# Print output for @column tags ?> BiometricPrompt.Builder - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static class BiometricPrompt.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricPrompt.Builder

A builder that collects arguments to be shown on the system-provided biometric dialog.


Public constructors

Builder(Context context)

Creates a builder for a BiometricPrompt dialog.

Public methods

BiometricPrompt build()

Creates a BiometricPrompt.

BiometricPrompt.Builder setAllowedAuthenticators(int authenticators)

Optional: Specifies the type(s) of authenticators that may be invoked by BiometricPrompt to authenticate the user.

BiometricPrompt.Builder setConfirmationRequired(boolean requireConfirmation)

Optional: Sets a hint to the system for whether to require user confirmation after authentication.

BiometricPrompt.Builder setDescription(CharSequence description)

Optional: Sets a description that will be shown on the prompt.

BiometricPrompt.Builder setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean allowed)

This method is deprecated. Replaced by setAllowedAuthenticators(int).

BiometricPrompt.Builder setNegativeButton(CharSequence text, Executor executor, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

Required: Sets the text, executor, and click listener for the negative button on the prompt.

BiometricPrompt.Builder setSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle)

Optional: Sets a subtitle that will be shown on the prompt.

BiometricPrompt.Builder setTitle(CharSequence title)

Required: Sets the title that will be shown on the prompt.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder (Context context)

Creates a builder for a BiometricPrompt dialog.

context Context: The Context that will be used to build the prompt.

Public methods


public BiometricPrompt build ()

Creates a BiometricPrompt.

BiometricPrompt An instance of BiometricPrompt. This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException If any required fields are unset, or if given any invalid combination of field values.


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setAllowedAuthenticators (int authenticators)

Optional: Specifies the type(s) of authenticators that may be invoked by BiometricPrompt to authenticate the user. Available authenticator types are defined in Authenticators and can be combined via bitwise OR. Defaults to:

If this method is used and no authenticator of any of the specified types is available at the time BiometricPrompt#authenticate(...) is called, authentication will be canceled and AuthenticationCallback#onAuthenticationError(int, CharSequence) will be invoked with an appropriate error code.

This method should be preferred over setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean) and overrides the latter if both are used. Using this method to enable device credential authentication (with Authenticators#DEVICE_CREDENTIAL) will replace the negative button on the prompt, making it an error to also call setNegativeButton(java.lang.CharSequence, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener).

If unlocking cryptographic operation(s), it is the application's responsibility to request authentication with the proper set of authenticators (e.g. match the authenticators specified during key generation).

authenticators int: A bit field representing all valid authenticator types that may be invoked by the prompt. Value is either 0 or a combination of BiometricManager.Authenticators.BIOMETRIC_STRONG, BiometricManager.Authenticators.BIOMETRIC_WEAK, android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricManager.Authenticators.BIOMETRIC_CONVENIENCE, and BiometricManager.Authenticators.DEVICE_CREDENTIAL

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.

See also:


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setConfirmationRequired (boolean requireConfirmation)

Optional: Sets a hint to the system for whether to require user confirmation after authentication. For example, implicit modalities like face and iris are passive, meaning they don't require an explicit user action to complete authentication. If set to true, these modalities should require the user to take some action (e.g. press a button) before AuthenticationCallback#onAuthenticationSucceeded(AuthenticationResult) is called. Defaults to true.

A typical use case for not requiring confirmation would be for low-risk transactions, such as re-authenticating a recently authenticated application. A typical use case for requiring confirmation would be for authorizing a purchase.

Note that this just passes a hint to the system, which the system may then ignore. For example, a value of false may be ignored if the user has disabled implicit authentication in Settings, or if it does not apply to a particular modality (e.g. fingerprint).

requireConfirmation boolean: true if explicit user confirmation should be required, or false otherwise.

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setDescription (CharSequence description)

Optional: Sets a description that will be shown on the prompt.

description CharSequence: The description to display. This value cannot be null.

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setDeviceCredentialAllowed (boolean allowed)

This method is deprecated.
Replaced by setAllowedAuthenticators(int).

Optional: If enabled, the user will be given the option to authenticate with their device PIN, pattern, or password. Developers should first check BiometricManager.canAuthenticate(int) for Authenticators#DEVICE_CREDENTIAL before enabling. If the device is not secured with a credential, AuthenticationCallback#onAuthenticationError(int, CharSequence) will be invoked with BiometricPrompt#BIOMETRIC_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL. Defaults to false.

Note that enabling this option replaces the negative button on the prompt with one that allows the user to authenticate with their device credential, making it an error to call setNegativeButton(java.lang.CharSequence, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener).

allowed boolean: true if the prompt should fall back to asking for the user's device credential (PIN/pattern/password), or false otherwise.

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setNegativeButton (CharSequence text, 
                Executor executor, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

Required: Sets the text, executor, and click listener for the negative button on the prompt. This is typically a cancel button, but may be also used to show an alternative method for authentication, such as a screen that asks for a backup password.

Note that this setting is not required, and in fact is explicitly disallowed, if device credential authentication is enabled via setAllowedAuthenticators(int) or setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean).

text CharSequence: Text to be shown on the negative button for the prompt. This value cannot be null.

executor Executor: Executor that will be used to run the on click callback. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

listener DialogInterface.OnClickListener: Listener containing a callback to be run when the button is pressed. This value cannot be null.

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setSubtitle (CharSequence subtitle)

Optional: Sets a subtitle that will be shown on the prompt.

subtitle CharSequence: The subtitle to display. This value cannot be null.

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public BiometricPrompt.Builder setTitle (CharSequence title)

Required: Sets the title that will be shown on the prompt.

title CharSequence: The title to display. This value cannot be null.

BiometricPrompt.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.