# Print output for @column tags ?> RemoteConference.Callback - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static abstract class RemoteConference.Callback
extends Object

   ↳ android.telecom.RemoteConference.Callback

Callback base class for RemoteConference.


Public constructors


Public methods

void onConferenceableConnectionsChanged(RemoteConference conference, List<RemoteConnection> conferenceableConnections)

Invoked when the set of RemoteConnections which can be added to this conference call have changed.

void onConnectionAdded(RemoteConference conference, RemoteConnection connection)

Invoked when a RemoteConnection is added to the conference call.

void onConnectionCapabilitiesChanged(RemoteConference conference, int connectionCapabilities)

Indicates that the call capabilities of this RemoteConference have changed.

void onConnectionPropertiesChanged(RemoteConference conference, int connectionProperties)

Indicates that the call properties of this RemoteConference have changed.

void onConnectionRemoved(RemoteConference conference, RemoteConnection connection)

Invoked when a RemoteConnection is removed from the conference call.

void onDestroyed(RemoteConference conference)

Indicates that this RemoteConference has been destroyed.

void onDisconnected(RemoteConference conference, DisconnectCause disconnectCause)

Invoked when this RemoteConference is disconnected.

void onExtrasChanged(RemoteConference conference, Bundle extras)

Handles changes to the RemoteConference extras.

void onStateChanged(RemoteConference conference, int oldState, int newState)

Invoked when the state of this RemoteConferece has changed.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Callback ()

Public methods


public void onConferenceableConnectionsChanged (RemoteConference conference, 
                List<RemoteConnection> conferenceableConnections)

Invoked when the set of RemoteConnections which can be added to this conference call have changed.

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

conferenceableConnections List: The list of conferenceable RemoteConnections.


public void onConnectionAdded (RemoteConference conference, 
                RemoteConnection connection)

Invoked when a RemoteConnection is added to the conference call.

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

connection RemoteConnection: The RemoteConnection being added.


public void onConnectionCapabilitiesChanged (RemoteConference conference, 
                int connectionCapabilities)

Indicates that the call capabilities of this RemoteConference have changed. See RemoteConference.getConnectionCapabilities().

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

connectionCapabilities int: The new capabilities of the RemoteConference.


public void onConnectionPropertiesChanged (RemoteConference conference, 
                int connectionProperties)

Indicates that the call properties of this RemoteConference have changed. See RemoteConference.getConnectionProperties().

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

connectionProperties int: The new properties of the RemoteConference.


public void onConnectionRemoved (RemoteConference conference, 
                RemoteConnection connection)

Invoked when a RemoteConnection is removed from the conference call.

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

connection RemoteConnection: The RemoteConnection being removed.


public void onDestroyed (RemoteConference conference)

Indicates that this RemoteConference has been destroyed. No further requests should be made to the RemoteConference, and references to it should be cleared.

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.


public void onDisconnected (RemoteConference conference, 
                DisconnectCause disconnectCause)

Invoked when this RemoteConference is disconnected.

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

disconnectCause DisconnectCause: The () associated with this failed conference.


public void onExtrasChanged (RemoteConference conference, 
                Bundle extras)

Handles changes to the RemoteConference extras.

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

extras Bundle: The extras containing other information associated with the conference. This value may be null.


public void onStateChanged (RemoteConference conference, 
                int oldState, 
                int newState)

Invoked when the state of this RemoteConferece has changed. See RemoteConference.getState().

conference RemoteConference: The RemoteConference invoking this method.

oldState int: The previous state of the RemoteConference.

newState int: The new state of the RemoteConference.