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public final class ULocale
extends Object implements Serializable, Comparable<ULocale>

   ↳ android.icu.util.ULocale

[icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for Locale. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'. A class analogous to Locale that provides additional support for ICU protocol. In ICU 3.0 this class is enhanced to support RFC 3066 language identifiers.

Many classes and services in ICU follow a factory idiom, in which a factory method or object responds to a client request with an object. The request includes a locale (the requested locale), and the returned object is constructed using data for that locale. The system may lack data for the requested locale, in which case the locale fallback mechanism will be invoked until a populated locale is found (the valid locale). Furthermore, even when a populated locale is found (the valid locale), further fallback may be required to reach a locale containing the specific data required by the service (the actual locale).

ULocale performs 'normalization' and 'canonicalization' of locale ids. Normalization 'cleans up' ICU locale ids as follows:

  • language, script, country, variant, and keywords are properly cased
    (lower, title, upper, upper, and lower case respectively)
  • hyphens used as separators are converted to underscores
  • three-letter language and country ids are converted to two-letter equivalents where available
  • surrounding spaces are removed from keywords and values
  • if there are multiple keywords, they are put in sorted order
Canonicalization additionally performs the following:
  • POSIX ids are converted to ICU format IDs
  • 'grandfathered' 3066 ids are converted to ICU standard form
All ULocale constructors automatically normalize the locale id. To handle POSIX ids, canonicalize can be called to convert the id to canonical form, or the canonicalInstance factory method can be called.

Note: The actual locale is returned correctly, but the valid locale is not, in most cases.

See also:


Nested classes

class ULocale.Builder

Builder is used to build instances of ULocale from values configured by the setters. 

enum ULocale.Category

Enum for locale categories. 



The key for the private use locale extension ('x').


The key for Unicode locale extension ('u').


public static final ULocale CANADA

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale CANADA_FRENCH

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale CHINA

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale CHINESE

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale ENGLISH

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale FRANCE

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale FRENCH

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale GERMAN

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale GERMANY

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale ITALIAN

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale ITALY

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale JAPAN

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale JAPANESE

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale KOREA

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale KOREAN

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale PRC

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale ROOT

The root ULocale.

public static final ULocale SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale TAIWAN

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale TRADITIONAL_CHINESE

Useful constant for language.

public static final ULocale UK

Useful constant for country/region.

public static final ULocale US

Useful constant for country/region.

Public constructors

ULocale(String localeID)

[icu] Constructs a ULocale from a RFC 3066 locale ID.

ULocale(String a, String b)

Convenience overload of ULocale(String, String, String) for compatibility with java.util.Locale.

ULocale(String a, String b, String c)

Constructs a ULocale from a localeID constructed from the three 'fields' a, b, and c.

Public methods

static ULocale acceptLanguage(ULocale[] acceptLanguageList, boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on an ordered array of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user.

static ULocale acceptLanguage(String acceptLanguageList, ULocale[] availableLocales, boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on a HTTP formatted list of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user.

static ULocale acceptLanguage(ULocale[] acceptLanguageList, ULocale[] availableLocales, boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on a list of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user.

static ULocale acceptLanguage(String acceptLanguageList, boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on a HTTP formatted list of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user.

static ULocale addLikelySubtags(ULocale loc)

[icu] Adds the likely subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described in the following CLDR technical report: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags If the provided ULocale instance is already in the maximal form, or there is no data available available for maximization, it will be returned.

static String canonicalize(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the canonical name for the specified locale ID.

Object clone()

This is for compatibility with Locale-- in actuality, since ULocale is immutable, there is no reason to clone it, so this API returns 'this'.

int compareTo(ULocale other)

Compares two ULocale for ordering.

static ULocale createCanonical(String nonCanonicalID)

[icu] Creates a ULocale from the id by first canonicalizing the id.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Returns true if the other object is another ULocale with the same full name.

static ULocale forLanguageTag(String languageTag)

Returns a locale for the specified IETF BCP 47 language tag string.

static ULocale forLocale(Locale loc)

[icu] Returns a ULocale object for a Locale.

static ULocale[] getAvailableLocales()

[icu] Note: Unlike the Locale API, this returns an array of ULocale, not Locale.

String getBaseName()

[icu] Returns the (normalized) base name for this locale, like getName(), but without keywords.

static String getBaseName(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the (normalized) base name for the specified locale, like getName(java.lang.String), but without keywords.

String getCharacterOrientation()

[icu] Returns this locale's layout orientation for characters.

static String getCountry(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the country/region code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code.

String getCountry()

Returns the country/region code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code.

static ULocale getDefault()

Returns the current default ULocale.

static ULocale getDefault(ULocale.Category category)

Returns the current default ULocale for the specified category.

