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public class ImsRcsManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.telephony.ims.ImsRcsManager

Manager for interfacing with the framework RCS services, including the User Capability Exchange (UCE) service, as well as managing user settings. Use ImsManager#getImsRcsManager(int) to create an instance of this manager.




Activity Action: Show the opt-in dialog for enabling or disabling RCS contact discovery using User Capability Exchange (UCE), which enables a service that periodically shares the phone numbers of all of the contacts in the user's address book with the carrier to refresh the RCS capabilities associated with those contacts as the local cache becomes stale.

Public methods

void getRegistrationState(Executor executor, Consumer<Integer> stateCallback)

Gets the registration state of the IMS service.

void getRegistrationTransportType(Executor executor, Consumer<Integer> transportTypeCallback)

Gets the Transport Type associated with the current IMS registration.

RcsUceAdapter getUceAdapter()
void registerImsRegistrationCallback(Executor executor, RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback c)

Registers a RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback with the system.

void unregisterImsRegistrationCallback(RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback c)

Removes an existing RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback.

Inherited methods




Activity Action: Show the opt-in dialog for enabling or disabling RCS contact discovery using User Capability Exchange (UCE), which enables a service that periodically shares the phone numbers of all of the contacts in the user's address book with the carrier to refresh the RCS capabilities associated with those contacts as the local cache becomes stale.

An application that depends on RCS contact discovery being enabled must send this intent using Context#startActivity(Intent) to ask the user to opt-in for contacts upload for capability exchange if it is currently disabled. Whether or not RCS contact discovery has been enabled by the user can be queried using RcsUceAdapter#isUceSettingEnabled().

This intent will always be handled by the system, however the application should only send this Intent if the carrier supports bulk RCS contact exchange, which will be true if either key CarrierConfigManager.Ims.KEY_RCS_BULK_CAPABILITY_EXCHANGE_BOOL or CarrierConfigManager.KEY_USE_RCS_PRESENCE_BOOL is set to true. Otherwise, the RCS contact discovery opt-in dialog will not be shown.

Input: A mandatory Settings#EXTRA_SUB_ID extra containing the subscription that the setting will be be shown for.

Output: Nothing

See also:

Constant Value: "android.telephony.ims.action.SHOW_CAPABILITY_DISCOVERY_OPT_IN"

Public methods


public void getRegistrationState (Executor executor, 
                Consumer<Integer> stateCallback)

Gets the registration state of the IMS service. Requires Permission: READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges()).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

executor Executor: The Executor that will be used to call the IMS registration state callback. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

stateCallback Consumer: A callback called on the supplied Executor that will contain the registration state of the IMS service, which will be one of the following: RegistrationManager#REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED, RegistrationManager#REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, or RegistrationManager#REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERED. This value cannot be null. Value is RegistrationManager.REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED, RegistrationManager.REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING, or RegistrationManager.REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERED


public void getRegistrationTransportType (Executor executor, 
                Consumer<Integer> transportTypeCallback)

Gets the Transport Type associated with the current IMS registration. Requires Permission: READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges()).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

executor Executor: The Executor that will be used to call the transportTypeCallback. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

transportTypeCallback Consumer: The transport type associated with the current IMS registration, which will be one of following: , , or . This value cannot be null. Value is android.telephony.AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_INVALID, AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_WWAN, or AccessNetworkConstants.TRANSPORT_TYPE_WLAN


public RcsUceAdapter getUceAdapter ()

RcsUceAdapter A RcsUceAdapter used for User Capability Exchange (UCE) operations for this subscription. This value cannot be null.


public void registerImsRegistrationCallback (Executor executor, 
                RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback c)

Registers a RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback with the system. When the callback is registered, it will initiate the callback c to be called with the current registration state. Requires Permission: READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges()).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

executor Executor: The executor the callback events should be run on. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

c RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback: The RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback to be added. This value cannot be null.

ImsException if the subscription associated with this callback is valid, but the ImsService associated with the subscription is not available. This can happen if the service crashed, for example. See ImsException#getCode() for a more detailed reason.

See also:


public void unregisterImsRegistrationCallback (RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback c)

Removes an existing RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback. When the subscription associated with this callback is removed (SIM removed, ESIM swap, etc...), this callback will automatically be removed. If this method is called for an inactive subscription, it will result in a no-op. Requires Permission: READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE or that the calling app has carrier privileges (see TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges()).
Requires Manifest.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE

c RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback: The RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback to be removed. This value cannot be null.

See also: