# Print output for @column tags ?> PidHealthStats - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class PidHealthStats
extends Object

   ↳ android.os.health.PidHealthStats

Keys for HealthStats returned from HealthStats#getStats(int) with the UidHealthStats#STATS_PIDS key.

The values coming from PidHealthStats are a little bit different from the other HealthStats values. These values are not aggregate or historical values, but instead live values from when the snapshot is taken. These tend to be more useful in debugging rogue processes than in gathering aggregate metrics across the fleet of devices.




Key for a measurement of the current nesting depth of wakelocks for this process.


Key for a measurement of the time in the SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() timebase that a wakelock was first acquired in this process.


Key for a measurement of the total number of milleseconds that this process has held a wake lock.

Inherited methods



public static final int MEASUREMENT_WAKE_NESTING_COUNT

Key for a measurement of the current nesting depth of wakelocks for this process. That is to say, the number of times a nested wakelock has been started but not stopped. A high number here indicates an improperly paired wakelock acquire/release combination.

More details on the individual wake locks is available by getting the UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_FULL, UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_PARTIAL, UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_WINDOW and UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_DRAW keys.

Constant Value: 20001 (0x00004e21)


public static final int MEASUREMENT_WAKE_START_MS

Key for a measurement of the time in the SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() timebase that a wakelock was first acquired in this process.

More details on the individual wake locks is available by getting the UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_FULL, UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_PARTIAL, UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_WINDOW and UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_DRAW keys.

Constant Value: 20003 (0x00004e23)


public static final int MEASUREMENT_WAKE_SUM_MS

Key for a measurement of the total number of milleseconds that this process has held a wake lock.

More details on the individual wake locks is available by getting the UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_FULL, UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_PARTIAL, UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_WINDOW and UidHealthStats#TIMERS_WAKELOCKS_DRAW keys.

Constant Value: 20002 (0x00004e22)