# Print output for @column tags ?> DatabaseUtils - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class DatabaseUtils
extends Object

   ↳ android.database.DatabaseUtils

Static utility methods for dealing with databases and Cursors.


Nested classes

class DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper

This class is deprecated. Use SQLiteStatement instead. 



One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).


One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Public constructors


Public methods

static void appendEscapedSQLString(StringBuilder sb, String sqlString)

Appends an SQL string to the given StringBuilder, including the opening and closing single quotes.

static String[] appendSelectionArgs(String[] originalValues, String[] newValues)

Appends one set of selection args to another.

static final void appendValueToSql(StringBuilder sql, Object value)

Appends an Object to an SQL string with the proper escaping, etc.

static void bindObjectToProgram(SQLiteProgram prog, int index, Object value)

Binds the given Object to the given SQLiteProgram using the proper typing.

static ParcelFileDescriptor blobFileDescriptorForQuery(SQLiteStatement prog, String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the blob value in the first column of the first row.

static ParcelFileDescriptor blobFileDescriptorForQuery(SQLiteDatabase db, String query, String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the query on the db and return the blob value in the first column of the first row.

static String concatenateWhere(String a, String b)

Concatenates two SQL WHERE clauses, handling empty or null values.

static void createDbFromSqlStatements(Context context, String dbName, int dbVersion, String sqlStatements)

Creates a db and populates it with the sql statements in sqlStatements.

static void cursorDoubleToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values, String key)

Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorDoubleToContentValuesIfPresent(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values, String column)

Reads a Double out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues.

static void cursorDoubleToCursorValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values)

Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorFloatToContentValuesIfPresent(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values, String column)

Reads a Float out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues.

static void cursorIntToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values, String key)

Reads a Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorIntToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values)

Reads an Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorIntToContentValuesIfPresent(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values, String column)

Reads a Integer out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues.

static void cursorLongToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values, String key)

Reads a Long out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorLongToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values)

Reads a Long out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorLongToContentValuesIfPresent(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values, String column)

Reads a Long out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues.

static void cursorRowToContentValues(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values)

Read the entire contents of a cursor row and store them in a ContentValues.

static void cursorShortToContentValuesIfPresent(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values, String column)

Reads a Short out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues.

static void cursorStringToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values, String key)

Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorStringToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values)

Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

static void cursorStringToContentValuesIfPresent(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values, String column)

Reads a String out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues.

static void cursorStringToInsertHelper(Cursor cursor, String field, DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper inserter, int index)

Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to an InsertHelper.

static void dumpCurrentRow(Cursor cursor, StringBuilder sb)

Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to a StringBuilder.

static void dumpCurrentRow(Cursor cursor, PrintStream stream)

Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to a PrintSteam.

static void dumpCurrentRow(Cursor cursor)

Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to System.out.

static String dumpCurrentRowToString(Cursor cursor)

Dump the contents of a Cursor's current row to a String.

static void dumpCursor(Cursor cursor, PrintStream stream)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to a PrintSteam.

static void dumpCursor(Cursor cursor)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to System.out.

static void dumpCursor(Cursor cursor, StringBuilder sb)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to a StringBuilder.

static String dumpCursorToString(Cursor cursor)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to a String.

static String getCollationKey(String name)

return the collation key

static String getHexCollationKey(String name)

return the collation key in hex format

static int getSqlStatementType(String sql)

Returns one of the following which represent the type of the given SQL statement.

static long longForQuery(SQLiteDatabase db, String query, String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row.

static long longForQuery(SQLiteStatement prog, String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the value in the first column of the first row.

static long queryNumEntries(SQLiteDatabase db, String table, String selection)

Query the table for the number of rows in the table.

static long queryNumEntries(SQLiteDatabase db, String table, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)

Query the table for the number of rows in the table.

static long queryNumEntries(SQLiteDatabase db, String table)

Query the table for the number of rows in the table.

static final void readExceptionFromParcel(Parcel reply)

Special function for reading an exception result from the header of a parcel, to be used after receiving the result of a transaction.

static void readExceptionWithFileNotFoundExceptionFromParcel(Parcel reply)
static void readExceptionWithOperationApplicationExceptionFromParcel(Parcel reply)
static String sqlEscapeString(String value)

SQL-escape a string.

static String stringForQuery(SQLiteDatabase db, String query, String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row.

static String stringForQuery(SQLiteStatement prog, String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the value in the first column of the first row.

static final void writeExceptionToParcel(Parcel reply, Exception e)

Special function for writing an exception result at the header of a parcel, to be used when returning an exception from a transaction.