String getDisplayCountry()

Returns this locale's country localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

static String getDisplayCountry(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's country localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayCountry(ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's country localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayCountry(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's country localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayKeyword(String keyword, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a keyword localized for display in the specified locale.

static String getDisplayKeyword(String keyword, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a keyword localized for display in the specified locale.

static String getDisplayKeyword(String keyword)

[icu] Returns a keyword localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

static String getDisplayKeywordValue(String localeID, String keyword, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the specified locale.

static String getDisplayKeywordValue(String localeID, String keyword, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the specified locale.

String getDisplayKeywordValue(String keyword)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String getDisplayKeywordValue(String keyword, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the specified locale.

String getDisplayLanguage(ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayLanguage(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayLanguage(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayLanguage()

Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect(ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns this locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect()

[icu] Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String getDisplayName()

Returns this locale name localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String getDisplayName(ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale name localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayName(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayName(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayNameWithDialect(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayNameWithDialect(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayNameWithDialect(ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns this locale name localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayNameWithDialect()

[icu] Returns this locale name localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

static String getDisplayScript(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's script localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayScript(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's script localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayScript()

Returns this locale's script localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String getDisplayScript(ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's script localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayVariant(String localeID, String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's variant localized for display in the provided locale.

String getDisplayVariant()

Returns this locale's variant localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String getDisplayVariant(ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's variant localized for display in the provided locale.

static String getDisplayVariant(String localeID, ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's variant localized for display in the provided locale.

String getExtension(char key)

Returns the extension (or private use) value associated with the specified key, or null if there is no extension associated with the key.

Set<Character> getExtensionKeys()

Returns the set of extension keys associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no extensions.

ULocale getFallback()

[icu] Returns the fallback locale for this locale.

static String getFallback(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the fallback locale for the specified locale, which might be the empty string.

String getISO3Country()

Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's country/region.

static String getISO3Country(String localeID)

[icu] Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's country/region.

String getISO3Language()

Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's language.

static String getISO3Language(String localeID)

[icu] Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's language.

static String[] getISOCountries()

Returns a list of all 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166.

static String[] getISOLanguages()

Returns a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639.

static String getKeywordValue(String localeID, String keywordName)

[icu] Returns the value for a keyword in the specified locale.

String getKeywordValue(String keywordName)

[icu] Returns the value for a keyword in this locale.

static Iterator<String> getKeywords(String localeID)

[icu] Returns an iterator over keywords for the specified locale.

Iterator<String> getKeywords()

[icu] Returns an iterator over keywords for this locale.

static String getLanguage(String localeID)

Returns the language code for the locale ID, which will either be the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code.

String getLanguage()

Returns the language code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code.

String getLineOrientation()

[icu] Returns this locale's layout orientation for lines.

String getName()

[icu] Returns the (normalized) full name for this locale.

static String getName(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the (normalized) full name for the specified locale.

String getScript()

Returns the script code for this locale, which might be the empty string.

static String getScript(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the script code for the specified locale, which might be the empty string.

Set<String> getUnicodeLocaleAttributes()

Returns the set of unicode locale attributes associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no attributes.

Set<String> getUnicodeLocaleKeys()

Returns the set of Unicode locale keys defined by this locale, or the empty set if this locale has none.

String getUnicodeLocaleType(String key)

Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the specified Unicode locale key for this locale.

String getVariant()

Returns the variant code for this locale, which might be the empty string.

static String getVariant(String localeID)

[icu] Returns the variant code for the specified locale, which might be the empty string.

int hashCode()

Returns the hashCode.

boolean isRightToLeft()

[icu] Returns whether this locale's script is written right-to-left.

static ULocale minimizeSubtags(ULocale loc)

[icu] Minimizes the subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described in the following CLDR technical report:

If the provided ULocale instance is already in the minimal form, or there is no data available for minimization, it will be returned.

ULocale setKeywordValue(String keyword, String value)

[icu] Given a keyword and a value, return a new locale with an updated keyword and value.

static String setKeywordValue(String localeID, String keyword, String value)

Given a locale id, a keyword, and a value, return a new locale id with an updated keyword and value.

String toLanguageTag()

Returns a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag representing this locale.

static String toLegacyKey(String keyword)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword (BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key, or legacy key) to the legacy key.

static String toLegacyType(String keyword, String value)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword value (BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type, or legacy type or type alias) to the canonical legacy type.

Locale toLocale()

[icu] Converts this ULocale object to a Locale.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of this object.

static String toUnicodeLocaleKey(String keyword)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword (legacy key, or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key) to the equivalent BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key.

static String toUnicodeLocaleType(String keyword, String value)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword value (legacy type, or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type) to the well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type for the specified keyword (category).

Inherited methods



public static final char PRIVATE_USE_EXTENSION

The key for the private use locale extension ('x').

See also:

Constant Value: 120 (0x00000078)


public static final char UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION

The key for Unicode locale extension ('u').

See also:

Constant Value: 117 (0x00000075)



public static final ULocale CANADA

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale CANADA_FRENCH

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale CHINA

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale CHINESE

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale ENGLISH

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale FRANCE

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale FRENCH

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale GERMAN

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale GERMANY

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale ITALIAN

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale ITALY

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale JAPAN

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale JAPANESE

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale KOREA

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale KOREAN

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale PRC

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale ROOT

The root ULocale.


public static final ULocale SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale TAIWAN

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale TRADITIONAL_CHINESE

Useful constant for language.


public static final ULocale UK

Useful constant for country/region.


public static final ULocale US

Useful constant for country/region.

Public constructors


public ULocale (String localeID)

[icu] Constructs a ULocale from a RFC 3066 locale ID. The locale ID consists of optional language, script, country, and variant fields in that order, separated by underscores, followed by an optional keyword list. The script, if present, is four characters long-- this distinguishes it from a country code, which is two characters long. Other fields are distinguished by position as indicated by the underscores. The start of the keyword list is indicated by '@', and consists of two or more keyword/value pairs separated by semicolons(';').

This constructor does not canonicalize the localeID. So, for example, "zh__pinyin" remains unchanged instead of converting to "zh@collation=pinyin". By default ICU only recognizes the latter as specifying pinyin collation. Use createCanonical(String) or canonicalize(String) if you need to canonicalize the localeID.

localeID String: string representation of the locale, e.g: "en_US", "sy_Cyrl_YU", "zh__pinyin", "es_ES@currency=EUR;collation=traditional"


public ULocale (String a, 
                String b)

Convenience overload of ULocale(String, String, String) for compatibility with java.util.Locale.

a String

b String

See also:


public ULocale (String a, 
                String b, 
                String c)

Constructs a ULocale from a localeID constructed from the three 'fields' a, b, and c. These fields are concatenated using underscores to form a localeID of the form a_b_c, which is then handled like the localeID passed to ULocale(String localeID).

Java locale strings consisting of language, country, and variant will be handled by this form, since the country code (being shorter than four letters long) will not be interpreted as a script code. If a script code is present, the final argument ('c') will be interpreted as the country code. It is recommended that this constructor only be used to ease porting, and that clients instead use the single-argument constructor when constructing a ULocale from a localeID.

a String: first component of the locale id

b String: second component of the locale id

c String: third component of the locale id

See also:

Public methods


public static ULocale acceptLanguage (ULocale[] acceptLanguageList, 
                boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on an ordered array of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user. NullPointerException is thrown if acceptLanguageList or availableLocales is null. If fallback is non-null, it will contain true if a fallback locale (one not in the acceptLanguageList) was returned. The value on entry is ignored. ULocale will be one of the locales in availableLocales, or the ROOT ULocale if if a ROOT locale was used as a fallback (because nothing else in availableLocales matched). No ULocale array element should be null; behavior is undefined if this is the case. This function will choose a locale from the ULocale.getAvailableLocales() list as available.

acceptLanguageList ULocale: ordered array of acceptable locales (preferred are listed first)

fallback boolean: if non-null, a 1-element array containing a boolean to be set with the fallback status

ULocale one of the locales from the ULocale.getAvailableLocales() list, or null if none match


public static ULocale acceptLanguage (String acceptLanguageList, 
                ULocale[] availableLocales, 
                boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on a HTTP formatted list of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user. NullPointerException is thrown if acceptLanguageList or availableLocales is null. If fallback is non-null, it will contain true if a fallback locale (one not in the acceptLanguageList) was returned. The value on entry is ignored. ULocale will be one of the locales in availableLocales, or the ROOT ULocale if if a ROOT locale was used as a fallback (because nothing else in availableLocales matched). No ULocale array element should be null; behavior is undefined if this is the case.

acceptLanguageList String: list in HTTP "Accept-Language:" format of acceptable locales

availableLocales ULocale: list of available locales. One of these will be returned.

fallback boolean: if non-null, a 1-element array containing a boolean to be set with the fallback status

ULocale one of the locales from the availableLocales list, or null if none match


public static ULocale acceptLanguage (ULocale[] acceptLanguageList, 
                ULocale[] availableLocales, 
                boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on a list of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user. NullPointerException is thrown if acceptLanguageList or availableLocales is null. If fallback is non-null, it will contain true if a fallback locale (one not in the acceptLanguageList) was returned. The value on entry is ignored. ULocale will be one of the locales in availableLocales, or the ROOT ULocale if if a ROOT locale was used as a fallback (because nothing else in availableLocales matched). No ULocale array element should be null; behavior is undefined if this is the case.

acceptLanguageList ULocale: list of acceptable locales

availableLocales ULocale: list of available locales. One of these will be returned.

fallback boolean: if non-null, a 1-element array containing a boolean to be set with the fallback status

ULocale one of the locales from the availableLocales list, or null if none match


public static ULocale acceptLanguage (String acceptLanguageList, 
                boolean[] fallback)

[icu] Based on a HTTP formatted list of acceptable locales, determine an available locale for the user. NullPointerException is thrown if acceptLanguageList or availableLocales is null. If fallback is non-null, it will contain true if a fallback locale (one not in the acceptLanguageList) was returned. The value on entry is ignored. ULocale will be one of the locales in availableLocales, or the ROOT ULocale if if a ROOT locale was used as a fallback (because nothing else in availableLocales matched). No ULocale array element should be null; behavior is undefined if this is the case. This function will choose a locale from the ULocale.getAvailableLocales() list as available.

acceptLanguageList String: list in HTTP "Accept-Language:" format of acceptable locales

fallback boolean: if non-null, a 1-element array containing a boolean to be set with the fallback status

ULocale one of the locales from the ULocale.getAvailableLocales() list, or null if none match


public static ULocale addLikelySubtags (ULocale loc)

[icu] Adds the likely subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described in the following CLDR technical report: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags If the provided ULocale instance is already in the maximal form, or there is no data available available for maximization, it will be returned. For example, "und-Zzzz" cannot be maximized, since there is no reasonable maximization. Otherwise, a new ULocale instance with the maximal form is returned. Examples: "en" maximizes to "en_Latn_US" "de" maximizes to "de_Latn_US" "sr" maximizes to "sr_Cyrl_RS" "sh" maximizes to "sr_Latn_RS" (Note this will not reverse.) "zh_Hani" maximizes to "zh_Hans_CN" (Note this will not reverse.)

loc ULocale: The ULocale to maximize

ULocale The maximized ULocale instance.


public static String canonicalize (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the canonical name for the specified locale ID. This is used to convert POSIX and other grandfathered IDs to standard ICU form.

localeID String: the locale id

String the canonicalized id


public Object clone ()

This is for compatibility with Locale-- in actuality, since ULocale is immutable, there is no reason to clone it, so this API returns 'this'.

Object a clone of this instance.


public int compareTo (ULocale other)

Compares two ULocale for ordering.

Note: The order might change in future.

other ULocale: the ULocale to be compared.

int a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this ULocale is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified ULocale.

NullPointerException if other is null.


public static ULocale createCanonical (String nonCanonicalID)

[icu] Creates a ULocale from the id by first canonicalizing the id.

nonCanonicalID String: the locale id to canonicalize

ULocale the locale created from the canonical version of the ID.


public boolean equals (Object obj)

Returns true if the other object is another ULocale with the same full name. Note that since names are not canonicalized, two ULocales that function identically might not compare equal.

obj Object: the reference object with which to compare.

boolean true if this Locale is equal to the specified object.


public static ULocale forLanguageTag (String languageTag)

Returns a locale for the specified IETF BCP 47 language tag string.

If the specified language tag contains any ill-formed subtags, the first such subtag and all following subtags are ignored. Compare to ULocale.Builder#setLanguageTag which throws an exception in this case.

The following conversions are performed:

  • The language code "und" is mapped to language "".
  • The portion of a private use subtag prefixed by "lvariant", if any, is removed and appended to the variant field in the result locale (without case normalization). If it is then empty, the private use subtag is discarded:
         ULocale loc;
         loc = ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-US-x-lvariant-icu4j);
         loc.getVariant(); // returns "ICU4J"
         loc.getExtension('x'); // returns null
         loc = Locale.forLanguageTag("de-icu4j-x-URP-lvariant-Abc-Def");
         loc.getVariant(); // returns "ICU4J_ABC_DEF"
         loc.getExtension('x'); // returns "urp"
  • When the languageTag argument contains an extlang subtag, the first such subtag is used as the language, and the primary language subtag and other extlang subtags are ignored:
         ULocale.forLanguageTag("ar-aao").getLanguage(); // returns "aao"
         ULocale.forLanguageTag("en-abc-def-us").toString(); // returns "abc_US"
  • Case is normalized. Language is normalized to lower case, script to title case, country to upper case, variant to upper case, and extensions to lower case.

This implements the 'Language-Tag' production of BCP47, and so supports grandfathered (regular and irregular) as well as private use language tags. Stand alone private use tags are represented as empty language and extension 'x-whatever', and grandfathered tags are converted to their canonical replacements where they exist.

Grandfathered tags with canonical replacements are as follows:
grandfathered tag modern replacement
art-lojban jbo
i-ami ami
i-bnn bnn
i-hak hak
i-klingon tlh
i-lux lb
i-navajo nv
i-pwn pwn
i-tao tao
i-tay tay
i-tsu tsu
no-bok nb
no-nyn nn
sgn-BE-FR sfb
sgn-BE-NL vgt
sgn-CH-DE sgg
zh-guoyu cmn
zh-hakka hak
zh-min-nan nan
zh-xiang hsn

Grandfathered tags with no modern replacement will be converted as follows:
grandfathered tag converts to
cel-gaulish xtg-x-cel-gaulish
en-GB-oed en-GB-x-oed
i-default en-x-i-default
i-enochian und-x-i-enochian
i-mingo see-x-i-mingo
zh-min nan-x-zh-min

For a list of all grandfathered tags, see the IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for "Type: grandfathered").

