# Print output for @column tags ?> DecimalStyle - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class DecimalStyle
extends Object

   ↳ java.time.format.DecimalStyle

Localized decimal style used in date and time formatting.

A significant part of dealing with dates and times is the localization. This class acts as a central point for accessing the information.



public static final DecimalStyle STANDARD

The standard set of non-localized decimal style symbols.

Public methods

boolean equals(Object obj)

Checks if this DecimalStyle is equal to another DecimalStyle.

static Set<Locale> getAvailableLocales()

Lists all the locales that are supported.

char getDecimalSeparator()

Gets the character that represents the decimal point.

char getNegativeSign()

Gets the character that represents the negative sign.

char getPositiveSign()

Gets the character that represents the positive sign.

char getZeroDigit()

Gets the character that represents zero.

int hashCode()

A hash code for this DecimalStyle.

static DecimalStyle of(Locale locale)

Obtains the DecimalStyle for the specified locale.

static DecimalStyle ofDefaultLocale()

Obtains the DecimalStyle for the default FORMAT locale.

String toString()

Returns a string describing this DecimalStyle.

DecimalStyle withDecimalSeparator(char decimalSeparator)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents the decimal point.

DecimalStyle withNegativeSign(char negativeSign)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents the negative sign.

DecimalStyle withPositiveSign(char positiveSign)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents the positive sign.

DecimalStyle withZeroDigit(char zeroDigit)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents zero.

Inherited methods



public static final DecimalStyle STANDARD

The standard set of non-localized decimal style symbols.

This uses standard ASCII characters for zero, positive, negative and a dot for the decimal point.

Public methods


public boolean equals (Object obj)

Checks if this DecimalStyle is equal to another DecimalStyle.

obj Object: the object to check, null returns false

boolean true if this is equal to the other date


public static Set<Locale> getAvailableLocales ()

Lists all the locales that are supported.

The locale 'en_US' will always be present.

Set<Locale> a Set of Locales for which localization is supported


public char getDecimalSeparator ()

Gets the character that represents the decimal point.

The character used to represent a decimal point may vary by culture. This method specifies the character to use.

char the character for the decimal point


public char getNegativeSign ()

Gets the character that represents the negative sign.

The character used to represent a negative number may vary by culture. This method specifies the character to use.

char the character for the negative sign


public char getPositiveSign ()

Gets the character that represents the positive sign.

The character used to represent a positive number may vary by culture. This method specifies the character to use.

char the character for the positive sign


public char getZeroDigit ()

Gets the character that represents zero.

The character used to represent digits may vary by culture. This method specifies the zero character to use, which implies the characters for one to nine.

char the character for zero


public int hashCode ()

A hash code for this DecimalStyle.

int a suitable hash code


public static DecimalStyle of (Locale locale)

Obtains the DecimalStyle for the specified locale.

This method provides access to locale sensitive decimal style symbols.

locale Locale: the locale, not null

DecimalStyle the decimal style, not null


public static DecimalStyle ofDefaultLocale ()

Obtains the DecimalStyle for the default FORMAT locale.

This method provides access to locale sensitive decimal style symbols.

This is equivalent to calling of(Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT)).

DecimalStyle the decimal style, not null

See also:


public String toString ()

Returns a string describing this DecimalStyle.

String a string description, not null


public DecimalStyle withDecimalSeparator (char decimalSeparator)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents the decimal point.

The character used to represent a decimal point may vary by culture. This method specifies the character to use.

decimalSeparator char: the character for the decimal point

DecimalStyle a copy with a new character that represents the decimal point, not null


public DecimalStyle withNegativeSign (char negativeSign)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents the negative sign.

The character used to represent a negative number may vary by culture. This method specifies the character to use.

negativeSign char: the character for the negative sign

DecimalStyle a copy with a new character that represents the negative sign, not null


public DecimalStyle withPositiveSign (char positiveSign)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents the positive sign.

The character used to represent a positive number may vary by culture. This method specifies the character to use.

positiveSign char: the character for the positive sign

DecimalStyle a copy with a new character that represents the positive sign, not null


public DecimalStyle withZeroDigit (char zeroDigit)

Returns a copy of the info with a new character that represents zero.

The character used to represent digits may vary by culture. This method specifies the zero character to use, which implies the characters for one to nine.

zeroDigit char: the character for zero

DecimalStyle a copy with a new character that represents zero, not null