# Print output for @column tags ?> Matrix3f - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class Matrix3f
extends Object

   ↳ android.renderscript.Matrix3f

Class for exposing the native RenderScript rs_matrix3x3 type back to the Android system.


Public constructors


Creates a new identity 3x3 matrix

Matrix3f(float[] dataArray)

Creates a new matrix and sets its values from the given parameter

Public methods

float get(int x, int y)

Returns the value for a given row and column

float[] getArray()

Return a reference to the internal array representing matrix values.

void load(Matrix3f src)

Sets the values of the matrix to those of the parameter

void loadIdentity()

Sets the matrix values to identity

void loadMultiply(Matrix3f lhs, Matrix3f rhs)

Sets current values to be the result of multiplying two given matrices

void loadRotate(float rot, float x, float y, float z)

Sets current values to be a rotation matrix of certain angle about a given axis

void loadRotate(float rot)

Makes the upper 2x2 a rotation matrix of the given angle

void loadScale(float x, float y)

Makes the upper 2x2 a scale matrix of given dimensions

void loadScale(float x, float y, float z)

Sets current values to be a scale matrix of given dimensions

void loadTranslate(float x, float y)

Sets current values to be a translation matrix of given dimensions

void multiply(Matrix3f rhs)

Post-multiplies the current matrix by a given parameter

void rotate(float rot)

Modifies the upper 2x2 of the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a rotation matrix of given angle

void rotate(float rot, float x, float y, float z)

Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a rotation matrix of certain angle about a given axis

void scale(float x, float y)

Modifies the upper 2x2 of the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a scale matrix of given dimensions

void scale(float x, float y, float z)

Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a scale matrix of given dimensions

void set(int x, int y, float v)

Sets the value for a given row and column

void translate(float x, float y)

Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a translation matrix of given dimensions

void transpose()

Sets the current matrix to its transpose

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Matrix3f ()

Creates a new identity 3x3 matrix


public Matrix3f (float[] dataArray)

Creates a new matrix and sets its values from the given parameter

dataArray float: values to set the matrix to, must be 9 floats long

Public methods


public float get (int x, 
                int y)

Returns the value for a given row and column

x int: column of the value to return

y int: row of the value to return

float value in the yth row and xth column


public float[] getArray ()

Return a reference to the internal array representing matrix values. Modifying this array will also change the matrix

float[] internal array representing the matrix


public void load (Matrix3f src)

Sets the values of the matrix to those of the parameter

src Matrix3f: matrix to load the values from


public void loadIdentity ()

Sets the matrix values to identity


public void loadMultiply (Matrix3f lhs, 
                Matrix3f rhs)

Sets current values to be the result of multiplying two given matrices

lhs Matrix3f: left hand side matrix

rhs Matrix3f: right hand side matrix


public void loadRotate (float rot, 
                float x, 
                float y, 
                float z)

Sets current values to be a rotation matrix of certain angle about a given axis

rot float: angle of rotation

x float: rotation axis x

y float: rotation axis y

z float: rotation axis z


public void loadRotate (float rot)

Makes the upper 2x2 a rotation matrix of the given angle

rot float: rotation angle


public void loadScale (float x, 
                float y)

Makes the upper 2x2 a scale matrix of given dimensions

x float: scale component x

y float: scale component y


public void loadScale (float x, 
                float y, 
                float z)

Sets current values to be a scale matrix of given dimensions

x float: scale component x

y float: scale component y

z float: scale component z


public void loadTranslate (float x, 
                float y)

Sets current values to be a translation matrix of given dimensions

x float: translation component x

y float: translation component y


public void multiply (Matrix3f rhs)

Post-multiplies the current matrix by a given parameter

rhs Matrix3f: right hand side to multiply by


public void rotate (float rot)

Modifies the upper 2x2 of the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a rotation matrix of given angle

rot float: angle of rotation


public void rotate (float rot, 
                float x, 
                float y, 
                float z)

Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a rotation matrix of certain angle about a given axis

rot float: angle of rotation

x float: rotation axis x

y float: rotation axis y

z float: rotation axis z


public void scale (float x, 
                float y)

Modifies the upper 2x2 of the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a scale matrix of given dimensions

x float: scale component x

y float: scale component y


public void scale (float x, 
                float y, 
                float z)

Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a scale matrix of given dimensions

x float: scale component x

y float: scale component y

z float: scale component z


public void set (int x, 
                int y, 
                float v)

Sets the value for a given row and column

x int: column of the value to set

y int: row of the value to set

v float


public void translate (float x, 
                float y)

Modifies the current matrix by post-multiplying it with a translation matrix of given dimensions

x float: translation component x

y float: translation component y


public void transpose ()

Sets the current matrix to its transpose