Known indirect subclasses
AbsoluteSizeSpan, DynamicDrawableSpan, ImageSpan, LocaleSpan, MetricAffectingSpan, RelativeSizeSpan, ReplacementSpan, ScaleXSpan, StyleSpan, SubscriptSpan, SuperscriptSpan, TextAppearanceSpan, TypefaceSpan
AbsoluteSizeSpan |
A span that changes the size of the text it's attached to.
DynamicDrawableSpan |
Span that replaces the text it's attached to with a Drawable that can be aligned with
the bottom or with the baseline of the surrounding text.
ImageSpan |
Span that replaces the text it's attached to with a Drawable that can be aligned with
the bottom or with the baseline of the surrounding text.
LocaleSpan |
Changes the Locale of the text to which the span is attached.
MetricAffectingSpan |
The classes that affect character-level text formatting in a way that
changes the width or height of characters extend this class.
RelativeSizeSpan |
Uniformly scales the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain proportion.
ReplacementSpan |
ScaleXSpan |
Scales horizontally the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain factor.
StyleSpan |
Span that allows setting the style of the text it's attached to.
SubscriptSpan |
The span that moves the position of the text baseline lower.
SuperscriptSpan |
The span that moves the position of the text baseline higher.
TextAppearanceSpan |
Sets the text appearance using the given
TextAppearance attributes.
TypefaceSpan |
Span that updates the typeface of the text it's attached to.
The classes that affect character-level text formatting in a way that
triggers a text layout update when one is added or removed must implement
this interface. This interface also includes UpdateAppearance
since such a change implicitly also impacts the appearance.