Inherited methods



public static final int STATEMENT_ABORT

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)


public static final int STATEMENT_ATTACH

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final int STATEMENT_BEGIN

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int STATEMENT_COMMIT

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)


public static final int STATEMENT_DDL

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)


public static final int STATEMENT_OTHER

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 99 (0x00000063)


public static final int STATEMENT_PRAGMA

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)


public static final int STATEMENT_SELECT

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int STATEMENT_UNPREPARED

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)


public static final int STATEMENT_UPDATE

One of the values returned by getSqlStatementType(java.lang.String).

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public constructors


public DatabaseUtils ()

Public methods


public static void appendEscapedSQLString (StringBuilder sb, 
                String sqlString)

Appends an SQL string to the given StringBuilder, including the opening and closing single quotes. Any single quotes internal to sqlString will be escaped. This method is deprecated because we want to encourage everyone to use the "?" binding form. However, when implementing a ContentProvider, one may want to add WHERE clauses that were not provided by the caller. Since "?" is a positional form, using it in this case could break the caller because the indexes would be shifted to accomodate the ContentProvider's internal bindings. In that case, it may be necessary to construct a WHERE clause manually. This method is useful for those cases.

sb StringBuilder: the StringBuilder that the SQL string will be appended to

sqlString String: the raw string to be appended, which may contain single quotes


public static String[] appendSelectionArgs (String[] originalValues, 
                String[] newValues)

Appends one set of selection args to another. This is useful when adding a selection argument to a user provided set.

originalValues String

newValues String



public static final void appendValueToSql (StringBuilder sql, 
                Object value)

Appends an Object to an SQL string with the proper escaping, etc.

sql StringBuilder

value Object


public static void bindObjectToProgram (SQLiteProgram prog, 
                int index, 
                Object value)

Binds the given Object to the given SQLiteProgram using the proper typing. For example, bind numbers as longs/doubles, and everything else as a string by call toString() on it.

prog SQLiteProgram: the program to bind the object to

index int: the 1-based index to bind at

value Object: the value to bind


public static ParcelFileDescriptor blobFileDescriptorForQuery (SQLiteStatement prog, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the blob value in the first column of the first row.

prog SQLiteStatement

selectionArgs String

ParcelFileDescriptor A read-only file descriptor for a copy of the blob value.


public static ParcelFileDescriptor blobFileDescriptorForQuery (SQLiteDatabase db, 
                String query, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the query on the db and return the blob value in the first column of the first row.

db SQLiteDatabase

query String

selectionArgs String

ParcelFileDescriptor A read-only file descriptor for a copy of the blob value.


public static String concatenateWhere (String a, 
                String b)

Concatenates two SQL WHERE clauses, handling empty or null values.

a String

b String



public static void createDbFromSqlStatements (Context context, 
                String dbName, 
                int dbVersion, 
                String sqlStatements)

Creates a db and populates it with the sql statements in sqlStatements.

context Context: the context to use to create the db

dbName String: the name of the db to create

dbVersion int: the version to set on the db

sqlStatements String: the statements to use to populate the db. This should be a single string of the form returned by sqlite3's .dump command (statements separated by semicolons)


public static void cursorDoubleToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String key)

Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The REAL field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

key String: The key to store the value with in the map


public static void cursorDoubleToContentValuesIfPresent (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String column)

Reads a Double out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. Adds nothing to the ContentValues if the column isn't present or if its value is null.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

column String: The column to read


public static void cursorDoubleToCursorValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values)

Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The REAL field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into


public static void cursorFloatToContentValuesIfPresent (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String column)

Reads a Float out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. Adds nothing to the ContentValues if the column isn't present or if its value is null.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

column String: The column to read


public static void cursorIntToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String key)

Reads a Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The INTEGER field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into, with the field as the key

key String: The key to store the value with in the map


public static void cursorIntToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values)

Reads an Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The INTEGER field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into, with the field as the key


public static void cursorIntToContentValuesIfPresent (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String column)

Reads a Integer out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. Adds nothing to the ContentValues if the column isn't present or if its value is null.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

column String: The column to read


public static void cursorLongToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String key)

Reads a Long out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The INTEGER field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

key String: The key to store the value with in the map


public static void cursorLongToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values)

Reads a Long out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The INTEGER field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into, with the field as the key


public static void cursorLongToContentValuesIfPresent (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String column)

Reads a Long out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. Adds nothing to the ContentValues if the column isn't present or if its value is null.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

column String: The column to read


public static void cursorRowToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values)

Read the entire contents of a cursor row and store them in a ContentValues.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to read from.

values ContentValues: the ContentValues to put the row into.


public static void cursorShortToContentValuesIfPresent (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String column)

