# Print output for @column tags ?> Notification.WearableExtender - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class Notification.WearableExtender
extends Object implements Notification.Extender

   ↳ android.app.Notification.WearableExtender

Helper class to add wearable extensions to notifications.

See Creating Notifications for Android Wear for more information on how to use this class.

To create a notification with wearable extensions:

  1. Create a Notification.Builder, setting any desired properties.
  2. Create a Notification.WearableExtender.
  3. Set wearable-specific properties using the add and set methods of Notification.WearableExtender.
  4. Call Notification.Builder.extend(Notification.Extender) to apply the extensions to a notification.
  5. Post the notification to the notification system with the NotificationManager.notify(...) methods.
 Notification notif = new Notification.Builder(mContext)
         .setContentTitle("New mail from " + sender.toString())
         .extend(new Notification.WearableExtender()
 NotificationManager notificationManger =
         (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
 notificationManger.notify(0, notif);

Wearable extensions can be accessed on an existing notification by using the WearableExtender(Notification) constructor, and then using the get methods to access values.

 Notification.WearableExtender wearableExtender = new Notification.WearableExtender(
 List<Notification> pages = wearableExtender.getPages();




This constant is deprecated. This feature is no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. This feature is no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.


This constant is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.


Sentinel value for an action index that is unset.

Public constructors


Create a Notification.WearableExtender with default options.

WearableExtender(Notification notif)

Public methods

Notification.WearableExtender addAction(Notification.Action action)

Add a wearable action to this notification.

Notification.WearableExtender addActions(List<Notification.Action> actions)

Adds wearable actions to this notification.

Notification.WearableExtender addPage(Notification page)

This method is deprecated. Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Notification.WearableExtender addPages(List<Notification> pages)

This method is deprecated. Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Notification.WearableExtender clearActions()

Clear all wearable actions present on this builder.

Notification.WearableExtender clearPages()

This method is deprecated. Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Notification.WearableExtender clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

Notification.Builder extend(Notification.Builder builder)

Apply wearable extensions to a notification that is being built.

List<Notification.Action> getActions()

Get the wearable actions present on this notification.

Bitmap getBackground()

This method is deprecated. Background images are no longer supported.

String getBridgeTag()

Returns the bridge tag of the notification.

int getContentAction()

Get the index of the notification action, if any, that was specified as the primary action.

int getContentIcon()

Get an icon that goes with the content of this notification.

int getContentIconGravity()

Get the gravity that the content icon should have within the notification display.

boolean getContentIntentAvailableOffline()

Get whether the content intent is available when the wearable device is not connected to a companion device.

int getCustomContentHeight()

Get the custom height in pixels for the display of this notification's content.

int getCustomSizePreset()

Get the custom size preset for the display of this notification out of the available presets found in Notification.WearableExtender, e.g.

String getDismissalId()

Returns the dismissal id of the notification.

PendingIntent getDisplayIntent()

This method is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.

int getGravity()

Get the gravity that this notification should have within the available viewport space.

boolean getHintAmbientBigPicture()

This method is deprecated. This feature is no longer supported.

boolean getHintAvoidBackgroundClipping()

Get a hint that this notification's background should not be clipped if possible, and should instead be resized to fully display on the screen, retaining the aspect ratio of the image.

boolean getHintContentIntentLaunchesActivity()

Get a hint that this notification's content intent will launch an Activity directly, telling the platform that it can generate the appropriate transitions

boolean getHintHideIcon()

Get a hint that this notification's icon should not be displayed.

int getHintScreenTimeout()

Get the duration, in milliseconds, that the screen should remain on for when this notification is displayed.

boolean getHintShowBackgroundOnly()

Get a visual hint that only the background image of this notification should be displayed, and other semantic content should be hidden.

List<Notification> getPages()

This method is deprecated. Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

boolean getStartScrollBottom()

Get whether the scrolling position for the contents of this notification should start at the bottom of the contents instead of the top when the contents are too long to display within the screen.

Notification.WearableExtender setBackground(Bitmap background)

This method is deprecated. Background images are no longer supported.

Notification.WearableExtender setBridgeTag(String bridgeTag)

Sets a bridge tag for this notification.

Notification.WearableExtender setContentAction(int actionIndex)

Set an action from this notification's actions as the primary action.

Notification.WearableExtender setContentIcon(int icon)

Set an icon that goes with the content of this notification.

Notification.WearableExtender setContentIconGravity(int contentIconGravity)

Set the gravity that the content icon should have within the notification display.

Notification.WearableExtender setContentIntentAvailableOffline(boolean contentIntentAvailableOffline)

Set whether the content intent is available when the wearable device is not connected to a companion device.

Notification.WearableExtender setCustomContentHeight(int height)

Set the custom height in pixels for the display of this notification's content.

Notification.WearableExtender setCustomSizePreset(int sizePreset)

Set the custom size preset for the display of this notification out of the available presets found in Notification.WearableExtender, e.g.

Notification.WearableExtender setDismissalId(String dismissalId)

Sets the dismissal id for this notification.

Notification.WearableExtender setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent intent)

This method is deprecated. Display intents are no longer supported.

Notification.WearableExtender setGravity(int gravity)

Set the gravity that this notification should have within the available viewport space.

Notification.WearableExtender setHintAmbientBigPicture(boolean hintAmbientBigPicture)

This method is deprecated. This feature is no longer supported.

Notification.WearableExtender setHintAvoidBackgroundClipping(boolean hintAvoidBackgroundClipping)

Set a hint that this notification's background should not be clipped if possible, and should instead be resized to fully display on the screen, retaining the aspect ratio of the image.

Notification.WearableExtender setHintContentIntentLaunchesActivity(boolean hintContentIntentLaunchesActivity)

Set a hint that this notification's content intent will launch an Activity directly, telling the platform that it can generate the appropriate transitions.

Notification.WearableExtender setHintHideIcon(boolean hintHideIcon)

Set a hint that this notification's icon should not be displayed.

Notification.WearableExtender setHintScreenTimeout(int timeout)

Set a hint that the screen should remain on for at least this duration when this notification is displayed on the screen.

Notification.WearableExtender setHintShowBackgroundOnly(boolean hintShowBackgroundOnly)

Set a visual hint that only the background image of this notification should be displayed, and other semantic content should be hidden.

Notification.WearableExtender setStartScrollBottom(boolean startScrollBottom)

Set whether the scrolling position for the contents of this notification should start at the bottom of the contents instead of the top when the contents are too long to display within the screen.

Inherited methods



public static final int SCREEN_TIMEOUT_LONG

This constant is deprecated.
This feature is no longer supported.

Sentinel value for use with setHintScreenTimeout(int) to keep the screen on for a longer amount of time when this notification is displayed on the screen.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)


public static final int SCREEN_TIMEOUT_SHORT

This constant is deprecated.
This feature is no longer supported.

Sentinel value for use with setHintScreenTimeout(int) to keep the screen on for a short amount of time when this notification is displayed on the screen. This is the default value.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int SIZE_DEFAULT

This constant is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Size value for use with setCustomSizePreset(int) to show this notification with default sizing.

For custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent), the default is SIZE_MEDIUM. All other notifications size automatically based on their content.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int SIZE_FULL_SCREEN

This constant is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Size value for use with setCustomSizePreset(int) to show this notification full screen.

This value is only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent).

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)


public static final int SIZE_LARGE

This constant is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Size value for use with setCustomSizePreset(int) to show this notification with a large size.

This value is only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent).

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int SIZE_MEDIUM

This constant is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Size value for use with setCustomSizePreset(int) to show this notification with a medium size.

This value is only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent).

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final int SIZE_SMALL

This constant is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Size value for use with setCustomSizePreset(int) to show this notification with a small size.

This value is only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent).

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int SIZE_XSMALL

This constant is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Size value for use with setCustomSizePreset(int) to show this notification with an extra small size.

This value is only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent).

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int UNSET_ACTION_INDEX

Sentinel value for an action index that is unset.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

Public constructors


public WearableExtender ()

Create a Notification.WearableExtender with default options.


public WearableExtender (Notification notif)

notif Notification

Public methods


public Notification.WearableExtender addAction (Notification.Action action)

Add a wearable action to this notification.

When wearable actions are added using this method, the set of actions that show on a wearable device splits from devices that only show actions added using Notification.Builder.addAction(Notification.Action). This allows for customization of which actions display on different devices.

action Notification.Action: the action to add to this notification

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender addActions (List<Notification.Action> actions)

Adds wearable actions to this notification.

When wearable actions are added using this method, the set of actions that show on a wearable device splits from devices that only show actions added using Notification.Builder.addAction(Notification.Action). This allows for customization of which actions display on different devices.

actions List: the actions to add to this notification

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender addPage (Notification page)

This method is deprecated.
Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Add an additional page of content to display with this notification. The current notification forms the first page, and pages added using this function form subsequent pages. This field can be used to separate a notification into multiple sections.

page Notification: the notification to add as another page

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender addPages (List<Notification> pages)

This method is deprecated.
Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Add additional pages of content to display with this notification. The current notification forms the first page, and pages added using this function form subsequent pages. This field can be used to separate a notification into multiple sections.

pages List: a list of notifications

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender clearActions ()

Clear all wearable actions present on this builder.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining.

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender clearPages ()

This method is deprecated.
Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Clear all additional pages present on this builder.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining.

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender clone ()

Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning of "copy" may depend on the class of the object. The general intent is that, for any object x, the expression:

 x.clone() != x
will be true, and that the expression:
 x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
will be true, but these are not absolute requirements. While it is typically the case that:
will be true, this is not an absolute requirement.

By convention, the returned object should be obtained by calling super.clone. If a class and all of its superclasses (except Object) obey this convention, it will be the case that x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass().

By convention, the object returned by this method should be independent of this object (which is being cloned). To achieve this independence, it may be necessary to modify one or more fields of the object returned by super.clone before returning it. Typically, this means copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal "deep structure" of the object being cloned and replacing the references to these objects with references to the copies. If a class contains only primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually the case that no fields in the object returned by super.clone need to be modified.

The method clone for class Object performs a specific cloning operation. First, if the class of this object does not implement the interface Cloneable, then a CloneNotSupportedException is thrown. Note that all arrays are considered to implement the interface Cloneable and that the return type of the clone method of an array type T[] is T[] where T is any reference or primitive type. Otherwise, this method creates a new instance of the class of this object and initializes all its fields with exactly the contents of the corresponding fields of this object, as if by assignment; the contents of the fields are not themselves cloned. Thus, this method performs a "shallow copy" of this object, not a "deep copy" operation.

The class Object does not itself implement the interface Cloneable, so calling the clone method on an object whose class is Object will result in throwing an exception at run time.

Notification.WearableExtender a clone of this instance.


public Notification.Builder extend (Notification.Builder builder)

Apply wearable extensions to a notification that is being built. This is typically called by the Notification.Builder.extend(Notification.Extender) method of Notification.Builder.

builder Notification.Builder: the builder to be modified.

Notification.Builder the build object for chaining.


public List<Notification.Action> getActions ()

Get the wearable actions present on this notification.



public Bitmap getBackground ()

This method is deprecated.
Background images are no longer supported.

Get a background image to be displayed behind the notification content. Contrary to the Notification.BigPictureStyle, this background will work with any notification style.

Bitmap the background image

See also:


public String getBridgeTag ()

Returns the bridge tag of the notification.

String the bridge tag or null if not present.


public int getContentAction ()

Get the index of the notification action, if any, that was specified as the primary action.

If wearable specific actions were added to the main notification, this index will apply to that list, otherwise it will apply to the regular actions list.

int the action index or UNSET_ACTION_INDEX if no action was selected.


public int getContentIcon ()

Get an icon that goes with the content of this notification.



public int getContentIconGravity ()

Get the gravity that the content icon should have within the notification display. Supported values include Gravity.START and Gravity.END. The default value is Gravity.END.


See also:


public boolean getContentIntentAvailableOffline ()

Get whether the content intent is available when the wearable device is not connected to a companion device. The user can still trigger this intent when the wearable device is offline, but a visual hint will indicate that the content intent may not be available. Defaults to true.



public int getCustomContentHeight ()

Get the custom height in pixels for the display of this notification's content.

This option is only available for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent). See also setCustomSizePreset(int) and setCustomContentHeight(int).



public int getCustomSizePreset ()

Get the custom size preset for the display of this notification out of the available presets found in Notification.WearableExtender, e.g. SIZE_LARGE.

Some custom size presets are only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent). Check the documentation for the preset in question. See also setCustomContentHeight(int) and setCustomSizePreset(int).



public String getDismissalId ()

Returns the dismissal id of the notification.

String the dismissal id of the notification or null if it has not been set.


public PendingIntent getDisplayIntent ()

This method is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Get the intent to launch inside of an activity view when displaying this notification. This PendingIntent should be for an activity.



public int getGravity ()

Get the gravity that this notification should have within the available viewport space. Supported values include Gravity.TOP, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL and Gravity.BOTTOM. The default value is Gravity.BOTTOM.



public boolean getHintAmbientBigPicture ()

This method is deprecated.
This feature is no longer supported.

Get a hint that this notification's BigPictureStyle (if present) should be converted to low-bit and displayed in ambient mode, especially useful for barcodes and qr codes, as well as other simple black-and-white tickets.

boolean true if it should be displayed in ambient, false otherwise otherwise. The default value is false if this was never set.


public boolean getHintAvoidBackgroundClipping ()

Get a hint that this notification's background should not be clipped if possible, and should instead be resized to fully display on the screen, retaining the aspect ratio of the image. This can be useful for images like barcodes or qr codes.

boolean true if it's ok if the background is clipped on the screen, false otherwise. The default value is false if this was never set.


public boolean getHintContentIntentLaunchesActivity ()

Get a hint that this notification's content intent will launch an Activity directly, telling the platform that it can generate the appropriate transitions

boolean true if the content intent will launch an activity and transitions should be generated, false otherwise. The default value is false if this was never set.


public boolean getHintHideIcon ()

Get a hint that this notification's icon should not be displayed.

boolean true if this icon should not be displayed, false otherwise. The default value is false if this was never set.


public int getHintScreenTimeout ()

Get the duration, in milliseconds, that the screen should remain on for when this notification is displayed.

int the duration in milliseconds if > 0, or either one of the sentinel values SCREEN_TIMEOUT_SHORT or SCREEN_TIMEOUT_LONG.


public boolean getHintShowBackgroundOnly ()

Get a visual hint that only the background image of this notification should be displayed, and other semantic content should be hidden. This hint is only applicable to sub-pages added using addPage(Notification).



public List<Notification> getPages ()

This method is deprecated.
Multiple content pages are no longer supported.

Get the array of additional pages of content for displaying this notification. The current notification forms the first page, and elements within this array form subsequent pages. This field can be used to separate a notification into multiple sections.

List<Notification> the pages for this notification


public boolean getStartScrollBottom ()

Get whether the scrolling position for the contents of this notification should start at the bottom of the contents instead of the top when the contents are too long to display within the screen. Default is false (start scroll at the top).



public Notification.WearableExtender setBackground (Bitmap background)

This method is deprecated.
Background images are no longer supported.

Set a background image to be displayed behind the notification content. Contrary to the Notification.BigPictureStyle, this background will work with any notification style.

background Bitmap: the background bitmap

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender setBridgeTag (String bridgeTag)

Sets a bridge tag for this notification. A bridge tag can be set for notifications posted from a phone to provide finer-grained control on what notifications are bridged to wearables. See Adding Wearable Features to Notifications for more information.

bridgeTag String: the bridge tag of the notification.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setContentAction (int actionIndex)

Set an action from this notification's actions as the primary action. If the action has a RemoteInput associated with it, shortcuts to the options for that input are shown directly on the notification.

actionIndex int: The index of the primary action. If wearable actions were added to the main notification, this index will apply to that list, otherwise it will apply to the regular actions list.



public Notification.WearableExtender setContentIcon (int icon)

Set an icon that goes with the content of this notification.

icon int



public Notification.WearableExtender setContentIconGravity (int contentIconGravity)

Set the gravity that the content icon should have within the notification display. Supported values include Gravity.START and Gravity.END. The default value is Gravity.END.

contentIconGravity int


See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender setContentIntentAvailableOffline (boolean contentIntentAvailableOffline)

Set whether the content intent is available when the wearable device is not connected to a companion device. The user can still trigger this intent when the wearable device is offline, but a visual hint will indicate that the content intent may not be available. Defaults to true.

contentIntentAvailableOffline boolean



public Notification.WearableExtender setCustomContentHeight (int height)

Set the custom height in pixels for the display of this notification's content.

This option is only available for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent). See also setCustomSizePreset(int) and getCustomContentHeight().

height int



public Notification.WearableExtender setCustomSizePreset (int sizePreset)

Set the custom size preset for the display of this notification out of the available presets found in Notification.WearableExtender, e.g. SIZE_LARGE.

Some custom size presets are only applicable for custom display notifications created using setDisplayIntent(PendingIntent). Check the documentation for the preset in question. See also setCustomContentHeight(int) and getCustomSizePreset().

sizePreset int



public Notification.WearableExtender setDismissalId (String dismissalId)

Sets the dismissal id for this notification. If a notification is posted with a dismissal id, then when that notification is canceled, notifications on other wearables and the paired Android phone having that same dismissal id will also be canceled. See Adding Wearable Features to Notifications for more information.

dismissalId String: the dismissal id of the notification.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setDisplayIntent (PendingIntent intent)

This method is deprecated.
Display intents are no longer supported.

Set an intent to launch inside of an activity view when displaying this notification. The PendingIntent provided should be for an activity.

 Intent displayIntent = new Intent(context, MyDisplayActivity.class);
 PendingIntent displayPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context,
         0, displayIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT | PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE_UNAUDITED);
 Notification notif = new Notification.Builder(context)
         .extend(new Notification.WearableExtender()

The activity to launch needs to allow embedding, must be exported, and should have an empty task affinity. It is also recommended to use the device default light theme.

Example AndroidManifest.xml entry:

 <activity android:name="com.example.MyDisplayActivity"
     android:theme="@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light" />

intent PendingIntent: the PendingIntent for an activity

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining

See also:


public Notification.WearableExtender setGravity (int gravity)

Set the gravity that this notification should have within the available viewport space. Supported values include Gravity.TOP, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL and Gravity.BOTTOM. The default value is Gravity.BOTTOM.

gravity int



public Notification.WearableExtender setHintAmbientBigPicture (boolean hintAmbientBigPicture)

This method is deprecated.
This feature is no longer supported.

Set a hint that this notification's BigPictureStyle (if present) should be converted to low-bit and displayed in ambient mode, especially useful for barcodes and qr codes, as well as other simple black-and-white tickets.

hintAmbientBigPicture boolean: true to enable converstion and ambient.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setHintAvoidBackgroundClipping (boolean hintAvoidBackgroundClipping)

Set a hint that this notification's background should not be clipped if possible, and should instead be resized to fully display on the screen, retaining the aspect ratio of the image. This can be useful for images like barcodes or qr codes.

hintAvoidBackgroundClipping boolean: true to avoid clipping if possible.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setHintContentIntentLaunchesActivity (boolean hintContentIntentLaunchesActivity)

Set a hint that this notification's content intent will launch an Activity directly, telling the platform that it can generate the appropriate transitions.

hintContentIntentLaunchesActivity boolean: true if the content intent will launch an activity and transitions should be generated, false otherwise.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setHintHideIcon (boolean hintHideIcon)

Set a hint that this notification's icon should not be displayed.

hintHideIcon boolean: true to hide the icon, false otherwise.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setHintScreenTimeout (int timeout)

Set a hint that the screen should remain on for at least this duration when this notification is displayed on the screen.

timeout int: The requested screen timeout in milliseconds. Can also be either SCREEN_TIMEOUT_SHORT or SCREEN_TIMEOUT_LONG.

Notification.WearableExtender this object for method chaining


public Notification.WearableExtender setHintShowBackgroundOnly (boolean hintShowBackgroundOnly)

Set a visual hint that only the background image of this notification should be displayed, and other semantic content should be hidden. This hint is only applicable to sub-pages added using addPage(Notification).

hintShowBackgroundOnly boolean



public Notification.WearableExtender setStartScrollBottom (boolean startScrollBottom)

Set whether the scrolling position for the contents of this notification should start at the bottom of the contents instead of the top when the contents are too long to display within the screen. Default is false (start scroll at the top).

startScrollBottom boolean
