# Print output for @column tags ?>
InspectionCompanion<T> | An interface for companion objects used to inspect views. |
InspectionCompanionProvider | An interface for services that can provide inspection companions for a class. |
PropertyMapper | An interface for mapping the string names of inspectable properties to integer identifiers. |
PropertyReader | An interface for reading the properties of an inspectable object. |
IntFlagMapping |
Maps the values of an int property to sets of string for properties that encode flags.
StaticInspectionCompanionProvider | An inspection companion provider that finds companions as inner classes or generated code. |
WindowInspector | Provides access to window inspection information. |
InspectionCompanion.UninitializedPropertyMapException |
Thrown by InspectionCompanion.readProperties(java.lang.Object, android.view.inspector.PropertyReader) if called before
InspectionCompanion.mapProperties(android.view.inspector.PropertyMapper) .
PropertyMapper.PropertyConflictException | Thrown from a map method if a property name is already mapped as different type. |
PropertyReader.PropertyTypeMismatchException | Thrown if a client calls a typed read method for a property of a different type. |