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public final class MediaRouter2
extends Object

   ↳ android.media.MediaRouter2

This API is not generally intended for third party application developers. Use the AndroidX Media Router Library for consistent behavior across all devices. Media Router 2 allows applications to control the routing of media channels and streams from the current device to remote speakers and devices.


Nested classes

class MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback

Callback for receiving RoutingController updates. 

interface MediaRouter2.OnGetControllerHintsListener

A listener interface to send optional app-specific hints when creating a RoutingController

class MediaRouter2.RouteCallback

Callback for receiving events about media route discovery. 

class MediaRouter2.RoutingController

A class to control media routing session in media route provider. 

class MediaRouter2.TransferCallback

Callback for receiving events on media transfer. 

Public methods

List<MediaRouter2.RoutingController> getControllers()

Gets the list of currently active RoutingController on which media can be played.

static MediaRouter2 getInstance(Context context)

Gets an instance of the media router associated with the context.

List<MediaRoute2Info> getRoutes()

Gets the unmodifiable list of MediaRoute2Info currently known to the media router.

MediaRouter2.RoutingController getSystemController()

Gets a RoutingController which can control the routes provided by system.

void registerControllerCallback(Executor executor, MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback callback)

Registers a ControllerCallback.

void registerRouteCallback(Executor executor, MediaRouter2.RouteCallback routeCallback, RouteDiscoveryPreference preference)

Registers a callback to discover routes and to receive events when they change.

void registerTransferCallback(Executor executor, MediaRouter2.TransferCallback callback)

Registers a callback to get the result of transferTo(android.media.MediaRoute2Info).

void setOnGetControllerHintsListener(MediaRouter2.OnGetControllerHintsListener listener)

Sets an OnGetControllerHintsListener to send hints when creating a RoutingController.

void stop()

Stops the current media routing.

void transferTo(MediaRoute2Info route)

Transfers the current media to the given route.

void unregisterControllerCallback(MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback callback)

Unregisters a ControllerCallback.

void unregisterRouteCallback(MediaRouter2.RouteCallback routeCallback)

Unregisters the given callback.

void unregisterTransferCallback(MediaRouter2.TransferCallback callback)

Unregisters the given callback.

Inherited methods

Public methods


public List<MediaRouter2.RoutingController> getControllers ()

Gets the list of currently active RoutingController on which media can be played.

Note: The list returned here will never be empty. The first element in the list is always the system controller.

List<MediaRouter2.RoutingController> This value cannot be null.


public static MediaRouter2 getInstance (Context context)

Gets an instance of the media router associated with the context.

context Context: This value cannot be null.

MediaRouter2 This value cannot be null.


public List<MediaRoute2Info> getRoutes ()

Gets the unmodifiable list of MediaRoute2Info currently known to the media router.

Please note that the list can be changed before callbacks are invoked.

List<MediaRoute2Info> the list of routes that contains at least one of the route features in discovery preferences registered by the application This value cannot be null.


public MediaRouter2.RoutingController getSystemController ()

Gets a RoutingController which can control the routes provided by system. e.g. Phone speaker, wired headset, Bluetooth, etc.

Note: The system controller can't be released. Calling RoutingController#release() will be ignored.

This method always returns the same instance.

MediaRouter2.RoutingController This value cannot be null.


public void registerControllerCallback (Executor executor, 
                MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback callback)

Registers a ControllerCallback. If you register the same callback twice or more, it will be ignored.

executor Executor: This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

callback MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback: This value cannot be null.

See also:


public void registerRouteCallback (Executor executor, 
                MediaRouter2.RouteCallback routeCallback, 
                RouteDiscoveryPreference preference)

Registers a callback to discover routes and to receive events when they change.

If the specified callback is already registered, its registration will be updated for the given Executor and RouteDiscoveryPreference.

executor Executor: This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

routeCallback MediaRouter2.RouteCallback: This value cannot be null.

preference RouteDiscoveryPreference: This value cannot be null.


public void registerTransferCallback (Executor executor, 
                MediaRouter2.TransferCallback callback)

Registers a callback to get the result of transferTo(android.media.MediaRoute2Info). If you register the same callback twice or more, it will be ignored.

executor Executor: the executor to execute the callback on This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

callback MediaRouter2.TransferCallback: the callback to register This value cannot be null.

See also:


public void setOnGetControllerHintsListener (MediaRouter2.OnGetControllerHintsListener listener)

Sets an OnGetControllerHintsListener to send hints when creating a RoutingController. To send the hints, listener should be set BEFORE calling transferTo(android.media.MediaRoute2Info).

listener MediaRouter2.OnGetControllerHintsListener: A listener to send optional app-specific hints when creating a controller. null for unset. This value may be null.


public void stop ()

Stops the current media routing. If the system controller controls the media routing, this method is a no-op.


public void transferTo (MediaRoute2Info route)

Transfers the current media to the given route. If it's necessary a new RoutingController is created or it is handled within the current routing controller.

route MediaRoute2Info: the route you want to transfer the current media to. Pass null to stop routing of the current media. This value cannot be null.

See also:


public void unregisterControllerCallback (MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback callback)

Unregisters a ControllerCallback. The callback will no longer receive events. If the callback has not been added or been removed already, it is ignored.

callback MediaRouter2.ControllerCallback: This value cannot be null.

See also:


public void unregisterRouteCallback (MediaRouter2.RouteCallback routeCallback)

Unregisters the given callback. The callback will no longer receive events. If the callback has not been added or been removed already, it is ignored.

routeCallback MediaRouter2.RouteCallback: the callback to unregister This value cannot be null.

See also:


public void unregisterTransferCallback (MediaRouter2.TransferCallback callback)

Unregisters the given callback. The callback will no longer receive events. If the callback has not been added or been removed already, it is ignored.

callback MediaRouter2.TransferCallback: the callback to unregister This value cannot be null.

See also: