# Print output for @column tags ?> android.view.textservice - Android SDK | Android Developers

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SpellCheckerSession.SpellCheckerSessionListener Callback for getting results from text services 


SentenceSuggestionsInfo This class contains a metadata of suggestions returned from a text service (e.g. SpellCheckerService). 
SpellCheckerInfo This class is used to specify meta information of a spell checker. 
SpellCheckerSession The SpellCheckerSession interface provides the per client functionality of SpellCheckerService. 
SpellCheckerSubtype This class is used to specify meta information of a subtype contained in a spell checker. 
SuggestionsInfo This class contains a metadata of suggestions from the text service 
TextInfo This class contains a metadata of the input of TextService 
TextServicesManager System API to the overall text services, which arbitrates interaction between applications and text services.