# Print output for @column tags ?> SubtitleData - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class SubtitleData
extends Object

   ↳ android.media.SubtitleData

Class encapsulating subtitle data, as received through the MediaPlayer.OnSubtitleDataListener interface. The subtitle data includes:

  • the track index
  • the start time (in microseconds) of the data
  • the duration (in microseconds) of the data
  • the actual data.
The data is stored in a byte-array, and is encoded in one of the supported in-band subtitle formats. The subtitle encoding is determined by the MIME type of the MediaPlayer.TrackInfo of the subtitle track, one of MediaFormat#MIMETYPE_TEXT_CEA_608, MediaFormat#MIMETYPE_TEXT_CEA_708, MediaFormat#MIMETYPE_TEXT_VTT.

Here is an example of iterating over the tracks of a MediaPlayer, and checking which encoding is used for the subtitle tracks:

 MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
 mp.prepare(); // synchronous prepare, ready to use when method returns
 final TrackInfo[] trackInfos = mp.getTrackInfo();
 for (TrackInfo info : trackInfo) {
     if (info.getTrackType() == TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) {
         final String mime = info.getFormat().getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
         if (MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_TEXT_CEA_608.equals(mime) {
             // subtitle encoding is CEA 608
         } else if (MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_TEXT_CEA_708.equals(mime) {
             // subtitle encoding is CEA 708
         } else if (MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_TEXT_VTT.equals(mime) {
             // subtitle encoding is WebVTT

See MediaPlayer#setOnSubtitleDataListener(android.media.MediaPlayer.OnSubtitleDataListener, android.os.Handler) to receive subtitle data from a MediaPlayer object.

See also:


Public constructors

SubtitleData(int trackIndex, long startTimeUs, long durationUs, byte[] data)


Public methods

byte[] getData()

Returns the encoded data for the subtitle content.

long getDurationUs()

Returns the duration in microsecond during which the subtitle should be displayed.

long getStartTimeUs()

Returns the media time at which the subtitle should be displayed, expressed in microseconds.

int getTrackIndex()

Returns the index of the media player track which contains this subtitle data.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public SubtitleData (int trackIndex, 
                long startTimeUs, 
                long durationUs, 
                byte[] data)


trackIndex int: the index of the media player track which contains this subtitle data.

startTimeUs long: the start time in microsecond for the subtitle data

durationUs long: the duration in microsecond for the subtitle data

data byte: the data array for the subtitle data. It should not be null. No data copying is made. This value cannot be null.

Public methods


public byte[] getData ()

Returns the encoded data for the subtitle content. Encoding format depends on the subtitle type, refer to CEA 708, CEA/EIA 608 and WebVTT, defined by the MIME type of the subtitle track.

byte[] the encoded subtitle data This value cannot be null.


public long getDurationUs ()

Returns the duration in microsecond during which the subtitle should be displayed.

long the display duration for the subtitle


public long getStartTimeUs ()

Returns the media time at which the subtitle should be displayed, expressed in microseconds.

long the display start time for the subtitle


public int getTrackIndex ()

Returns the index of the media player track which contains this subtitle data.

int an index in the array returned by MediaPlayer#getTrackInfo().