# Print output for @column tags ?> ParcelFileDescriptor - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class ParcelFileDescriptor
extends Object implements Parcelable, Closeable

   ↳ android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor

The FileDescriptor returned by Parcel#readFileDescriptor, allowing you to close it when done with it.


Nested classes

class ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream

An InputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor#close for you when the stream is closed. 

class ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream

An OutputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor#close for you when the stream is closed. 

class ParcelFileDescriptor.FileDescriptorDetachedException

Exception that indicates that the file descriptor was detached. 

interface ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener

Callback indicating that a ParcelFileDescriptor has been closed. 



For use with open(File, int): append to end of file while writing.


For use with open(File, int): create the file if it doesn't already exist.


For use with open(File, int): open the file with read-only access.


For use with open(File, int): open the file with read and write access.


For use with open(File, int): erase contents of file when opening.


This constant is deprecated. Creating world-readable files is very dangerous, and likely to cause security holes in applications. It is strongly discouraged; instead, applications should use more formal mechanism for interactions such as ContentProvider, BroadcastReceiver, and Service. There are no guarantees that this access mode will remain on a file, such as when it goes through a backup and restore.


This constant is deprecated. Creating world-writable files is very dangerous, and likely to cause security holes in applications. It is strongly discouraged; instead, applications should use more formal mechanism for interactions such as ContentProvider, BroadcastReceiver, and Service. There are no guarantees that this access mode will remain on a file, such as when it goes through a backup and restore.


For use with open(File, int): open the file with write-only access.

Inherited constants


public static final Creator<ParcelFileDescriptor> CREATOR

Public constructors

ParcelFileDescriptor(ParcelFileDescriptor wrapped)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor wrapped around another descriptor.

Public methods

static ParcelFileDescriptor adoptFd(int fd)

Take ownership of a raw native fd in to a new ParcelFileDescriptor.

boolean canDetectErrors()

Indicates if this ParcelFileDescriptor can communicate and detect remote errors/crashes.

void checkError()

Detect and throw if the other end of a pipe or socket pair encountered an error or crashed.

void close()

Close the ParcelFileDescriptor.

void closeWithError(String msg)

Close the ParcelFileDescriptor, informing any peer that an error occurred while processing.

static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createPipe()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a data pipe.

static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createReliablePipe()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a data pipe.

static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createReliableSocketPair()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a pair of sockets connected to each other.

static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createSocketPair()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a pair of sockets connected to each other.

int describeContents()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

int detachFd()

Return the native fd int for this ParcelFileDescriptor and detach it from the object here.

static ParcelFileDescriptor dup(FileDescriptor orig)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor that is a dup of an existing FileDescriptor.

ParcelFileDescriptor dup()

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor that is a dup of the existing FileDescriptor.

static ParcelFileDescriptor fromDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket datagramSocket)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor from the specified DatagramSocket.

static ParcelFileDescriptor fromFd(int fd)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor from a raw native fd.

static ParcelFileDescriptor fromSocket(Socket socket)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor from the specified Socket.

int getFd()

Return the native fd int for this ParcelFileDescriptor.

FileDescriptor getFileDescriptor()

Retrieve the actual FileDescriptor associated with this object.

long getStatSize()

Return the total size of the file representing this fd, as determined by stat().

static ParcelFileDescriptor open(File file, int mode)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor accessing a given file.

static ParcelFileDescriptor open(File file, int mode, Handler handler, ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener listener)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor accessing a given file.

static int parseMode(String mode)

Converts a string representing a file mode, such as "rw", into a bitmask suitable for use with open(File, int).

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

static ParcelFileDescriptor wrap(ParcelFileDescriptor pfd, Handler handler, ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener listener)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor wrapping an already-opened file.

void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel. If Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE is set in flags, the file descriptor will be closed after a copy is written to the Parcel.

Protected methods

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

Inherited methods



public static final int MODE_APPEND

For use with open(File, int): append to end of file while writing.

Constant Value: 33554432 (0x02000000)


public static final int MODE_CREATE

For use with open(File, int): create the file if it doesn't already exist.

Constant Value: 134217728 (0x08000000)


public static final int MODE_READ_ONLY

For use with open(File, int): open the file with read-only access.

Constant Value: 268435456 (0x10000000)


public static final int MODE_READ_WRITE

For use with open(File, int): open the file with read and write access.

Constant Value: 805306368 (0x30000000)


public static final int MODE_TRUNCATE

For use with open(File, int): erase contents of file when opening.

Constant Value: 67108864 (0x04000000)


public static final int MODE_WORLD_READABLE

This constant is deprecated.
Creating world-readable files is very dangerous, and likely to cause security holes in applications. It is strongly discouraged; instead, applications should use more formal mechanism for interactions such as ContentProvider, BroadcastReceiver, and Service. There are no guarantees that this access mode will remain on a file, such as when it goes through a backup and restore.

For use with open(File, int): if MODE_CREATE has been supplied and this file doesn't already exist, then create the file with permissions such that any application can read it.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE

This constant is deprecated.
Creating world-writable files is very dangerous, and likely to cause security holes in applications. It is strongly discouraged; instead, applications should use more formal mechanism for interactions such as ContentProvider, BroadcastReceiver, and Service. There are no guarantees that this access mode will remain on a file, such as when it goes through a backup and restore.

For use with open(File, int): if MODE_CREATE has been supplied and this file doesn't already exist, then create the file with permissions such that any application can write it.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int MODE_WRITE_ONLY

For use with open(File, int): open the file with write-only access.

Constant Value: 536870912 (0x20000000)



public static final Creator<ParcelFileDescriptor> CREATOR

Public constructors


public ParcelFileDescriptor (ParcelFileDescriptor wrapped)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor wrapped around another descriptor. By default all method calls are delegated to the wrapped descriptor.

wrapped ParcelFileDescriptor

Public methods


public static ParcelFileDescriptor adoptFd (int fd)

Take ownership of a raw native fd in to a new ParcelFileDescriptor. The returned ParcelFileDescriptor now owns the given fd, and will be responsible for closing it.

WARNING: You must not close the fd yourself after this call, and ownership of the file descriptor must have been released prior to the call to this function.

fd int: The native fd that the ParcelFileDescriptor should adopt.

ParcelFileDescriptor Returns a new ParcelFileDescriptor holding a FileDescriptor for the given fd.


public boolean canDetectErrors ()

Indicates if this ParcelFileDescriptor can communicate and detect remote errors/crashes.


See also:


public void checkError ()

Detect and throw if the other end of a pipe or socket pair encountered an error or crashed. This allows a reader to distinguish between a valid EOF and an error/crash.

If this ParcelFileDescriptor is unable to detect remote errors, it will return silently.

IOException for normal errors.
ParcelFileDescriptor.FileDescriptorDetachedException if the remote side called detachFd(). Once detached, the remote side is unable to communicate any errors through closeWithError(java.lang.String).

See also:


public void close ()

Close the ParcelFileDescriptor. This implementation closes the underlying OS resources allocated to represent this stream.

IOException If an error occurs attempting to close this ParcelFileDescriptor.


public void closeWithError (String msg)

Close the ParcelFileDescriptor, informing any peer that an error occurred while processing. If the creator of this descriptor is not observing errors, it will close normally.

msg String: describing the error; must not be null.



public static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createPipe ()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a data pipe. The first ParcelFileDescriptor in the returned array is the read side; the second is the write side.




public static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createReliablePipe ()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a data pipe. The first ParcelFileDescriptor in the returned array is the read side; the second is the write side.

The write end has the ability to deliver an error message through closeWithError(java.lang.String) which can be handled by the read end calling checkError(), usually after detecting an EOF. This can also be used to detect remote crashes.




public static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createReliableSocketPair ()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a pair of sockets connected to each other. The two sockets are indistinguishable.

Both ends have the ability to deliver an error message through closeWithError(java.lang.String) which can be detected by the other end calling checkError(), usually after detecting an EOF. This can also be used to detect remote crashes.




public static ParcelFileDescriptor[] createSocketPair ()

Create two ParcelFileDescriptors structured as a pair of sockets connected to each other. The two sockets are indistinguishable.




public int describeContents ()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will include a file descriptor in the output of writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int), the return value of this method must include the CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR bit.

int a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR


public int detachFd ()

Return the native fd int for this ParcelFileDescriptor and detach it from the object here. You are now responsible for closing the fd in native code.

You should not detach when the original creator of the descriptor is expecting a reliable signal through close() or closeWithError(java.lang.String).


See also:


public static ParcelFileDescriptor dup (FileDescriptor orig)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor that is a dup of an existing FileDescriptor. This obeys standard POSIX semantics, where the new file descriptor shared state such as file position with the original file descriptor.

orig FileDescriptor




public ParcelFileDescriptor dup ()

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor that is a dup of the existing FileDescriptor. This obeys standard POSIX semantics, where the new file descriptor shared state such as file position with the original file descriptor.




public static ParcelFileDescriptor fromDatagramSocket (DatagramSocket datagramSocket)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor from the specified DatagramSocket. The new ParcelFileDescriptor holds a dup of the original FileDescriptor in the DatagramSocket, so you must still close the DatagramSocket as well as the new ParcelFileDescriptor.

WARNING: Prior to API level 29, this function would not actually dup the DatagramSocket's FileDescriptor, and would take a reference to the its internal FileDescriptor instead. If the DatagramSocket gets garbage collected before the ParcelFileDescriptor, this may lead to the ParcelFileDescriptor being unexpectedly closed. To avoid this, the following pattern can be used:

ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.fromDatagramSocket(socket).dup();

datagramSocket DatagramSocket: The DatagramSocket whose FileDescriptor is used to create a new ParcelFileDescriptor.

ParcelFileDescriptor A new ParcelFileDescriptor with a duped copy of the FileDescriptor of the specified Socket.

UncheckedIOException if dup(java.io.FileDescriptor) throws IOException.


public static ParcelFileDescriptor fromFd (int fd)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor from a raw native fd. The new ParcelFileDescriptor holds a dup of the original fd passed in here, so you must still close that fd as well as the new ParcelFileDescriptor.

fd int: The native fd that the ParcelFileDescriptor should dup.

ParcelFileDescriptor Returns a new ParcelFileDescriptor holding a FileDescriptor for a dup of the given fd.



public static ParcelFileDescriptor fromSocket (Socket socket)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor from the specified Socket. The new ParcelFileDescriptor holds a dup of the original FileDescriptor in the Socket, so you must still close the Socket as well as the new ParcelFileDescriptor.

WARNING: Prior to API level 29, this function would not actually dup the Socket's FileDescriptor, and would take a reference to the its internal FileDescriptor instead. If the Socket gets garbage collected before the ParcelFileDescriptor, this may lead to the ParcelFileDescriptor being unexpectedly closed. To avoid this, the following pattern can be used:

ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket(socket).dup();

socket Socket: The Socket whose FileDescriptor is used to create a new ParcelFileDescriptor.

ParcelFileDescriptor A new ParcelFileDescriptor with a duped copy of the FileDescriptor of the specified Socket.

UncheckedIOException if dup(java.io.FileDescriptor) throws IOException.


public int getFd ()

Return the native fd int for this ParcelFileDescriptor. The ParcelFileDescriptor still owns the fd, and it still must be closed through this API.

WARNING: Do not call close on the return value of this function or pass it to a function that assumes ownership of the fd.



public FileDescriptor getFileDescriptor ()

Retrieve the actual FileDescriptor associated with this object.

FileDescriptor Returns the FileDescriptor associated with this object.


public long getStatSize ()

Return the total size of the file representing this fd, as determined by stat(). Returns -1 if the fd is not a file.



public static ParcelFileDescriptor open (File file, 
                int mode)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor accessing a given file.

This method should only be used for files that you have direct access to; if you'd like to work with files hosted outside your app, use an API like ContentResolver#openFile(Uri, String, CancellationSignal).

file File: The file to be opened.

mode int: The desired access mode, must be one of MODE_READ_ONLY, MODE_WRITE_ONLY, or MODE_READ_WRITE; may also be any combination of MODE_CREATE, MODE_TRUNCATE, MODE_WORLD_READABLE, and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE.

ParcelFileDescriptor a new ParcelFileDescriptor pointing to the given file.

FileNotFoundException if the given file does not exist or can not be opened with the requested mode.

See also:


public static ParcelFileDescriptor open (File file, 
                int mode, 
                Handler handler, 
                ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener listener)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor accessing a given file.

This method should only be used for files that you have direct access to; if you'd like to work with files hosted outside your app, use an API like ContentResolver#openFile(Uri, String, CancellationSignal).

file File: The file to be opened.

mode int: The desired access mode, must be one of MODE_READ_ONLY, MODE_WRITE_ONLY, or MODE_READ_WRITE; may also be any combination of MODE_CREATE, MODE_TRUNCATE, MODE_WORLD_READABLE, and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE.

handler Handler: to call listener from; must not be null.

listener ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener: to be invoked when the returned descriptor has been closed; must not be null.

ParcelFileDescriptor a new ParcelFileDescriptor pointing to the given file.

FileNotFoundException if the given file does not exist or can not be opened with the requested mode.

See also:


public static int parseMode (String mode)

Converts a string representing a file mode, such as "rw", into a bitmask suitable for use with open(File, int).

mode String: The string representation of the file mode. Can be "r", "w", "wt", "wa", "rw" or "rwt".

int A bitmask representing the given file mode.

IllegalArgumentException if the given string does not match a known file mode.


public String toString ()

Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

String a string representation of the object.


public static ParcelFileDescriptor wrap (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd, 
                Handler handler, 
                ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener listener)

Create a new ParcelFileDescriptor wrapping an already-opened file.

pfd ParcelFileDescriptor: The already-opened file. This value cannot be null.

handler Handler: to call listener from. This value cannot be null.

listener ParcelFileDescriptor.OnCloseListener: to be invoked when the returned descriptor has been closed. This value cannot be null.

ParcelFileDescriptor a new ParcelFileDescriptor pointing to the given file. This value cannot be null.



public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, 
                int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel. If Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE is set in flags, the file descriptor will be closed after a copy is written to the Parcel.

out Parcel: The Parcel in which the object should be written.

flags int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE. Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES

Protected methods


protected void finalize ()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object. A subclass overrides the finalize method to dispose of system resources or to perform other cleanup.

The general contract of finalize is that it is invoked if and when the Java™ virtual machine has determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, except as a result of an action taken by the finalization of some other object or class which is ready to be finalized. The finalize method may take any action, including making this object available again to other threads; the usual purpose of finalize, however, is to perform cleanup actions before the object is irrevocably discarded. For example, the finalize method for an object that represents an input/output connection might perform explicit I/O transactions to break the connection before the object is permanently discarded.

The finalize method of class Object performs no special action; it simply returns normally. Subclasses of Object may override this definition.

The Java programming language does not guarantee which thread will invoke the finalize method for any given object. It is guaranteed, however, that the thread that invokes finalize will not be holding any user-visible synchronization locks when finalize is invoked. If an uncaught exception is thrown by the finalize method, the exception is ignored and finalization of that object terminates.

After the finalize method has been invoked for an object, no further action is taken until the Java virtual machine has again determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, including possible actions by other objects or classes which are ready to be finalized, at which point the object may be discarded.

The finalize method is never invoked more than once by a Java virtual machine for any given object.

Any exception thrown by the finalize method causes the finalization of this object to be halted, but is otherwise ignored.