Reads a Short out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. Adds nothing to the ContentValues if the column isn't present or if its value is null.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

column String: The column to read


public static void cursorStringToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String key)

Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The TEXT field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into, with the field as the key

key String: The key to store the value with in the map


public static void cursorStringToContentValues (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                ContentValues values)

Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The TEXT field to read

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into, with the field as the key


public static void cursorStringToContentValuesIfPresent (Cursor cursor, 
                ContentValues values, 
                String column)

Reads a String out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. Adds nothing to the ContentValues if the column isn't present or if its value is null.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

values ContentValues: The ContentValues to put the value into

column String: The column to read


public static void cursorStringToInsertHelper (Cursor cursor, 
                String field, 
                DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper inserter, 
                int index)

Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to an InsertHelper.

cursor Cursor: The cursor to read from

field String: The TEXT field to read

inserter DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper: The InsertHelper to bind into

index int: the index of the bind entry in the InsertHelper


public static void dumpCurrentRow (Cursor cursor, 
                StringBuilder sb)

Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to a StringBuilder.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print

sb StringBuilder: the StringBuilder to print to


public static void dumpCurrentRow (Cursor cursor, 
                PrintStream stream)

Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to a PrintSteam.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print

stream PrintStream: the stream to print to


public static void dumpCurrentRow (Cursor cursor)

Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to System.out.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print from


public static String dumpCurrentRowToString (Cursor cursor)

Dump the contents of a Cursor's current row to a String.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print

String a String that contains the dumped cursor row


public static void dumpCursor (Cursor cursor, 
                PrintStream stream)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to a PrintSteam. The position is restored after printing.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print

stream PrintStream: the stream to print to


public static void dumpCursor (Cursor cursor)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to System.out. The position is restored after printing.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print


public static void dumpCursor (Cursor cursor, 
                StringBuilder sb)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to a StringBuilder. The position is restored after printing.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print

sb StringBuilder: the StringBuilder to print to


public static String dumpCursorToString (Cursor cursor)

Prints the contents of a Cursor to a String. The position is restored after printing.

cursor Cursor: the cursor to print

String a String that contains the dumped cursor


public static String getCollationKey (String name)

return the collation key

String the collation key


public static String getHexCollationKey (String name)

return the collation key in hex format

String the collation key in hex format


public static int getSqlStatementType (String sql)

Returns one of the following which represent the type of the given SQL statement.


sql String: the SQL statement whose type is returned by this method

int one of the values listed above


public static long longForQuery (SQLiteDatabase db, 
                String query, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row.

db SQLiteDatabase

query String

selectionArgs String



public static long longForQuery (SQLiteStatement prog, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the value in the first column of the first row.

prog SQLiteStatement

selectionArgs String



public static long queryNumEntries (SQLiteDatabase db, 
                String table, 
                String selection)

Query the table for the number of rows in the table.

db SQLiteDatabase: the database the table is in

table String: the name of the table to query

selection String: A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will count all rows for the given table

long the number of rows in the table filtered by the selection


public static long queryNumEntries (SQLiteDatabase db, 
                String table, 
                String selection, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Query the table for the number of rows in the table.

db SQLiteDatabase: the database the table is in

table String: the name of the table to query

selection String: A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will count all rows for the given table

selectionArgs String: You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in order that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound as Strings.

long the number of rows in the table filtered by the selection


public static long queryNumEntries (SQLiteDatabase db, 
                String table)

Query the table for the number of rows in the table.

db SQLiteDatabase: the database the table is in

table String: the name of the table to query

long the number of rows in the table


public static final void readExceptionFromParcel (Parcel reply)

Special function for reading an exception result from the header of a parcel, to be used after receiving the result of a transaction. This will throw the exception for you if it had been written to the Parcel, otherwise return and let you read the normal result data from the Parcel.

reply Parcel: Parcel to read from

See also:


public static void readExceptionWithFileNotFoundExceptionFromParcel (Parcel reply)

reply Parcel



public static void readExceptionWithOperationApplicationExceptionFromParcel (Parcel reply)

reply Parcel



public static String sqlEscapeString (String value)

SQL-escape a string.

value String



public static String stringForQuery (SQLiteDatabase db, 
                String query, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row.

db SQLiteDatabase

query String

selectionArgs String



public static String stringForQuery (SQLiteStatement prog, 
                String[] selectionArgs)

Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the value in the first column of the first row.

prog SQLiteStatement

selectionArgs String



public static final void writeExceptionToParcel (Parcel reply, 
                Exception e)

Special function for writing an exception result at the header of a parcel, to be used when returning an exception from a transaction. exception will be re-thrown by the function in another process

reply Parcel: Parcel to write to

e Exception: The Exception to be written.

See also: