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public static final class WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.net.wifi.WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder

Builder used to create WifiNetworkSuggestion objects.


Public constructors


Public methods

WifiNetworkSuggestion build()

Create a network suggestion object for use in WifiManager#addNetworkSuggestions(List).

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setBssid(MacAddress bssid)

Set the BSSID to use for filtering networks from scan results.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setCarrierMerged(boolean isCarrierMerged)

Specifies whether the suggestion represents a carrier merged network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setCredentialSharedWithUser(boolean isShared)

Specifies whether the network credentials provided with this suggestion can be used by the user to explicitly (manually) connect to this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsAppInteractionRequired(boolean isAppInteractionRequired)

Specifies whether the app needs to log in to a captive portal to obtain Internet access.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsEnhancedOpen(boolean isEnhancedOpen)

Specifies whether this represents an Enhanced Open (OWE) network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsHiddenSsid(boolean isHiddenSsid)

Specifies whether this represents a hidden network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsInitialAutojoinEnabled(boolean enabled)

Specifies whether the suggestion is created with auto-join enabled or disabled.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsMetered(boolean isMetered)

Specifies whether this network is metered.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsUserInteractionRequired(boolean isUserInteractionRequired)

Specifies whether the user needs to log in to a captive portal to obtain Internet access.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsWpa3SaeH2eOnlyModeEnabled(boolean enable)

Specifies whether the suggestion represents an SAE network which only accepts Hash-to-Element mode.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setMacRandomizationSetting(int macRandomizationSetting)

Specifies the MAC randomization method.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setPasspointConfig(PasspointConfiguration passpointConfig)

Set the associated Passpoint configuration for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setPriority(int priority)

Specify the priority of this network among other network suggestions provided by the same app and within the same priority group, see setPriorityGroup(int).

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setPriorityGroup(int priorityGroup)

Suggested networks are considered as part of a pool of all suggested networks and other networks (e.g. saved networks) - one of which will be selected.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setSsid(String ssid)

Set the unicode SSID for the network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setSubscriptionId(int subscriptionId)

Configure the suggestion to only be used with the SIM identified by the subscription ID specified in this method.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setUntrusted(boolean isUntrusted)

Specifies whether the system will bring up the network (if selected) as untrusted.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWapiEnterpriseConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWapiPassphrase(String passphrase)

Set the ASCII WAPI passphrase for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa2EnterpriseConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa2Passphrase(String passphrase)

Set the ASCII WPA2 passphrase for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3Enterprise192BitModeConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3EnterpriseConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

This method is deprecated. use setWpa3EnterpriseStandardModeConfig(android.net.wifi.WifiEnterpriseConfig) or setWpa3Enterprise192BitModeConfig(android.net.wifi.WifiEnterpriseConfig) to specify WPA3-Enterprise type explicitly.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3EnterpriseStandardModeConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network.

WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3Passphrase(String passphrase)

Set the ASCII WPA3 passphrase for this network.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder ()

Public methods


public WifiNetworkSuggestion build ()

Create a network suggestion object for use in WifiManager#addNetworkSuggestions(List).

Note: Apps can set a combination of SSID using setSsid(java.lang.String) and BSSID using setBssid(android.net.MacAddress) to provide more fine grained network suggestions to the platform.

For example: To provide credentials for one open, one WPA2, one WPA3 network with their corresponding SSID's and one with Passpoint config:
final WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion1 =
      new Builder()
 final WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion2 =
      new Builder()
 final WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion3 =
      new Builder()
 final PasspointConfiguration passpointConfig= new PasspointConfiguration();
 // configure passpointConfig to include a valid Passpoint configuration
 final WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion4 =
      new Builder()
 final List<WifiNetworkSuggestion> suggestionsList =
      new ArrayList<WifiNetworkSuggestion> { {
      } };
 final WifiManager wifiManager =
 // ...

WifiNetworkSuggestion Instance of WifiNetworkSuggestion This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException on invalid params set

See also:


public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setBssid (MacAddress bssid)

Set the BSSID to use for filtering networks from scan results. Will only match network whose BSSID is identical to the specified value.

  • If set, only the specified BSSID with the specified SSID will be considered for connection.
  • If not set, all BSSIDs with the specified SSID will be considered for connection.
  • Overrides any previous value set using setBssid(android.net.MacAddress).
  • Parameters
    bssid MacAddress: BSSID of the network. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setCarrierMerged (boolean isCarrierMerged)

    Specifies whether the suggestion represents a carrier merged network. A carrier merged Wi-Fi network is treated as part of the mobile carrier network. Such configuration may impact the user interface and data usage accounting.

    Only carriers with the CarrierConfigManager.KEY_CARRIER_PROVISIONS_WIFI_MERGED_NETWORKS_BOOL flag set to true may use this API.

  • A suggestion marked as carrier merged must be metered enterprise network with a valid subscription Id set.

    isCarrierMerged boolean: Boolean indicating whether the network is treated a carrier merged network (if true) or non-merged network (if false);

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

  • setCredentialSharedWithUser

    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setCredentialSharedWithUser (boolean isShared)

    Specifies whether the network credentials provided with this suggestion can be used by the user to explicitly (manually) connect to this network. If true this network will appear in the Wi-Fi Picker (in Settings) and the user will be able to select and connect to it with the provided credentials. If false, the user will need to enter network credentials and the resulting configuration will become a user saved network.

  • Note: Only valid for secure (non-open) networks.
  • If not set, defaults to true (i.e. allow user to manually connect) for secure networks and false for open networks.
  • Parameters
    isShared boolean: true to indicate that the credentials may be used by the user to manually connect to the network, false otherwise.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsAppInteractionRequired (boolean isAppInteractionRequired)

    Specifies whether the app needs to log in to a captive portal to obtain Internet access.

    This will dictate if the directed broadcast WifiManager#ACTION_WIFI_NETWORK_SUGGESTION_POST_CONNECTION will be sent to the app after successfully connecting to the network. Use this for captive portal type networks where the app needs to authenticate the user before the device can access the network.

  • If not set, defaults to false (i.e no app interaction required).
  • Parameters
    isAppInteractionRequired boolean: true to indicate that app interaction is required, false otherwise.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsEnhancedOpen (boolean isEnhancedOpen)

    Specifies whether this represents an Enhanced Open (OWE) network.

    isEnhancedOpen boolean: true to indicate that the network used enhanced open, false otherwise.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsHiddenSsid (boolean isHiddenSsid)

    Specifies whether this represents a hidden network.

  • If not set, defaults to false (i.e not a hidden network).
  • Parameters
    isHiddenSsid boolean: true to indicate that the network is hidden, false otherwise.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsInitialAutojoinEnabled (boolean enabled)

    Specifies whether the suggestion is created with auto-join enabled or disabled. The user may modify the auto-join configuration of a suggestion directly once the device associates to the network.

    If auto-join is initialized as disabled the user may still be able to manually connect to the network. Therefore, disabling auto-join only makes sense if setCredentialSharedWithUser(boolean) is set to true (the default) which itself implies a secure (non-open) network.

    If not set, defaults to true (i.e. auto-join is initialized as enabled).

    enabled boolean: true for initializing with auto-join enabled (the default), false to initializing with auto-join disabled.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsMetered (boolean isMetered)

    Specifies whether this network is metered.

  • If not set, defaults to detect automatically.
  • Parameters
    isMetered boolean: true to indicate that the network is metered, false for not metered.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsUserInteractionRequired (boolean isUserInteractionRequired)

    Specifies whether the user needs to log in to a captive portal to obtain Internet access.

  • If not set, defaults to false (i.e no user interaction required).
  • Parameters
    isUserInteractionRequired boolean: true to indicate that user interaction is required, false otherwise.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setIsWpa3SaeH2eOnlyModeEnabled (boolean enable)

    Specifies whether the suggestion represents an SAE network which only accepts Hash-to-Element mode. If this is enabled, Hunting & Pecking mode is disabled and only Hash-to-Element mode is used for this network. This is only valid for an SAE network which is configured using the setWpa3Passphrase(String). Before calling this API, the application should check Hash-to-Element support using WifiManager#isWpa3SaeH2eSupported().

    enable boolean: Boolean indicating whether the network only accepts Hash-to-Element mode, default is false.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setMacRandomizationSetting (int macRandomizationSetting)

    Specifies the MAC randomization method.

    Suggested networks will never use the device (factory) MAC address to associate to the network - instead they use a locally generated random MAC address. This method controls the strategy for generating the random MAC address. If not set, defaults to WifiNetworkSuggestion.RANDOMIZATION_PERSISTENT.

    macRandomizationSetting int: - one of RANDOMIZATION_* values Value is WifiNetworkSuggestion.RANDOMIZATION_PERSISTENT, or WifiNetworkSuggestion.RANDOMIZATION_NON_PERSISTENT

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setPasspointConfig (PasspointConfiguration passpointConfig)

    Set the associated Passpoint configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating to Hotspot 2.0 networks. See PasspointConfiguration for description.

    passpointConfig PasspointConfiguration: Instance of PasspointConfiguration. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if passpoint configuration is invalid.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setPriority (int priority)

    Specify the priority of this network among other network suggestions provided by the same app and within the same priority group, see setPriorityGroup(int). Priorities have no impact on suggestions by other apps or suggestions from the same app using a different priority group. The higher the number, the higher the priority (i.e value of 0 = lowest priority). If not set, defaults to a lower priority than any assigned priority.

    priority int: Integer number representing the priority among suggestions by the app. Value is 0 or greater

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if the priority value is negative.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setPriorityGroup (int priorityGroup)

    Suggested networks are considered as part of a pool of all suggested networks and other networks (e.g. saved networks) - one of which will be selected.

    • Any app can suggest any number of networks.
    • Priority: only the highest priority (0 being the lowest) currently visible suggested network or networks (multiple suggested networks may have the same priority) are added to the network selection pool.

    However, this restricts a suggesting app to have a single group of networks which can be prioritized. In some circumstances multiple groups are useful: for instance, suggesting networks for 2 different SIMs - each of which may have its own priority order.

    Priority group: creates a separate priority group. Only the highest priority, currently visible suggested network or networks, within each priority group are included in the network selection pool.

    Specify an arbitrary integer only used as the priority group. Use with setPriority(int).

    priorityGroup int: priority group id, if not set default is 0. Value is 0 or greater

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setSsid (String ssid)

    Set the unicode SSID for the network.

  • Overrides any previous value set using setSsid(java.lang.String).
  • Parameters
    ssid String: The SSID of the network. It must be valid Unicode. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if the SSID is not valid unicode.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setSubscriptionId (int subscriptionId)

    Configure the suggestion to only be used with the SIM identified by the subscription ID specified in this method. The suggested network will only be used by that SIM and no other SIM - even from the same carrier.

    The caller is restricted to be either of:

  • A carrier provisioning app (which holds the android.Manifest.permission#NETWORK_CARRIER_PROVISIONING permission).
  • A carrier-privileged app - which is restricted to only specify a subscription ID which belong to the same carrier which signed the app, see TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges().

    Specifying a subscription ID which doesn't match these restriction will cause the suggestion to be rejected with the error code WifiManager#STATUS_NETWORK_SUGGESTIONS_ERROR_ADD_NOT_ALLOWED.

    subscriptionId int: subscription ID see SubscriptionInfo#getSubscriptionId()

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if subscriptionId equals to SubscriptionManager#INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
  • setUntrusted

    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setUntrusted (boolean isUntrusted)

    Specifies whether the system will bring up the network (if selected) as untrusted. An untrusted network has its NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_TRUSTED capability removed. The Wi-Fi network selection process may use this information to influence priority of the suggested network for Wi-Fi network selection (most likely to reduce it). The connectivity service may use this information to influence the overall network configuration of the device.

  • These suggestions are only considered for network selection if a NetworkRequest without NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_TRUSTED capability is filed.
  • An untrusted network's credentials may not be shared with the user using setCredentialSharedWithUser(boolean).
  • If not set, defaults to false (i.e. network is trusted).
  • Parameters
    isUntrusted boolean: Boolean indicating whether the network should be brought up untrusted (if true) or trusted (if false).

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWapiEnterpriseConfig (WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

    Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating to WAPI-CERT networks. See WifiEnterpriseConfig for description.

    enterpriseConfig WifiEnterpriseConfig: Instance of WifiEnterpriseConfig. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWapiPassphrase (String passphrase)

    Set the ASCII WAPI passphrase for this network. Needed for authenticating to WAPI-PSK networks.

    passphrase String: passphrase of the network. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if the passphrase is not ASCII encodable.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa2EnterpriseConfig (WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

    Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA2 enterprise networks. See WifiEnterpriseConfig for description.

    enterpriseConfig WifiEnterpriseConfig: Instance of WifiEnterpriseConfig. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException If configuration uses server certificate but validation is not enabled. See WifiEnterpriseConfig#isServerCertValidationEnabled()


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa2Passphrase (String passphrase)

    Set the ASCII WPA2 passphrase for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA2-PSK networks.

    passphrase String: passphrase of the network. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if the passphrase is not ASCII encodable.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3Enterprise192BitModeConfig (WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

    Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA3-Enterprise in 192-bit security mode networks. See WifiEnterpriseConfig for description. Both the client and CA certificates must be provided, and must be of type of either sha384WithRSAEncryption with key length of 3072bit or more (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.12), or ecdsa-with-SHA384 with key length of 384bit or more (OID 1.2.840.10045.4.3.3).

    enterpriseConfig WifiEnterpriseConfig: Instance of WifiEnterpriseConfig. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if the EAP type or certificates do not meet 192-bit mode requirements.


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3EnterpriseConfig (WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

    This method is deprecated.
    use setWpa3EnterpriseStandardModeConfig(android.net.wifi.WifiEnterpriseConfig) or setWpa3Enterprise192BitModeConfig(android.net.wifi.WifiEnterpriseConfig) to specify WPA3-Enterprise type explicitly.

    Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA3-Enterprise networks (standard and 192-bit security). See WifiEnterpriseConfig for description. For 192-bit security networks, both the client and CA certificates must be provided, and must be of type of either sha384WithRSAEncryption (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.12) or ecdsa-with-SHA384 (OID 1.2.840.10045.4.3.3).

    enterpriseConfig WifiEnterpriseConfig: Instance of WifiEnterpriseConfig. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException If configuration uses server certificate but validation is not enabled. See WifiEnterpriseConfig#isServerCertValidationEnabled()


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3EnterpriseStandardModeConfig (WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig)

    Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA3-Enterprise standard networks. See WifiEnterpriseConfig for description. For WPA3-Enterprise in 192-bit security mode networks, see setWpa3Enterprise192BitModeConfig(android.net.wifi.WifiEnterpriseConfig) for description.

    enterpriseConfig WifiEnterpriseConfig: Instance of WifiEnterpriseConfig. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException If configuration uses server certificate but validation is not enabled. See WifiEnterpriseConfig#isServerCertValidationEnabled()


    public WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder setWpa3Passphrase (String passphrase)

    Set the ASCII WPA3 passphrase for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA3-SAE networks.

    passphrase String: passphrase of the network. This value cannot be null.

    WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder Instance of Builder to enable chaining of the builder method. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException if the passphrase is not ASCII encodable.