# Print output for @column tags ?> Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.app.Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder

Builder to construct a BubbleMetadata object.


Public constructors


This constructor is deprecated. use Builder#Builder(String) for a bubble created via a ShortcutInfo or Builder#Builder(PendingIntent, Icon) for a bubble created via a PendingIntent.

Builder(String shortcutId)

Creates a BubbleMetadata.Builder based on a ShortcutInfo.

Builder(PendingIntent intent, Icon icon)

Creates a BubbleMetadata.Builder based on the provided intent and icon.

Public methods

Notification.BubbleMetadata build()

Creates the BubbleMetadata defined by this builder.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setAutoExpandBubble(boolean shouldExpand)

Sets whether the bubble will be posted in its expanded state.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent deleteIntent)

Sets an intent to send when this bubble is explicitly removed by the user.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setDesiredHeight(int height)

Sets the desired height in DPs for the expanded content of the bubble.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setDesiredHeightResId(int heightResId)

Sets the desired height via resId for the expanded content of the bubble.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setIcon(Icon icon)

Sets the icon for the bubble.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setIntent(PendingIntent intent)

Sets the intent for the bubble.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setSuppressNotification(boolean shouldSuppressNotif)

Sets whether the bubble will be posted without the associated notification in the notification shade.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder ()

This constructor is deprecated.
use Builder#Builder(String) for a bubble created via a ShortcutInfo or Builder#Builder(PendingIntent, Icon) for a bubble created via a PendingIntent.


public Builder (String shortcutId)

Creates a BubbleMetadata.Builder based on a ShortcutInfo. To create a shortcut bubble, ensure that the shortcut associated with the provided is published as a dynamic shortcut that was built with ShortcutInfo.Builder#setLongLived(boolean) being true, otherwise your notification will not be able to bubble.

The shortcut icon will be used to represent the bubble when it is collapsed.

The shortcut activity will be used when the bubble is expanded. This will display the shortcut activity in a floating window over the existing foreground activity.

If the shortcut has not been published when the bubble notification is sent, no bubble will be produced. If the shortcut is deleted while the bubble is active, the bubble will be removed.

NullPointerException if shortcutId is null.

See also:


public Builder (PendingIntent intent, 
                Icon icon)

Creates a BubbleMetadata.Builder based on the provided intent and icon.

The icon will be used to represent the bubble when it is collapsed. An icon should be representative of the content within the bubble. If your app produces multiple bubbles, the icon should be unique for each of them.

The intent that will be used when the bubble is expanded. This will display the app content in a floating window over the existing foreground activity. The intent should point to a resizable activity.

intent PendingIntent: This value cannot be null.

icon Icon: This value cannot be null.

NullPointerException if intent is null.
NullPointerException if icon is null.

Public methods


public Notification.BubbleMetadata build ()

Creates the BubbleMetadata defined by this builder.

Notification.BubbleMetadata This value cannot be null.

NullPointerException if required elements have not been set.


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setAutoExpandBubble (boolean shouldExpand)

Sets whether the bubble will be posted in its expanded state.

This flag has no effect if the app posting the bubble is not in the foreground. The app is considered foreground if it is visible and on the screen, note that a foreground service does not qualify.

Generally, this flag should only be set if the user has performed an action to request or create a bubble.

Setting this flag is optional; it defaults to false.

shouldExpand boolean

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder This value cannot be null.


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setDeleteIntent (PendingIntent deleteIntent)

Sets an intent to send when this bubble is explicitly removed by the user.

Setting a delete intent is optional.

deleteIntent PendingIntent: This value may be null.

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder This value cannot be null.


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setDesiredHeight (int height)

Sets the desired height in DPs for the expanded content of the bubble.

This height may not be respected if there is not enough space on the screen or if the provided height is too small to be useful.

If setDesiredHeightResId(int) was previously called on this builder, the previous value set will be cleared after calling this method, and this value will be used instead.

A desired height (in DPs or via resID) is optional.

height int

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder This value cannot be null.

See also:


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setDesiredHeightResId (int heightResId)

Sets the desired height via resId for the expanded content of the bubble.

This height may not be respected if there is not enough space on the screen or if the provided height is too small to be useful.

If setDesiredHeight(int) was previously called on this builder, the previous value set will be cleared after calling this method, and this value will be used instead.

A desired height (in DPs or via resID) is optional.

heightResId int

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder This value cannot be null.

See also:


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setIcon (Icon icon)

Sets the icon for the bubble. Can only be used if the bubble was created via Builder#Builder(PendingIntent, Icon).

The icon will be used to represent the bubble when it is collapsed. An icon should be representative of the content within the bubble. If your app produces multiple bubbles, the icon should be unique for each of them.

It is recommended to use an Icon of type Icon#TYPE_URI or Icon#TYPE_URI_ADAPTIVE_BITMAP

icon Icon: This value cannot be null.


NullPointerException if icon is null.
IllegalStateException if this builder was created via Builder#Builder(String).


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setIntent (PendingIntent intent)

Sets the intent for the bubble.

The intent that will be used when the bubble is expanded. This will display the app content in a floating window over the existing foreground activity. The intent should point to a resizable activity.

intent PendingIntent: This value cannot be null.


NullPointerException if intent is null.
IllegalStateException if this builder was created via Builder#Builder(String).


public Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder setSuppressNotification (boolean shouldSuppressNotif)

Sets whether the bubble will be posted without the associated notification in the notification shade.

This flag has no effect if the app posting the bubble is not in the foreground. The app is considered foreground if it is visible and on the screen, note that a foreground service does not qualify.

Generally, this flag should only be set if the user has performed an action to request or create a bubble, or if the user has seen the content in the notification and the notification is no longer relevant.

Setting this flag is optional; it defaults to false.

shouldSuppressNotif boolean

Notification.BubbleMetadata.Builder This value cannot be null.