Note: there is no guarantee that toLanguageTag and forLanguageTag will round-trip.

languageTag String: the language tag

ULocale The locale that best represents the language tag.

NullPointerException if languageTag is null

See also:


public static ULocale forLocale (Locale loc)

[icu] Returns a ULocale object for a Locale. The ULocale is canonicalized.

loc Locale: a Locale



public static ULocale[] getAvailableLocales ()

[icu] Note: Unlike the Locale API, this returns an array of ULocale, not Locale.

Returns a list of all installed locales.



public String getBaseName ()

[icu] Returns the (normalized) base name for this locale, like getName(), but without keywords.

String the base name as a String.


public static String getBaseName (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the (normalized) base name for the specified locale, like getName(java.lang.String), but without keywords.

localeID String: the locale ID as a string

String the base name as a String.


public String getCharacterOrientation ()

[icu] Returns this locale's layout orientation for characters. The possible values are "left-to-right", "right-to-left", "top-to-bottom" or "bottom-to-top".

String The locale's layout orientation for characters.


public static String getCountry (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the country/region code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code.

localeID String: The locale identification string.


See also:


public String getCountry ()

Returns the country/region code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code.


See also:


public static ULocale getDefault ()

Returns the current default ULocale.

The default ULocale is synchronized to the default Java Locale. This method checks the current default Java Locale and returns an equivalent ULocale.

ULocale the default ULocale.


public static ULocale getDefault (ULocale.Category category)

Returns the current default ULocale for the specified category.

category ULocale.Category: the category

ULocale the default ULocale for the specified category.


public String getDisplayCountry ()

Returns this locale's country localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale. Warning: this is for the region part of a valid locale ID; it cannot just be the region code (like "FR"). To get the display name for a region alone, or for other options, use LocaleDisplayNames instead.

String the localized country name.

See also:


public static String getDisplayCountry (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's country localized for display in the provided locale. Warning: this is for the region part of a valid locale ID; it cannot just be the region code (like "FR"). To get the display name for a region alone, or for other options, use LocaleDisplayNames instead. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose country will be displayed

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized country name.


public String getDisplayCountry (ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's country localized for display in the provided locale. Warning: this is for the region part of a valid locale ID; it cannot just be the region code (like "FR"). To get the display name for a region alone, or for other options, use LocaleDisplayNames instead.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized country name.


public static String getDisplayCountry (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's country localized for display in the provided locale. Warning: this is for the region part of a valid locale ID; it cannot just be the region code (like "FR"). To get the display name for a region alone, or for other options, use LocaleDisplayNames instead. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose country will be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized country name.


public static String getDisplayKeyword (String keyword, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a keyword localized for display in the specified locale.

keyword String: the keyword to be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the keyword.

String the localized keyword name.

See also:


public static String getDisplayKeyword (String keyword, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a keyword localized for display in the specified locale.

keyword String: the keyword to be displayed.

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the keyword.

String the localized keyword name.

See also:


public static String getDisplayKeyword (String keyword)

[icu] Returns a keyword localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

keyword String: the keyword to be displayed.

String the localized keyword name.

See also:


public static String getDisplayKeywordValue (String localeID, 
                String keyword, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the specified locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose keyword value is to be displayed.

keyword String: the keyword whose value is to be displayed.

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the value.

String the localized value name.


public static String getDisplayKeywordValue (String localeID, 
                String keyword, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the specified locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose keyword value is to be displayed.

keyword String: the keyword whose value is to be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the id of the locale in which to display the value.

String the localized value name.


public String getDisplayKeywordValue (String keyword)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

keyword String: the keyword whose value is to be displayed.

String the localized value name.

See also:


public String getDisplayKeywordValue (String keyword, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a keyword value localized for display in the specified locale.

keyword String: the keyword whose value is to be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the value.

String the localized value name.


public String getDisplayLanguage (ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's language localized for display in the provided locale.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized language name.


public static String getDisplayLanguage (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose language will be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized language name.


public static String getDisplayLanguage (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose language will be displayed

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized language name.


public String getDisplayLanguage ()

Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String the localized language name.

See also:


public String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect (ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns this locale's language localized for display in the provided locale. If a dialect name is present in the data, then it is returned.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized language name.


public static String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale. If a dialect name is present in the data, then it is returned. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose language will be displayed

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized language name.


public static String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's language localized for display in the provided locale. If a dialect name is present in the data, then it is returned. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose language will be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized language name.


public String getDisplayLanguageWithDialect ()

[icu] Returns this locale's language localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale. If a dialect name is present in the data, then it is returned.

String the localized language name.

See also:


public String getDisplayName ()

Returns this locale name localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String the localized locale name.

See also:


public String getDisplayName (ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale name localized for display in the provided locale.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the locale name.

String the localized locale name.


public static String getDisplayName (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the locale whose name is to be displayed.

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the locale name.

String the localized locale name.


public static String getDisplayName (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the locale whose name is to be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the locale name.

String the localized locale name.


public static String getDisplayNameWithDialect (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale. If a dialect name is present in the locale data, then it is returned. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the locale whose name is to be displayed.

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the locale name.

String the localized locale name.


public static String getDisplayNameWithDialect (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns the locale ID localized for display in the provided locale. If a dialect name is present in the locale data, then it is returned. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the locale whose name is to be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the locale name.

String the localized locale name.


public String getDisplayNameWithDialect (ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns this locale name localized for display in the provided locale. If a dialect name is present in the locale data, then it is returned.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the locale name.

String the localized locale name.


public String getDisplayNameWithDialect ()

[icu] Returns this locale name localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale. If a dialect name is present in the locale data, then it is returned.

String the localized locale name.

See also:


public static String getDisplayScript (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's script localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose script will be displayed

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized script name.


public static String getDisplayScript (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's script localized for display in the provided locale.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose script will be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized script name.


public String getDisplayScript ()

Returns this locale's script localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String the localized script name.

See also:


public String getDisplayScript (ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's script localized for display in the provided locale.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized script name.


public static String getDisplayVariant (String localeID, 
                String displayLocaleID)

[icu] Returns a locale's variant localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose variant will be displayed

displayLocaleID String: the id of the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized variant name.


public String getDisplayVariant ()

Returns this locale's variant localized for display in the default DISPLAY locale.

String the localized variant name.

See also:


public String getDisplayVariant (ULocale displayLocale)

Returns this locale's variant localized for display in the provided locale.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized variant name.


public static String getDisplayVariant (String localeID, 
                ULocale displayLocale)

[icu] Returns a locale's variant localized for display in the provided locale. This is a cover for the ICU4C API.

localeID String: the id of the locale whose variant will be displayed.

displayLocale ULocale: the locale in which to display the name.

String the localized variant name.


public String getExtension (char key)

Returns the extension (or private use) value associated with the specified key, or null if there is no extension associated with the key. To be well-formed, the key must be one of [0-9A-Za-z]. Keys are case-insensitive, so for example 'z' and 'Z' represent the same extension.

key char: the extension key

String The extension, or null if this locale defines no extension for the specified key.

IllegalArgumentException if key is not well-formed

See also:


public Set<Character> getExtensionKeys ()

Returns the set of extension keys associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no extensions. The returned set is unmodifiable. The keys will all be lower-case.

Set<Character> the set of extension keys, or the empty set if this locale has no extensions


public ULocale getFallback ()

[icu] Returns the fallback locale for this locale. If this locale is root, returns null.



public static String getFallback (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the fallback locale for the specified locale, which might be the empty string.

localeID String



public String getISO3Country ()

Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's country/region. If the locale doesn't specify a country, returns the empty string. Otherwise, returns an uppercase ISO 3166 3-letter country code.


MissingResourceException Throws MissingResourceException if the three-letter country abbreviation is not available for this locale.


public static String getISO3Country (String localeID)

[icu] Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's country/region. If the locale doesn't specify a country, returns the empty string. Otherwise, returns an uppercase ISO 3166 3-letter country code.

localeID String


MissingResourceException Throws MissingResourceException if the three-letter country abbreviation is not available for this locale.


public String getISO3Language ()

Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's language. If the locale doesn't specify a language, returns the empty string. Otherwise, returns a lowercase ISO 639-2/T language code. The ISO 639-2 language codes can be found on-line at ftp://dkuug.dk/i18n/iso-639-2.txt


MissingResourceException Throws MissingResourceException if the three-letter language abbreviation is not available for this locale.


public static String getISO3Language (String localeID)

[icu] Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's language. If the locale doesn't specify a language, returns the empty string. Otherwise, returns a lowercase ISO 639-2/T language code. The ISO 639-2 language codes can be found on-line at ftp://dkuug.dk/i18n/iso-639-2.txt

localeID String


MissingResourceException Throws MissingResourceException if the three-letter language abbreviation is not available for this locale.


public static String[] getISOCountries ()

Returns a list of all 2-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166. Can be used to create Locales.



public static String[] getISOLanguages ()

Returns a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639. Can be used to create Locales. [NOTE: ISO 639 is not a stable standard-- some languages' codes have changed. The list this function returns includes both the new and the old codes for the languages whose codes have changed.]



public static String getKeywordValue (String localeID, 
                String keywordName)

[icu] Returns the value for a keyword in the specified locale. If the keyword is not defined, returns null. The locale name does not need to be normalized.

localeID String

keywordName String: name of the keyword whose value is desired. Case insensitive.

String String the value of the keyword as a string


public String getKeywordValue (String keywordName)

[icu] Returns the value for a keyword in this locale. If the keyword is not defined, returns null.

keywordName String: name of the keyword whose value is desired. Case insensitive.

String the value of the keyword, or null.


public static Iterator<String> getKeywords (String localeID)

[icu] Returns an iterator over keywords for the specified locale. If there are no keywords, returns null.

localeID String

Iterator<String> an iterator over the keywords in the specified locale, or null if there are no keywords.


public Iterator<String> getKeywords ()

[icu] Returns an iterator over keywords for this locale. If there are no keywords, returns null.

Iterator<String> iterator over keywords, or null if there are no keywords.


public static String getLanguage (String localeID)

Returns the language code for the locale ID, which will either be the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code.

localeID String


See also:


public String getLanguage ()

Returns the language code for this locale, which will either be the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code.


See also:


public String getLineOrientation ()

[icu] Returns this locale's layout orientation for lines. The possible values are "left-to-right", "right-to-left", "top-to-bottom" or "bottom-to-top".

String The locale's layout orientation for lines.


public String getName ()

[icu] Returns the (normalized) full name for this locale.

String String the full name of the localeID


public static String getName (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the (normalized) full name for the specified locale.

localeID String: the localeID as a string

String String the full name of the localeID


public String getScript ()

Returns the script code for this locale, which might be the empty string.


See also:


public static String getScript (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the script code for the specified locale, which might be the empty string.

localeID String


See also:


public Set<String> getUnicodeLocaleAttributes ()

Returns the set of unicode locale attributes associated with this locale, or the empty set if it has no attributes. The returned set is unmodifiable.

Set<String> The set of attributes.


public Set<String> getUnicodeLocaleKeys ()

Returns the set of Unicode locale keys defined by this locale, or the empty set if this locale has none. The returned set is immutable. Keys are all lower case.

Set<String> The set of Unicode locale keys, or the empty set if this locale has no Unicode locale keywords.


public String getUnicodeLocaleType (String key)

Returns the Unicode locale type associated with the specified Unicode locale key for this locale. Returns the empty string for keys that are defined with no type. Returns null if the key is not defined. Keys are case-insensitive. The key must be two alphanumeric characters ([0-9a-zA-Z]), or an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

key String: the Unicode locale key

String The Unicode locale type associated with the key, or null if the locale does not define the key.

IllegalArgumentException if the key is not well-formed
NullPointerException if key is null


public String getVariant ()

Returns the variant code for this locale, which might be the empty string.


See also:


public static String getVariant (String localeID)

[icu] Returns the variant code for the specified locale, which might be the empty string.

localeID String


See also:


public int hashCode ()

Returns the hashCode.

int a hash code value for this object.


public boolean isRightToLeft ()

[icu] Returns whether this locale's script is written right-to-left. If there is no script subtag, then the likely script is used, see addLikelySubtags(android.icu.util.ULocale). If no likely script is known, then false is returned.

A script is right-to-left according to the CLDR script metadata which corresponds to whether the script's letters have Bidi_Class=R or AL.

Returns true for "ar" and "en-Hebr", false for "zh" and "fa-Cyrl".

boolean true if the locale's script is written right-to-left


public static ULocale minimizeSubtags (ULocale loc)

[icu] Minimizes the subtags for a provided locale ID, per the algorithm described in the following CLDR technical report:

If the provided ULocale instance is already in the minimal form, or there is no data available for minimization, it will be returned. Since the minimization algorithm relies on proper maximization, see the comments for addLikelySubtags for reasons why there might not be any data. Examples:

 "en_Latn_US" minimizes to "en"

 "de_Latn_US" minimizes to "de"

 "sr_Cyrl_RS" minimizes to "sr"

 "zh_Hant_TW" minimizes to "zh_TW" (The region is preferred to the
 script, and minimizing to "zh" would imply "zh_Hans_CN".) 

loc ULocale: The ULocale to minimize

ULocale The minimized ULocale instance.


public ULocale setKeywordValue (String keyword, 
                String value)

[icu] Given a keyword and a value, return a new locale with an updated keyword and value. If the keyword is null, this removes all keywords from the locale id. Otherwise, if the value is null, this removes the value for this keyword from the locale id. Otherwise, this adds/replaces the value for this keyword in the locale id. The keyword and value must not be empty.

Related: getBaseName() returns the locale ID string with all keywords removed.

keyword String: the keyword to add/remove, or null to remove all keywords.

value String: the value to add/set, or null to remove this particular keyword.

ULocale the updated locale


public static String setKeywordValue (String localeID, 
                String keyword, 
                String value)

Given a locale id, a keyword, and a value, return a new locale id with an updated keyword and value. If the keyword is null, this removes all keywords from the locale id. Otherwise, if the value is null, this removes the value for this keyword from the locale id. Otherwise, this adds/replaces the value for this keyword in the locale id. The keyword and value must not be empty.

