# Print output for @column tags ?> OutputConfiguration - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class OutputConfiguration
extends Object implements Parcelable

   ↳ android.hardware.camera2.params.OutputConfiguration

A class for describing camera output, which contains a Surface and its specific configuration for creating capture session.

There are several ways to instantiate, modify and use OutputConfigurations. The most common and recommended usage patterns are summarized in the following list:

As of Android P, all formats except ImageFormat#JPEG and ImageFormat#RAW_PRIVATE can be used for sharing, subject to device support. On prior API levels, only ImageFormat#PRIVATE format may be used.

See also:




Invalid surface group ID.

Inherited constants


public static final Creator<OutputConfiguration> CREATOR

Public constructors

OutputConfiguration(Surface surface)

Create a new OutputConfiguration instance with a Surface.

OutputConfiguration(int surfaceGroupId, Surface surface)

Create a new OutputConfiguration instance with a Surface, with a surface group ID.

OutputConfiguration(Size surfaceSize, Class<T> klass)

Create a new OutputConfiguration instance, with desired Surface size and Surface source class.

Public methods

void addSensorPixelModeUsed(int sensorPixelModeUsed)

Add a sensor pixel mode that this OutputConfiguration will be used in.

void addSurface(Surface surface)

Add a surface to this OutputConfiguration.

static Collection<OutputConfiguration> createInstancesForMultiResolutionOutput(MultiResolutionImageReader multiResolutionImageReader)

Create a list of OutputConfiguration instances for the outputs used by a MultiResolutionImageReader.

int describeContents()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

void enableSurfaceSharing()

Enable multiple surfaces sharing the same OutputConfiguration

For advanced use cases, a camera application may require more streams than the combination guaranteed by CameraDevice#createCaptureSession.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Check if this OutputConfiguration is equal to another OutputConfiguration.

int getMaxSharedSurfaceCount()

Get the maximum supported shared Surface count.

Surface getSurface()

Get the Surface associated with this OutputConfiguration.

int getSurfaceGroupId()

Get the surface group ID associated with this OutputConfiguration.

List<Surface> getSurfaces()

Get the immutable list of surfaces associated with this OutputConfiguration.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

void removeSensorPixelModeUsed(int sensorPixelModeUsed)

Remove a sensor pixel mode, previously added through addSensorPixelModeUsed, from this OutputConfiguration.

void removeSurface(Surface surface)

Remove a surface from this OutputConfiguration.

void setPhysicalCameraId(String physicalCameraId)

Set the id of the physical camera for this OutputConfiguration

In the case one logical camera is made up of multiple physical cameras, it could be desirable for the camera application to request streams from individual physical cameras.

void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

Inherited methods



public static final int SURFACE_GROUP_ID_NONE

Invalid surface group ID.

An OutputConfiguration with this value indicates that the included surface doesn't belong to any surface group.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)



public static final Creator<OutputConfiguration> CREATOR

Public constructors


public OutputConfiguration (Surface surface)

Create a new OutputConfiguration instance with a Surface.

surface Surface: A Surface for camera to output to.

This constructor creates a default configuration, with a surface group ID of .SURFACE_GROUP_ID_NONE.

This value cannot be null.


public OutputConfiguration (int surfaceGroupId, 
                Surface surface)

Create a new OutputConfiguration instance with a Surface, with a surface group ID.

A surface group ID is used to identify which surface group this output surface belongs to. A surface group is a group of output surfaces that are not intended to receive camera output buffer streams simultaneously. The CameraDevice may be able to share the buffers used by all the surfaces from the same surface group, therefore may reduce the overall memory footprint. The application should only set the same set ID for the streams that are not simultaneously streaming. A negative ID indicates that this surface doesn't belong to any surface group. The default value is .SURFACE_GROUP_ID_NONE.

For example, a video chat application that has an adaptive output resolution feature would need two (or more) output resolutions, to switch resolutions without any output glitches. However, at any given time, only one output is active to minimize outgoing network bandwidth and encoding overhead. To save memory, the application should set the video outputs to have the same non-negative group ID, so that the camera device can share the same memory region for the alternating outputs.

It is not an error to include output streams with the same group ID in the same capture request, but the resulting memory consumption may be higher than if the two streams were not in the same surface group to begin with, especially if the outputs have substantially different dimensions.

surfaceGroupId int: A group ID for this output, used for sharing memory between multiple outputs.

surface Surface: A Surface for camera to output to. This value cannot be null.


public OutputConfiguration (Size surfaceSize, 
                Class<T> klass)

Create a new OutputConfiguration instance, with desired Surface size and Surface source class.

This constructor takes an argument for desired Surface size and the Surface source class without providing the actual output Surface. This is used to setup an output configuration with a deferred Surface. The application can use this output configuration to create a session.

