# Print output for @column tags ?> MbmsStreamingSessionCallback - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class MbmsStreamingSessionCallback
extends Object

   ↳ android.telephony.mbms.MbmsStreamingSessionCallback

A callback class that is used to receive information from the middleware on MBMS streaming services. An instance of this object should be passed into MbmsStreamingSession#create(Context, Executor, int, MbmsStreamingSessionCallback).


Public constructors


Public methods

void onError(int errorCode, String message)

Called by the middleware when it has detected an error condition.

void onMiddlewareReady()

Called to indicate that the middleware has been initialized and is ready.

void onStreamingServicesUpdated(List<StreamingServiceInfo> services)

Called to indicate published Streaming Services have changed.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public MbmsStreamingSessionCallback ()

Public methods


public void onError (int errorCode, 
                String message)

Called by the middleware when it has detected an error condition. The possible error codes are listed in MbmsErrors.

errorCode int: The error code. Value is MbmsErrors.ERROR_NO_UNIQUE_MIDDLEWARE, MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_LOST, MbmsErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_BOUND, MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_APP_PERMISSIONS_NOT_GRANTED, MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_DUPLICATE_INITIALIZE, MbmsErrors.InitializationErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_YET_READY, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_IN_E911, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_HOME_CARRIER_LTE, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_READ_SIM, MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors.ERROR_CARRIER_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED, MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_CONCURRENT_SERVICE_LIMIT_REACHED, MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_START_SERVICE, or MbmsErrors.StreamingErrors.ERROR_DUPLICATE_START_STREAM

message String: A human-readable message generated by the middleware for debugging purposes. This value may be null.


public void onMiddlewareReady ()

Called to indicate that the middleware has been initialized and is ready. Before this method is called, calling any method on an instance of MbmsStreamingSession will result in an IllegalStateException or an error delivered via onError(int, java.lang.String) with error code MbmsErrors.GeneralErrors#ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_NOT_YET_READY.


public void onStreamingServicesUpdated (List<StreamingServiceInfo> services)

Called to indicate published Streaming Services have changed. This will only be called after the application has requested a list of streaming services and specified a service class list of interest AND the results of a subsequent getStreamServices call with the same service class list would return different results.

services List: The list of available services.