# Print output for @column tags ?>
CommonDataSource |
Interface that defines the methods which are common between DataSource ,
XADataSource and ConnectionPoolDataSource .
ConnectionEventListener |
An object that registers to be notified of events generated by a
ConnectionPoolDataSource |
A factory for PooledConnection
DataSource |
A factory for connections to the physical data source that this
PooledConnection | An object that provides hooks for connection pool management. |
RowSet | The interface that adds support to the JDBC API for the JavaBeansTM component model. |
RowSetInternal |
The interface that a RowSet object implements in order to
present itself to a RowSetReader or RowSetWriter
RowSetListener |
An interface that must be implemented by a
component that wants to be notified when a significant
event happens in the life of a RowSet object.
RowSetMetaData |
An object that contains information about the columns in a
RowSet object.
RowSetReader |
The facility that a disconnected RowSet object calls on
to populate itself with rows of data.
RowSetWriter |
An object that implements the RowSetWriter interface,
called a writer.
StatementEventListener | An object that registers to be notified of events that occur on PreparedStatements that are in the Statement pool. |
ConnectionEvent |
An |
RowSetEvent |
An Event object generated when an event occurs to a
RowSet object.
StatementEvent |
A StatementEvent is sent to all StatementEventListener s which were
registered with a PooledConnection .