be null.

List<Uri> a list with redacted version of uris, in the same order. Returns null when the corresponding Uri could not be found or is unsupported

SecurityException if the caller doesn't have the read access to all the elements in uris

See also:


public static boolean getRequireOriginal (Uri uri)

Return if the caller requires the original file contents when calling ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String).

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.


See also:


public static String getVersion (Context context, 
                String volumeName)

Return an opaque version string describing the MediaStore state.

Applications that import data from MediaStore into their own caches can use this to detect that MediaStore has undergone substantial changes, and that data should be rescanned.

No other assumptions should be made about the meaning of the version.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

volumeName String: specific volume to obtain an opaque version string for. Must be one of the values returned from getExternalVolumeNames(android.content.Context). This value cannot be null.

String This value cannot be null.


public static String getVersion (Context context)

Return an opaque version string describing the MediaStore state.

Applications that import data from MediaStore into their own caches can use this to detect that MediaStore has undergone substantial changes, and that data should be rescanned.

No other assumptions should be made about the meaning of the version.

This method returns the version for MediaStore#VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY; to obtain a version for a different volume, use getVersion(android.content.Context, java.lang.String).

context Context: This value cannot be null.

String This value cannot be null.


public static String getVolumeName (Uri uri)

Return the volume name that the given Uri references.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

String This value cannot be null.


public static boolean isCurrentSystemGallery (ContentResolver resolver, 
                int uid, 
                String packageName)

Returns true if the given application is the current system gallery of the device.

The system gallery is one app chosen by the OEM that has read & write access to all photos and videos on the device and control over folders in media collections.

resolver ContentResolver: The ContentResolver used to connect with MediaStore#AUTHORITY. Typically this value is Context#getContentResolver(). This value cannot be null.

uid int: The uid to be checked if it is the current system gallery.

packageName String: The package name to be checked if it is the current system gallery. This value cannot be null.



public static Uri setIncludePending (Uri uri)

This method is deprecated.
consider migrating to QUERY_ARG_MATCH_PENDING which is more expressive.

Update the given Uri to also include any pending media items from calls such as ContentResolver#query(Uri, String[], Bundle, CancellationSignal). By default no pending items are returned.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

Uri This value cannot be null.

See also:


public static Uri setRequireOriginal (Uri uri)

Update the given Uri to indicate that the caller requires the original file contents when calling ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String).

This can be useful when the caller wants to ensure they're backing up the exact bytes of the underlying media, without any Exif redaction being performed.

If the original file contents cannot be provided, a UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown when the returned Uri is used, such as when the caller doesn't hold Manifest.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION.

uri Uri: This value cannot be null.

Uri This value cannot be null.

See also: