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public static abstract class TvInputService.Session
extends Object implements KeyEvent.Callback

   ↳ android.media.tv.TvInputService.Session

Base class for derived classes to implement to provide a TV input session.


Public constructors

Session(Context context)

Creates a new Session.

Public methods

void layoutSurface(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

Assigns a size and position to the surface passed in onSetSurface(Surface).

void notifyChannelRetuned(Uri channelUri)

Informs the application that the current channel is re-tuned for some reason and the session now displays the content from a new channel.

void notifyContentAllowed()

Informs the application that the user is allowed to watch the current program content.

void notifyContentBlocked(TvContentRating rating)

Informs the application that the current program content is blocked by parent controls.

void notifyTimeShiftStatusChanged(int status)

Informs the application that the time shift status is changed.

void notifyTrackSelected(int type, String trackId)

Sends the type and ID of a selected track.

void notifyTracksChanged(List<TvTrackInfo> tracks)

Sends the list of all audio/video/subtitle tracks.

void notifyVideoAvailable()

Informs the application that the video is now available for watching.

void notifyVideoUnavailable(int reason)

Informs the application that the video became unavailable for some reason.

void onAppPrivateCommand(String action, Bundle data)

Processes a private command sent from the application to the TV input.

View onCreateOverlayView()

Called when the application requests to create an overlay view.

boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event)

Implement this method to handle generic motion events on the current input session.

boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyDown(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyLongPress(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

boolean onKeyMultiple(int keyCode, int count, KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyMultiple(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyUp(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

void onOverlayViewSizeChanged(int width, int height)

Called when the size of the overlay view is changed by the application.

abstract void onRelease()

Called when the session is released.

boolean onSelectTrack(int type, String trackId)

Selects a given track.

abstract void onSetCaptionEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables the caption.

abstract void onSetStreamVolume(float volume)

Sets the relative stream volume of the current TV input session.

abstract boolean onSetSurface(Surface surface)

Called when the application sets the surface.

void onSurfaceChanged(int format, int width, int height)

Called after any structural changes (format or size) have been made to the surface passed in onSetSurface(Surface).

long onTimeShiftGetCurrentPosition()

Returns the current position for time shifting, in milliseconds since the epoch.

long onTimeShiftGetStartPosition()

Returns the start position for time shifting, in milliseconds since the epoch.

void onTimeShiftPause()

Called when the application requests to pause playback.

void onTimeShiftPlay(Uri recordedProgramUri)

Called when the application requests to play a given recorded TV program.

void onTimeShiftResume()

Called when the application requests to resume playback.

void onTimeShiftSeekTo(long timeMs)

Called when the application requests to seek to a specified time position.

void onTimeShiftSetPlaybackParams(PlaybackParams params)

Called when the application sets playback parameters containing the speed and audio mode.

boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

Implement this method to handle touch screen motion events on the current input session.

boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event)

Implement this method to handle trackball events on the current input session.

boolean onTune(Uri channelUri, Bundle params)

Tunes to a given channel.

abstract boolean onTune(Uri channelUri)

Tunes to a given channel.

void onUnblockContent(TvContentRating unblockedRating)

Requests to unblock the content according to the given rating.

void setOverlayViewEnabled(boolean enable)

Enables or disables the overlay view.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Session (Context context)

Creates a new Session.

context Context: The context of the application

Public methods


public void layoutSurface (int left, 
                int top, 
                int right, 
                int bottom)

Assigns a size and position to the surface passed in onSetSurface(Surface). The position is relative to the overlay view that sits on top of this surface.

left int: Left position in pixels, relative to the overlay view.

top int: Top position in pixels, relative to the overlay view.

right int: Right position in pixels, relative to the overlay view.

bottom int: Bottom position in pixels, relative to the overlay view.

See also:


public void notifyChannelRetuned (Uri channelUri)

Informs the application that the current channel is re-tuned for some reason and the session now displays the content from a new channel. This is used to handle special cases such as when the current channel becomes unavailable, it is necessary to send the user to a certain channel or the user changes channel in some other way (e.g. by using a dedicated remote).

channelUri Uri: The URI of the new channel.


public void notifyContentAllowed ()

Informs the application that the user is allowed to watch the current program content.

Each TV input service is required to query the system whether the user is allowed to watch the current program before showing it to the user if the parental controls is enabled (i.e. TvInputManager.isParentalControlsEnabled() returns true). Whether the TV input service should block the content or not is determined by invoking TvInputManager.isRatingBlocked(TvContentRating) with the content rating for the current program. Then the TvInputManager makes a judgment based on the user blocked ratings stored in the secure settings and returns the result. If the rating in question turns out to be allowed by the user, the TV input service must call this method to notify the application that is permitted to show the content.

Each TV input service also needs to continuously listen to any changes made to the parental controls settings by registering a broadcast receiver to receive TvInputManager#ACTION_BLOCKED_RATINGS_CHANGED and TvInputManager#ACTION_PARENTAL_CONTROLS_ENABLED_CHANGED and immediately reevaluate the current program with the new parental controls settings.

See also:


public void notifyContentBlocked (TvContentRating rating)

Informs the application that the current program content is blocked by parent controls.

Each TV input service is required to query the system whether the user is allowed to watch the current program before showing it to the user if the parental controls is enabled (i.e. TvInputManager.isParentalControlsEnabled() returns true). Whether the TV input service should block the content or not is determined by invoking TvInputManager.isRatingBlocked(TvContentRating) with the content rating for the current program or TvContentRating#UNRATED in case the rating information is missing. Then the TvInputManager makes a judgment based on the user blocked ratings stored in the secure settings and returns the result. If the rating in question turns out to be blocked, the TV input service must immediately block the content and call this method with the content rating of the current program to prompt the PIN verification screen.

Each TV input service also needs to continuously listen to any changes made to the parental controls settings by registering a broadcast receiver to receive TvInputManager#ACTION_BLOCKED_RATINGS_CHANGED and TvInputManager#ACTION_PARENTAL_CONTROLS_ENABLED_CHANGED and immediately reevaluate the current program with the new parental controls settings.

rating TvContentRating: The content rating for the current TV program. Can be TvContentRating#UNRATED. This value cannot be null.

See also:


public void notifyTimeShiftStatusChanged (int status)

Informs the application that the time shift status is changed.

Prior to calling this method, the application assumes the status TvInputManager#TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_UNKNOWN. Right after the session is created, it is important to invoke the method with the status TvInputManager#TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_AVAILABLE if the implementation does support time shifting, or TvInputManager#TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED otherwise. Failure to notifying the current status change immediately might result in an undesirable behavior in the application such as hiding the play controls.

If the status TvInputManager#TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_AVAILABLE is reported, the application assumes it can pause/resume playback, seek to a specified time position and set playback rate and audio mode. The implementation should override onTimeShiftPause(), onTimeShiftResume(), onTimeShiftSeekTo(long), onTimeShiftGetStartPosition(), onTimeShiftGetCurrentPosition() and onTimeShiftSetPlaybackParams(PlaybackParams).

status int: The current time shift status. Should be one of the followings. Value is TvInputManager.TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_UNKNOWN, TvInputManager.TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED, TvInputManager.TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, or TvInputManager.TIME_SHIFT_STATUS_AVAILABLE


public void notifyTrackSelected (int type, 
                String trackId)

Sends the type and ID of a selected track. This is used to inform the application that a specific track is selected. The TV input service must call this method as soon as a track is selected either by default or in response to a call to onSelectTrack(int, String). The selected track ID for a given type is maintained in the framework until the next call to this method even after the entire track list is updated (but is reset when the session is tuned to a new channel), so care must be taken not to result in an obsolete track ID.

type int: The type of the selected track. The type can be TvTrackInfo#TYPE_AUDIO, TvTrackInfo#TYPE_VIDEO or TvTrackInfo#TYPE_SUBTITLE.

trackId String: The ID of the selected track.

See also:


public void notifyTracksChanged (List<TvTrackInfo> tracks)

Sends the list of all audio/video/subtitle tracks. The is used by the framework to maintain the track information for a given session, which in turn is used by TvView#getTracks for the application to retrieve metadata for a given track type. The TV input service must call this method as soon as the track information becomes available or is updated. Note that in a case where a part of the information for a certain track is updated, it is not necessary to create a new TvTrackInfo object with a different track ID.

tracks List: A list which includes track information.


public void notifyVideoAvailable ()

Informs the application that the video is now available for watching. Video is blocked until this method is called.

The TV input service must call this method as soon as the content rendered onto its surface is ready for viewing. This method must be called each time onTune(Uri) is called.

See also:


public void notifyVideoUnavailable (int reason)

Informs the application that the video became unavailable for some reason. This is primarily used to signal the application to block the screen not to show any intermittent video artifacts.


See also:


public void onAppPrivateCommand (String action, 
                Bundle data)

Processes a private command sent from the application to the TV input. This can be used to provide domain-specific features that are only known between certain TV inputs and their clients.

action String: Name of the command to be performed. This must be a scoped name, i.e. prefixed with a package name you own, so that different developers will not create conflicting commands. This value cannot be null.

data Bundle: Any data to include with the command.


public View onCreateOverlayView ()

Called when the application requests to create an overlay view. Each session implementation can override this method and return its own view.

View a view attached to the overlay window


public boolean onGenericMotionEvent (MotionEvent event)

Implement this method to handle generic motion events on the current input session.

event MotionEvent: The motion event being received.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.

See also:


public boolean onKeyDown (int keyCode, 
                KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyDown(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

Override this to intercept key down events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not process the event itself. If you return false, the normal application processing will occur as if the TV input had not seen the event at all.

keyCode int: The value in event.getKeyCode().

event KeyEvent: Description of the key event.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.


public boolean onKeyLongPress (int keyCode, 
                KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyLongPress(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

Override this to intercept key long press events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not process the event itself. If you return false, the normal application processing will occur as if the TV input had not seen the event at all.

keyCode int: The value in event.getKeyCode().

event KeyEvent: Description of the key event.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.


public boolean onKeyMultiple (int keyCode, 
                int count, 
                KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyMultiple(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

Override this to intercept special key multiple events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not itself process the event. If you return false, the normal application processing will occur as if the TV input had not seen the event at all.

keyCode int: The value in event.getKeyCode().

count int: The number of times the action was made.

event KeyEvent: Description of the key event.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.


public boolean onKeyUp (int keyCode, 
                KeyEvent event)

Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyUp(): always returns false (doesn't handle the event).

Override this to intercept key up events before they are processed by the application. If you return true, the application will not itself process the event. If you return false, the normal application processing will occur as if the TV input had not seen the event at all.

keyCode int: The value in event.getKeyCode().

event KeyEvent: Description of the key event.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.


public void onOverlayViewSizeChanged (int width, 
                int height)

Called when the size of the overlay view is changed by the application.

This is always called at least once when the session is created regardless of whether the overlay view is enabled or not. The overlay view size is the same as the containing TvView. Note that the size of the underlying surface can be different if the surface was changed by calling layoutSurface(int, int, int, int).

width int: The width of the overlay view.

height int: The height of the overlay view.


public abstract void onRelease ()

Called when the session is released.


public boolean onSelectTrack (int type, 
                String trackId)

Selects a given track.

If this is done successfully, the implementation should call notifyTrackSelected(int, String) to help applications maintain the up-to-date list of the selected tracks.

type int: The type of the track to select. The type can be TvTrackInfo#TYPE_AUDIO, TvTrackInfo#TYPE_VIDEO or TvTrackInfo#TYPE_SUBTITLE.

trackId String: The ID of the track to select. null means to unselect the current track for a given type. This value may be null.

boolean true if the track selection was successful, false otherwise.

See also:


public abstract void onSetCaptionEnabled (boolean enabled)

Enables or disables the caption.

The locale for the user's preferred captioning language can be obtained by calling CaptioningManager.getLocale().

enabled boolean: true to enable, false to disable.

See also:


public abstract void onSetStreamVolume (float volume)

Sets the relative stream volume of the current TV input session.

The implementation should honor this request in order to handle audio focus changes or mute the current session when multiple sessions, possibly from different inputs are active. If the method has not yet been called, the implementation should assume the default value of 1.0f.

volume float: A volume value between 0.0f to 1.0f. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive


public abstract boolean onSetSurface (Surface surface)

Called when the application sets the surface.

The TV input service should render video onto the given surface. When called with null, the input service should immediately free any references to the currently set surface and stop using it.

surface Surface: The surface to be used for video rendering. Can be null. This value may be null.

boolean true if the surface was set successfully, false otherwise.


public void onSurfaceChanged (int format, 
                int width, 
                int height)

Called after any structural changes (format or size) have been made to the surface passed in onSetSurface(Surface). This method is always called at least once, after onSetSurface(Surface) is called with non-null surface.

format int: The new PixelFormat of the surface.

width int: The new width of the surface.

height int: The new height of the surface.


public long onTimeShiftGetCurrentPosition ()

Returns the current position for time shifting, in milliseconds since the epoch. Returns TvInputManager#TIME_SHIFT_INVALID_TIME if the position is unknown at the moment.

The current position for time shifting is the same as the current position of playback. It should be equal to or greater than the start position reported by onTimeShiftGetStartPosition(). When playback is completed, the current position should stay where the playback ends, in other words, the returned value of this mehtod should be equal to the start position plus the duration of the program.


See also:


public long onTimeShiftGetStartPosition ()

Returns the start position for time shifting, in milliseconds since the epoch. Returns TvInputManager#TIME_SHIFT_INVALID_TIME if the position is unknown at the moment.

The start position for time shifting indicates the earliest possible time the user can seek to. Initially this is equivalent to the time when the implementation starts recording. Later it may be adjusted because there is insufficient space or the duration of recording is limited by the implementation. The application does not allow the user to seek to a position earlier than the start position.

For playback of a recorded program initiated by onTimeShiftPlay(android.net.Uri), the start position should be 0 and does not change.


See also:


public void onTimeShiftPause ()

Called when the application requests to pause playback.

See also:


public void onTimeShiftPlay (Uri recordedProgramUri)

Called when the application requests to play a given recorded TV program.

recordedProgramUri Uri: The URI of a recorded TV program.

See also:


public void onTimeShiftResume ()

Called when the application requests to resume playback.

See also:


public void onTimeShiftSeekTo (long timeMs)

Called when the application requests to seek to a specified time position. Normally, the position is given within range between the start and the current time, inclusively. The implementation is expected to seek to the nearest time position if the given position is not in the range.

timeMs long: The time position to seek to, in milliseconds since the epoch.

See also:


public void onTimeShiftSetPlaybackParams (PlaybackParams params)

Called when the application sets playback parameters containing the speed and audio mode.

Once the playback parameters are set, the implementation should honor the current settings until the next tune request. Pause/resume/seek request does not reset the parameters previously set.

params PlaybackParams: The playback params.

See also:


public boolean onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event)

Implement this method to handle touch screen motion events on the current input session.

event MotionEvent: The motion event being received.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.

See also:


public boolean onTrackballEvent (MotionEvent event)

Implement this method to handle trackball events on the current input session.

event MotionEvent: The motion event being received.

boolean If you handled the event, return true. If you want to allow the event to be handled by the next receiver, return false.

See also:


public boolean onTune (Uri channelUri, 
                Bundle params)

Tunes to a given channel. Override this method in order to handle domain-specific features that are only known between certain TV inputs and their clients.

The default implementation calls onTune(android.net.Uri).

channelUri Uri: The URI of the channel.

params Bundle: Domain-specific data for this tune request. Keys must be a scoped name, i.e. prefixed with a package name you own, so that different developers will not create conflicting keys.

boolean true if the tuning was successful, false otherwise.


public abstract boolean onTune (Uri channelUri)

Tunes to a given channel.

No video will be displayed until notifyVideoAvailable() is called. Also, notifyVideoUnavailable(int) should be called when the TV input cannot continue playing the given channel.

channelUri Uri: The URI of the channel.

boolean true if the tuning was successful, false otherwise.


public void onUnblockContent (TvContentRating unblockedRating)

Requests to unblock the content according to the given rating.

The implementation should unblock the content. TV input service has responsibility to decide when/how the unblock expires while it can keep previously unblocked ratings in order not to ask a user to unblock whenever a content rating is changed. Therefore an unblocked rating can be valid for a channel, a program, or certain amount of time depending on the implementation.

unblockedRating TvContentRating: An unblocked content rating


public void setOverlayViewEnabled (boolean enable)

Enables or disables the overlay view.

By default, the overlay view is disabled. Must be called explicitly after the session is created to enable the overlay view.

The TV input service can disable its overlay view when the size of the overlay view is insufficient to display the whole information, such as when used in Picture-in-picture. Override onOverlayViewSizeChanged(int, int) to get the size of the overlay view, which then can be used to determine whether to enable/disable the overlay view.

enable boolean: true if you want to enable the overlay view. false otherwise.