However, the actual output Surface must be set via addSurface(Surface) and the deferred Surface configuration must be finalized via CameraCaptureSession.finalizeOutputConfigurations(List) before submitting a request with this Surface target. The deferred Surface can only be obtained either from SurfaceView by calling SurfaceHolder.getSurface(), or from SurfaceTexture via Surface.Surface(android.graphics.SurfaceTexture)).

surfaceSize Size: Size for the deferred surface. This value cannot be null.

klass Class: a non-null Class object reference that indicates the source of this surface. Only SurfaceHolder.class and SurfaceTexture.class are supported. This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if the Surface source class is not supported, or Surface size is zero.

Public methods


public void addSensorPixelModeUsed (int sensorPixelModeUsed)

Add a sensor pixel mode that this OutputConfiguration will be used in.

In the case that this output stream configuration (format, width, height) is available through CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP configurations and CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION, configurations, the camera sub-system will assume that this OutputConfiguration will be used only with CaptureRequests which has CaptureRequest.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE set to CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_DEFAULT. In such cases, if clients intend to use the OutputConfiguration(s) in a CaptureRequest with other sensor pixel modes, they must specify which CaptureRequest.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE(s) they will use this OutputConfiguration with, by calling this method. In case this output stream configuration (format, width, height) is only in CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION, configurations, this output target must only be used with CaptureRequests which has CaptureRequest.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE set to CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION and that is what the camera sub-system will assume. If clients add CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_DEFAULT in this case, session configuration will fail, if this OutputConfiguration is included. In case this output stream configuration (format, width, height) is only in CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP, configurations, this output target must only be used with CaptureRequests which has CaptureRequest.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE set to CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_DEFAULT and that is what the camera sub-system will assume. If clients add CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION in this case, session configuration will fail, if this OutputConfiguration is included.

sensorPixelModeUsed int: The sensor pixel mode this OutputConfiguration will be used with



public void addSurface (Surface surface)

Add a surface to this OutputConfiguration.

This function can be called before or after CameraDevice.createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations(List, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, Handler). If it's called after, the application must finalize the capture session with CameraCaptureSession#finalizeOutputConfigurations. It is possible to call this method after the output configurations have been finalized only in cases of enabled surface sharing see enableSurfaceSharing(). The modified output configuration must be updated with CameraCaptureSession#updateOutputConfiguration.

If the OutputConfiguration was constructed with a deferred surface by OutputConfiguration(android.util.Size, java.lang.Class), the added surface must be obtained from SurfaceView by calling SurfaceHolder.getSurface(), or from SurfaceTexture via Surface.Surface(android.graphics.SurfaceTexture)).

If the OutputConfiguration was constructed by other constructors, the added surface must be compatible with the existing surface. See enableSurfaceSharing() for details of compatible surfaces.

If the OutputConfiguration already contains a Surface, enableSurfaceSharing() must be called before calling this function to add a new Surface.

surface Surface: The surface to be added. This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if the Surface is invalid, the Surface's dataspace/format doesn't match, or adding the Surface would exceed number of shared surfaces supported.
IllegalStateException if the Surface was already added to this OutputConfiguration, or if the OutputConfiguration is not shared and it already has a surface associated with it.


public static Collection<OutputConfiguration> createInstancesForMultiResolutionOutput (MultiResolutionImageReader multiResolutionImageReader)

Create a list of OutputConfiguration instances for the outputs used by a MultiResolutionImageReader.

This constructor takes an argument for a MultiResolutionImageReader.

multiResolutionImageReader MultiResolutionImageReader: The multi-resolution image reader object. This value cannot be null.

Collection<OutputConfiguration> This value cannot be null.


public int describeContents ()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will include a file descriptor in the output of writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int), the return value of this method must include the CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR bit.

int a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR


public void enableSurfaceSharing ()

Enable multiple surfaces sharing the same OutputConfiguration

For advanced use cases, a camera application may require more streams than the combination guaranteed by CameraDevice#createCaptureSession. In this case, more than one compatible surface can be attached to an OutputConfiguration so that they map to one camera stream, and the outputs share memory buffers when possible. Due to buffer sharing clients should be careful when adding surface outputs that modify their input data. If such case exists, camera clients should have an additional mechanism to synchronize read and write access between individual consumers.

Two surfaces are compatible in the below cases:

  • Surfaces with the same size, format, dataSpace, and Surface source class. In this case, CameraDevice#createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations is guaranteed to succeed.
  • Surfaces with the same size, format, and dataSpace, but different Surface source classes that are generally not compatible. However, on some devices, the underlying camera device is able to use the same buffer layout for both surfaces. The only way to discover if this is the case is to create a capture session with that output configuration. For example, if the camera device uses the same private buffer format between a SurfaceView/SurfaceTexture and a MediaRecorder/MediaCodec, CameraDevice#createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations will succeed. Otherwise, it fails with CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback.onConfigureFailed(CameraCaptureSession).

    To enable surface sharing, this function must be called before CameraDevice.createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations(List, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, Handler) or CameraDevice.createReprocessableCaptureSessionByConfigurations(InputConfiguration, List, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, Handler). Calling this function after CameraDevice#createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations has no effect.

    Up to getMaxSharedSurfaceCount() surfaces can be shared for an OutputConfiguration. The supported surfaces for sharing must be of type SurfaceTexture, SurfaceView, MediaRecorder, MediaCodec, or implementation defined ImageReader.

    This function must not be called from OuptutConfigurations created by createInstancesForMultiResolutionOutput(MultiResolutionImageReader).

    IllegalStateException If this OutputConfiguration is created via createInstancesForMultiResolutionOutput(MultiResolutionImageReader) to back a MultiResolutionImageReader.
  • equals

    public boolean equals (Object obj)

    Check if this OutputConfiguration is equal to another OutputConfiguration.

    Two output configurations are only equal if and only if the underlying surfaces, surface properties (width, height, format, dataspace) when the output configurations are created, and all other configuration parameters are equal.

    obj Object: This value may be null.

    boolean true if the objects were equal, false otherwise


    public int getMaxSharedSurfaceCount ()

    Get the maximum supported shared Surface count.

    int the maximum number of surfaces that can be added per each OutputConfiguration.

    See also:


    public Surface getSurface ()

    Get the Surface associated with this OutputConfiguration. If more than one surface is associated with this OutputConfiguration, return the first one as specified in the constructor or OutputConfiguration#addSurface.

    Surface This value may be null.


    public int getSurfaceGroupId ()

    Get the surface group ID associated with this OutputConfiguration.

    int the surface group ID associated with this OutputConfiguration. The default value is .SURFACE_GROUP_ID_NONE.


    public List<Surface> getSurfaces ()

    Get the immutable list of surfaces associated with this OutputConfiguration.

    List<Surface> the list of surfaces associated with this OutputConfiguration as specified in the constructor and OutputConfiguration#addSurface. The list should not be modified. This value cannot be null.


    public int hashCode ()

    Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by HashMap.

    The general contract of hashCode is:

    • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
    • If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
    • It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.

    As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the Java™ programming language.)

    int a hash code value for this object.


    public void removeSensorPixelModeUsed (int sensorPixelModeUsed)

    Remove a sensor pixel mode, previously added through addSensorPixelModeUsed, from this OutputConfiguration.

    Sensor pixel modes added via calls to addSensorPixelModeUsed(int) can also be removed from the OutputConfiguration.

    sensorPixelModeUsed int: The sensor pixel mode to be removed. Value is CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_DEFAULT, or CameraMetadata.SENSOR_PIXEL_MODE_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION

    IllegalArgumentException If the sensor pixel mode wasn't previously added through addSensorPixelModeUsed(int).


    public void removeSurface (Surface surface)

    Remove a surface from this OutputConfiguration.

    Surfaces added via calls to addSurface(Surface) can also be removed from the OutputConfiguration. The only notable exception is the surface associated with the OutputConfigration see getSurface() which was passed as part of the constructor or was added first in the deferred case OutputConfiguration#OutputConfiguration(Size, Class).

    surface Surface: The surface to be removed. This value cannot be null.

    IllegalArgumentException If the surface is associated with this OutputConfiguration (see getSurface()) or the surface didn't get added with addSurface(Surface).


    public void setPhysicalCameraId (String physicalCameraId)

    Set the id of the physical camera for this OutputConfiguration

    In the case one logical camera is made up of multiple physical cameras, it could be desirable for the camera application to request streams from individual physical cameras. This call achieves it by mapping the OutputConfiguration to the physical camera id.

    The valid physical camera ids can be queried by CameraCharacteristics.getPhysicalCameraIds().

    Passing in a null physicalCameraId means that the OutputConfiguration is for a logical stream.

    This function must be called before CameraDevice.createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations(List, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, Handler) or CameraDevice.createReprocessableCaptureSessionByConfigurations(InputConfiguration, List, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, Handler). Calling this function after CameraDevice#createCaptureSessionByOutputConfigurations or CameraDevice.createReprocessableCaptureSessionByConfigurations(InputConfiguration, List, CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback, Handler) has no effect.

    As of Android 12, an image buffer from a physical camera stream can be used for reprocessing to logical camera streams and streams from the same physical camera if the camera device supports multi-resolution input and output streams. See CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_MULTI_RESOLUTION_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP for details. The behaviors of reprocessing from a non-physical camera stream to a physical camera stream, and from a physical camera stream to a physical camera stream of different physical camera, are device-specific and not guaranteed to be supported.

    On prior API levels, the surface belonging to a physical camera OutputConfiguration must not be used as input or output of a reprocessing request.

    physicalCameraId String: This value may be null.


    public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, 
                    int flags)

    Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

    dest Parcel: The Parcel in which the object should be written.

    flags int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE. Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES