# Print output for @column tags ?>
extends Object
java.lang.Object | |
↳ | android.media.AudioManager |
AudioManager provides access to volume and ringer mode control.
Nested classes | |
class |
Interface for receiving update notifications about the playback activity on the system. |
class |
Interface for receiving update notifications about the recording configuration. |
interface |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the audio focus of the system is updated. |
interface |
Listener registered by client to be notified upon communication audio device change. |
interface |
Interface definition of a callback that is notified when the audio mode changes |
Constants | |
String |
Broadcast intent, a hint for applications that audio is about to become 'noisy' due to a change in audio outputs. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast indicating an HDMI cable was plugged or unplugged. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Wired Headset plugged in or unplugged. |
String |
Broadcast Action: microphone muting state changed. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Use |
String |
Sticky broadcast intent action indicating that the Bluetooth SCO audio connection state has been updated. |
String |
Broadcast Action: speakerphone state changed. |
int |
Decrease the ringer volume. |
int |
Mute the volume. |
int |
Increase the ringer volume. |
int |
Maintain the previous ringer volume. |
int |
Toggle the mute state. |
int |
Unmute the volume. |
int |
Used to indicate a gain of audio focus, or a request of audio focus, of unknown duration. |
int |
Used to indicate a temporary gain or request of audio focus, anticipated to last a short amount of time. |
int |
Used to indicate a temporary request of audio focus, anticipated to last a short amount of time, during which no other applications, or system components, should play anything. |
int |
Used to indicate a temporary request of audio focus, anticipated to last a short amount of time, and where it is acceptable for other audio applications to keep playing after having lowered their output level (also referred to as "ducking"). |
int |
Used to indicate a loss of audio focus of unknown duration. |
int |
Used to indicate a transient loss of audio focus. |
int |
Used to indicate a transient loss of audio focus where the loser of the audio focus can lower its output volume if it wants to continue playing (also referred to as "ducking"), as the new focus owner doesn't require others to be silent. |
int |
Used to indicate no audio focus has been gained or lost, or requested. |
int |
A focus change request whose granting is delayed: the request was successful, but the requester will only be granted audio focus once the condition that prevented immediate granting has ended. |
int |
A failed focus change request. |
int |
A successful focus change request. |
int |
A special audio session ID to indicate that the audio session ID isn't known and the framework should generate a new value. |
int |
The surround sound formats are ALWAYS available, even if they are not detected by the hardware. |
int |
The surround sound formats are available for use if they are detected. |
int |
Surround sound formats are available according to the choice of user, even if they are not detected by the hardware. |
int |
The surround sound formats are NEVER available, even if they are detected by the hardware. |
int |
The mode for surround sound formats is unknown. |
int |
A default error code. |
int |
An error code indicating that the object reporting it is no longer valid and needs to be recreated. |
String |
Extra used in |
String |
Extra used in |
String |
Extra used in |
String |
The new ringer mode. |
String |
Extra for intent |
String |
Extra for intent |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode and listen to |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode and listen to |
int |
Whether to include ringer modes as possible options when changing volume. |
int |
Whether to play a sound when changing the volume. |
int |
Removes any sounds/vibrate that may be in the queue, or are playing (related to changing volume). |
int |
Show a toast containing the current volume. |
int |
Whether to vibrate if going into the vibrate ringer mode. |
int |
Back sound |
int |
Focus has moved down |
int |
Focus has moved left |
int |
Focus has moved right |
int |
Focus has moved up |
int |
IME delete keypress sound |
int |
Invalid keypress sound |
int |
IME return_keypress sound |
int |
IME spacebar keypress sound |
int |
IME standard keypress sound |
int |
Keyboard and direction pad click sound |
int |
Specifies to the |
int |
Specifies to the |
int |
Specifies to the |
int |
Call screening in progress. |
int |
Current audio mode. |
int |
Invalid audio mode. |
int |
In call audio mode. |
int |
In communication audio mode. |
int |
Normal audio mode: not ringing and no call established. |
int |
Ringing audio mode. |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not iterate on volume stream type values. |
int |
Return value for |
int |
Return value for |
int |
Return value for |
String |
Used as a key for |
String |
Used as a key for |
String |
Used as a key for |
String |
Used as a key for |
String |
Used as a key for |
String |
Sticky broadcast intent action indicating that the ringer mode has changed. |
int |
Ringer mode that may be audible and may vibrate. |
int |
Ringer mode that will be silent and will not vibrate. |
int |
Ringer mode that will be silent and will vibrate. |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
use |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
int |
This constant is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
int |
Value for extra |
int |
Value for extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE or EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE indicating that the SCO audio channel is being established |
int |
Value for extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE or EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE indicating that the SCO audio channel is not established |
int |
Value for extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE indicating that there was an error trying to obtain the state |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for accessibility prompts |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for alarms |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for DTMF Tones |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for music playback |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for notifications |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for the phone ring |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for system sounds |
int |
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for phone calls |
int |
Suggests using the default stream type. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode and listen to |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
Public methods | |
abandonAudioFocus(AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener l)
This method is deprecated.
use |
abandonAudioFocusRequest(AudioFocusRequest focusRequest)
Abandon audio focus. |
addOnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener(Executor executor, AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener listener)
Adds a listener for being notified of changes to the communication audio device. |
addOnModeChangedListener(Executor executor, AudioManager.OnModeChangedListener listener)
Adds a listener to be notified of changes to the audio mode. |
adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags)
Adjusts the volume of a particular stream by one step in a direction. |
adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(int direction, int suggestedStreamType, int flags)
Adjusts the volume of the most relevant stream, or the given fallback stream. |
adjustVolume(int direction, int flags)
Adjusts the volume of the most relevant stream. |
Cancels previous communication device selection made with
dispatchMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent)
Sends a simulated key event for a media button. |
Return a new audio session identifier not associated with any player or effect. |
Returns the current active audio playback configurations of the device |
Returns the current active audio recording configurations of the device. |
Return the capture policy. |
getAudioHwSyncForSession(int sessionId)
Retrieves the Hardware A/V synchronization ID corresponding to the given audio session ID. |
Returns a list of audio devices that can be selected for communication use cases via
Returns currently selected audio device for communication. |
getDevices(int flags)
Returns an array of |
Gets the surround sound mode. |
Returns a list of |
Returns the current audio mode. |
getParameters(String keys)
Gets a variable number of parameter values from audio hardware. |
getPlaybackOffloadSupport(AudioFormat format, AudioAttributes attributes)
Returns whether offloaded playback of an audio format is supported on the device or not and when supported whether gapless transitions are possible or not. |
getProperty(String key)
Returns the value of the property with the specified key. |
Returns the current ringtone mode. |
getRouting(int mode)
This method is deprecated. Do not query audio routing directly, use isSpeakerphoneOn(), isBluetoothScoOn(), isBluetoothA2dpOn() and isWiredHeadsetOn() methods instead. |
getStreamMaxVolume(int streamType)
Returns the maximum volume index for a particular stream. |
getStreamMinVolume(int streamType)
Returns the minimum volume index for a particular stream. |
getStreamVolume(int streamType)
Returns the current volume index for a particular stream. |
getStreamVolumeDb(int streamType, int index, int deviceType)
Returns the volume in dB (decibel) for the given stream type at the given volume index, on the given type of audio output device. |
getVibrateSetting(int vibrateType)
This method is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
This method is deprecated.
Use |
Indicates if current platform supports use of SCO for off call use cases. |
Checks whether communications use Bluetooth SCO. |
Indicates if the platform supports a special call screening and call monitoring mode. |
Return if audio haptic coupled playback is supported or not. |
Checks whether the microphone mute is on or off. |
Checks whether any music is active. |
isOffloadedPlaybackSupported(AudioFormat format, AudioAttributes attributes)
Returns whether offloaded playback of an audio format is supported on the device. |
Checks whether the speakerphone is on or off. |
isStreamMute(int streamType)
Returns the current mute state for a particular stream. |
isSurroundFormatEnabled(int audioFormat)
Gets whether a certain surround format is enabled or not. |
Indicates if the device implements a fixed volume policy. |
This method is deprecated.
Use |
Load Sound effects. |
playSoundEffect(int effectType)
Plays a sound effect (Key clicks, lid open/close...) |
playSoundEffect(int effectType, float volume)
Plays a sound effect (Key clicks, lid open/close...) |
registerAudioDeviceCallback(AudioDeviceCallback callback, Handler handler)
Registers an |
registerAudioPlaybackCallback(AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback cb, Handler handler)
Register a callback to be notified of audio playback changes through
registerAudioRecordingCallback(AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback cb, Handler handler)
Register a callback to be notified of audio recording changes through
registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(ComponentName eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(PendingIntent eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
registerRemoteControlClient(RemoteControlClient rcClient)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
registerRemoteController(RemoteController rctlr)
This method is deprecated.
removeOnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener(AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener listener)
Removes a previously added listener of changes to the communication audio device. |
removeOnModeChangedListener(AudioManager.OnModeChangedListener listener)
Removes a previously added listener for changes to audio mode. |
requestAudioFocus(AudioFocusRequest focusRequest)
Request audio focus. |
requestAudioFocus(AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener l, int streamType, int durationHint)
This method is deprecated.
use |
setAllowedCapturePolicy(int capturePolicy)
Specifies whether the audio played by this app may or may not be captured by other apps or the system. |
setBluetoothA2dpOn(boolean on)
This method is deprecated. Do not use. |
setBluetoothScoOn(boolean on)
Request use of Bluetooth SCO headset for communications. |
setCommunicationDevice(AudioDeviceInfo device)
Selects the audio device that should be used for communication use cases, for instance voice or video calls. |
setEncodedSurroundMode(int mode)
Sets the surround sound mode. |
setMicrophoneMute(boolean on)
Sets the microphone mute on or off. |
setMode(int mode)
Sets the audio mode. |
setParameters(String keyValuePairs)
Sets a variable number of parameter values to audio hardware. |
setRingerMode(int ringerMode)
Sets the ringer mode. |
setRouting(int mode, int routes, int mask)
This method is deprecated. Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(), setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead. |
setSpeakerphoneOn(boolean on)
Sets the speakerphone on or off. |
setStreamMute(int streamType, boolean state)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
setStreamSolo(int streamType, boolean state)
This method is deprecated.
Do not use. If you need exclusive audio playback use
setStreamVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags)
Sets the volume index for a particular stream. |
setSurroundFormatEnabled(int audioFormat, boolean enabled)
Sets and persists a certain surround format as enabled or not. |
setVibrateSetting(int vibrateType, int vibrateSetting)
This method is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
setWiredHeadsetOn(boolean on)
This method is deprecated. Do not use. |
shouldVibrate(int vibrateType)
This method is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via |
Start bluetooth SCO audio connection. |
Stop bluetooth SCO audio connection. |
Unload Sound effects. |
unregisterAudioDeviceCallback(AudioDeviceCallback callback)
Unregisters an |
unregisterAudioPlaybackCallback(AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback cb)
Unregister an audio playback callback previously registered with
unregisterAudioRecordingCallback(AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback cb)
Unregister an audio recording callback previously registered with
unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver(PendingIntent eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver(ComponentName eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
unregisterRemoteControlClient(RemoteControlClient rcClient)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
unregisterRemoteController(RemoteController rctlr)
This method is deprecated.
Inherited methods | |
public static final String ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY
Broadcast intent, a hint for applications that audio is about to become 'noisy' due to a change in audio outputs. For example, this intent may be sent when a wired headset is unplugged, or when an A2DP audio sink is disconnected, and the audio system is about to automatically switch audio route to the speaker. Applications that are controlling audio streams may consider pausing, reducing volume or some other action on receipt of this intent so as not to surprise the user with audio from the speaker.
Constant Value: "android.media.AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY"
public static final String ACTION_HDMI_AUDIO_PLUG
Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast indicating an HDMI cable was plugged or unplugged.
The intent will have the following extra values: EXTRA_AUDIO_PLUG_STATE
It can only be received by explicitly registering for it with
Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
Constant Value: "android.media.action.HDMI_AUDIO_PLUG"
public static final String ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG
Broadcast Action: Wired Headset plugged in or unplugged.
You cannot receive this through components declared
in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
The intent will have the following extra values:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG"
public static final String ACTION_MICROPHONE_MUTE_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: microphone muting state changed.
You cannot receive this through components declared
in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
The intent has no extra values, use isMicrophoneMute()
to check whether the
microphone is muted.
Constant Value: "android.media.action.MICROPHONE_MUTE_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED
This constant is deprecated.
Sticky broadcast intent action indicating that the Bluetooth SCO audio
connection state has changed. The intent contains on extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE
indicating the new state which is either SCO_AUDIO_STATE_DISCONNECTED
See also:
Constant Value: "android.media.SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED
Sticky broadcast intent action indicating that the Bluetooth SCO audio connection state has been updated.
This intent has two extras:
- The previous SCO audio state. EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE or EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE can be any of:
See also:
Constant Value: "android.media.ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED"
Broadcast Action: speakerphone state changed.
You cannot receive this through components declared
in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
The intent has no extra values, use isSpeakerphoneOn()
to check whether the
speakerphone functionality is enabled or not.
Constant Value: "android.media.action.SPEAKERPHONE_STATE_CHANGED"
public static final int ADJUST_LOWER
Decrease the ringer volume.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int ADJUST_MUTE
Mute the volume. Has no effect if the stream is already muted.
Constant Value: -100 (0xffffff9c)
public static final int ADJUST_RAISE
Increase the ringer volume.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int ADJUST_SAME
Maintain the previous ringer volume. This may be useful when needing to show the volume toast without actually modifying the volume.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE
Toggle the mute state. If muted the stream will be unmuted. If not muted the stream will be muted.
Constant Value: 101 (0x00000065)
public static final int ADJUST_UNMUTE
Unmute the volume. Has no effect if the stream is not muted.
Constant Value: 100 (0x00000064)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN
Used to indicate a gain of audio focus, or a request of audio focus, of unknown duration.
See also:
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT
Used to indicate a temporary gain or request of audio focus, anticipated to last a short amount of time. Examples of temporary changes are the playback of driving directions, or an event notification.
See also:
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
Used to indicate a temporary request of audio focus, anticipated to last a short amount of time, during which no other applications, or system components, should play anything. Examples of exclusive and transient audio focus requests are voice memo recording and speech recognition, during which the system shouldn't play any notifications, and media playback should have paused.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
Used to indicate a temporary request of audio focus, anticipated to last a short amount of time, and where it is acceptable for other audio applications to keep playing after having lowered their output level (also referred to as "ducking"). Examples of temporary changes are the playback of driving directions where playback of music in the background is acceptable.
