# Print output for @column tags ?> UnicodeSetIterator - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class UnicodeSetIterator
extends Object

   ↳ android.icu.text.UnicodeSetIterator

UnicodeSetIterator iterates over the contents of a UnicodeSet. It iterates over either code points or code point ranges. After all code points or ranges have been returned, it returns the multicharacter strings of the UnicodSet, if any.

To iterate over code points and multicharacter strings, use a loop like this:

 for (UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(set); it.next();) {

To iterate over code point ranges, use a loop like this:

 for (UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(set); it.nextRange();) {
   if (it.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING) {
     processCodepointRange(it.codepoint, it.codepointEnd);
   } else {

Warning: For speed, UnicodeSet iteration does not check for concurrent modification. Do not alter the UnicodeSet while iterating.



public static int IS_STRING

Value of codepoint if the iterator points to a string.

public int codepoint

Current code point, or the special value IS_STRING, if the iterator points to a string.

public int codepointEnd

When iterating over ranges using nextRange(), codepointEnd contains the inclusive end of the iteration range, if codepoint != IS_STRING.

public String string

If codepoint == IS_STRING, then string points to the current string.

Public constructors

UnicodeSetIterator(UnicodeSet set)

Create an iterator over the given set.


Create an iterator over nothing.

Public methods

String getString()

Gets the current string from the iterator.

boolean next()

Returns the next element in the set, either a single code point or a string.

boolean nextRange()

Returns the next element in the set, either a code point range or a string.

void reset()

Resets this iterator to the start of the set.

void reset(UnicodeSet uset)

Sets this iterator to visit the elements of the given set and resets it to the start of that set.

Inherited methods



public static int IS_STRING

Value of codepoint if the iterator points to a string. If codepoint == IS_STRING, then examine string for the current iteration result.


public int codepoint

Current code point, or the special value IS_STRING, if the iterator points to a string.


public int codepointEnd

When iterating over ranges using nextRange(), codepointEnd contains the inclusive end of the iteration range, if codepoint != IS_STRING. If iterating over code points using next(), or if codepoint == IS_STRING, then the value of codepointEnd is undefined.


public String string

If codepoint == IS_STRING, then string points to the current string. If codepoint != IS_STRING, the value of string is undefined.

Public constructors


public UnicodeSetIterator (UnicodeSet set)

Create an iterator over the given set.

set UnicodeSet: set to iterate over


public UnicodeSetIterator ()

Create an iterator over nothing. next() and nextRange() return false. This is a convenience constructor allowing the target to be set later.

Public methods


public String getString ()

Gets the current string from the iterator. Only use after calling next(), not nextRange().



public boolean next ()

Returns the next element in the set, either a single code point or a string. If there are no more elements in the set, return false. If codepoint == IS_STRING, the value is a string in the string field. Otherwise the value is a single code point in the codepoint field.

The order of iteration is all code points in sorted order, followed by all strings sorted order. codepointEnd is undefined after calling this method. string is undefined unless codepoint == IS_STRING. Do not mix calls to next() and nextRange() without calling reset() between them. The results of doing so are undefined.

Warning: For speed, UnicodeSet iteration does not check for concurrent modification. Do not alter the UnicodeSet while iterating.

boolean true if there was another element in the set and this object contains the element.


public boolean nextRange ()

Returns the next element in the set, either a code point range or a string. If there are no more elements in the set, return false. If codepoint == IS_STRING, the value is a string in the string field. Otherwise the value is a range of one or more code points from codepoint to codepointeEnd inclusive.

The order of iteration is all code points ranges in sorted order, followed by all strings sorted order. Ranges are disjoint and non-contiguous. string is undefined unless codepoint == IS_STRING. Do not mix calls to next() and nextRange() without calling reset() between them. The results of doing so are undefined.

boolean true if there was another element in the set and this object contains the element.


public void reset ()

Resets this iterator to the start of the set.


public void reset (UnicodeSet uset)

Sets this iterator to visit the elements of the given set and resets it to the start of that set. The iterator is valid only so long as set is valid.

uset UnicodeSet: the set to iterate over.