# Print output for @column tags ?> IntFlagMapping - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class IntFlagMapping
extends Object

   ↳ android.view.inspector.IntFlagMapping

Maps the values of an int property to sets of string for properties that encode flags. An InspectionCompanion may provide an instance of this class to a PropertyMapper for flag values packed into primitive int properties. Each flag has a mask and a target value, for non-exclusive flags, the target can also be used as the mask. A given integer value is compared against each flag to find what flags are active for it by bitwise anding it with the mask and comparing the result against the target, that is, (value & mask) == target.

See also:


Public constructors


Public methods

void add(int mask, int target, String name)

Add a mutually exclusive flag to the map.

Set<String> get(int value)

Get a set of the names of enabled flags for a given property value.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public IntFlagMapping ()

Public methods


public void add (int mask, 
                int target, 
                String name)

Add a mutually exclusive flag to the map.

mask int: The bit mask to compare to and with a value

target int: The target value to compare the masked value with

name String: The name of the flag to include if enabled This value cannot be null.


public Set<String> get (int value)

Get a set of the names of enabled flags for a given property value.

value int: The value of the property

Set<String> The names of the enabled flags, empty if no flags enabled This value cannot be null.