See also:
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS
Used to indicate a loss of audio focus of unknown duration.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT
Used to indicate a transient loss of audio focus.
Constant Value: -2 (0xfffffffe)
Used to indicate a transient loss of audio focus where the loser of the audio focus can lower its output volume if it wants to continue playing (also referred to as "ducking"), as the new focus owner doesn't require others to be silent.
Constant Value: -3 (0xfffffffd)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_NONE
Used to indicate no audio focus has been gained or lost, or requested.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_DELAYED
A focus change request whose granting is delayed: the request was successful, but the
requester will only be granted audio focus once the condition that prevented immediate
granting has ended.
See requestAudioFocus(android.media.AudioFocusRequest)
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED
A failed focus change request.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED
A successful focus change request.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int AUDIO_SESSION_ID_GENERATE
A special audio session ID to indicate that the audio session ID isn't known and the
framework should generate a new value. This can be used when building a new
instance with
AudioTrack#AudioTrack(AudioAttributes, AudioFormat, int, int, int)
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int ENCODED_SURROUND_OUTPUT_ALWAYS
The surround sound formats are ALWAYS available, even if they are not detected by the hardware. Those formats will be reported as part of the HDMI output capability. Applications are then free to use either PCM or encoded output.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int ENCODED_SURROUND_OUTPUT_AUTO
The surround sound formats are available for use if they are detected. This is the default mode.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int ENCODED_SURROUND_OUTPUT_MANUAL
Surround sound formats are available according to the choice of user, even if they are not detected by the hardware. Those formats will be reported as part of the HDMI output capability. Applications are then free to use either PCM or encoded output.
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int ENCODED_SURROUND_OUTPUT_NEVER
The surround sound formats are NEVER available, even if they are detected by the hardware. Those formats will not be reported.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
The mode for surround sound formats is unknown.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int ERROR
A default error code.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT
An error code indicating that the object reporting it is no longer valid and needs to be recreated.
Constant Value: -6 (0xfffffffa)
public static final String EXTRA_AUDIO_PLUG_STATE
to communicate whether HDMI is plugged in
or unplugged.
An integer value of 1 indicates a plugged-in state, 0 is unplugged.
Constant Value: "android.media.extra.AUDIO_PLUG_STATE"
public static final String EXTRA_ENCODINGS
to define the audio encodings supported by
the connected HDMI device.
The corresponding array of encoding values is only available when the device is plugged in
(as expressed by EXTRA_AUDIO_PLUG_STATE
). Encoding values are defined in
(for instance see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
). Use
to retrieve the encoding values.
Constant Value: "android.media.extra.ENCODINGS"
public static final String EXTRA_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT
to define the maximum number of channels
supported by the HDMI device.
The corresponding integer value is only available when the device is plugged in (as expressed
Constant Value: "android.media.extra.MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT"
public static final String EXTRA_RINGER_MODE
The new ringer mode.
Constant Value: "android.media.EXTRA_RINGER_MODE"
public static final String EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE
containing the previous
bluetooth SCO connection state.
Constant Value: "android.media.extra.SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE"
public static final String EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE
containing the new bluetooth SCO connection state.
Constant Value: "android.media.extra.SCO_AUDIO_STATE"
public static final String EXTRA_VIBRATE_SETTING
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode and listen to RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION
The new vibrate setting for a particular type.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.media.EXTRA_VIBRATE_SETTING"
public static final String EXTRA_VIBRATE_TYPE
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode and listen to RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION
The vibrate type whose setting has changed.
Constant Value: "android.media.EXTRA_VIBRATE_TYPE"
public static final int FLAG_ALLOW_RINGER_MODES
Whether to include ringer modes as possible options when changing volume.
For example, if true and volume level is 0 and the volume is adjusted
, then the ringer mode may switch the silent or
vibrate mode.
By default this is on for the ring stream. If this flag is included, this behavior will be present regardless of the stream type being affected by the ringer mode.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int FLAG_PLAY_SOUND
Whether to play a sound when changing the volume.
If this is given to adjustVolume(int, int)
adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(int, int, int)
, it may be ignored
in some cases (for example, the decided stream type is not
, or the volume is being adjusted
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int FLAG_REMOVE_SOUND_AND_VIBRATE
Removes any sounds/vibrate that may be in the queue, or are playing (related to changing volume).
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
public static final int FLAG_SHOW_UI
Show a toast containing the current volume.
See also:
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int FLAG_VIBRATE
Whether to vibrate if going into the vibrate ringer mode.
Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)
public static final int FX_BACK
Back sound
See also:
Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)
public static final int FX_FOCUS_NAVIGATION_DOWN
Focus has moved down
See also:
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int FX_FOCUS_NAVIGATION_LEFT
Focus has moved left
See also:
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int FX_FOCUS_NAVIGATION_RIGHT
Focus has moved right
See also:
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int FX_FOCUS_NAVIGATION_UP
Focus has moved up
See also:
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int FX_KEYPRESS_DELETE
IME delete keypress sound
See also:
Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)
public static final int FX_KEYPRESS_INVALID
Invalid keypress sound
See also:
Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)
public static final int FX_KEYPRESS_RETURN
IME return_keypress sound
See also:
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
public static final int FX_KEYPRESS_SPACEBAR
IME spacebar keypress sound
See also:
Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)
public static final int FX_KEYPRESS_STANDARD
IME standard keypress sound
See also:
Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)
public static final int FX_KEY_CLICK
Keyboard and direction pad click sound
See also:
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int GET_DEVICES_ALL
Specifies to the AudioManager#getDevices(int)
method to include both
source and sink devices.
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int GET_DEVICES_INPUTS
Specifies to the AudioManager#getDevices(int)
method to include
source (i.e. input) audio devices.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS
Specifies to the AudioManager#getDevices(int)
method to include
sink (i.e. output) audio devices.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int MODE_CALL_SCREENING
Call screening in progress. Call is connected and audio is accessible to call screening applications but other audio use cases are still possible.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int MODE_CURRENT
Current audio mode. Used to apply audio routing to current mode.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int MODE_INVALID
Invalid audio mode.
Constant Value: -2 (0xfffffffe)
public static final int MODE_IN_CALL
In call audio mode. A telephony call is established.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION
In communication audio mode. An audio/video chat or VoIP call is established.
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int MODE_NORMAL
Normal audio mode: not ringing and no call established.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int MODE_RINGTONE
Ringing audio mode. An incoming is being signaled.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int NUM_STREAMS
This constant is deprecated.
Do not iterate on volume stream type values.
Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)
Return value for getPlaybackOffloadSupport(android.media.AudioFormat, android.media.AudioAttributes)
offload playback supported with gapless transitions
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int PLAYBACK_OFFLOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED
Return value for getPlaybackOffloadSupport(android.media.AudioFormat, android.media.AudioAttributes)
offload playback not supported
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int PLAYBACK_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED
Return value for getPlaybackOffloadSupport(android.media.AudioFormat, android.media.AudioAttributes)
offload playback supported
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final String PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER
Used as a key for getProperty(String)
to request the native or optimal output buffer size
for this device's low latency output stream, in decimal PCM frames. Latency-sensitive apps
should use this value as a minimum, and offer the user the option to override it.
The low latency output stream is typically either the device's primary output stream,
or another output stream with smaller buffers.
Constant Value: "android.media.property.OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER"
public static final String PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE
Used as a key for getProperty(String)
to request the native or optimal output sample rate
for this device's low latency output stream, in decimal Hz. Latency-sensitive apps
should use this value as a default, and offer the user the option to override it.
The low latency output stream is typically either the device's primary output stream,
or another output stream with smaller buffers.
Constant Value: "android.media.property.OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE"
Used as a key for getProperty(String)
to determine if the unprocessed audio source is
available and supported with the expected frequency range and level response.
Constant Value: "android.media.property.SUPPORT_AUDIO_SOURCE_UNPROCESSED"
Used as a key for getProperty(String)
to determine if the default microphone audio source
supports near-ultrasound frequencies (range of 18 - 21 kHz).
Constant Value: "android.media.property.SUPPORT_MIC_NEAR_ULTRASOUND"
Used as a key for getProperty(String)
to determine if the default speaker audio path
supports near-ultrasound frequencies (range of 18 - 21 kHz).
Constant Value: "android.media.property.SUPPORT_SPEAKER_NEAR_ULTRASOUND"
public static final String RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION
Sticky broadcast intent action indicating that the ringer mode has changed. Includes the new ringer mode.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.media.RINGER_MODE_CHANGED"
public static final int RINGER_MODE_NORMAL
Ringer mode that may be audible and may vibrate. It will be audible if the volume before changing out of this mode was audible. It will vibrate if the vibrate setting is on.
See also:
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int RINGER_MODE_SILENT
Ringer mode that will be silent and will not vibrate. (This overrides the vibrate setting.)
See also:
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE
Ringer mode that will be silent and will vibrate. (This will cause the phone ringer to always vibrate, but the notification vibrate to only vibrate if set.)
See also:
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int ROUTE_ALL
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Used for mask parameter of setRouting(int, int, int)
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int ROUTE_BLUETOOTH
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int ROUTE_BLUETOOTH_A2DP
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Routing audio output to bluetooth A2DP
Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)
public static final int ROUTE_BLUETOOTH_SCO
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Routing audio output to bluetooth SCO
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int ROUTE_EARPIECE
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Routing audio output to earpiece
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int ROUTE_HEADSET
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Routing audio output to headset
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
public static final int ROUTE_SPEAKER
This constant is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Routing audio output to speaker
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED
indicating that the SCO audio channel is established
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTING
Value for extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE or EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE indicating that the SCO audio channel is being established
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int SCO_AUDIO_STATE_DISCONNECTED
Value for extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE or EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_PREVIOUS_STATE indicating that the SCO audio channel is not established
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int SCO_AUDIO_STATE_ERROR
Value for extra EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE indicating that there was an error trying to obtain the state
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)
public static final int STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for accessibility prompts
Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)
public static final int STREAM_ALARM
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for alarms
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int STREAM_DTMF
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for DTMF Tones
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
public static final int STREAM_MUSIC
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for music playback
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int STREAM_NOTIFICATION
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for notifications
Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)
public static final int STREAM_RING
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for the phone ring
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int STREAM_SYSTEM
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for system sounds
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int STREAM_VOICE_CALL
Used to identify the volume of audio streams for phone calls
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE
Suggests using the default stream type. This may not be used in all places a stream type is needed.
Constant Value: -2147483648 (0x80000000)
public static final String VIBRATE_SETTING_CHANGED_ACTION
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode and listen to RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION
Broadcast intent action indicating that the vibrate setting has changed. Includes the vibrate type and its new setting.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.media.VIBRATE_SETTING_CHANGED"
public static final int VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Vibrate setting that suggests to never vibrate.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final int VIBRATE_SETTING_ON
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Vibrate setting that suggests to vibrate when possible.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int VIBRATE_SETTING_ONLY_SILENT
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Vibrate setting that suggests to only vibrate when in the vibrate ringer mode.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Vibrate type that corresponds to notifications.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER
This constant is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Vibrate type that corresponds to the ringer.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public int abandonAudioFocus (AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener l)
This method is deprecated.
use abandonAudioFocusRequest(android.media.AudioFocusRequest)
Abandon audio focus. Causes the previous focus owner, if any, to receive focus.
Parameters | |
l |
AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener : the listener with which focus was requested. |
Returns | |
int |
public int abandonAudioFocusRequest (AudioFocusRequest focusRequest)
Abandon audio focus. Causes the previous focus owner, if any, to receive focus.
Parameters | |
focusRequest |
AudioFocusRequest : the AudioFocusRequest that was used when requesting focus
with requestAudioFocus(android.media.AudioFocusRequest) .
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
int |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if passed a null argument |
public void addOnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener (Executor executor, AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener listener)
Adds a listener for being notified of changes to the communication audio device.
See setCommunicationDevice(android.media.AudioDeviceInfo)
Parameters | |
executor |
Executor : This value cannot be null .
Callback and listener events are dispatched through this
Executor , providing an easy way to control which thread is
used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your
application, you can use
Context.getMainExecutor() .
To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use
listener |
AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener : This value cannot be null . |
public void addOnModeChangedListener (Executor executor, AudioManager.OnModeChangedListener listener)
Adds a listener to be notified of changes to the audio mode.
See getMode()
Parameters | |
executor |
Executor : This value cannot be null .
Callback and listener events are dispatched through this
Executor , providing an easy way to control which thread is
used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your
application, you can use
Context.getMainExecutor() .
To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use
listener |
AudioManager.OnModeChangedListener : This value cannot be null . |
public void adjustStreamVolume (int streamType, int direction, int flags)
Adjusts the volume of a particular stream by one step in a direction.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
This method has no effect if the device implements a fixed volume policy
as indicated by isVolumeFixed()
From N onward, ringer mode adjustments that would toggle Do Not Disturb are not allowed
unless the app has been granted Do Not Disturb Access.
See NotificationManager#isNotificationPolicyAccessGranted()
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream type to adjust. One of STREAM_VOICE_CALL ,
direction |
int : The direction to adjust the volume. One of
flags |
int : One or more flags. |
Throws | |
SecurityException |
if the adjustment triggers a Do Not Disturb change and the caller is not granted notification policy access. |
public void adjustSuggestedStreamVolume (int direction, int suggestedStreamType, int flags)
Adjusts the volume of the most relevant stream, or the given fallback stream.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
This method has no effect if the device implements a fixed volume policy
as indicated by isVolumeFixed()
Parameters | |
direction |
int : The direction to adjust the volume. One of
suggestedStreamType |
int : The stream type that will be used if there
isn't a relevant stream. USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE is
valid here. |
flags |
int : One or more flags. |
public void adjustVolume (int direction, int flags)
Adjusts the volume of the most relevant stream. For example, if a call is active, it will have the highest priority regardless of if the in-call screen is showing. Another example, if music is playing in the background and a call is not active, the music stream will be adjusted.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
This method has no effect if the device implements a fixed volume policy
as indicated by isVolumeFixed()
Parameters | |
direction |
int : The direction to adjust the volume. One of
flags |
int : One or more flags. |
public void clearCommunicationDevice ()
Cancels previous communication device selection made with
public void dispatchMediaKeyEvent (KeyEvent keyEvent)
Sends a simulated key event for a media button.
To simulate a key press, you must first send a KeyEvent built with a
action, then another event with the KeyEvent#ACTION_UP
The key event will be sent to the current media key event consumer which registered with
public int generateAudioSessionId ()
Return a new audio session identifier not associated with any player or effect. An audio session identifier is a system wide unique identifier for a set of audio streams (one or more mixed together).
The primary use of the audio session ID is to associate audio effects to audio players,
such as MediaPlayer
or AudioTrack
: all audio effects sharing the same audio
session ID will be applied to the mixed audio content of the players that share the same
audio session.
This method can for instance be used when creating one of the
objects to define the audio session of the effect,
or to specify a session for a speech synthesis utterance
in TextToSpeech.Engine
Returns | |
int |
a new unclaimed and unused audio session identifier, or ERROR when the
system failed to generate a new session, a condition in which audio playback or recording
will subsequently fail as well. |
public List<AudioPlaybackConfiguration> getActivePlaybackConfigurations ()
Returns the current active audio playback configurations of the device
Returns | |
List<AudioPlaybackConfiguration> |
a non-null list of playback configurations. An empty list indicates there is no playback active when queried. |
See also:
public List<AudioRecordingConfiguration> getActiveRecordingConfigurations ()
Returns the current active audio recording configurations of the device.
Returns | |
List<AudioRecordingConfiguration> |
a non-null list of recording configurations. An empty list indicates there is no recording active when queried. |
See also:
public int getAllowedCapturePolicy ()
Return the capture policy.
Returns | |
int |
the capture policy set by setAllowedCapturePolicy(int) or
the default if it was not called.
Value is AudioAttributes.ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_ALL , AudioAttributes.ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_SYSTEM , or AudioAttributes.ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_NONE |
public int getAudioHwSyncForSession (int sessionId)
Retrieves the Hardware A/V synchronization ID corresponding to the given audio session ID. For more details on Hardware A/V synchronization please refer to media tunneling documentation.
Parameters | |
sessionId |
int : the audio session ID for which the HW A/V sync ID is retrieved. |
Returns | |
int |
the HW A/V sync ID for this audio session (an integer different from 0). |
Throws | |
UnsupportedOperationException |
if HW A/V synchronization is not supported. |
public List<AudioDeviceInfo> getAvailableCommunicationDevices ()
Returns a list of audio devices that can be selected for communication use cases via
Returns | |
List<AudioDeviceInfo> |
a list of AudioDeviceInfo suitable for use with setCommunicationDevice().
This value cannot be null . |
public AudioDeviceInfo getCommunicationDevice ()
Returns currently selected audio device for communication.
This API replaces the following deprecated APIs:
Returns | |
AudioDeviceInfo |
an AudioDeviceInfo indicating which audio device is
currently selected for communication use cases. Can be null on platforms
not supporting PackageManager.FEATURE_TELEPHONY .
is used. |
public AudioDeviceInfo[] getDevices (int flags)
Returns an array of AudioDeviceInfo
objects corresponding to the audio devices
currently connected to the system and meeting the criteria specified in the
Parameters | |
flags |
int : A set of bitflags specifying the criteria to test.
Value is either 0 or a combination of GET_DEVICES_INPUTS , and GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS |
Returns | |
AudioDeviceInfo[] |
A (possibly zero-length) array of AudioDeviceInfo objects. |
public int getEncodedSurroundMode ()
Gets the surround sound mode.
Returns | |
int |
true if successful, otherwise false
public List<MicrophoneInfo> getMicrophones ()
Returns a list of MicrophoneInfo
that corresponds to the characteristics
of all available microphones. The list is empty when no microphones are available
on the device. An error during the query will result in an IOException being thrown.
Returns | |
List<MicrophoneInfo> |
a list that contains all microphones' characteristics |
Throws | |
IOException |
if an error occurs. |
public int getMode ()
Returns the current audio mode.
Returns | |
int |
the current audio mode.
public String getParameters (String keys)
Gets a variable number of parameter values from audio hardware.
Parameters | |
keys |
String : list of parameters |
Returns | |
String |
list of parameters key value pairs in the form: key1=value1;key2=value2;... |
public static int getPlaybackOffloadSupport (AudioFormat format, AudioAttributes attributes)
Returns whether offloaded playback of an audio format is supported on the device or not and when supported whether gapless transitions are possible or not.
Offloaded playback is the feature where the decoding and playback of an audio stream is not competing with other software resources. In general, it is supported by dedicated hardware, such as audio DSPs.
Note that this query only provides information about the support of an audio format, it does not indicate whether the resources necessary for the offloaded playback are available at that instant.
Parameters | |
format |
AudioFormat : the audio format (codec, sample rate, channels) being checked.
This value cannot be null . |
attributes |
AudioAttributes : the AudioAttributes to be used for playback
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
int |
PLAYBACK_OFFLOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED if offload playback if not supported,
PLAYBACK_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED if offload playback is supported or
also supported.
public String getProperty (String key)
Returns the value of the property with the specified key.
Parameters | |
key |
String : One of the strings corresponding to a property key: either
Returns | |
String |
A string representing the associated value for that property key, or null if there is no value for that key. |
public int getRingerMode ()
Returns the current ringtone mode.
Returns | |
int |
The current ringtone mode, one of RINGER_MODE_NORMAL ,
See also:
public int getRouting (int mode)
This method is deprecated.
Do not query audio routing directly, use isSpeakerphoneOn(),
isBluetoothScoOn(), isBluetoothA2dpOn() and isWiredHeadsetOn() methods instead.
Returns the current audio routing bit vector for a specified mode.
Parameters | |
mode |
int : audio mode to get route (e.g., MODE_RINGTONE) |
Returns | |
int |
an audio route bit vector that can be compared with ROUTE_xxx bits |
public int getStreamMaxVolume (int streamType)
Returns the maximum volume index for a particular stream.
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream type whose maximum volume index is returned. |
Returns | |
int |
The maximum valid volume index for the stream. |
See also:
public int getStreamMinVolume (int streamType)
Returns the minimum volume index for a particular stream.
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream type whose minimum volume index is returned. Must be one of
Returns | |
int |
The minimum valid volume index for the stream. |
See also:
public int getStreamVolume (int streamType)
Returns the current volume index for a particular stream.
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream type whose volume index is returned. |
Returns | |
int |
The current volume index for the stream. |
public float getStreamVolumeDb (int streamType, int index, int deviceType)
Returns the volume in dB (decibel) for the given stream type at the given volume index, on the given type of audio output device.
Returns | |
float |
a volume expressed in dB.
A negative value indicates the audio signal is attenuated. A typical maximum value
at the maximum volume index is 0 dB (no attenuation nor amplification). Muting is
reflected by a value of Float#NEGATIVE_INFINITY . |
public int getVibrateSetting (int vibrateType)
This method is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Returns whether the user's vibrate setting for a vibrate type.
This shouldn't be needed by most clients that want to vibrate, instead
see shouldVibrate(int)
Parameters | |
vibrateType |
int : The type of vibrate. One of
Returns | |
int |
The vibrate setting, one of VIBRATE_SETTING_ON ,
public boolean isBluetoothA2dpOn ()
This method is deprecated.
Use AudioManager#getDevices(int)
instead to list available audio devices.
Checks whether a Bluetooth A2DP audio peripheral is connected or not.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if a Bluetooth A2DP peripheral is connected false if otherwise |
public boolean isBluetoothScoAvailableOffCall ()
Indicates if current platform supports use of SCO for off call use cases. Application wanted to use bluetooth SCO audio when the phone is not in call must first call this method to make sure that the platform supports this feature.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if bluetooth SCO can be used for audio when not in call false otherwise |
See also:
public boolean isBluetoothScoOn ()
Checks whether communications use Bluetooth SCO.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if SCO is used for communications; false if otherwise |
public boolean isCallScreeningModeSupported ()
Indicates if the platform supports a special call screening and call monitoring mode.
When this mode is supported, it is possible to perform call screening and monitoring functions while other use cases like music or movie playback are active.
Use setMode(int)
to place the platform in
call screening mode.
If call screening mode is not supported, setting mode to
MODE_CALL_SCREENING will be ignored and will not change current mode reported by
Returns | |
boolean |
true if call screening mode is supported, false otherwise. |
public static boolean isHapticPlaybackSupported ()
Return if audio haptic coupled playback is supported or not.
Returns | |
boolean |
whether audio haptic playback supported. |
public boolean isMicrophoneMute ()
Checks whether the microphone mute is on or off.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if microphone is muted, false if it's not |
public boolean isMusicActive ()
Checks whether any music is active.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if any music tracks are active. |
public static boolean isOffloadedPlaybackSupported (AudioFormat format, AudioAttributes attributes)
Returns whether offloaded playback of an audio format is supported on the device.
Offloaded playback is the feature where the decoding and playback of an audio stream is not competing with other software resources. In general, it is supported by dedicated hardware, such as audio DSPs.
Note that this query only provides information about the support of an audio format, it does not indicate whether the resources necessary for the offloaded playback are available at that instant.
Parameters | |
format |
AudioFormat : the audio format (codec, sample rate, channels) being checked.
This value cannot be null . |
attributes |
AudioAttributes : the AudioAttributes to be used for playback
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the given audio format can be offloaded. |
public boolean isSpeakerphoneOn ()
Checks whether the speakerphone is on or off.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if speakerphone is on, false if it's off |
public boolean isStreamMute (int streamType)
Returns the current mute state for a particular stream.
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream to get mute state for. |
Returns | |
boolean |
The mute state for the given stream. |
See also:
public boolean isSurroundFormatEnabled (int audioFormat)
Gets whether a certain surround format is enabled or not.
Returns | |
boolean |
whether the required surround format is enabled |
public boolean isVolumeFixed ()
Indicates if the device implements a fixed volume policy.
Some devices may not have volume control and may operate at a fixed volume, and may not enable muting or changing the volume of audio streams. This method will return true on such devices.
The following APIs have no effect when volume is fixed:
adjustVolume(int, int)
adjustSuggestedStreamVolume(int, int, int)
adjustStreamVolume(int, int, int)
setStreamVolume(int, int, int)
setStreamSolo(int, boolean)
setStreamMute(int, boolean)
Returns | |
boolean |
public boolean isWiredHeadsetOn ()
This method is deprecated.
Use AudioManager#getDevices(int)
instead to list available audio devices.
Checks whether a wired headset is connected or not.
This is not a valid indication that audio playback is actually over the wired headset as audio routing depends on other conditions.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if a wired headset is connected. false if otherwise |
public void loadSoundEffects ()
Load Sound effects. This method must be called when sound effects are enabled.
public void playSoundEffect (int effectType)
Plays a sound effect (Key clicks, lid open/close...)
Parameters | |
effectType |
int : The type of sound effect.
NOTE: This version uses the UI settings to determine
whether sounds are heard or not.
public void playSoundEffect (int effectType, float volume)
Plays a sound effect (Key clicks, lid open/close...)
Parameters | |
effectType |
int : The type of sound effect.
volume |
float : Sound effect volume.
The volume value is a raw scalar so UI controls should be scaled logarithmically.
If a volume of -1 is specified, the AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC stream volume minus 3dB will be used.
NOTE: This version is for applications that have their own
settings panel for enabling and controlling volume. |
public void registerAudioDeviceCallback (AudioDeviceCallback callback, Handler handler)
Registers an AudioDeviceCallback
object to receive notifications of changes
to the set of connected audio devices.
Parameters | |
callback |
AudioDeviceCallback : The AudioDeviceCallback object to receive connect/disconnect
notifications. |
handler |
Handler : Specifies the Handler object for the thread on which to execute
the callback. If null , the Handler associated with the main
Looper will be used.
This value may be null . |
public void registerAudioPlaybackCallback (AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback cb, Handler handler)
Register a callback to be notified of audio playback changes through
Parameters | |
cb |
AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback : non-null callback to register
This value cannot be null . |
handler |
Handler : the Handler object for the thread on which to execute
the callback. If null , the Handler associated with the main
Looper will be used.
This value may be null . |
public void registerAudioRecordingCallback (AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback cb, Handler handler)
Register a callback to be notified of audio recording changes through
Parameters | |
cb |
AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback : non-null callback to register
This value cannot be null . |
handler |
Handler : the Handler object for the thread on which to execute
the callback. If null , the Handler associated with the main
Looper will be used.
This value may be null . |
public void registerMediaButtonEventReceiver (ComponentName eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use MediaSession#setMediaButtonReceiver(PendingIntent)
Register a component to be the sole receiver of MEDIA_BUTTON intents.
Parameters | |
eventReceiver |
ComponentName : identifier of a BroadcastReceiver
that will receive the media button intent. This broadcast receiver must be declared
in the application manifest. The package of the component must match that of
the context you're registering from. |
public void registerMediaButtonEventReceiver (PendingIntent eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use MediaSession#setMediaButtonReceiver(PendingIntent)
Register a component to be the sole receiver of MEDIA_BUTTON intents. This is like
, but allows
the buttons to go to any PendingIntent. Note that you should only use this form if
you know you will continue running for the full time until unregistering the
Parameters | |
eventReceiver |
PendingIntent : target that will receive media button intents. The PendingIntent
will be sent an Intent#ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON event when a media button action
occurs, with Intent#EXTRA_KEY_EVENT added and holding the key code of the
media button that was pressed. |
public void registerRemoteControlClient (RemoteControlClient rcClient)
This method is deprecated.
Use MediaSession
Registers the remote control client for providing information to display on the remote controls.
Parameters | |
rcClient |
RemoteControlClient : The remote control client from which remote controls will receive
information to display. |
See also:
public boolean registerRemoteController (RemoteController rctlr)
This method is deprecated.
MediaSessionManager#addOnActiveSessionsChangedListener(android.media.session.MediaSessionManager.OnActiveSessionsChangedListener, ComponentName)
and MediaController
Registers a RemoteController
instance for it to receive media
metadata updates and playback state information from applications using
, and control their playback.
Registration requires the RemoteController.OnClientUpdateListener
listener to be
one of the enabled notification listeners (see
Parameters | |
rctlr |
RemoteController : the object to register. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the RemoteController was successfully registered,
false if an error occurred, due to an internal system error, or
insufficient permissions. |
public void removeOnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener (AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener listener)
Removes a previously added listener of changes to the communication audio device.
See setCommunicationDevice(android.media.AudioDeviceInfo)
Parameters | |
listener |
AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener : This value cannot be null . |
public void removeOnModeChangedListener (AudioManager.OnModeChangedListener listener)
Removes a previously added listener for changes to audio mode.
See getMode()
Parameters | |
listener |
AudioManager.OnModeChangedListener : This value cannot be null . |
public int requestAudioFocus (AudioFocusRequest focusRequest)
Request audio focus.
See the AudioFocusRequest
for information about the options available to configure
your request, and notification of focus gain and loss.
Parameters | |
focusRequest |
AudioFocusRequest : a AudioFocusRequest instance used to configure how focus is
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
int |
Note that the return value is never AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_DELAYED when focus
is requested without building the AudioFocusRequest with
AudioFocusRequest.Builder#setAcceptsDelayedFocusGain(boolean) set to
true . |
Throws | |
NullPointerException |
if passed a null argument |
public int requestAudioFocus (AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener l, int streamType, int durationHint)
This method is deprecated.
use requestAudioFocus(android.media.AudioFocusRequest)
Request audio focus. Send a request to obtain the audio focus
Parameters | |
l |
AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener : the listener to be notified of audio focus changes |
streamType |
int : the main audio stream type affected by the focus request |
durationHint |
int : use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT to indicate this focus request
is temporary, and focus will be abandonned shortly. Examples of transient requests are
for the playback of driving directions, or notifications sounds.
Use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK to indicate also that it's ok for
the previous focus owner to keep playing if it ducks its audio output.
Alternatively use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_EXCLUSIVE for a temporary request
that benefits from the system not playing disruptive sounds like notifications, for
usecases such as voice memo recording, or speech recognition.
Use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN for a focus request of unknown duration such
as the playback of a song or a video. |
Returns | |
int |
public void setAllowedCapturePolicy (int capturePolicy)
Specifies whether the audio played by this app may or may not be captured by other apps or
the system.
The default is AudioAttributes#ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_ALL
There are multiple ways to set this policy:
in the application
manifest. AudioPlaybackCaptureConfiguration
for more details on
which audio signals can be captured.
Parameters | |
capturePolicy |
int : one of
AudioAttributes#ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_ALL ,
Value is AudioAttributes.ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_ALL , AudioAttributes.ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_SYSTEM , or AudioAttributes.ALLOW_CAPTURE_BY_NONE |
Throws | |
RuntimeException |
if the argument is not a valid value. |
public void setBluetoothA2dpOn (boolean on)
This method is deprecated.
Do not use.
Parameters | |
on |
boolean : set true to route A2DP audio to/from Bluetooth
headset; false disable A2DP audio |
public void setBluetoothScoOn (boolean on)
Request use of Bluetooth SCO headset for communications.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
Parameters | |
on |
boolean : set true to use bluetooth SCO for communications;
false to not use bluetooth SCO for communications |
public boolean setCommunicationDevice (AudioDeviceInfo device)
Selects the audio device that should be used for communication use cases, for instance voice or video calls. This method can be used by voice or video chat applications to select a different audio device than the one selected by default by the platform.
The device selection is expressed as an AudioDeviceInfo
among devices returned by
The selection is active as long as the requesting application process lives, until
is called or until the device is disconnected.
It is therefore important for applications to clear the request when a call ends or the
the requesting activity or service is stopped or destroyed.
In case of simultaneous requests by multiple applications the priority is given to the
application currently controlling the audio mode (see setMode(int)
). This is the
latest application having selected mode MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION
or mode
. Note that MODE_IN_CALL
can only be selected by the main
telephony application with permission
If the requested devices is not currently available, the request will be rejected and the method will return false.
This API replaces the following deprecated APIs:
The example below shows how to enable and disable speakerphone mode.
// Get an AudioManager instance AudioManager audioManager = Context.getSystemService(AudioManager.class); AudioDeviceInfo speakerDevice = null; Listdevices = audioManager.getAvailableCommunicationDevices(); for (AudioDeviceInfo device : devices) { if (device.getType() == AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_BUILTIN_SPEAKER) { speakerDevice = device; break; } } if (speakerDevice != null) { // Turn speakerphone ON. boolean result = audioManager.setCommunicationDevice(speakerDevice); if (!result) { // Handle error. } // Turn speakerphone OFF. audioManager.clearCommunicationDevice(); }
Parameters | |
device |
AudioDeviceInfo : the requested audio device.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the request was accepted, false otherwise. |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
If an invalid device is specified. |
public boolean setEncodedSurroundMode (int mode)
Sets the surround sound mode.
Requires Manifest.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
Parameters | |
mode |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if successful, otherwise false |
public void setMicrophoneMute (boolean on)
Sets the microphone mute on or off.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
Parameters | |
on |
boolean : set true to mute the microphone;
false to turn mute off |
public void setMode (int mode)
Sets the audio mode.
The audio mode encompasses audio routing AND the behavior of
the telephony layer. Therefore this method should only be used by applications that
replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
In particular, the MODE_IN_CALL
mode should only be used by the telephony
application when it places a phone call, as it will cause signals from the radio layer
to feed the platform mixer.
Parameters | |
mode |
int : the requested audio mode.
Informs the HAL about the current audio state so that
it can route the audio appropriately.
public void setParameters (String keyValuePairs)
Sets a variable number of parameter values to audio hardware.
Parameters | |
keyValuePairs |
String : list of parameters key value pairs in the form:
key1=value1;key2=value2;... |
public void setRingerMode (int ringerMode)
Sets the ringer mode.
Silent mode will mute the volume and will not vibrate. Vibrate mode will mute the volume and vibrate. Normal mode will be audible and may vibrate according to user settings.
This method has no effect if the device implements a fixed volume policy
as indicated by isVolumeFixed()
From N onward, ringer mode adjustments that would toggle Do Not Disturb are not allowed
unless the app has been granted Do Not Disturb Access.
See NotificationManager#isNotificationPolicyAccessGranted()
Parameters | |
ringerMode |
int : The ringer mode, one of RINGER_MODE_NORMAL ,
See also:
public void setRouting (int mode, int routes, int mask)
This method is deprecated.
Do not set audio routing directly, use setSpeakerphoneOn(),
setBluetoothScoOn() methods instead.
Sets the audio routing for a specified mode
Parameters | |
mode |
int : audio mode to change route. E.g., MODE_RINGTONE. |
routes |
int : bit vector of routes requested, created from one or
more of ROUTE_xxx types. Set bits indicate that route should be on |
mask |
int : bit vector of routes to change, created from one or more of
ROUTE_xxx types. Unset bits indicate the route should be left unchanged |
public void setSpeakerphoneOn (boolean on)
Sets the speakerphone on or off.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
Parameters | |
on |
boolean : set true to turn on speakerphone;
false to turn it off |
public void setStreamMute (int streamType, boolean state)
This method is deprecated.
Use adjustStreamVolume(int, int, int)
Mute or unmute an audio stream.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
This method has no effect if the device implements a fixed volume policy
as indicated by isVolumeFixed()
This method was deprecated in API level 22. Prior to API level 22 this method had significantly different behavior and should be used carefully. The following applies only to pre-22 platforms:
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream to be muted/unmuted. |
state |
boolean : The required mute state: true for mute ON, false for mute
See also:
public void setStreamSolo (int streamType, boolean state)
This method is deprecated.
Do not use. If you need exclusive audio playback use
Solo or unsolo a particular stream.
Do not use. This method has been deprecated and is now a no-op.
should be used for exclusive audio playback.
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream to be soloed/unsoloed. |
state |
boolean : The required solo state: true for solo ON, false for solo
See also:
public void setStreamVolume (int streamType, int index, int flags)
Sets the volume index for a particular stream.
This method has no effect if the device implements a fixed volume policy
as indicated by isVolumeFixed()
From N onward, volume adjustments that would toggle Do Not Disturb are not allowed unless
the app has been granted Do Not Disturb Access.
See NotificationManager#isNotificationPolicyAccessGranted()
Parameters | |
streamType |
int : The stream whose volume index should be set. |
index |
int : The volume index to set. See
getStreamMaxVolume(int) for the largest valid value. |
flags |
int : One or more flags. |
Throws | |
SecurityException |
if the volume change triggers a Do Not Disturb change and the caller is not granted notification policy access. |
public boolean setSurroundFormatEnabled (int audioFormat, boolean enabled)
Sets and persists a certain surround format as enabled or not.
This API is called by TvSettings surround sound menu when user enables or disables a
surround sound format. This setting is persisted as global user setting.
Applications should revert their changes to surround sound settings unless they intend to
modify the global user settings across all apps. The framework does not auto-revert an
application's settings after a lifecycle event. Audio focus is not required to apply these
Requires Manifest.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
Parameters | |
audioFormat |
int : Value is AudioFormat.ENCODING_AC3 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_E_AC3 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_DTS , AudioFormat.ENCODING_DTS_HD , AudioFormat.ENCODING_AAC_LC , AudioFormat.ENCODING_DOLBY_TRUEHD , AudioFormat.ENCODING_AC4 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_E_AC3_JOC , AudioFormat.ENCODING_DOLBY_MAT , AudioFormat.ENCODING_MPEGH_BL_L3 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_MPEGH_BL_L4 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_MPEGH_LC_L3 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_MPEGH_LC_L4 , AudioFormat.ENCODING_DTS_UHD , or AudioFormat.ENCODING_DRA |
enabled |
boolean : the required surround format state, true for enabled, false for disabled |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if successful, otherwise false |
public void setVibrateSetting (int vibrateType, int vibrateSetting)
This method is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Sets the setting for when the vibrate type should vibrate.
This method should only be used by applications that replace the platform-wide management of audio settings or the main telephony application.
Parameters | |
vibrateType |
int : The type of vibrate. One of
vibrateSetting |
int : The vibrate setting, one of
See also:
public void setWiredHeadsetOn (boolean on)
This method is deprecated.
Do not use.
Sets audio routing to the wired headset on or off.
Parameters | |
on |
boolean : set true to route audio to/from wired
headset; false disable wired headset audio |
public boolean shouldVibrate (int vibrateType)
This method is deprecated.
Applications should maintain their own vibrate policy based on
current ringer mode that can be queried via getRingerMode()
Returns whether a particular type should vibrate according to user settings and the current ringer mode.
This shouldn't be needed by most clients that use notifications to vibrate. The notification manager will not vibrate if the policy doesn't allow it, so the client should always set a vibrate pattern and let the notification manager control whether or not to actually vibrate.
Parameters | |
vibrateType |
int : The type of vibrate. One of
Returns | |
boolean |
Whether the type should vibrate at the instant this method is called. |
public void startBluetoothSco ()
Start bluetooth SCO audio connection.
Requires Permission:
This method can be used by applications wanting to send and received audio to/from a bluetooth SCO headset while the phone is not in call.
As the SCO connection establishment can take several seconds,
applications should not rely on the connection to be available when the method
returns but instead register to receive the intent ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED
and wait for the state to be SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED
As the ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED intent is sticky, the application can check the SCO audio state before calling startBluetoothSco() by reading the intent returned by the receiver registration. If the state is already CONNECTED, no state change will be received via the intent after calling startBluetoothSco(). It is however useful to call startBluetoothSco() so that the connection stays active in case the current initiator stops the connection.
Unless the connection is already active as described above, the state will always transition from DISCONNECTED to CONNECTING and then either to CONNECTED if the connection succeeds or back to DISCONNECTED if the connection fails (e.g no headset is connected).
When finished with the SCO connection or if the establishment fails, the application must
call stopBluetoothSco()
to clear the request and turn down the bluetooth connection.
Even if a SCO connection is established, the following restrictions apply on audio output streams so that they can be routed to SCO headset:
The following restrictions apply on input streams:
Note that the phone application always has the priority on the usage of the SCO connection for telephony. If this method is called while the phone is in call it will be ignored. Similarly, if a call is received or sent while an application is using the SCO connection, the connection will be lost for the application and NOT returned automatically when the call ends.
NOTE: up to and including API version
, this method initiates a virtual
voice call to the bluetooth headset.
only a raw SCO audio
connection is established.
public void stopBluetoothSco ()
Stop bluetooth SCO audio connection.
Requires Permission:
This method must be called by applications having requested the use of
bluetooth SCO audio with startBluetoothSco()
when finished with the SCO
connection or if connection fails.
See also:
public void unloadSoundEffects ()
Unload Sound effects. This method can be called to free some memory when sound effects are disabled.
public void unregisterAudioDeviceCallback (AudioDeviceCallback callback)
Unregisters an AudioDeviceCallback
object which has been previously registered
to receive notifications of changes to the set of connected audio devices.
Parameters | |
callback |
AudioDeviceCallback : The AudioDeviceCallback object that was previously registered
with AudioManager#registerAudioDeviceCallback to be unregistered. |
public void unregisterAudioPlaybackCallback (AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback cb)
Unregister an audio playback callback previously registered with
registerAudioPlaybackCallback(android.media.AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback, android.os.Handler)
Parameters | |
cb |
AudioManager.AudioPlaybackCallback : non-null callback to unregister
This value cannot be null . |
public void unregisterAudioRecordingCallback (AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback cb)
Unregister an audio recording callback previously registered with
registerAudioRecordingCallback(android.media.AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback, android.os.Handler)
Parameters | |
cb |
AudioManager.AudioRecordingCallback : non-null callback to unregister
This value cannot be null . |
public void unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver (PendingIntent eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use MediaSession
Unregister the receiver of MEDIA_BUTTON intents.
Parameters | |
eventReceiver |
PendingIntent : same PendingIntent that was registed with
registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(android.app.PendingIntent) . |
public void unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver (ComponentName eventReceiver)
This method is deprecated.
Use MediaSession
Unregister the receiver of MEDIA_BUTTON intents.
Parameters | |
eventReceiver |
ComponentName : identifier of a BroadcastReceiver
that was registered with registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(android.content.ComponentName) . |
public void unregisterRemoteControlClient (RemoteControlClient rcClient)
This method is deprecated.
Use MediaSession
Unregisters the remote control client that was providing information to display on the remote controls.
Parameters | |
rcClient |
RemoteControlClient : The remote control client to unregister. |
public void unregisterRemoteController (RemoteController rctlr)
This method is deprecated.
Unregisters a RemoteController
, causing it to no longer receive
media metadata and playback state information, and no longer be capable
of controlling playback.
Parameters | |
rctlr |
RemoteController : the object to unregister. |