Related: getBaseName(java.lang.String) returns the locale ID string with all keywords removed.

localeID String: the locale id to modify

keyword String: the keyword to add/remove, or null to remove all keywords.

value String: the value to add/set, or null to remove this particular keyword.

String the updated locale id


public String toLanguageTag ()

Returns a well-formed IETF BCP 47 language tag representing this locale.

If this ULocale has a language, script, country, or variant that does not satisfy the IETF BCP 47 language tag syntax requirements, this method handles these fields as described below:

Language: If language is empty, or not well-formed (for example "a" or "e2"), it will be emitted as "und" (Undetermined).

Script: If script is not well-formed (for example "12" or "Latin"), it will be omitted.

Country: If country is not well-formed (for example "12" or "USA"), it will be omitted.

Variant: If variant is well-formed, each sub-segment (delimited by '-' or '_') is emitted as a subtag. Otherwise:

  • if all sub-segments match [0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8} (for example "WIN" or "Oracle_JDK_Standard_Edition"), the first ill-formed sub-segment and all following will be appended to the private use subtag. The first appended subtag will be "lvariant", followed by the sub-segments in order, separated by hyphen. For example, "x-lvariant-WIN", "Oracle-x-lvariant-JDK-Standard-Edition".
  • if any sub-segment does not match [0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8}, the variant will be truncated and the problematic sub-segment and all following sub-segments will be omitted. If the remainder is non-empty, it will be emitted as a private use subtag as above (even if the remainder turns out to be well-formed). For example, "Solaris_isjustthecoolestthing" is emitted as "x-lvariant-Solaris", not as "solaris".

Note: Although the language tag created by this method is well-formed (satisfies the syntax requirements defined by the IETF BCP 47 specification), it is not necessarily a valid BCP 47 language tag. For example,

   new Locale("xx", "YY").toLanguageTag();
will return "xx-YY", but the language subtag "xx" and the region subtag "YY" are invalid because they are not registered in the IANA Language Subtag Registry.

String a BCP47 language tag representing the locale

See also:


public static String toLegacyKey (String keyword)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword (BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key, or legacy key) to the legacy key. For example, legacy key "collation" is returned for the input BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key "co".

keyword String: the input locale keyword (either BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key or legacy key).

String the well-formed legacy key, or null if the specified keyword cannot be mapped to a well-formed legacy key.

See also:


public static String toLegacyType (String keyword, 
                String value)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword value (BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type, or legacy type or type alias) to the canonical legacy type. For example, the legacy type "phonebook" is returned for the input BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type "phonebk" with the keyword "collation" (or "co").

When the specified keyword is not recognized, but the specified value satisfies the syntax of legacy key, or when the specified keyword allows 'variable' type and the specified value satisfies the syntax, the lower-case version of the input value will be returned. For example, toLegacyType("Foo", "Bar") returns "bar", toLegacyType("vt", "00A4") returns "00a4".

keyword String: the locale keyword (either legacy keyword such as "collation" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key such as "co").

value String: the locale keyword value (either BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type such as "phonebk" or legacy keyword value such as "phonebook").

String the well-formed legacy type, or null if the specified keyword value cannot be mapped to a well-formed legacy type.

See also:


public Locale toLocale ()

[icu] Converts this ULocale object to a Locale.

Locale a Locale that either exactly represents this object or is the closest approximation.


public String toString ()

Returns a string representation of this object.

String a string representation of the object.


public static String toUnicodeLocaleKey (String keyword)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword (legacy key, or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key) to the equivalent BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key. For example, BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key "co" is returned for the input keyword "collation".

When the specified keyword is unknown, but satisfies the BCP syntax, then the lower-case version of the input keyword will be returned. For example, toUnicodeLocaleKey("ZZ") returns "zz".

keyword String: the input locale keyword (either legacy key such as "collation" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key such as "co").

String the well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key, or null if the specified locale keyword cannot be mapped to a well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key.

See also:


public static String toUnicodeLocaleType (String keyword, 
                String value)

[icu] Converts the specified keyword value (legacy type, or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type) to the well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type for the specified keyword (category). For example, BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type "phonebk" is returned for the input keyword value "phonebook", with the keyword "collation" (or "co").

When the specified keyword is not recognized, but the specified value satisfies the syntax of the BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type, or when the specified keyword allows 'variable' type and the specified value satisfies the syntax, the lower-case version of the input value will be returned. For example, toUnicodeLocaleType("Foo", "Bar") returns "bar", toUnicodeLocaleType("variableTop", "00A4") returns "00a4".

keyword String: the locale keyword (either legacy key such as "collation" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension key such as "co").

value String: the locale keyword value (either legacy type such as "phonebook" or BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type such as "phonebk").

String the well-formed BCP47 Unicode locale extension type, or null if the locale keyword value cannot be mapped to a well-formed BCP 47 Unicode locale extension type.

See also: