# Print output for @column tags ?> CustomDescription.Builder - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static class CustomDescription.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.service.autofill.CustomDescription.Builder

Builder for CustomDescription objects.


Public constructors

Builder(RemoteViews parentPresentation)

Default constructor.

Public methods

CustomDescription.Builder addChild(int id, Transformation transformation)

Adds a transformation to replace the value of a child view with the fields in the screen.

CustomDescription.Builder addOnClickAction(int id, OnClickAction action)

Sets an action to be applied to the presentation template when the child view with the given id is clicked.

CustomDescription.Builder batchUpdate(Validator condition, BatchUpdates updates)

Updates the presentation template when a condition is satisfied by applying a series of remote view operations.

CustomDescription build()

Creates a new CustomDescription instance.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder (RemoteViews parentPresentation)

Default constructor.

Note: If any child view of presentation triggers a on click, such PendingIntent must follow the restrictions below, otherwise it might not be triggered or the autofill save UI might not be shown when its activity is finished:

parentPresentation RemoteViews: template presentation with (optional) children views. This value cannot be null.

NullPointerException if parentPresentation is null (on Android Build.VERSION_CODES.P or higher).

Public methods


public CustomDescription.Builder addChild (int id, 
                Transformation transformation)

Adds a transformation to replace the value of a child view with the fields in the screen.

When multiple transformations are added for the same child view, they will be applied in the same order as added.

id int: view id of the children view.

transformation Transformation: an implementation provided by the Android System. This value cannot be null.

CustomDescription.Builder this builder. This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if transformation is not a class provided by the Android System.
IllegalStateException if build() was already called.


public CustomDescription.Builder addOnClickAction (int id, 
                OnClickAction action)

Sets an action to be applied to the presentation template when the child view with the given id is clicked.

Typically used when the presentation uses a masked field (like ****) for sensitive fields like passwords or credit cards numbers, but offers a an icon that the user can tap to show the value for that field.


   .addChild(R.id.password_plain, new CharSequenceTransformation
      .Builder(passwordId, Pattern.compile("^(.*)$"), "$1").build())
   .addOnClickAction(R.id.showIcon, new VisibilitySetterAction
     .Builder(R.id.hideIcon, View.VISIBLE)
     .setVisibility(R.id.showIcon, View.GONE)
     .setVisibility(R.id.password_plain, View.VISIBLE)
     .setVisibility(R.id.password_masked, View.GONE)
   .addOnClickAction(R.id.hideIcon, new VisibilitySetterAction
     .Builder(R.id.showIcon, View.VISIBLE)
     .setVisibility(R.id.hideIcon, View.GONE)
     .setVisibility(R.id.password_masked, View.VISIBLE)
     .setVisibility(R.id.password_plain, View.GONE)

Note: Currently only one action can be applied to a child; if this method is called multiple times passing the same id, only the last call will be used.

id int: resource id of the child view.

action OnClickAction: action to be performed. Must be an an implementation provided by the Android System. This value cannot be null.

CustomDescription.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if action is not a class provided by the Android System.
IllegalStateException if build() was already called.


public CustomDescription.Builder batchUpdate (Validator condition, 
                BatchUpdates updates)

Updates the presentation template when a condition is satisfied by applying a series of remote view operations. This allows dynamic customization of the portion of the save UI that is controlled by the autofill service. Such dynamic customization is based on the content of target views.

The updates are applied in the sequence they are added, after the transformations are applied to the children views.

For example, to make children views visible when fields are not empty:

 RemoteViews template = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.my_full_template);

 Pattern notEmptyPattern = Pattern.compile(".+");
 Validator hasAddress = new RegexValidator(addressAutofillId, notEmptyPattern);
 Validator hasCcNumber = new RegexValidator(ccNumberAutofillId, notEmptyPattern);

 RemoteViews addressUpdates = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.my_full_template)
 addressUpdates.setViewVisibility(R.id.address, View.VISIBLE);

 // Make address visible
 BatchUpdates addressBatchUpdates = new BatchUpdates.Builder()

 RemoteViews ccUpdates = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.my_full_template)
 ccUpdates.setViewVisibility(R.id.cc_number, View.VISIBLE);

 // Mask credit card number (as .....LAST_4_DIGITS) and make it visible
 BatchUpdates ccBatchUpdates = new BatchUpdates.Builder()
     .transformChild(R.id.templateCcNumber, new CharSequenceTransformation
                     .Builder(ccNumberId, Pattern.compile("^.*(\\d\\d\\d\\d)$"), "...$1")

 CustomDescription customDescription = new CustomDescription.Builder(template)
     .batchUpdate(hasAddress, addressBatchUpdates)
     .batchUpdate(hasCcNumber, ccBatchUpdates)

Another approach is to add a child first, then apply the transformations. Example:

 RemoteViews template = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.my_base_template);

 RemoteViews addressPresentation = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.address)
 RemoteViews addressUpdates = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.my_template)
 addressUpdates.addView(R.id.parentId, addressPresentation);
 BatchUpdates addressBatchUpdates = new BatchUpdates.Builder()

 RemoteViews ccPresentation = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.cc)
 RemoteViews ccUpdates = new RemoteViews(pgkName, R.layout.my_template)
 ccUpdates.addView(R.id.parentId, ccPresentation);
 BatchUpdates ccBatchUpdates = new BatchUpdates.Builder()
     .transformChild(R.id.templateCcNumber, new CharSequenceTransformation
                     .Builder(ccNumberId, Pattern.compile("^.*(\\d\\d\\d\\d)$"), "...$1")

 CustomDescription customDescription = new CustomDescription.Builder(template)
     .batchUpdate(hasAddress, addressBatchUpdates)
     .batchUpdate(hasCcNumber, ccBatchUpdates)

condition Validator: condition used to trigger the updates. This value cannot be null.

updates BatchUpdates: actions to be applied to the template presentation when the condition is satisfied. This value cannot be null.

CustomDescription.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if condition is not a class provided by the Android System.
IllegalStateException if build() was already called.


public CustomDescription build ()

Creates a new CustomDescription instance.

CustomDescription This value cannot be null.