Known indirect subclasses
Deprecated, Documented, FlakyTest, FunctionalInterface, Inherited, JavascriptInterface, LargeTest, MediaDrm.HdcpLevel, MediaDrm.SecurityLevel, MediumTest, Native, Override, RemoteViews.RemoteView, Repeatable, RepetitiveTest, and 16 others.
Deprecated |
A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers
are discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous,
or because a better alternative exists.
Documented |
Indicates that annotations with a type are to be documented by javadoc
and similar tools by default.
FlakyTest |
This @interface is deprecated.
FlakyTest instead. New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
FunctionalInterface |
An informative annotation type used to indicate that an interface
type declaration is intended to be a functional interface as
defined by the Java Language Specification.
Inherited |
Indicates that an annotation type is automatically inherited.
JavascriptInterface |
Annotation that allows exposing methods to JavaScript.
LargeTest |
This @interface is deprecated.
LargeTest instead. New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
MediaDrm.HdcpLevel |
This @interface is deprecated.
Not of any use for application development;
please note that the related integer constants remain supported:
MediaDrm.HDCP_NONE ,
MediaDrm.HDCP_V1 ,
MediaDrm.HDCP_V2 ,
MediaDrm.HDCP_V2_1 ,
MediaDrm.HDCP_V2_2 ,
MediaDrm.SecurityLevel |
This @interface is deprecated.
Not of any use for application development;
please note that the related integer constants remain supported:
MediumTest |
This @interface is deprecated.
MediumTest instead. New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
Native |
Indicates that a field defining a constant value may be referenced
from native code.
Override |
Indicates that a method declaration is intended to override a
method declaration in a supertype.
RemoteViews.RemoteView |
This annotation indicates that a subclass of View is allowed to be used
with the RemoteViews mechanism.
Repeatable |
The annotation type java.lang.annotation.Repeatable is
used to indicate that the annotation type whose declaration it
(meta-)annotates is repeatable.
RepetitiveTest |
This @interface is deprecated.
New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
Retention |
Indicates how long annotations with the annotated type are to
be retained.
SafeVarargs |
A programmer assertion that the body of the annotated method or
constructor does not perform potentially unsafe operations on its
varargs parameter.
SmallTest |
This @interface is deprecated.
SmallTest instead. New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
Smoke |
This @interface is deprecated.
New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
Suppress |
This @interface is deprecated.
Suppress instead. New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
SuppressLint |
Indicates that Lint should ignore the specified warnings for the annotated element.
SuppressWarnings |
Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the
annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated
Target |
Indicates the contexts in which an annotation type is applicable.
TargetApi |
Indicates that Lint should treat this type as targeting a given API level, no matter what the
project target is.
TestTarget |
This @interface is deprecated.
TestTargetClass |
This @interface is deprecated.
UiThreadTest |
This @interface is deprecated.
UiThreadTest instead. New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty |
This annotation can be used to mark fields and methods to be dumped when
the view is captured.
ViewDebug.ExportedProperty |
This annotation can be used to mark fields and methods to be dumped by
the view server.
ViewDebug.FlagToString |
Defines a mapping from a flag to a String.
ViewDebug.IntToString |
Defines a mapping from an int value to a String.
The common interface extended by all annotation types. Note that an
interface that manually extends this one does not define
an annotation type. Also note that this interface does not itself
define an annotation type.
More information about annotation types can be found in section 9.6 of
The Java™ Language Specification.
The AnnotatedElement
interface discusses
compatibility concerns when evolving an annotation type from being
non-repeatable to being repeatable.
Public methods |
Class<? extends Annotation>
Returns the annotation type of this annotation.
equals(Object obj)
Returns true if the specified object represents an annotation
that is logically equivalent to this one.
Returns the hash code of this annotation, as defined below:
The hash code of an annotation is the sum of the hash codes
of its members (including those with default values), as defined
The hash code of an annotation member is (127 times the hash code
of the member-name as computed by String#hashCode() ) XOR
the hash code of the member-value, as defined below:
The hash code of a member-value depends on its type:
Returns a string representation of this annotation.
Public methods
public abstract Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType ()
Returns the annotation type of this annotation.
public abstract boolean equals (Object obj)
Returns true if the specified object represents an annotation
that is logically equivalent to this one. In other words,
returns true if the specified object is an instance of the same
annotation type as this instance, all of whose members are equal
to the corresponding member of this annotation, as defined below:
- Two corresponding primitive typed members whose values are
x and y are considered equal if x == y,
unless their type is float or double.
- Two corresponding float members whose values
are x and y are considered equal if
(Unlike the == operator, NaN is considered equal
to itself, and 0.0f unequal to -0.0f.)
- Two corresponding double members whose values
are x and y are considered equal if
(Unlike the == operator, NaN is considered equal
to itself, and 0.0 unequal to -0.0.)
- Two corresponding String, Class, enum, or
annotation typed members whose values are x and y
are considered equal if x.equals(y). (Note that this
definition is recursive for annotation typed members.)
- Two corresponding array typed members x and y
are considered equal if Arrays.equals(x, y), for the
appropriate overloading of
Arrays.equals(boolean[], boolean[])
Parameters |
obj |
Object : the reference object with which to compare. |
Returns |
boolean |
true if the specified object represents an annotation
that is logically equivalent to this one, otherwise false |
public abstract int hashCode ()
Returns the hash code of this annotation, as defined below:
The hash code of an annotation is the sum of the hash codes
of its members (including those with default values), as defined
The hash code of an annotation member is (127 times the hash code
of the member-name as computed by String#hashCode()
the hash code of the member-value, as defined below:
The hash code of a member-value depends on its type:
- The hash code of a primitive value v is equal to
WrapperType.valueOf(v).hashCode(), where
WrapperType is the wrapper type corresponding
to the primitive type of v (
, Double
, Float
, Integer
, Short
, or Boolean
- The hash code of a string, enum, class, or annotation member-value
I v is computed as by calling
v.hashCode(). (In the case of annotation
member values, this is a recursive definition.)
- The hash code of an array member-value is computed by calling
the appropriate overloading of
on the value. (There is one overloading for each primitive
type, and one for object reference types.)
Returns |
int |
the hash code of this annotation |
public abstract String toString ()
Returns a string representation of this annotation. The details
of the representation are implementation-dependent, but the following
may be regarded as typical:
@com.acme.util.Name(first=Alfred, middle=E., last=Neuman)
Returns |
String |
a string representation of this annotation |