# Print output for @column tags ?> PackageInstaller.SessionParams - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static class PackageInstaller.SessionParams
extends Object implements Parcelable

   ↳ android.content.pm.PackageInstaller.SessionParams

Parameters for creating a new PackageInstaller.Session.




Mode for an install session whose staged APKs should fully replace any existing APKs for the target app.


Mode for an install session that should inherit any existing APKs for the target app, unless they have been explicitly overridden (based on split name) by the session.


The installer called SessionParams#setRequireUserAction(int) with false to request that user action not be required for this install.


The installer called SessionParams#setRequireUserAction(int) with true to require user action for the install to complete.


The installer did not call SessionParams#setRequireUserAction(int) to specify whether user action should be required for the install.

Inherited constants


public static final Creator<PackageInstaller.SessionParams> CREATOR

public static final Set<String> RESTRICTED_PERMISSIONS_ALL

Special constant to refer to all restricted permissions.

Public constructors

SessionParams(int mode)

Construct parameters for a new package install session.

Public methods

int describeContents()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.

void setAppIcon(Bitmap appIcon)

Optionally set an icon representing the app being installed.

void setAppLabel(CharSequence appLabel)

Optionally set a label representing the app being installed.

void setAppPackageName(String appPackageName)

Optionally set the package name of the app being installed.

void setAutoRevokePermissionsMode(boolean shouldAutoRevoke)

This method is deprecated. No longer used

void setInstallLocation(int installLocation)

Provide value of PackageInfo#installLocation, which may be used to determine where the app will be staged.

void setInstallReason(int installReason)

Set the reason for installing this package.

void setInstallScenario(int installScenario)

Sets the install scenario for this session, which describes the expected user journey.

void setMultiPackage()

Set this session to be the parent of a multi-package install.

void setOriginatingUid(int originatingUid)

Sets the UID that initiated the package installation.

void setOriginatingUri(Uri originatingUri)

Optionally set the URI where this package was downloaded from.

void setReferrerUri(Uri referrerUri)

Optionally set the URI that referred you to install this package.

void setRequireUserAction(int requireUserAction)

Optionally indicate whether user action should be required when the session is committed.

void setSize(long sizeBytes)

Optionally indicate the total size (in bytes) of all APKs that will be delivered in this session.

void setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set<String> permissions)

Sets which restricted permissions to be allowlisted for the app.

void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

Inherited methods



public static final int MODE_FULL_INSTALL

Mode for an install session whose staged APKs should fully replace any existing APKs for the target app.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int MODE_INHERIT_EXISTING

Mode for an install session that should inherit any existing APKs for the target app, unless they have been explicitly overridden (based on split name) by the session. For example, this can be used to add one or more split APKs to an existing installation.

If there are no existing APKs for the target app, this behaves like MODE_FULL_INSTALL.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int USER_ACTION_NOT_REQUIRED

The installer called SessionParams#setRequireUserAction(int) with false to request that user action not be required for this install.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int USER_ACTION_REQUIRED

The installer called SessionParams#setRequireUserAction(int) with true to require user action for the install to complete.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int USER_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED

The installer did not call SessionParams#setRequireUserAction(int) to specify whether user action should be required for the install.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)



public static final Creator<PackageInstaller.SessionParams> CREATOR


public static final Set<String> RESTRICTED_PERMISSIONS_ALL

Special constant to refer to all restricted permissions.

Public constructors


public SessionParams (int mode)

Construct parameters for a new package install session.

mode int: one of MODE_FULL_INSTALL or MODE_INHERIT_EXISTING describing how the session should interact with an existing app.

Public methods


public int describeContents ()

Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will include a file descriptor in the output of writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int), the return value of this method must include the CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR bit.

int a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR


public void setAppIcon (Bitmap appIcon)

Optionally set an icon representing the app being installed. This should be roughly ActivityManager#getLauncherLargeIconSize() in both dimensions.

appIcon Bitmap: This value may be null.


public void setAppLabel (CharSequence appLabel)

Optionally set a label representing the app being installed. This value will be trimmed to the first 1000 characters.

appLabel CharSequence: This value may be null.


public void setAppPackageName (String appPackageName)

Optionally set the package name of the app being installed. It's strongly recommended that you provide this value when known, so that observers can communicate installing apps to users.

If the APKs staged in the session aren't consistent with this package name, the install will fail. Regardless of this value, all APKs in the app must have the same package name.

appPackageName String: This value may be null.


public void setAutoRevokePermissionsMode (boolean shouldAutoRevoke)

This method is deprecated.
No longer used

Sets whether permissions should be auto-revoked if this package is unused for an extended periodd of time. It's disabled by default but generally the installer should enable it for most packages, excluding only those where doing so might cause breakage that cannot be easily addressed by simply re-requesting the permission(s). If user explicitly enabled or disabled it via settings, this call is ignored.

shouldAutoRevoke boolean: whether permissions should be auto-revoked.


public void setInstallLocation (int installLocation)

Provide value of PackageInfo#installLocation, which may be used to determine where the app will be staged. Defaults to PackageInfo#INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY.

installLocation int


public void setInstallReason (int installReason)

Set the reason for installing this package.

The install reason should be a pre-defined integer. The behavior is undefined if other values are used.

installReason int: Value is PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_UNKNOWN, PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_POLICY, PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_DEVICE_RESTORE, PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_DEVICE_SETUP, PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_USER, or android.content.pm.PackageManager.INSTALL_REASON_ROLLBACK

See also:


public void setInstallScenario (int installScenario)

Sets the install scenario for this session, which describes the expected user journey.

installScenario int: Value is PackageManager.INSTALL_SCENARIO_DEFAULT, PackageManager.INSTALL_SCENARIO_FAST, PackageManager.INSTALL_SCENARIO_BULK, or PackageManager.INSTALL_SCENARIO_BULK_SECONDARY


public void setMultiPackage ()

Set this session to be the parent of a multi-package install. A multi-package install session contains no APKs and only references other install sessions via ID. When a multi-package session is committed, all of its children are committed to the system in an atomic manner. If any children fail to install, all of them do, including the multi-package session.


public void setOriginatingUid (int originatingUid)

Sets the UID that initiated the package installation. This is informational and may be used as a signal for anti-malware purposes.

originatingUid int


public void setOriginatingUri (Uri originatingUri)

Optionally set the URI where this package was downloaded from. This is informational and may be used as a signal for anti-malware purposes.

originatingUri Uri: This value may be null.

See also:


public void setReferrerUri (Uri referrerUri)

Optionally set the URI that referred you to install this package. This is informational and may be used as a signal for anti-malware purposes.

referrerUri Uri: This value may be null.

See also:


public void setRequireUserAction (int requireUserAction)

Optionally indicate whether user action should be required when the session is committed.

Defaults to USER_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED unless otherwise set. When unspecified for installers using the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission will behave as if set to USER_ACTION_REQUIRED, and USER_ACTION_NOT_REQUIRED otherwise. When requireUserAction is set to USER_ACTION_REQUIRED, installers will receive a PackageInstaller.STATUS_PENDING_USER_ACTION callback once the session is committed, indicating that user action is required for the install to proceed.

For installers that have been granted the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission, user action will not be required when all of the following conditions are met:

Note: The target API level requirement will advance in future Android versions. Session owners should always be prepared to handle PackageInstaller.STATUS_PENDING_USER_ACTION.

requireUserAction int: whether user action should be required. Value is USER_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED, USER_ACTION_REQUIRED, or USER_ACTION_NOT_REQUIRED


public void setSize (long sizeBytes)

Optionally indicate the total size (in bytes) of all APKs that will be delivered in this session. The system may use this to ensure enough disk space exists before proceeding, or to estimate container size for installations living on external storage.

sizeBytes long

See also:


public void setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions (Set<String> permissions)

Sets which restricted permissions to be allowlisted for the app. Allowlisting is not granting the permissions, rather it allows the app to hold permissions which are otherwise restricted. Allowlisting a non restricted permission has no effect.

Permissions can be hard restricted which means that the app cannot hold them or soft restricted where the app can hold the permission but in a weaker form. Whether a permission is restricted or soft restricted depends on the permission declaration. Allowlisting a hard restricted permission allows the app to hold that permission and allowlisting a soft restricted permission allows the app to hold the permission in its full, unrestricted form.

Permissions can also be immutably restricted which means that the allowlist state of the permission can be determined only at install time and cannot be changed on updated or at a later point via the package manager APIs.

Initially, all restricted permissions are allowlisted but you can change which ones are allowlisted by calling this method or the corresponding ones on the PackageManager. Only soft or hard restricted permissions on the current Android version are supported and any invalid entries will be removed.

permissions Set: This value may be null.

See also:


public void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, 
                int flags)

Flatten this object in to a Parcel.

dest Parcel: The Parcel in which the object should be written.

flags int: Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE. Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES