# Print output for @column tags ?>
extends Object
java.lang.Object | |
↳ | android.content.Intent |
An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It
can be used with Context#startActivity(Intent)
launch an Activity
send it to any interested BroadcastReceiver
and Context.startService(Intent)
Context.bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int)
to communicate with a
background Service
An Intent provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications. Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed.
For information about how to create and resolve intents, read the Intents and Intent Filters developer guide.
The primary pieces of information in an intent are:
action -- The general action to be performed, such as
data -- The data to operate on, such as a person record
in the contacts database, expressed as a Uri
Some examples of action/data pairs are:
content://contacts/people/1 -- Display
information about the person whose identifier is "1".
content://contacts/people/1 -- Display
the phone dialer with the person filled in.
tel:123 -- Display
the phone dialer with the given number filled in. Note how the
VIEW action does what is considered the most reasonable thing for
a particular URI.
tel:123 -- Display
the phone dialer with the given number filled in.
content://contacts/people/1 -- Edit
information about the person whose identifier is "1".
content://contacts/people/ -- Display
a list of people, which the user can browse through. This example is a
typical top-level entry into the Contacts application, showing you the
list of people. Selecting a particular person to view would result in a
new intent { ACTION_VIEW
content://contacts/people/N }
being used to start an activity to display that person.
In addition to these primary attributes, there are a number of secondary attributes that you can also include with an intent:
category -- Gives additional information about the action
to execute. For example, CATEGORY_LAUNCHER
means it should
appear in the Launcher as a top-level application, while
means it should be included in a list
of alternative actions the user can perform on a piece of data.
type -- Specifies an explicit type (a MIME type) of the intent data. Normally the type is inferred from the data itself. By setting this attribute, you disable that evaluation and force an explicit type.
component -- Specifies an explicit name of a component class to use for the intent. Normally this is determined by looking at the other information in the intent (the action, data/type, and categories) and matching that with a component that can handle it. If this attribute is set then none of the evaluation is performed, and this component is used exactly as is. By specifying this attribute, all of the other Intent attributes become optional.
extras -- This is a Bundle
of any additional information.
This can be used to provide extended information to the component.
For example, if we have a action to send an e-mail message, we could
also include extra pieces of data here to supply a subject, body,
Here are some examples of other operations you can specify as intents using these additional parameters:
with category CATEGORY_HOME
Launch the home screen.
with MIME type
-- Display the list of people's phone numbers, allowing the user to
browse through them and pick one and return it to the parent activity.
with MIME type
*/* and category CATEGORY_OPENABLE
-- Display all pickers for data that can be opened with
allowing the user to pick one of them and then some data inside of it
and returning the resulting URI to the caller. This can be used,
for example, in an e-mail application to allow the user to pick some
data to include as an attachment.
There are a variety of standard Intent action and category constants
defined in the Intent class, but applications can also define their own.
These strings use Java-style scoping, to ensure they are unique -- for
example, the standard ACTION_VIEW
is called
Put together, the set of actions, data types, categories, and extra data defines a language for the system allowing for the expression of phrases such as "call john smith's cell". As applications are added to the system, they can extend this language by adding new actions, types, and categories, or they can modify the behavior of existing phrases by supplying their own activities that handle them.
There are two primary forms of intents you will use.
Explicit Intents have specified a component (via
or setClass(Context, Class>)
), which provides the exact
class to be run. Often these will not include any other information,
simply being a way for an application to launch various internal
activities it has as the user interacts with the application.
Implicit Intents have not specified a component; instead, they must include enough information for the system to determine which of the available components is best to run for that intent.
When using implicit intents, given such an arbitrary intent we need to
know what to do with it. This is handled by the process of Intent
resolution, which maps an Intent to an Activity
, or Service
(or sometimes two or
more activities/receivers) that can handle it.
The intent resolution mechanism basically revolves around matching an
Intent against all of the <intent-filter> descriptions in the
installed application packages. (Plus, in the case of broadcasts, any BroadcastReceiver
objects explicitly registered with Context#registerReceiver
.) More
details on this can be found in the documentation on the IntentFilter
There are three pieces of information in the Intent that are used for
resolution: the action, type, and category. Using this information, a query
is done on the PackageManager
for a component that can handle the
intent. The appropriate component is determined based on the intent
information supplied in the AndroidManifest.xml
file as
The action, if given, must be listed by the component as one it handles.
The type is retrieved from the Intent's data, if not already supplied in the Intent. Like the action, if a type is included in the intent (either explicitly or implicitly in its data), then this must be listed by the component as one it handles.
URI and where no explicit
type is included in the Intent, instead the scheme of the
intent data (such as http:
or mailto:
) is
considered. Again like the action, if we are matching a scheme it
must be listed by the component as one it can handle.
The categories, if supplied, must all be listed
by the activity as categories it handles. That is, if you include
the categories CATEGORY_LAUNCHER
, then you will only resolve to components
with an intent that lists both of those categories.
Activities will very often need to support the
so that they can be found by
For example, consider the Note Pad sample application that allows a user to browse through a list of notes data and view details about individual items. Text in italics indicates places where you would replace a name with one specific to your own package.
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.android.notepad"> <application android:icon="@drawable/app_notes" android:label="@string/app_name"> <provider class=".NotePadProvider" android:authorities="com.google.provider.NotePad" /> <activity class=".NotesList" android:label="@string/title_notes_list"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.PICK" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.dir/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter> </activity> <activity class=".NoteEditor" android:label="@string/title_note"> <intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_edit"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.INSERT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.dir/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter> </activity> <activity class=".TitleEditor" android:label="@string/title_edit_title" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog"> <intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_title"> <action android:name="com.android.notepad.action.EDIT_TITLE" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> </manifest>
The first activity,
, serves as our main
entry into the app. It can do three things as described by its three intent
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
" /> </intent-filter>
This provides a top-level entry into the NotePad application: the standard MAIN action is a main entry point (not requiring any other information in the Intent), and the LAUNCHER category says that this entry point should be listed in the application launcher.
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW
" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT
" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.PICK
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT
" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.dir/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter>
This declares the things that the activity can do on a directory of
notes. The type being supported is given with the <type> tag, where
is a URI from which
a Cursor of zero or more items (vnd.android.cursor.dir
) can
be retrieved which holds our note pad data (vnd.google.note
The activity allows the user to view or edit the directory of data (via
the VIEW and EDIT actions), or to pick a particular note and return it
to the caller (via the PICK action). Note also the DEFAULT category
supplied here: this is required for the
method to resolve your
activity when its component name is not explicitly specified.
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT
" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter>
This filter describes the ability to return to the caller a note selected by
the user without needing to know where it came from. The data type
is a URI from which
a Cursor of exactly one (vnd.android.cursor.item
) item can
be retrieved which contains our note pad data (vnd.google.note
The GET_CONTENT action is similar to the PICK action, where the activity
will return to its caller a piece of data selected by the user. Here,
however, the caller specifies the type of data they desire instead of
the type of data the user will be picking from.
Given these capabilities, the following intents will resolve to the NotesList activity:
{ action=android.app.action.MAIN } matches all of the activities that can be used as top-level entry points into an application.
{ action=android.app.action.MAIN, category=android.app.category.LAUNCHER } is the actual intent used by the Launcher to populate its top-level list.
{ action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes } displays a list of all the notes under "content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes", which the user can browse through and see the details on.
{ action=android.app.action.PICK data=content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes } provides a list of the notes under "content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes", from which the user can pick a note whose data URL is returned back to the caller.
{ action=android.app.action.GET_CONTENT type=vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note } is similar to the pick action, but allows the caller to specify the kind of data they want back so that the system can find the appropriate activity to pick something of that data type.
The second activity,
, shows the user a single
note entry and allows them to edit it. It can do two things as described
by its two intent templates:
<intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_edit"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW
" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT
" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter>
The first, primary, purpose of this activity is to let the user interact
with a single note, as decribed by the MIME type
. The activity can
either VIEW a note or allow the user to EDIT it. Again we support the
DEFAULT category to allow the activity to be launched without explicitly
specifying its component.
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.INSERT
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT
" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.dir/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter>
The secondary use of this activity is to insert a new note entry into an existing directory of notes. This is used when the user creates a new note: the INSERT action is executed on the directory of notes, causing this activity to run and have the user create the new note data which it then adds to the content provider.
Given these capabilities, the following intents will resolve to the NoteEditor activity:
{ action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes/{ID} } shows the user the content of note {ID}.
{ action=android.app.action.EDIT data=content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes/{ID} } allows the user to edit the content of note {ID}.
{ action=android.app.action.INSERT data=content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes } creates a new, empty note in the notes list at "content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes" and allows the user to edit it. If they keep their changes, the URI of the newly created note is returned to the caller.
The last activity,
, allows the user to
edit the title of a note. This could be implemented as a class that the
application directly invokes (by explicitly setting its component in
the Intent), but here we show a way you can publish alternative
operations on existing data:
<intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_title"> <action android:name="com.android.notepad.action.EDIT_TITLE" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE
" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE
" /> <data android:mimeType="vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note" /> </intent-filter>
In the single intent template here, we
have created our own private action called
which means to
edit the title of a note. It must be invoked on a specific note
(data type vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.google.note
) like the previous
view and edit actions, but here displays and edits the title contained
in the note data.
In addition to supporting the default category as usual, our title editor
also supports two other standard categories: ALTERNATIVE and
these categories allows others to find the special action it provides
without directly knowing about it, through the
PackageManager.queryIntentActivityOptions(ComponentName, Intent[], Intent, int)
method, or
more often to build dynamic menu items with
Menu.addIntentOptions(int, int, int, ComponentName, Intent[], Intent, int, MenuItem[])
. Note that in the intent
template here was also supply an explicit name for the template
(via android:label="@string/resolve_title"
) to better control
what the user sees when presented with this activity as an alternative
action to the data they are viewing.
Given these capabilities, the following intent will resolve to the TitleEditor activity:
{ action=com.android.notepad.action.EDIT_TITLE data=content://com.google.provider.NotePad/notes/{ID} } displays and allows the user to edit the title associated with note {ID}.
These are the current standard actions that Intent defines for launching
activities (usually through Context#startActivity
. The most
important, and by far most frequently used, are ACTION_MAIN
These are the current standard actions that Intent defines for receiving
broadcasts (usually through Context#registerReceiver
or a
<receiver> tag in a manifest).
These are the current standard categories that can be used to further
clarify an Intent via addCategory(String)
These are the current standard fields that can be used as extra data via
putExtra(String, Bundle)
These are the possible flags that can be used in the Intent via
and addFlags(int)
. See setFlags(int)
for a list
of all possible flags.
Nested classes | |||||||
class |
Wrapper class holding an Intent and implementing comparisons on it for the purpose of filtering. |
class |
Represents a shortcut/live folder icon resource. |
Constants | |
String |
Broadcast Action: The user has switched the phone into or out of Airplane Mode. |
String |
Activity Action: List all available applications. |
String |
Activity Action: Handle an incoming phone call. |
String |
An activity that provides a user interface for adjusting application preferences. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent after application restrictions are changed. |
String |
Activity Action: The user pressed the "Report" button in the crash/ANR dialog. |
String |
Activity Action: Perform assist action. |
String |
Used to indicate that some piece of data should be attached to some other place. |
String |
Activity action: Launch UI to manage auto-revoke state. |
String |
Broadcast Action: This is a sticky broadcast containing the charging state, level, and other information about the battery. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Indicates low battery condition on the device. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Indicates the battery is now okay after being low. |
String |
Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the user has finished booting. |
String |
Activity Action: Show activity for reporting a bug. |
String |
Activity Action: Perform a call to someone specified by the data. |
String |
Activity Action: The user pressed the "call" button to go to the dialer or other appropriate UI for placing a call. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The "Camera Button" was pressed. |
String |
Activity Action: Main entry point for carrier setup apps. |
String |
Activity Action: Display an activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what they want to before proceeding. |
String |
Broadcast Action: This is broadcast when a user action should request a temporary system dialog to dismiss. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The current device |
String |
Activity Action: Allow the user to create a new document. |
String |
Activity Action: Creates a reminder. |
String |
Activity Action: Creates a shortcut. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The date has changed. |
String |
A synonym for |
String |
Activity Action: Define the meaning of the selected word(s). |
String |
Activity Action: Delete the given data from its container. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
if your app targets |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
if your app targets |
String |
Activity Action: Dial a number as specified by the data. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast for changes in the physical docking state of the device. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent after the system starts dreaming. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent after the system stops dreaming. |
String |
Activity Action: Provide explicit editable access to the given data. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages (which were previously unavailable) are currently available since the media on which they exist is available. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages are currently unavailable since the media on which they exist is unavailable. |
String |
Activity Action: Main entry point for factory tests. |
String |
Activity Action: Allow the user to select a particular kind of data and return it. |
String |
Broadcast to a specific application to query any supported restrictions to impose on restricted users. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A GTalk connection has been established. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A GTalk connection has been disconnected. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Wired Headset plugged in or unplugged. |
String |
Broadcast Action: An input method has been changed. |
String |
Activity Action: Insert an empty item into the given container. |
String |
Activity Action: Pick an existing item, or insert a new item, and then edit it. |
String |
Activity Action: Activity to handle split installation failures. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
use |
String |
Broadcast Action: The current device's locale has changed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the user has finished booting, but while still in the "locked" state. |
String |
Activity Action: Start as a main entry point, does not expect to receive data. |
String |
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile is added (the profile was created and is ready to be used). |
String |
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile has become available. |
String |
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile is removed. |
String |
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile has become unavailable. |
String |
Broadcast sent to the primary user when the credential-encrypted private storage for an associated managed profile is unlocked. |
String |
Activity Action: Show settings for managing network data usage of a specific application. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Indicates low memory condition notification acknowledged by user and package management should be started. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media was removed from SD card slot, but mount point was not unmounted. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The "Media Button" was pressed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media is present, and being disk-checked The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field. |
String |
Broadcast Action: User has expressed the desire to remove the external storage media. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media is present and mounted at its mount point. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media is present, but is using an incompatible fs (or is blank) The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media has been removed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The media scanner has finished scanning a directory. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Callers should migrate to inserting items directly into
String |
Broadcast Action: The media scanner has started scanning a directory. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media is unmounted because it is being shared via USB mass storage. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media is present but cannot be mounted. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External media is present, but not mounted at its mount point. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A new version of your application has been installed over an existing one. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent to a package that has been suspended by the system. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent to a package that has been unsuspended. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Apps that redirect outgoing calls should use the
String |
Activity Action: Allow the user to select and return one or more existing documents. |
String |
Activity Action: Allow the user to pick a directory subtree. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Packages have been suspended. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Packages have been unsuspended. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A new application package has been installed on the device. |
String |
Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been changed (for example, a component has been enabled or disabled). |
String |
Broadcast Action: The user has cleared the data of a package. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent to the installer package of an application when that application is first launched (that is the first time it is moved out of the stopped state). |
String |
Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been completely removed from the device. |
String |
This constant is deprecated. This constant has never been used. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package needs to be verified. |
String |
Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been removed from the device. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A new version of an application package has been installed, replacing an existing version that was previously installed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The user has restarted a package, and all of its processes have been killed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package is verified. |
String |
Activity Action: Create a new item in the given container, initializing it from the current contents of the clipboard. |
String |
Activity Action: Pick an item from the data, returning what was selected. |
String |
Activity Action: Pick an activity given an intent, returning the class selected. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External power has been connected to the device. |
String |
Broadcast Action: External power has been removed from the device. |
String |
Activity Action: Show power usage information to the user. |
String |
Activity Action: Process a piece of text. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Some content providers have parts of their namespace where they publish new events or items that the user may be especially interested in. |
String |
Sent when the user taps on the clock widget in the system's "quick settings" area. |
String |
Activity Action: Quick view the data. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Have the device reboot. |
String |
Activity Action: Run the data, whatever that means. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent when the device goes to sleep and becomes non-interactive. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent when the device wakes up and becomes interactive. |
String |
Activity Action: Perform a search. |
String |
Activity Action: Start action associated with long pressing on the search key. |
String |
Activity Action: Deliver some data to someone else. |
String |
Activity Action: Send a message to someone specified by the data. |
String |
Activity Action: Deliver multiple data to someone else. |
String |
Activity Action: Show settings for choosing wallpaper. |
String |
Activity Action: Launch an activity showing the app information. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Device is shutting down. |
String |
Activity Action: Perform a data synchronization. |
String |
Activity Action: Start the platform-defined tutorial Input: |
String |
Broadcast Action: The timezone has changed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The time was set. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The current time has changed. |
String |
Activity Action: Perform text translation. |
String |
Broadcast Action: A user ID has been removed from the system. |
String |
This constant is deprecated. replaced by android.os.storage.StorageEventListener |
String |
This constant is deprecated. replaced by android.os.storage.StorageEventListener |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Use |
String |
Sent when a user switch is happening, causing the process's user to be sent to the background. |
String |
Sent when a user switch is happening, causing the process's user to be brought to the foreground. |
String |
Sent the first time a user is starting, to allow system apps to perform one time initialization. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent when the user is present after device wakes up (e.g when the keyguard is gone). |
String |
Broadcast Action: Sent when the credential-encrypted private storage has become unlocked for the target user. |
String |
Activity Action: Display the data to the user. |
String |
Activity Action: Display an activity state associated with an unique |
String |
Activity action: Launch UI to show information about the usage of a given permission. |
String |
Activity Action: Start Voice Command. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Modern applications should use
String |
Activity Action: Perform a web search. |
String |
The accessibility shortcut is a global gesture for users with disabilities to trigger an important for them accessibility feature to help developers determine whether they want to make their activity a shortcut target. |
String |
Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative action to the data the user is currently viewing. |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
This activity allows the user to browse and download new applications. |
String |
Used with |
String |
Used with |
String |
Activities that can be safely invoked from a browser must support this category. |
String |
An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock. |
String |
Used to indicate that the activity can be used in a car environment. |
String |
Set if the activity should be an option for the default action (center press) to perform on a piece of data. |
String |
An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock. |
String |
This activity is a development preference panel. |
String |
Capable of running inside a parent activity container. |
String |
To be used as code under test for framework instrumentation tests. |
String |
An activity to run when device is inserted into a digital (high end) dock. |
String |
This is the home activity, that is the first activity that is displayed when the device boots. |
String |
Provides information about the package it is in; typically used if
a package does not contain a |
String |
Should be displayed in the top-level launcher. |
String |
Indicates an activity optimized for Leanback mode, and that should be displayed in the Leanback launcher. |
String |
An activity to run when device is inserted into a analog (low end) dock. |
String |
This activity may be exercised by the monkey or other automated test tools. |
String |
Used to indicate that an intent only wants URIs that can be opened with
String |
This activity is a preference panel. |
String |
To be used as a sample code example (not part of the normal user experience). |
String |
The home activity shown on secondary displays that support showing home activities. |
String |
Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative selection action to the data the user has currently selected. |
String |
Intended to be used as a tab inside of a containing TabActivity. |
String |
To be used as a test (not part of the normal user experience). |
String |
Used to indicate that an intent filter can accept files which are not necessarily
openable by |
String |
To be used as a unit test (run through the Test Harness). |
String |
Categories for activities that can participate in voice interaction. |
String |
An activity to use for the launcher when the device is placed in a VR Headset viewer. |
String |
Used as an int extra field in |
String |
Extra used to indicate that an intent can allow the user to select and return multiple items. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
As of |
String |
An Intent[] describing additional, alternate choices you would like shown with
String |
An optional field on |
String |
An optional field on |
String |
An optional field on |
String |
An optional field on |
String |
An optional field on |
String |
Used as a boolean extra field in |
String |
A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be blind carbon copied. |
String |
Used as a parcelable extra field in |
String |
A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be carbon copied. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
See |
String |
This field is part of |
String |
This field is part of
String |
This field is part of
String |
An |
String |
A |
String |
The |
String |
An |
String |
Intent extra: A |
String |
An |
String |
Optional CharSequence extra to provide a search query. |
String |
Used as a boolean extra field in |
String |
Used as an int extra field in |
int |
Used as an int value for |
int |
Used as an int value for |
int |
Used as an int value for |
int |
Used as an int value for |
int |
Used as an int value for |
String |
Used as a boolean extra field in |
String |
Intent extra: The number of milliseconds. |
String |
A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be delivered to. |
String |
A |
String |
Extra that can be included on activity intents coming from the storage UI when it launches sub-activities to manage various types of storage. |
String |
A constant String that is associated with the Intent, used with
String |
Optional index with semantics depending on the intent action. |
String |
A Parcelable[] of |
String |
Used as a string extra field with |
String |
An Intent describing the choices you would like shown with
String |
A |
String |
Extra used to indicate that an intent should only return data that is on the local device. |
String |
Intent extra: ID of the context used on |
String |
Extra used to communicate a set of acceptable MIME types. |
String |
Used as a boolean extra field with |
String |
Used as a URI extra field with |
String |
Intent extra: An app package name. |
String |
A String holding the phone number originally entered in
String |
The name of the extra used to define the text to be processed, as a CharSequence. |
String |
The name of the boolean extra used to define if the processed text will be used as read-only. |
String |
An optional extra of |
String |
Optional boolean extra indicating whether quiet mode has been switched on or off. |
String |
This extra can be used with any Intent used to launch an activity, supplying information about who is launching that activity. |
String |
Alternate version of |
String |
Used in the extra field in the remote intent. |
String |
A Bundle forming a mapping of potential target package names to different extras Bundles
to add to the default intent extras in |
String |
Used as a boolean extra field in |
String |
Extra sent in the intent to the BroadcastReceiver that handles
String |
Extra used in the response from a BroadcastReceiver that handles
String |
Extra used in the response from a BroadcastReceiver that handles
String |
A |
String |
Used as a boolean extra field with |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with |
String |
Intent extra: ID of the shortcut used to send the share intent. |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with |
String |
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with |
String |
Optional extra for |
String |
Intent extra: An app split name. |
String |
A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent,
used with |
String |
A constant string holding the desired subject line of a message. |
String |
Intent extra: A |
String |
The initial data to place in a newly created record. |
String |
A constant CharSequence that is associated with the Intent, used with
String |
Optional extra specifying a time in milliseconds since the Epoch. |
String |
Extra sent with |
String |
A CharSequence dialog title to provide to the user when used with a
String |
Used as an int extra field in |
String |
The UserHandle carried with intents. |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
Use with |
int |
This flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by
the system as described in the
int |
If set in an Intent passed to |
int |
If set, and the activity being launched is already running in the current task, then instead of launching a new instance of that activity, all of the other activities on top of it will be closed and this Intent will be delivered to the (now on top) old activity as a new Intent. |
int |
This constant is deprecated.
As of API 21 this performs identically to
int |
If set, the new activity is not kept in the list of recently launched activities. |
int |
If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, then the reply target of the existing activity will be transferred to the new activity. |
int |
This flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by the system if this activity is being launched from history (longpress home key). |
int |
This flag is only used for split-screen multi-window mode. |
int |
If set in an Intent passed to |
int |
This flag is used to create a new task and launch an activity into it. |
int |
This flag is used to open a document into a new task rooted at the activity launched by this Intent. |
int |
If set, this activity will become the start of a new task on this history stack. |
int |
If set in an Intent passed to |
int |
If set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack. |
int |
If set, this flag will prevent the normal |
int |
If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, the current activity will not be counted as the top activity for deciding whether the new intent should be delivered to the top instead of starting a new one. |
int |
If set in an Intent passed to |
int |
If set in an intent passed to |
int |
If set in an intent passed to |
int |
If set, and this activity is either being started in a new task or bringing to the top an existing task, then it will be launched as the front door of the task. |
int |
By default a document created by |
int |
If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running at the top of the history stack. |
int |
If set in an Intent passed to |
int |
A flag you can enable for debugging: when set, log messages will be printed during the resolution of this intent to show you what has been found to create the final resolved list. |
int |
Flag used to automatically match intents based on their Direct Boot awareness and the current user state. |
int |
If set, this intent will not match any components in packages that are currently stopped. |
int |
Can be set by the caller to indicate that this Intent is coming from a background operation, not from direct user interaction. |
int |
When combined with |
int |
When combined with |
int |
If set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform read operations on the URI in the Intent's data and any URIs specified in its ClipData. |
int |
If set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform write operations on the URI in the Intent's data and any URIs specified in its ClipData. |
int |
If set, this intent will always match any components in packages that are currently stopped. |
int |
If set, when sending a broadcast the recipient is allowed to run at foreground priority, with a shorter timeout interval. |
int |
If this is an ordered broadcast, don't allow receivers to abort the broadcast. |
int |
If set, when sending a broadcast only registered receivers will be called -- no BroadcastReceiver components will be launched. |
int |
If set, when sending a broadcast the new broadcast will replace any existing pending broadcast that matches it. |
int |
If set, the broadcast will be visible to receivers in Instant Apps. |
String |
Boolean that can be supplied as meta-data with a dock activity, to indicate that the dock should take over the home key when it is active. |
int |
Flag for use with |
int |
Flag for use with |
int |
Flag for use with |
Inherited constants |
Fields | |
Creator<Intent> |
Public constructors | |
Create an empty intent. |
Intent(Intent o)
Copy constructor. |
Intent(String action)
Create an intent with a given action. |
Intent(String action, Uri uri)
Create an intent with a given action and for a given data url. |
Intent(Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
Create an intent for a specific component. |
Intent(String action, Uri uri, Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
Create an intent for a specific component with a specified action and data. |
Public methods | |
addCategory(String category)
Add a new category to the intent. |
addFlags(int flags)
Add additional flags to the intent (or with existing flags value). |
Creates and returns a copy of this object. |
Make a clone of only the parts of the Intent that are relevant for filter matching: the action, data, type, component, and categories. |
createChooser(Intent target, CharSequence title, IntentSender sender)
Convenience function for creating a |
createChooser(Intent target, CharSequence title)
Convenience function for creating a |
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. |
fillIn(Intent other, int flags)
Copy the contents of other in to this object, but only where fields are not defined by this object. |
filterEquals(Intent other)
Determine if two intents are the same for the purposes of intent resolution (filtering). |
Generate hash code that matches semantics of filterEquals(). |
Retrieve the general action to be performed, such as
getBooleanArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getBooleanExtra(String name, boolean defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getBundleExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getByteArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getByteExtra(String name, byte defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Return the set of all categories in the intent. |
getCharArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getCharExtra(String name, char defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getCharSequenceArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getCharSequenceArrayListExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getCharSequenceExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Return the |
Retrieve the concrete component associated with the intent. |
Retrieve data this intent is operating on. |
The same as |
getDoubleArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getDoubleExtra(String name, double defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Retrieves a map of extended data from the intent. |
Retrieve any special flags associated with this intent. |
getFloatArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getFloatExtra(String name, float defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Retrieve the identifier for this Intent. |
getIntArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getIntExtra(String name, int defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getIntegerArrayListExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getIntent(String uri)
This method is deprecated.
Use |
getIntentOld(String uri)
getLongArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getLongExtra(String name, long defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Retrieve the application package name this Intent is limited to. |
getParcelableArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
<T extends Parcelable>
getParcelableArrayListExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
<T extends Parcelable>
getParcelableExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Return the scheme portion of the intent's data. |
Return the specific selector associated with this Intent. |
getSerializableExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getShortArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getShortExtra(String name, short defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Get the bounds of the sender of this intent, in screen coordinates. |
getStringArrayExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getStringArrayListExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
getStringExtra(String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent. |
Retrieve any explicit MIME type included in the intent. |
hasCategory(String category)
Check if a category exists in the intent. |
hasExtra(String name)
Returns true if an extra value is associated with the given name. |
Returns true if the Intent's extras contain a parcelled file descriptor. |
makeMainActivity(ComponentName mainActivity)
Create an intent to launch the main (root) activity of a task. |
makeMainSelectorActivity(String selectorAction, String selectorCategory)
Make an Intent for the main activity of an application, without specifying a specific activity to run but giving a selector to find the activity. |
makeRestartActivityTask(ComponentName mainActivity)
Make an Intent that can be used to re-launch an application's task in its base state. |
normalizeMimeType(String type)
Normalize a MIME data type. |
parseIntent(Resources resources, XmlPullParser parser, AttributeSet attrs)
Parses the "intent" element (and its children) from XML and instantiates an Intent object. |
parseUri(String uri, int flags)
Create an intent from a URI. |
putCharSequenceArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<CharSequence> value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, Parcelable value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, long[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, byte value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, double[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, CharSequence value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, boolean[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, int value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, char[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, byte[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, Parcelable[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, Bundle value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, CharSequence[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, float[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, double value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, int[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, String[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, short[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, boolean value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, String value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, long value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, char value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, Serializable value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, float value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtra(String name, short value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putExtras(Intent src)
Copy all extras in 'src' in to this intent. |
putExtras(Bundle extras)
Add a set of extended data to the intent. |
putIntegerArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<Integer> value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putParcelableArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<? extends Parcelable> value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
putStringArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<String> value)
Add extended data to the intent. |
readFromParcel(Parcel in)
removeCategory(String category)
Remove a category from an intent. |
removeExtra(String name)
Remove extended data from the intent. |
removeFlags(int flags)
Remove these flags from the intent. |
replaceExtras(Intent src)
Completely replace the extras in the Intent with the extras in the given Intent. |
replaceExtras(Bundle extras)
Completely replace the extras in the Intent with the given Bundle of extras. |
resolveActivity(PackageManager pm)
Return the Activity component that should be used to handle this intent. |
resolveActivityInfo(PackageManager pm, int flags)
Resolve the Intent into an |
resolveType(Context context)
Return the MIME data type of this intent. |
resolveType(ContentResolver resolver)
Return the MIME data type of this intent. |
resolveTypeIfNeeded(ContentResolver resolver)
Return the MIME data type of this intent, only if it will be needed for intent resolution. |
setAction(String action)
Set the general action to be performed. |
setClass(Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
Convenience for calling |
setClassName(String packageName, String className)
Convenience for calling |
setClassName(Context packageContext, String className)
Convenience for calling |
setClipData(ClipData clip)
Set a |
setComponent(ComponentName component)
(Usually optional) Explicitly set the component to handle the intent. |
setData(Uri data)
Set the data this intent is operating on. |
setDataAndNormalize(Uri data)
Normalize and set the data this intent is operating on. |
setDataAndType(Uri data, String type)
(Usually optional) Set the data for the intent along with an explicit MIME data type. |
setDataAndTypeAndNormalize(Uri data, String type)
(Usually optional) Normalize and set both the data Uri and an explicit MIME data type. |
setExtrasClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
Sets the ClassLoader that will be used when unmarshalling any Parcelable values from the extras of this Intent. |
setFlags(int flags)
Set special flags controlling how this intent is handled. |
setIdentifier(String identifier)
Set an identifier for this Intent. |
setPackage(String packageName)
(Usually optional) Set an explicit application package name that limits the components this Intent will resolve to. |
setSelector(Intent selector)
Set a selector for this Intent. |
setSourceBounds(Rect r)
Set the bounds of the sender of this intent, in screen coordinates. |
setType(String type)
Set an explicit MIME data type. |
setTypeAndNormalize(String type)
Normalize and set an explicit MIME data type. |
Returns a string representation of the object. |
This method is deprecated.
Use |
toUri(int flags)
Convert this Intent into a String holding a URI representation of it. |
writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel. |
Inherited methods | |
public static final String ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: The user has switched the phone into or out of Airplane Mode. One or more radios have been turned off or on. The intent will have the following extra value:
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE"
public static final String ACTION_ALL_APPS
Activity Action: List all available applications.
Input: Nothing.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ALL_APPS"
public static final String ACTION_ANSWER
Activity Action: Handle an incoming phone call.
Input: nothing.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ANSWER"
An activity that provides a user interface for adjusting application preferences. Optional but recommended settings for all applications which have settings.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.APPLICATION_PREFERENCES"
Broadcast Action: Sent after application restrictions are changed.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_APP_ERROR
Activity Action: The user pressed the "Report" button in the crash/ANR dialog. This intent is delivered to the package which installed the application, usually Google Play.
Input: No data is specified. The bug report is passed in using
Output: Nothing.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.APP_ERROR"
public static final String ACTION_ASSIST
Activity Action: Perform assist action.
, can provide
additional optional contextual information about where the user was when they
requested the assist; EXTRA_REFERRER
may be set with additional referrer
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ASSIST"
public static final String ACTION_ATTACH_DATA
Used to indicate that some piece of data should be attached to some other place. For example, image data could be attached to a contact. It is up to the recipient to decide where the data should be attached; the intent does not specify the ultimate destination.
Input: getData()
is URI of data to be attached.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ATTACH_DATA"
public static final String ACTION_AUTO_REVOKE_PERMISSIONS
Activity action: Launch UI to manage auto-revoke state. This is equivalent to Intent#ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS
Input: Intent#setData
should be a package
-scheme Uri
a package name, whose auto-revoke state will be reviewed (mandatory).
E.g. Uri.fromParts("package", packageName, null)
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.AUTO_REVOKE_PERMISSIONS"
public static final String ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: This is a sticky broadcast containing the
charging state, level, and other information about the battery.
See BatteryManager
for documentation on the
contents of the Intent.
You cannot receive this through components declared
in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
for distinct battery-related
broadcasts that are sent and can be received through manifest
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_BATTERY_LOW
Broadcast Action: Indicates low battery condition on the device. This broadcast corresponds to the "Low battery warning" system dialog.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.BATTERY_LOW"
public static final String ACTION_BATTERY_OKAY
Broadcast Action: Indicates the battery is now okay after being low.
This will be sent after ACTION_BATTERY_LOW
once the battery has
gone back up to an okay state.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.BATTERY_OKAY"
public static final String ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED
Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the user has finished
booting. It can be used to perform application-specific initialization,
such as installing alarms. You must hold the
permission in
order to receive this broadcast.
This broadcast is sent at boot by all devices (both with and without direct boot support). Upon receipt of this broadcast, the user is unlocked and both device-protected and credential-protected storage can accessed safely.
If you need to run while the user is still locked (before they've entered
their lock pattern or PIN for the first time), you can listen for the
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"
public static final String ACTION_BUG_REPORT
Activity Action: Show activity for reporting a bug.
Input: Nothing.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.BUG_REPORT"
public static final String ACTION_CALL
Activity Action: Perform a call to someone specified by the data.
Input: If nothing, an empty dialer is started; else getData()
is URI of a phone number to be dialed or a tel: URI of an explicit phone
Output: nothing.
Note: there will be restrictions on which applications can initiate a
call; most applications should use the ACTION_DIAL
Note: this Intent cannot be used to call emergency
numbers. Applications can dial emergency numbers using
, however.
Note: if you app targets M
and above and declares as using the Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE
permission which is not granted, then attempting to use this action will
result in a SecurityException
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CALL"
public static final String ACTION_CALL_BUTTON
Activity Action: The user pressed the "call" button to go to the dialer or other appropriate UI for placing a call.
Input: Nothing.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CALL_BUTTON"
public static final String ACTION_CAMERA_BUTTON
Broadcast Action: The "Camera Button" was pressed. Includes a single
extra field, EXTRA_KEY_EVENT
, containing the key event that
caused the broadcast.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CAMERA_BUTTON"
public static final String ACTION_CARRIER_SETUP
Activity Action: Main entry point for carrier setup apps.
Carrier apps that provide an implementation for this action may be invoked to configure
carrier service and typically require
carrier privileges
fulfill their duties.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CARRIER_SETUP"
public static final String ACTION_CHOOSER
Activity Action: Display an activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what they want to before proceeding. This can be used as an alternative to the standard activity picker that is displayed by the system when you try to start an activity with multiple possible matches, with these differences in behavior:
This action should be used when the user will naturally expect to select an activity in order to proceed. An example if when not to use it is when the user clicks on a "mailto:" link. They would naturally expect to go directly to their mail app, so startActivity() should be called directly: it will either launch the current preferred app, or put up a dialog allowing the user to pick an app to use and optionally marking that as preferred.
In contrast, if the user is selecting a menu item to send a picture they are viewing to someone else, there are many different things they may want to do at this point: send it through e-mail, upload it to a web service, etc. In this case the CHOOSER action should be used, to always present to the user a list of the things they can do, with a nice title given by the caller such as "Send this photo with:".
If you need to grant URI permissions through a chooser, you must specify
the permissions to be granted on the ACTION_CHOOSER Intent
in addition to the EXTRA_INTENT inside. This means using
to specify the URIs to be granted as well as
as appropriate.
As a convenience, an Intent of this form can be created with the
createChooser(Intent, CharSequence)
Input: No data should be specified. get*Extra must have
field containing the Intent being executed,
and can optionally have a EXTRA_TITLE
field containing the
title text to display in the chooser.
Output: Depends on the protocol of EXTRA_INTENT
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CHOOSER"
public static final String ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
Broadcast Action: This is broadcast when a user action should request a temporary system dialog to dismiss. Some examples of temporary system dialogs are the notification window-shade and the recent tasks dialog.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS"
public static final String ACTION_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: The current device Configuration
(orientation, locale, etc) has changed. When such a change happens, the
UIs (view hierarchy) will need to be rebuilt based on this new
information; for the most part, applications don't need to worry about
this, because the system will take care of stopping and restarting the
application to make sure it sees the new changes. Some system code that
can not be restarted will need to watch for this action and handle it
You cannot receive this through components declared
in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT
Activity Action: Allow the user to create a new document. When invoked,
the system will display the various DocumentsProvider
installed on the device, letting the user navigate through them. The
returned document may be a newly created document with no content, or it
may be an existing document with the requested MIME type.
Each document is represented as a content://
URI backed by a
, which can be opened as a stream with
ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String)
, or queried for
Callers must indicate the concrete MIME type of the document being
created by setting setType(java.lang.String)
. This MIME type cannot be
changed after the document is created.
Callers can provide an initial display name through EXTRA_TITLE
but the user may change this value before creating the file.
Callers must include CATEGORY_OPENABLE
in the Intent to obtain
URIs that can be opened with
ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String)
Callers can set a document URI through
to indicate the initial
location of documents navigator. System will do its best to launch the
navigator in the specified document if it's a folder, or the folder that
contains the specified document if not.
Output: The URI of the item that was created. This must be a
URI so that any receiver can access it.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CREATE_DOCUMENT"
public static final String ACTION_CREATE_REMINDER
Activity Action: Creates a reminder.
The title of the reminder that will be shown to the user.
The reminder text that will be shown to the user. The intent should at
least specify a title or a text. EXTRA_TIME
The time when the reminder will be shown
to the user. The time is specified in milliseconds since the Epoch (optional).
Output: Nothing.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CREATE_REMINDER"
public static final String ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT
Activity Action: Creates a shortcut.
Input: Nothing.
Output: An Intent representing the ShortcutInfo
For compatibility with older versions of android the intent may also contain three extras: SHORTCUT_INTENT (value: Intent), SHORTCUT_NAME (value: String), and SHORTCUT_ICON (value: Bitmap) or SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE (value: ShortcutIconResource).
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CREATE_SHORTCUT"
public static final String ACTION_DATE_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: The date has changed.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_DEFAULT
A synonym for ACTION_VIEW
, the "standard" action that is
performed on a piece of data.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
public static final String ACTION_DEFINE
Activity Action: Define the meaning of the selected word(s).
Input: getCharSequence(EXTRA_TEXT)
is the text to define.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DEFINE"
public static final String ACTION_DELETE
Activity Action: Delete the given data from its container.
Input: getData()
is URI of data to be deleted.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DELETE"
public static final String ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW
This constant is deprecated.
if your app targets Build.VERSION_CODES.O
or above, this broadcast will no longer be delivered to any
defined in your manifest. Instead,
apps are strongly encouraged to use the improved
behavior so the system can
automatically free up storage when needed.
Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast that indicates low storage space condition on the device
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW"
public static final String ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK
This constant is deprecated.
if your app targets Build.VERSION_CODES.O
or above, this broadcast will no longer be delivered to any
defined in your manifest. Instead,
apps are strongly encouraged to use the improved
behavior so the system can
automatically free up storage when needed.
Broadcast Action: Indicates low storage space condition on the device no longer exists
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DEVICE_STORAGE_OK"
public static final String ACTION_DIAL
Activity Action: Dial a number as specified by the data. This shows a UI with the number being dialed, allowing the user to explicitly initiate the call.
Input: If nothing, an empty dialer is started; else getData()
is URI of a phone number to be dialed or a tel: URI of an explicit phone
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DIAL"
public static final String ACTION_DOCK_EVENT
Broadcast Action: A sticky broadcast for changes in the physical docking state of the device.
The intent will have the following extra values:
- the current dock
state, indicating which dock the device is physically in.This is intended for monitoring the current physical dock state.
See UiModeManager
for the normal API dealing with
dock mode changes.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DOCK_EVENT"
public static final String ACTION_DREAMING_STARTED
Broadcast Action: Sent after the system starts dreaming.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system. It is only sent to registered receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED"
public static final String ACTION_DREAMING_STOPPED
Broadcast Action: Sent after the system stops dreaming.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system. It is only sent to registered receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED"
public static final String ACTION_EDIT
Activity Action: Provide explicit editable access to the given data.
Input: getData()
is URI of data to be edited.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.EDIT"
Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages (which were
previously unavailable) are currently
available since the media on which they exist is available.
contains a
list of packages whose availability changed.
contains a
list of uids of packages whose availability changed.
Note that the
packages in this list do not receive this broadcast.
The specified set of packages are now available on the system.
Includes the following extras:
is the set of packages
whose resources(were previously unavailable) are currently available.
is the set of uids of the
packages whose resources(were previously unavailable)
are currently available.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE"
Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages are currently
unavailable since the media on which they exist is unavailable.
contains a
list of packages whose availability changed.
contains a
list of uids of packages whose availability changed.
The specified set of packages can no longer be
launched and are practically unavailable on the system.
Inclues the following extras:
is the set of packages
whose resources are no longer available.
is the set of packages
whose resources are no longer available.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE"
public static final String ACTION_FACTORY_TEST
Activity Action: Main entry point for factory tests. Only used when the device is booting in factory test node. The implementing package must be installed in the system image.
Input: nothing
Output: nothing
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.FACTORY_TEST"
public static final String ACTION_GET_CONTENT
Activity Action: Allow the user to select a particular kind of data and
return it. This is different than ACTION_PICK
in that here we
just say what kind of data is desired, not a URI of existing data from
which the user can pick. An ACTION_GET_CONTENT could allow the user to
create the data as it runs (for example taking a picture or recording a
sound), let them browse over the web and download the desired data,
There are two main ways to use this action: if you want a specific kind
of data, such as a person contact, you set the MIME type to the kind of
data you want and launch it with Context#startActivity(Intent)
The system will then launch the best application to select that kind
of data for you.
You may also be interested in any of a set of types of content the user can pick. For example, an e-mail application that wants to allow the user to add an attachment to an e-mail message can use this action to bring up a list of all of the types of content the user can attach.
In this case, you should wrap the GET_CONTENT intent with a chooser
(through createChooser(Intent, CharSequence)
), which will give the proper interface
for the user to pick how to send your data and allow you to specify
a prompt indicating what they are doing. You will usually specify a
broad MIME type (such as image/* or */*), resulting in a
broad range of content types the user can select from.
When using such a broad GET_CONTENT action, it is often desirable to
only pick from data that can be represented as a stream. This is
accomplished by requiring the CATEGORY_OPENABLE
in the Intent.
Callers can optionally specify EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY
to request that
the launched content chooser only returns results representing data that
is locally available on the device. For example, if this extra is set
to true then an image picker should not show any pictures that are available
from a remote server but not already on the local device (thus requiring
they be downloaded when opened).
If the caller can handle multiple returned items (the user performing
multiple selection), then it can specify EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE
to indicate this.
Input: getType()
is the desired MIME type to retrieve. Note
that no URI is supplied in the intent, as there are no constraints on
where the returned data originally comes from. You may also include the
if you can only accept data that can be
opened as a stream. You may use EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY
to limit content
selection to local data. You may use EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE
allow the user to select multiple items.
Output: The URI of the item that was picked. This must be a content: URI so that any receiver can access it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT"
public static final String ACTION_GET_RESTRICTION_ENTRIES
Broadcast to a specific application to query any supported restrictions to impose
on restricted users. The broadcast intent contains an extra
with the currently persisted
restrictions as a Bundle of key/value pairs. The value types can be Boolean, String or
String[] depending on the restriction type.
which is of type ArrayList<RestrictionEntry>
. It can also
, which is of type Intent
The activity specified by that intent will be launched for a result which must contain
The keys and values of the returned restrictions will be persisted.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.GET_RESTRICTION_ENTRIES"
public static final String ACTION_GTALK_SERVICE_CONNECTED
Broadcast Action: A GTalk connection has been established.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.GTALK_CONNECTED"
Broadcast Action: A GTalk connection has been disconnected.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.GTALK_DISCONNECTED"
public static final String ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG
Broadcast Action: Wired Headset plugged in or unplugged.
Same as AudioManager.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG
, to be consulted for value
and documentation.
If the minimum SDK version of your application is
, it is recommended to refer
to the AudioManager
constant in your receiver registration code instead.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG"
public static final String ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: An input method has been changed.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.INPUT_METHOD_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_INSERT
Activity Action: Insert an empty item into the given container.
Input: getData()
is URI of the directory (vnd.android.cursor.dir/*)
in which to place the data.
Output: URI of the new data that was created.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.INSERT"
public static final String ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT
Activity Action: Pick an existing item, or insert a new item, and then edit it.
Input: getType()
is the desired MIME type of the item to create or edit.
The extras can contain type specific data to pass through to the editing/creating
Output: The URI of the item that was picked. This must be a content: URI so that any receiver can access it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.INSERT_OR_EDIT"
public static final String ACTION_INSTALL_FAILURE
Activity Action: Activity to handle split installation failures.
Splits may be installed dynamically. This happens when an Activity is launched, but the split that contains the application isn't installed. When a split is installed in this manner, the containing package usually doesn't know this is happening. However, if an error occurs during installation, the containing package can define a single activity handling this action to deal with such failures.
The activity handling this action must be in the base package.
the original intent that started split installation.
the name of the split that failed to be installed.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.INSTALL_FAILURE"
public static final String ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
This constant is deprecated.
use PackageInstaller
Activity Action: Launch application installer.
Input: The data must be a content: URI at which the application
can be retrieved. As of
Output: If
Note:If your app is targeting API level higher than 25 you
you can also use "package:EXTRA_INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME
, returns whether the install
in order to launch the application installer.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.INSTALL_PACKAGE"
public static final String ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: The current device's locale has changed.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED
Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the user has finished
booting, but while still in the "locked" state. It can be used to perform
application-specific initialization, such as installing alarms. You must
hold the Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
permission in order to receive this broadcast.
This broadcast is sent immediately at boot by all devices (regardless of
direct boot support) running Build.VERSION_CODES.N
higher. Upon receipt of this broadcast, the user is still locked and only
device-protected storage can be accessed safely. If you want to access
credential-protected storage, you need to wait for the user to be
unlocked (typically by entering their lock pattern or PIN for the first
time), after which the ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED
broadcasts are sent.
To receive this broadcast, your receiver component must be marked as
being ComponentInfo#directBootAware
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED"
public static final String ACTION_MAIN
Activity Action: Start as a main entry point, does not expect to receive data.
Input: nothing
Output: nothing
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MAIN"
public static final String ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile is added (the profile
was created and is ready to be used). Carries an extra EXTRA_USER
that specifies
the UserHandle of the profile that was added. Only applications (for example Launchers)
that need to display merged content across both primary and managed profiles need to
worry about this broadcast. This is only sent to registered receivers,
not manifest receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED"
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile has become available.
Currently this includes when the user disables quiet mode for the profile. Carries an extra
that specifies the UserHandle of the profile. When quiet mode is changed,
this broadcast will carry a boolean extra EXTRA_QUIET_MODE
indicating the new state
of quiet mode. This is only sent to registered receivers, not manifest receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_AVAILABLE"
public static final String ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_REMOVED
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile is removed. Carries an
that specifies the UserHandle of the profile that was removed.
Only applications (for example Launchers) that need to display merged content across both
primary and managed profiles need to worry about this broadcast. This is only sent to
registered receivers, not manifest receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_REMOVED"
Broadcast sent to the primary user when an associated managed profile has become unavailable.
Currently this includes when the user enables quiet mode for the profile. Carries an extra
that specifies the UserHandle of the profile. When quiet mode is changed,
this broadcast will carry a boolean extra EXTRA_QUIET_MODE
indicating the new state
of quiet mode. This is only sent to registered receivers, not manifest receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_UNAVAILABLE"
public static final String ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_UNLOCKED
Broadcast sent to the primary user when the credential-encrypted private storage for
an associated managed profile is unlocked. Carries an extra EXTRA_USER
specifies the UserHandle of the profile that was unlocked. Only applications (for example
Launchers) that need to display merged content across both primary and managed profiles
need to worry about this broadcast. This is only sent to registered receivers,
not manifest receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_UNLOCKED"
public static final String ACTION_MANAGE_NETWORK_USAGE
Activity Action: Show settings for managing network data usage of a specific application. Applications should define an activity that offers options to control data usage.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGE_NETWORK_USAGE"
public static final String ACTION_MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE
Broadcast Action: Indicates low memory condition notification acknowledged by user and package management should be started. This is triggered by the user from the ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW notification.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL
Broadcast Action: External media was removed from SD card slot, but mount point was not unmounted. The path to the mount point for the removed media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON
Broadcast Action: The "Media Button" was pressed. Includes a single
extra field, EXTRA_KEY_EVENT
, containing the key event that
caused the broadcast.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_CHECKING
Broadcast Action: External media is present, and being disk-checked The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT
Broadcast Action: User has expressed the desire to remove the external storage media. Applications should close all files they have open within the mount point when they receive this intent. The path to the mount point for the media to be ejected is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_EJECT"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED
Broadcast Action: External media is present and mounted at its mount point. The path to the mount point for the mounted media is contained in the Intent.mData field. The Intent contains an extra with name "read-only" and Boolean value to indicate if the media was mounted read only.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_NOFS
Broadcast Action: External media is present, but is using an incompatible fs (or is blank) The path to the mount point for the checking media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_NOFS"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_REMOVED
Broadcast Action: External media has been removed. The path to the mount point for the removed media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_REMOVED"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
Broadcast Action: The media scanner has finished scanning a directory. The path to the scanned directory is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE
This constant is deprecated.
Callers should migrate to inserting items directly into
, where they will be automatically scanned
after each mutation.
Broadcast Action: Request the media scanner to scan a file and add it to the media database.
The path to the file is contained in Intent#getData()
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_STARTED
Broadcast Action: The media scanner has started scanning a directory. The path to the directory being scanned is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_STARTED"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED
Broadcast Action: External media is unmounted because it is being shared via USB mass storage. The path to the mount point for the shared media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_SHARED"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE
Broadcast Action: External media is present but cannot be mounted. The path to the mount point for the unmountable media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE"
public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED
Broadcast Action: External media is present, but not mounted at its mount point. The path to the mount point for the unmounted media is contained in the Intent.mData field.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MEDIA_UNMOUNTED"
public static final String ACTION_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED
Broadcast Action: A new version of your application has been installed over an existing one. This is only sent to the application that was replaced. It does not contain any additional data; to receive it, just use an intent filter for this action.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED"
public static final String ACTION_MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED
Broadcast Action: Sent to a package that has been suspended by the system. This is sent whenever a package is put into a suspended state or any of its app extras change while in the suspended state.
Optionally includes the following extras:
which is a Bundle
which will contain
useful information for the app being suspended.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent
by the system. This will be delivered to BroadcastReceiver
components declared in
the manifest.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED"
public static final String ACTION_MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED
Broadcast Action: Sent to a package that has been unsuspended.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent
by the system. This will be delivered to BroadcastReceiver
components declared in
the manifest.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED"
public static final String ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL
This constant is deprecated.
Apps that redirect outgoing calls should use the
API. Apps that perform call screening
should use the CallScreeningService
API. Apps which need to be
notified of basic call state should use
PhoneStateListener.onCallStateChanged(int, String)
to determine
when a new outgoing call is placed.
Broadcast Action: An outgoing call is about to be placed.
The Intent will have the following extra value:
the phone number originally intended to be dialed.Once the broadcast is finished, the resultData is used as the actual
number to call. If null
, no call will be placed.
It is perfectly acceptable for multiple receivers to process the outgoing call in turn: for example, a parental control application might verify that the user is authorized to place the call at that time, then a number-rewriting application might add an area code if one was not specified.
For consistency, any receiver whose purpose is to prohibit phone calls should have a priority of 0, to ensure it will see the final phone number to be dialed. Any receiver whose purpose is to rewrite phone numbers to be called should have a positive priority. Negative priorities are reserved for the system for this broadcast; using them may cause problems.
Any BroadcastReceiver receiving this Intent must not abort the broadcast.
Emergency calls cannot be intercepted using this mechanism, and other calls cannot be modified to call emergency numbers using this mechanism.
Some apps (such as VoIP apps) may want to redirect the outgoing
call to use their own service instead. Those apps should first prevent
the call from being placed by setting resultData to null
and then start their own app to make the call.
You must hold the
permission to receive this Intent.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
If the user has chosen a CallRedirectionService
handle redirection of outgoing calls, this intent will NOT be sent as an ordered broadcast.
This means that attempts to re-write the outgoing call by other apps using this intent will
be ignored.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL"
public static final String ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT
Activity Action: Allow the user to select and return one or more existing
documents. When invoked, the system will display the various
instances installed on the device, letting the
user interactively navigate through them. These documents include local
media, such as photos and video, and documents provided by installed
cloud storage providers.
Each document is represented as a content://
URI backed by a
, which can be opened as a stream with
ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String)
, or queried for
All selected documents are returned to the calling application with
persistable read and write permission grants. If you want to maintain
access to the documents across device reboots, you need to explicitly
take the persistable permissions using
ContentResolver#takePersistableUriPermission(Uri, int)
Callers must indicate the acceptable document MIME types through
. For example, to select photos, use
. If multiple disjoint MIME types are acceptable, define
and setType(java.lang.String)
If the caller can handle multiple returned items (the user performing
multiple selection), then you can specify EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE
to indicate this.
Callers must include CATEGORY_OPENABLE
in the Intent to obtain
URIs that can be opened with
ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String)
Callers can set a document URI through
to indicate the initial
location of documents navigator. System will do its best to launch the
navigator in the specified document if it's a folder, or the folder that
contains the specified document if not.
Output: The URI of the item that was picked, returned in
. This must be a content://
URI so that any
receiver can access it. If multiple documents were selected, they are
returned in getClipData()
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT"
public static final String ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE
Activity Action: Allow the user to pick a directory subtree. When
invoked, the system will display the various DocumentsProvider
instances installed on the device, letting the user navigate through
them. Apps can fully manage documents within the returned directory.
To gain access to descendant (child, grandchild, etc) documents, use
DocumentsContract#buildDocumentUriUsingTree(Uri, String)
DocumentsContract#buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(Uri, String)
with the returned URI.
Callers can set a document URI through
to indicate the initial
location of documents navigator. System will do its best to launch the
navigator in the specified document if it's a folder, or the folder that
contains the specified document if not.
Output: The URI representing the selected directory tree.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGES_SUSPENDED
Broadcast Action: Packages have been suspended.
Includes the following extras:
is the set of packages which have been suspended
is the set of uids which have been suspended
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system. It is only sent to registered receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGES_SUSPENDED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED
Broadcast Action: Packages have been unsuspended.
Includes the following extras:
is the set of packages which have been unsuspended
is the set of uids which have been unsuspended
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system. It is only sent to registered receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED
Broadcast Action: A new application package has been installed on the device. The data contains the name of the package. Note that the newly installed package does not receive this broadcast.
May include the following extras:
containing the integer uid assigned to the new package.
is set to true if this is following
broadcast for the same package.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been changed (for example, a component has been enabled or disabled). The data contains the name of the package.
containing the integer uid assigned to the package.
containing the class name
of the changed components (or the package name itself).
containing boolean field to override the
default action of restarting the application.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED
Broadcast Action: The user has cleared the data of a package. This should
, after which all of
its persistent data is erased and this broadcast sent.
Note that the cleared package does not
receive this broadcast. The data contains the name of the package.
containing the integer uid assigned to the package. If the
package whose data was cleared is an uninstalled instant app, then the UID
will be -1. The platform keeps some meta-data associated with instant apps
after they are uninstalled.
containing the package name only if the cleared
data was for an instant app.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH
Broadcast Action: Sent to the installer package of an application when that application is first launched (that is the first time it is moved out of the stopped state). The data contains the name of the package.
When the application is first launched, the application itself doesn't receive this broadcast.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED
Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been completely
removed from the device. The data contains the name of the package.
, but only set when
is true and
is false of that broadcast.
containing the integer uid previously assigned
to the package.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL
This constant is deprecated.
This constant has never been used.
Broadcast Action: Trigger the download and eventual installation of a package.
Input: getData()
is the URI of the package file to download.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_INSTALL"
Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package needs to be verified. The data contains the package URI.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED
Broadcast Action: An existing application package has been removed from the device. The data contains the name of the package. The package that is being removed does not receive this Intent.
containing the integer uid previously assigned
to the package.
is set to true if the entire
application -- data and code -- is being removed.
is set to true if this will be followed
broadcast for the same package.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_REPLACED
Broadcast Action: A new version of an application package has been installed, replacing an existing version that was previously installed. The data contains the name of the package.
May include the following extras:
containing the integer uid assigned to the new package.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED
Broadcast Action: The user has restarted a package, and all of its processes have been killed. All runtime state associated with it (processes, alarms, notifications, etc) should be removed. Note that the restarted package does not receive this broadcast. The data contains the name of the package.
containing the integer uid assigned to the package.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED"
public static final String ACTION_PACKAGE_VERIFIED
Broadcast Action: Sent to the system package verifier when a package is verified. The data contains the package URI.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_VERIFIED"
public static final String ACTION_PASTE
Activity Action: Create a new item in the given container, initializing it from the current contents of the clipboard.
Input: getData()
is URI of the directory (vnd.android.cursor.dir/*)
in which to place the data.
Output: URI of the new data that was created.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PASTE"
public static final String ACTION_PICK
Activity Action: Pick an item from the data, returning what was selected.
Input: getData()
is URI containing a directory of data
(vnd.android.cursor.dir/*) from which to pick an item.
Output: The URI of the item that was picked.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PICK"
public static final String ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY
Activity Action: Pick an activity given an intent, returning the class selected.
Input: get*Extra field EXTRA_INTENT
is an Intent
used with PackageManager#queryIntentActivities
to determine the
set of activities from which to pick.
Output: Class name of the activity that was selected.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PICK_ACTIVITY"
public static final String ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
Broadcast Action: External power has been connected to the device. This is intended for applications that wish to register specifically to this notification. Unlike ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED, applications will be woken for this and so do not have to stay active to receive this notification. This action can be used to implement actions that wait until power is available to trigger.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED"
public static final String ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
Broadcast Action: External power has been removed from the device. This is intended for applications that wish to register specifically to this notification. Unlike ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED, applications will be woken for this and so do not have to stay active to receive this notification. This action can be used to implement actions that wait until power is available to trigger.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED"
public static final String ACTION_POWER_USAGE_SUMMARY
Activity Action: Show power usage information to the user.
Input: Nothing.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.POWER_USAGE_SUMMARY"
public static final String ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT
Activity Action: Process a piece of text.
contains the text to be processed.
states if the resulting text will be read-only.
contains the processed text.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PROCESS_TEXT"
public static final String ACTION_PROVIDER_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: Some content providers have parts of their namespace where they publish new events or items that the user may be especially interested in. For these things, they may broadcast this action when the set of interesting items change. For example, GmailProvider sends this notification when the set of unread mail in the inbox changes.
The data of the intent identifies which part of which provider changed. When queried through the content resolver, the data URI will return the data set in question.
The intent will have the following extra values:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_QUICK_CLOCK
Sent when the user taps on the clock widget in the system's "quick settings" area.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.QUICK_CLOCK"
public static final String ACTION_QUICK_VIEW
Activity Action: Quick view the data. Launches a quick viewer for a URI or a list of URIs.
Activities handling this intent action should handle the vast majority of MIME types rather than only specific ones.
Quick viewers must render the quick view image locally, and must not send file content outside current device.
Input: getData()
is a mandatory content URI of the item to
preview. getClipData()
contains an optional list of content URIs
if there is more than one item to preview. EXTRA_INDEX
is an
optional index of the URI in the clip data to show first.
is an optional extra indicating the features
that can be shown in the quick view UI.
Output: nothing.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.QUICK_VIEW"
public static final String ACTION_REBOOT
Broadcast Action: Have the device reboot. This is only for use by system code.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.REBOOT"
public static final String ACTION_RUN
Activity Action: Run the data, whatever that means.
Input: ? (Note: this is currently specific to the test harness.)
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.RUN"
public static final String ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
Broadcast Action: Sent when the device goes to sleep and becomes non-interactive.
For historical reasons, the name of this broadcast action refers to the power state of the screen but it is actually sent in response to changes in the overall interactive state of the device.
This broadcast is sent when the device becomes non-interactive which may have
nothing to do with the screen turning off. To determine the
actual state of the screen, use Display.getState()
See PowerManager.isInteractive()
for details.
Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF"
public static final String ACTION_SCREEN_ON
Broadcast Action: Sent when the device wakes up and becomes interactive.
For historical reasons, the name of this broadcast action refers to the power state of the screen but it is actually sent in response to changes in the overall interactive state of the device.
This broadcast is sent when the device becomes interactive which may have
nothing to do with the screen turning on. To determine the
actual state of the screen, use Display.getState()
See PowerManager.isInteractive()
for details.
Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON"
public static final String ACTION_SEARCH
Activity Action: Perform a search.
Input: getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY)
is the text to search for. If empty, simply
enter your search results Activity with the search UI activated.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SEARCH"
public static final String ACTION_SEARCH_LONG_PRESS
Activity Action: Start action associated with long pressing on the search key.
Input: Nothing.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SEARCH_LONG_PRESS"
public static final String ACTION_SEND
Activity Action: Deliver some data to someone else. Who the data is being delivered to is not specified; it is up to the receiver of this action to ask the user where the data should be sent.
When launching a SEND intent, you should usually wrap it in a chooser
(through createChooser(Intent, CharSequence)
), which will give the proper interface
for the user to pick how to send your data and allow you to specify
a prompt indicating what they are doing.
Input: getType()
is the MIME type of the data being sent.
get*Extra can have either a EXTRA_TEXT
field, containing the data to be sent. If
using EXTRA_TEXT, the MIME type should be "text/plain"; otherwise it
should be the MIME type of the data in EXTRA_STREAM. Use */*
if the MIME type is unknown (this will only allow senders that can
handle generic data streams). If using EXTRA_TEXT
, you can
also optionally supply EXTRA_HTML_TEXT
for clients to retrieve
your text with HTML formatting.
, the data
being sent can be supplied through setClipData(android.content.ClipData)
. This
when sharing
content: URIs and other advanced features of ClipData
. If
using this approach, you still must supply the same data through the
fields described below
for compatibility with old applications. If you don't set a ClipData,
it will be copied there for you when calling Context#startActivity(Intent)
Starting from Build.VERSION_CODES.O
, if
is passed, then the Uris passed in
or via setClipData(android.content.ClipData)
be openable only as asset typed files using
ContentResolver#openTypedAssetFileDescriptor(Uri, String, Bundle)
Optional standard extras, which may be interpreted by some recipients as
appropriate, are: EXTRA_EMAIL
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SEND"
public static final String ACTION_SENDTO
Activity Action: Send a message to someone specified by the data.
Input: getData()
is URI describing the target.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
public static final String ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE
Activity Action: Deliver multiple data to someone else.
, except the data is multiple.
Input: getType()
is the MIME type of the data being sent.
get*ArrayListExtra can have either a EXTRA_TEXT
field, containing the data to be sent. If using
, you can also optionally supply EXTRA_HTML_TEXT
for clients to retrieve your text with HTML formatting.
Multiple types are supported, and receivers should handle mixed types whenever possible. The right way for the receiver to check them is to use the content resolver on each URI. The intent sender should try to put the most concrete mime type in the intent type, but it can fall back to <type>/* or */* as needed.
e.g. if you are sending image/jpg and image/jpg, the intent's type can be image/jpg, but if you are sending image/jpg and image/png, then the intent's type should be image/*.
, the data
being sent can be supplied through setClipData(android.content.ClipData)
. This
when sharing
content: URIs and other advanced features of ClipData
. If
using this approach, you still must supply the same data through the
fields described below
for compatibility with old applications. If you don't set a ClipData,
it will be copied there for you when calling Context#startActivity(Intent)
Starting from Build.VERSION_CODES.O
, if
is passed, then the Uris passed in
or via setClipData(android.content.ClipData)
be openable only as asset typed files using
ContentResolver#openTypedAssetFileDescriptor(Uri, String, Bundle)
Optional standard extras, which may be interpreted by some recipients as
appropriate, are: EXTRA_EMAIL
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE"
public static final String ACTION_SET_WALLPAPER
Activity Action: Show settings for choosing wallpaper.
Input: Nothing.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SET_WALLPAPER"
public static final String ACTION_SHOW_APP_INFO
Activity Action: Launch an activity showing the app information. For applications which install other applications (such as app stores), it is recommended to handle this action for providing the app information to the user.
specifies the package whose information needs
to be displayed.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SHOW_APP_INFO"
public static final String ACTION_SHUTDOWN
Broadcast Action: Device is shutting down. This is broadcast when the device is being shut down (completely turned off, not sleeping). Once the broadcast is complete, the final shutdown will proceed and all unsaved data lost. Apps will not normally need to handle this, since the foreground activity will be paused as well.
this broadcast is only sent to receivers registered
through Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
May include the following extras:
a boolean that is set to true if this
shutdown is only for userspace processes. If not set, assumed to be false.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ACTION_SHUTDOWN"
public static final String ACTION_SYNC
Activity Action: Perform a data synchronization.
Input: ?
Output: ?
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SYNC"
public static final String ACTION_SYSTEM_TUTORIAL
Activity Action: Start the platform-defined tutorial
Input: getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY)
is the text to search for. If empty, simply
enter your search results Activity with the search UI activated.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.SYSTEM_TUTORIAL"
public static final String ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: The timezone has changed. The intent will have the following extra values:
- The java.util.TimeZone.getID() value identifying the new
time zone.This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_TIME_CHANGED
Broadcast Action: The time was set.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.TIME_SET"
public static final String ACTION_TIME_TICK
Broadcast Action: The current time has changed. Sent every
minute. You cannot receive this through components declared
in manifests, only by explicitly registering for it with
Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.TIME_TICK"
public static final String ACTION_TRANSLATE
Activity Action: Perform text translation.
Input: getCharSequence(EXTRA_TEXT)
is the text to translate.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.TRANSLATE"
public static final String ACTION_UID_REMOVED
Broadcast Action: A user ID has been removed from the system. The user
ID number is stored in the extra data under EXTRA_UID
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.UID_REMOVED"
public static final String ACTION_UMS_CONNECTED
This constant is deprecated.
replaced by android.os.storage.StorageEventListener
Broadcast Action: The device has entered USB Mass Storage mode. This is used mainly for the USB Settings panel. Apps should listen for ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED and ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED broadcasts to be notified when the SD card file system is mounted or unmounted
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.UMS_CONNECTED"
public static final String ACTION_UMS_DISCONNECTED
This constant is deprecated.
replaced by android.os.storage.StorageEventListener
Broadcast Action: The device has exited USB Mass Storage mode. This is used mainly for the USB Settings panel. Apps should listen for ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED and ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED broadcasts to be notified when the SD card file system is mounted or unmounted
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.UMS_DISCONNECTED"
public static final String ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE
This constant is deprecated.
Use PackageInstaller.uninstall(String, IntentSender)
Activity Action: Launch application uninstaller.
Input: The data must be a package: URI whose scheme specific part is
the package name of the current installed package to be uninstalled.
You can optionally supply EXTRA_RETURN_RESULT
, returns whether the install
Requires Manifest.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.UNINSTALL_PACKAGE"
public static final String ACTION_USER_BACKGROUND
Sent when a user switch is happening, causing the process's user to be
sent to the background. This is only sent to receivers registered
through Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
. It is sent to the user that is going to the
background. This is sent as a foreground
broadcast, since it is part of a visible user interaction; be as quick
as possible when handling it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.USER_BACKGROUND"
public static final String ACTION_USER_FOREGROUND
Sent when a user switch is happening, causing the process's user to be
brought to the foreground. This is only sent to receivers registered
through Context#registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
. It is sent to the user that is going to the
foreground. This is sent as a foreground
broadcast, since it is part of a visible user interaction; be as quick
as possible when handling it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.USER_FOREGROUND"
public static final String ACTION_USER_INITIALIZE
Sent the first time a user is starting, to allow system apps to
perform one time initialization. (This will not be seen by third
party applications because a newly initialized user does not have any
third party applications installed for it.) This is sent early in
starting the user, around the time the home app is started, before
is sent. This is sent as a foreground
broadcast, since it is part of a visible user interaction; be as quick
as possible when handling it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.USER_INITIALIZE"
public static final String ACTION_USER_PRESENT
Broadcast Action: Sent when the user is present after device wakes up (e.g when the keyguard is gone).
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT"
public static final String ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED
Broadcast Action: Sent when the credential-encrypted private storage has become unlocked for the target user. This is only sent to registered receivers, not manifest receivers.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED"
public static final String ACTION_VIEW
Activity Action: Display the data to the user. This is the most common action performed on data -- it is the generic action you can use on a piece of data to get the most reasonable thing to occur. For example, when used on a contacts entry it will view the entry; when used on a mailto: URI it will bring up a compose window filled with the information supplied by the URI; when used with a tel: URI it will invoke the dialer.
Input: getData()
is URI from which to retrieve data.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
public static final String ACTION_VIEW_LOCUS
Activity Action: Display an activity state associated with an unique LocusId
For example, a chat app could use the context to resume a conversation between 2 users.
specifies the unique identifier of the locus in the
app domain. Should be stable across reboots and backup / restore.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.VIEW_LOCUS"
public static final String ACTION_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE
Activity action: Launch UI to show information about the usage of a given permission. This action would be handled by apps that want to show details about how and why given permission is being used.
Important:You must protect the activity that handles
this action with the START_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE
permission to ensure that only the
system can launch this activity. The system will not launch
activities that are not properly protected.
Input: android.intent.extra.PERMISSION_NAME
specifies the permission
for which the launched UI would be targeted.
Output: Nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE"
public static final String ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND
Activity Action: Start Voice Command.
Input: Nothing.
Output: Nothing.
In some cases, a matching Activity may not exist, so ensure you safeguard against this.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.VOICE_COMMAND"
public static final String ACTION_WALLPAPER_CHANGED
This constant is deprecated.
Modern applications should use
to have the wallpaper
shown behind their UI, rather than watching for this broadcast and
rendering the wallpaper on their own.
Broadcast Action: The current system wallpaper has changed. See
for retrieving the new wallpaper.
This should only be used to determine when the wallpaper
has changed to show the new wallpaper to the user. You should certainly
never, in response to this, change the wallpaper or other attributes of
it such as the suggested size. That would be crazy, right? You'd cause
all kinds of loops, especially if other apps are doing similar things,
right? Of course. So please don't do this.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.WALLPAPER_CHANGED"
public static final String ACTION_WEB_SEARCH
Activity Action: Perform a web search.
Input: getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY)
is the text to search for. If it is
a url starts with http or https, the site will be opened. If it is plain
text, Google search will be applied.
Output: nothing.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.WEB_SEARCH"
The accessibility shortcut is a global gesture for users with disabilities to trigger an important for them accessibility feature to help developers determine whether they want to make their activity a shortcut target.
An activity of interest to users with accessibility needs may request to be the target of
the accessibility shortcut. It handles intent ACTION_MAIN
with this category,
which will be dispatched by the system when the user activates the shortcut when it is
configured to point at this target.
An activity declared itself to be a target of the shortcut in AndroidManifest.xml. It must also do two things:
with category android.intent.category.ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET
in the
manifest when declaring the activity.
<activity android:name=".MainActivity" . . . <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET" /> </intent-filter> <meta-data android:name="android.accessibilityshortcut.target" android:resource="@xml/accessibilityshortcut" /> </activity>
This is a sample XML file configuring a accessibility shortcut target:
<accessibility-shortcut-target android:description="@string/shortcut_target_description" android:summary="@string/shortcut_target_summary" android:animatedImageDrawable="@drawable/shortcut_target_animated_image" android:htmlDescription="@string/shortcut_target_html_description" android:settingsActivity="com.example.android.shortcut.target.SettingsActivity" />
Both description and summary are necessary. The system will ignore the accessibility shortcut target if they are missing. The animated image and html description are supported to help users understand how to use the shortcut target. The settings activity is a component name that allows the user to modify the settings for this accessibility shortcut target.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.ACCESSIBILITY_SHORTCUT_TARGET"
public static final String CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE
Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative action to
the data the user is currently viewing. See also
for an alternative action that
applies to the selection in a list of items.
Supporting this category means that you would like your activity to be displayed in the set of alternative things the user can do, usually as part of the current activity's options menu. You will usually want to include a specific label in the <intent-filter> of this action describing to the user what it does.
The action of IntentFilter with this category is important in that it
describes the specific action the target will perform. This generally
should not be a generic action (such as ACTION_VIEW
, but rather
a specific name such as "com.android.camera.action.CROP. Only one
alternative of any particular action will be shown to the user, so using
a specific action like this makes sure that your alternative will be
displayed while also allowing other applications to provide their own
overrides of that particular action.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_BROWSER
to launch the browser application.
The activity should be able to browse the Internet.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_BROWSER"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_CALCULATOR
to launch the calculator application.
The activity should be able to perform standard arithmetic operations.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_CALCULATOR"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_CALENDAR
to launch the calendar application.
The activity should be able to view and manipulate calendar entries.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_CALENDAR"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_CONTACTS
to launch the contacts application.
The activity should be able to view and manipulate address book entries.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_EMAIL
to launch the email application.
The activity should be able to send and receive email.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_EMAIL"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_FILES
to launch the files application.
The activity should be able to browse and manage files stored on the device.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_FILES"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_GALLERY
to launch the gallery application.
The activity should be able to view and manipulate image and video files
stored on the device.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_GALLERY"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_MAPS
to launch the maps application.
The activity should be able to show the user's current location and surroundings.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_MAPS"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_MARKET
This activity allows the user to browse and download new applications.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_MARKET"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_MESSAGING
to launch the messaging application.
The activity should be able to send and receive text messages.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_MESSAGING"
public static final String CATEGORY_APP_MUSIC
to launch the music application.
The activity should be able to play, browse, or manipulate music files
stored on the device.
NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent,
since it will not result in the app launching with the correct
action and category. Instead, use this with
makeMainSelectorActivity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
to generate a main
Intent with this category in the selector.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.APP_MUSIC"
public static final String CATEGORY_BROWSABLE
Activities that can be safely invoked from a browser must support this category. For example, if the user is viewing a web page or an e-mail and clicks on a link in the text, the Intent generated execute that link will require the BROWSABLE category, so that only activities supporting this category will be considered as possible actions. By supporting this category, you are promising that there is nothing damaging (without user intervention) that can happen by invoking any matching Intent.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"
public static final String CATEGORY_CAR_DOCK
An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock.
to launch an activity. For more
information, see UiModeManager
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.CAR_DOCK"
public static final String CATEGORY_CAR_MODE
Used to indicate that the activity can be used in a car environment.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.CAR_MODE"
public static final String CATEGORY_DEFAULT
Set if the activity should be an option for the default action (center press) to perform on a piece of data. Setting this will hide from the user any activities without it set when performing an action on some data. Note that this is normally -not- set in the Intent when initiating an action -- it is for use in intent filters specified in packages.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
public static final String CATEGORY_DESK_DOCK
An activity to run when device is inserted into a car dock.
to launch an activity. For more
information, see UiModeManager
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.DESK_DOCK"
This activity is a development preference panel.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.DEVELOPMENT_PREFERENCE"
public static final String CATEGORY_EMBED
Capable of running inside a parent activity container.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.EMBED"
To be used as code under test for framework instrumentation tests.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.FRAMEWORK_INSTRUMENTATION_TEST"
public static final String CATEGORY_HE_DESK_DOCK
An activity to run when device is inserted into a digital (high end) dock.
to launch an activity. For more
information, see UiModeManager
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.HE_DESK_DOCK"
public static final String CATEGORY_HOME
This is the home activity, that is the first activity that is displayed when the device boots.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.HOME"
public static final String CATEGORY_INFO
Provides information about the package it is in; typically used if
a package does not contain a CATEGORY_LAUNCHER
to provide
a front-door to the user without having to be shown in the all apps list.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.INFO"
public static final String CATEGORY_LAUNCHER
Should be displayed in the top-level launcher.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"
public static final String CATEGORY_LEANBACK_LAUNCHER
Indicates an activity optimized for Leanback mode, and that should be displayed in the Leanback launcher.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER"
public static final String CATEGORY_LE_DESK_DOCK
An activity to run when device is inserted into a analog (low end) dock.
to launch an activity. For more
information, see UiModeManager
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.LE_DESK_DOCK"
public static final String CATEGORY_MONKEY
This activity may be exercised by the monkey or other automated test tools.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.MONKEY"
public static final String CATEGORY_OPENABLE
Used to indicate that an intent only wants URIs that can be opened with
ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String)
. Openable URIs
must support at least the columns defined in OpenableColumns
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.OPENABLE"
public static final String CATEGORY_PREFERENCE
This activity is a preference panel.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.PREFERENCE"
public static final String CATEGORY_SAMPLE_CODE
To be used as a sample code example (not part of the normal user experience).
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.SAMPLE_CODE"
public static final String CATEGORY_SECONDARY_HOME
The home activity shown on secondary displays that support showing home activities.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.SECONDARY_HOME"
public static final String CATEGORY_SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE
Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative selection
action to the data the user has currently selected. This is like
, but is used in activities showing a list
of items from which the user can select, giving them alternatives to the
default action that will be performed on it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE"
public static final String CATEGORY_TAB
Intended to be used as a tab inside of a containing TabActivity.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.TAB"
public static final String CATEGORY_TEST
To be used as a test (not part of the normal user experience).
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.TEST"
public static final String CATEGORY_TYPED_OPENABLE
Used to indicate that an intent filter can accept files which are not necessarily
openable by ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor(Uri, String)
, but
at least streamable via
ContentResolver#openTypedAssetFileDescriptor(Uri, String, Bundle)
using one of the stream types exposed via
ContentResolver#getStreamTypes(Uri, String)
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.TYPED_OPENABLE"
public static final String CATEGORY_UNIT_TEST
To be used as a unit test (run through the Test Harness).
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.UNIT_TEST"
public static final String CATEGORY_VOICE
Categories for activities that can participate in voice interaction.
An activity that supports this category must be prepared to run with
no UI shown at all (though in some case it may have a UI shown), and
rely on VoiceInteractor
to interact with the user.
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.VOICE"
public static final String CATEGORY_VR_HOME
An activity to use for the launcher when the device is placed in a VR Headset viewer.
to launch an activity. For more
information, see UiModeManager
Constant Value: "android.intent.category.VR_HOME"
public static final String EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT
Used as an int extra field in AlarmManager
to tell the application being invoked how many pending alarms are being
delievered with the intent. For one-shot alarms this will always be 1.
For recurring alarms, this might be greater than 1 if the device was
asleep or powered off at the time an earlier alarm would have been
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ALARM_COUNT"
public static final String EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE
Extra used to indicate that an intent can allow the user to select and
return multiple items. This is a boolean extra; the default is false. If
true, an implementation is allowed to present the user with a UI where
they can pick multiple items that are all returned to the caller. When
this happens, they should be returned as the getClipData()
of the result Intent.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ALLOW_MULTIPLE"
public static final String EXTRA_ALLOW_REPLACE
This constant is deprecated.
, Android
will no longer show an interstitial message about updating existing
applications so this is no longer needed.
Used as a boolean extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
to install a
package. Tells the installer UI to skip the confirmation with the user
if the .apk is replacing an existing one.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ALLOW_REPLACE"
public static final String EXTRA_ALTERNATE_INTENTS
An Intent[] describing additional, alternate choices you would like shown with
An app may be capable of providing several different payload types to complete a
user's intended action. For example, an app invoking ACTION_SEND
to share photos
with another app may use EXTRA_ALTERNATE_INTENTS to have the chooser transparently offer
several different supported sending mechanisms for sharing, such as the actual "image/*"
photo data or a hosted link where the photos can be viewed.
The intent present in EXTRA_INTENT
will be treated as the
first/primary/preferred intent in the set. Additional intents specified in
this extra are ordered; by default intents that appear earlier in the array will be
preferred over intents that appear later in the array as matches for the same
target component. To alter this preference, a calling app may also supply
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ALTERNATE_INTENTS"
public static final String EXTRA_ASSIST_CONTEXT
An optional field on ACTION_ASSIST
and containing additional contextual
information supplied by the current foreground app at the time of the assist request.
This is a Bundle
of additional data.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ASSIST_CONTEXT"
public static final String EXTRA_ASSIST_INPUT_DEVICE_ID
An optional field on ACTION_ASSIST
containing the InputDevice id
that was used to invoke the assist.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ASSIST_INPUT_DEVICE_ID"
public static final String EXTRA_ASSIST_INPUT_HINT_KEYBOARD
An optional field on ACTION_ASSIST
suggesting that the user will likely use a
keyboard as the primary input device for assistance.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ASSIST_INPUT_HINT_KEYBOARD"
public static final String EXTRA_ASSIST_PACKAGE
An optional field on ACTION_ASSIST
containing the name of the current foreground
application package at the time the assist was invoked.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ASSIST_PACKAGE"
public static final String EXTRA_ASSIST_UID
An optional field on ACTION_ASSIST
containing the uid of the current foreground
application package at the time the assist was invoked.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ASSIST_UID"
public static final String EXTRA_AUTO_LAUNCH_SINGLE_CHOICE
Used as a boolean extra field in ACTION_CHOOSER
intents to specify
whether to show the chooser or not when there is only one application available
to choose from.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.AUTO_LAUNCH_SINGLE_CHOICE"
public static final String EXTRA_BCC
A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be blind carbon copied.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.BCC"
public static final String EXTRA_BUG_REPORT
Used as a parcelable extra field in ACTION_APP_ERROR
, containing
the bug report.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.BUG_REPORT"
public static final String EXTRA_CC
A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be carbon copied.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CC"
public static final String EXTRA_CHANGED_COMPONENT_NAME
This constant is deprecated.
; this field
will contain only the first name in the list.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.changed_component_name"
public static final String EXTRA_CHANGED_COMPONENT_NAME_LIST
This field is part of ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED
and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed. If
the state of the overall package has changed, then it will contain an entry
with the package name itself.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.changed_component_name_list"
public static final String EXTRA_CHANGED_PACKAGE_LIST
This field is part of
and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.changed_package_list"
public static final String EXTRA_CHANGED_UID_LIST
This field is part of
and contains an integer array of uids of all of the components
that have changed.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.changed_uid_list"
An IntentSender
for an Activity that will be invoked when the user makes a selection
from the chooser activity presented by ACTION_CHOOSER
An app preparing an action for another app to complete may wish to allow the user to disambiguate between several options for completing the action based on the chosen target or otherwise refine the action before it is invoked.
When sent, this IntentSender may be filled in with the following extras:
The first intent that matched the user's chosen targetEXTRA_ALTERNATE_INTENTS
Any additional intents that also matched the user's
chosen target beyond the firstEXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER
A ResultReceiver
that the refinement activity
should fill in and send once the disambiguation is completeConstant Value: "android.intent.extra.CHOOSER_REFINEMENT_INTENT_SENDER"
public static final String EXTRA_CHOOSER_TARGETS
A ChooserTarget[]
describing additional high-priority deep-link targets for the chooser to present to the user.
Targets provided in this way will be presented inline with all other targets provided by services from other apps. They will be prioritized before other service targets, but after those targets provided by sources that the user has manually pinned to the front.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CHOOSER_TARGETS"
public static final String EXTRA_CHOSEN_COMPONENT
The ComponentName
chosen by the user to complete an action.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CHOSEN_COMPONENT"
An IntentSender
that will be notified if a user successfully chooses a target
component to handle an action in an ACTION_CHOOSER
activity. The IntentSender
will have the extra EXTRA_CHOSEN_COMPONENT
appended to it containing the
of the chosen component.
In some situations this callback may never come, for example if the user abandons the chooser, switches to another task or any number of other reasons. Apps should not be written assuming that this callback will always occur.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CHOSEN_COMPONENT_INTENT_SENDER"
public static final String EXTRA_COMPONENT_NAME
Intent extra: A ComponentName
Type: String
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.COMPONENT_NAME"
public static final String EXTRA_CONTENT_ANNOTATIONS
An ArrayList
of String
annotations describing content for
is present in an intent used to start a
activity, the first three annotations will be used to rank apps.
Annotations should describe the major components or topics of the content. It is up to
apps initiating ACTION_CHOOSER
to learn and add annotations. Annotations should be
learned in advance, e.g., when creating or saving content, to avoid increasing latency to
. Names of customized annotations should not contain the colon
character. Performance on customized annotations can suffer, if they are rarely used for
in the past 14 days. Therefore, it is recommended to use the
following annotations when applicable.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CONTENT_ANNOTATIONS"
public static final String EXTRA_CONTENT_QUERY
Optional CharSequence extra to provide a search query. The format of this query is dependent on the receiving application.
Applicable to Intent
with actions:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.CONTENT_QUERY"
public static final String EXTRA_DATA_REMOVED
Used as a boolean extra field in ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED
intents to indicate whether this represents a full uninstall (removing
both the code and its data) or a partial uninstall (leaving its data,
implying that this is an update).
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.DATA_REMOVED"
public static final String EXTRA_DOCK_STATE
Used as an int extra field in ACTION_DOCK_EVENT
intents to request the dock state. Possible values are
, or
, or
, or
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.DOCK_STATE"
public static final int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_CAR
Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE
to represent that the phone is in a car dock.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_DESK
Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE
to represent that the phone is in a desk dock.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_HE_DESK
Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE
to represent that the phone is in a digital (high end) dock.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_LE_DESK
Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE
to represent that the phone is in a analog (low end) dock.
Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
public static final int EXTRA_DOCK_STATE_UNDOCKED
Used as an int value for EXTRA_DOCK_STATE
to represent that the phone is not in any dock.
Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
public static final String EXTRA_DONT_KILL_APP
Used as a boolean extra field in ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED
intents to override the default action
of restarting the application.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.DONT_KILL_APP"
public static final String EXTRA_DURATION_MILLIS
Intent extra: The number of milliseconds.
Type: long
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.DURATION_MILLIS"
public static final String EXTRA_EMAIL
A String[] holding e-mail addresses that should be delivered to.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.EMAIL"
public static final String EXTRA_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS
A ComponentName
describing components that should be filtered out
and omitted from a list of components presented to the user.
When used with ACTION_CHOOSER
, the chooser will omit any of the components
in this array if it otherwise would have shown them. Useful for omitting specific targets
from your own package or other apps from your organization if the idea of sending to those
targets would be redundant with other app functionality. Filtered components will not
be able to present targets from an associated ChooserTargetService
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS"
public static final String EXTRA_FROM_STORAGE
Extra that can be included on activity intents coming from the storage UI
when it launches sub-activities to manage various types of storage. For example,
it may use ACTION_VIEW
with a "image/*" MIME type to have an app show
the images on the device, and in that case also include this extra to tell the
app it is coming from the storage UI so should help the user manage storage of
this type.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.FROM_STORAGE"
public static final String EXTRA_HTML_TEXT
A constant String that is associated with the Intent, used with
to supply an alternative to EXTRA_TEXT
as HTML formatted text. Note that you must also supply
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.HTML_TEXT"
public static final String EXTRA_INDEX
Optional index with semantics depending on the intent action.
The value must be an integer greater or equal to 0.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.INDEX"
public static final String EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS
A Parcelable[] of Intent
objects as set with
putExtra(java.lang.String, android.os.Parcelable[])
of additional activities to place
a the front of the list of choices, when shown to the user with a
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.INITIAL_INTENTS"
public static final String EXTRA_INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME
Used as a string extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
to install a
package. Specifies the installer package name; this package will receive the
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME"
public static final String EXTRA_INTENT
An Intent describing the choices you would like shown with
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.INTENT"
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_EVENT
A KeyEvent
object containing the event that
triggered the creation of the Intent it is in.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.KEY_EVENT"
public static final String EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY
Extra used to indicate that an intent should only return data that is on the local device. This is a boolean extra; the default is false. If true, an implementation should only allow the user to select data that is already on the device, not requiring it be downloaded from a remote service when opened.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.LOCAL_ONLY"
public static final String EXTRA_LOCUS_ID
Intent extra: ID of the context used on ACTION_VIEW_LOCUS
Type: LocusId
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.LOCUS_ID"
public static final String EXTRA_MIME_TYPES
Extra used to communicate a set of acceptable MIME types. The type of the
extra is String[]
. Values may be a combination of concrete MIME
types (such as "image/png") and/or partial MIME types (such as
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.MIME_TYPES"
public static final String EXTRA_NOT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE
Used as a boolean extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
to install a
package. Specifies that the application being installed should not be
treated as coming from an unknown source, but as coming from the app
invoking the Intent. For this to work you must start the installer with
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.NOT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE"
public static final String EXTRA_ORIGINATING_URI
Used as a URI extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
to indicate the URI from which the local APK in the Intent
data field originated from.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.ORIGINATING_URI"
public static final String EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME
Intent extra: An app package name.
Type: String
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.PACKAGE_NAME"
public static final String EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER
A String holding the phone number originally entered in
, or the actual
number to call in a ACTION_CALL
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.PHONE_NUMBER"
public static final String EXTRA_PROCESS_TEXT
The name of the extra used to define the text to be processed, as a
CharSequence. Note that this may be a styled CharSequence, so you must use
to retrieve it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.PROCESS_TEXT"
public static final String EXTRA_PROCESS_TEXT_READONLY
The name of the boolean extra used to define if the processed text will be used as read-only.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.PROCESS_TEXT_READONLY"
public static final String EXTRA_QUICK_VIEW_FEATURES
An optional extra of String[]
indicating which quick view features should be made
available to the user in the quick view UI while handing a
, QuickViewConstants#FEATURE_DELETE
, QuickViewConstants#FEATURE_SEND
is not present, quick viewer should follow
internal policies.
, does not constitute a
requirement that the feature be shown. Quick viewer may, according to its own policies,
disable or hide features.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.QUICK_VIEW_FEATURES"
public static final String EXTRA_QUIET_MODE
Optional boolean extra indicating whether quiet mode has been switched on or off. When a profile goes into quiet mode, all apps in the profile are killed and the profile user is stopped. Widgets originating from the profile are masked, and app launcher icons are grayed out.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.QUIET_MODE"
public static final String EXTRA_REFERRER
This extra can be used with any Intent used to launch an activity, supplying information
about who is launching that activity. This field contains a Uri
object, typically an http: or https: URI of the web site that the referral came from;
it can also use the android-app:
scheme to identify
a native application that it came from.
To retrieve this value in a client, use Activity.getReferrer()
instead of directly retrieving the extra. It is also valid for applications to
instead supply EXTRA_REFERRER_NAME
for cases where they can only create
a string, not a Uri; the field here, if supplied, will always take precedence,
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.REFERRER"
public static final String EXTRA_REFERRER_NAME
Alternate version of EXTRA_REFERRER
that supplies the URI as a String rather
than a Uri
object. Only for use in cases where Uri objects can
not be created, in particular when Intent extras are supplied through the
or android-app:
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME"
public static final String EXTRA_REMOTE_INTENT_TOKEN
Used in the extra field in the remote intent. It's astring token passed with the remote intent.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.remote_intent_token"
public static final String EXTRA_REPLACEMENT_EXTRAS
A Bundle forming a mapping of potential target package names to different extras Bundles
to add to the default intent extras in EXTRA_INTENT
when used with
. Each key should be a package name. The package need not
be currently installed on the device.
An application may choose to provide alternate extras for the case where a user
selects an activity from a predetermined set of target packages. If the activity
the user selects from the chooser belongs to a package with its package name as
a key in this bundle, the corresponding extras for that package will be merged with
the extras already present in the intent at EXTRA_INTENT
. If a replacement
extra has the same key as an extra already present in the intent it will overwrite
the extra from the intent.
to an application
when sharing with it via ACTION_SEND
, augmenting a link with additional query
parameters for that target.Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.REPLACEMENT_EXTRAS"
public static final String EXTRA_REPLACING
Used as a boolean extra field in ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED
intents to indicate that this is a replacement of the package, so this
broadcast will immediately be followed by an add broadcast for a
different version of the same package.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.REPLACING"
public static final String EXTRA_RESTRICTIONS_BUNDLE
Extra sent in the intent to the BroadcastReceiver that handles
. The type of the extra is a Bundle containing
the restrictions as key/value pairs.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.restrictions_bundle"
public static final String EXTRA_RESTRICTIONS_INTENT
Extra used in the response from a BroadcastReceiver that handles
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.restrictions_intent"
public static final String EXTRA_RESTRICTIONS_LIST
Extra used in the response from a BroadcastReceiver that handles
. The type of the extra is
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.restrictions_list"
public static final String EXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER
A ResultReceiver
used to return data back to the sender.
Used to complete an app-specific
is present in the intent
used to start a ACTION_CHOOSER
activity this extra will be
filled in
to that IntentSender
and sent
when the user selects a target component from the chooser. It is up to the recipient
to send a result to this ResultReceiver to signal that disambiguation is complete
and that the chooser should invoke the user's choice.
The disambiguator should provide a Bundle to the ResultReceiver with an intent
assigned to the key EXTRA_INTENT
. This supplied intent will be used by the chooser
to match and fill in the final Intent or ChooserTarget before starting it.
The supplied intent must match
one of the intents from
passed to
to be accepted.
The result code passed to the ResultReceiver should be
if the refinement succeeded and the supplied intent's
target in the chooser should be started, or Activity.RESULT_CANCELED
the chooser should finish without starting a target.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.RESULT_RECEIVER"
public static final String EXTRA_RETURN_RESULT
Used as a boolean extra field with ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE
. Specifies that the installer UI should
return to the application the result code of the install/uninstall. The returned result
code will be Activity.RESULT_OK
on success or
on failure.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.RETURN_RESULT"
public static final String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with ShortcutManager.createShortcutResultIntent(ShortcutInfo)
The name of the extra used to define the icon, as a Bitmap, of a shortcut.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON"
public static final String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with ShortcutManager.createShortcutResultIntent(ShortcutInfo)
The name of the extra used to define the icon, as a ShortcutIconResource, of a shortcut.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON_RESOURCE"
public static final String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ID
Intent extra: ID of the shortcut used to send the share intent. Will be sent with
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.shortcut.ID"
public static final String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with ShortcutManager.createShortcutResultIntent(ShortcutInfo)
The name of the extra used to define the Intent of a shortcut.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT"
public static final String EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME
This constant is deprecated.
Replaced with ShortcutManager.createShortcutResultIntent(ShortcutInfo)
The name of the extra used to define the name of a shortcut.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME"
public static final String EXTRA_SHUTDOWN_USERSPACE_ONLY
Optional extra for ACTION_SHUTDOWN
that allows the sender to qualify that
this shutdown is only for the user space of the system, not a complete shutdown.
When this is true, hardware devices can use this information to determine that
they shouldn't do a complete shutdown of their device since this is not a
complete shutdown down to the kernel, but only user space restarting.
The default if not supplied is false.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.SHUTDOWN_USERSPACE_ONLY"
public static final String EXTRA_SPLIT_NAME
Intent extra: An app split name.
Type: String
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.SPLIT_NAME"
public static final String EXTRA_STREAM
A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent,
used with ACTION_SEND
to supply the data being sent.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.STREAM"
public static final String EXTRA_SUBJECT
A constant string holding the desired subject line of a message.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.SUBJECT"
public static final String EXTRA_SUSPENDED_PACKAGE_EXTRAS
Intent extra: A Bundle
of extras for a package being suspended. Will be sent as an
The contents of this Bundle
are a contract between the suspended app and the
suspending app, i.e. any app with the permission android.permission.SUSPEND_APPS
This is meant to enable the suspended app to better handle the state of being suspended.
See also:
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.SUSPENDED_PACKAGE_EXTRAS"
public static final String EXTRA_TEMPLATE
The initial data to place in a newly created record. Use with
. The data here is a Map containing the same
fields as would be given to the underlying ContentProvider.insert()
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.TEMPLATE"
public static final String EXTRA_TEXT
A constant CharSequence that is associated with the Intent, used with
to supply the literal data to be sent. Note that
this may be a styled CharSequence, so you must use
retrieve it.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.TEXT"
public static final String EXTRA_TIME
Optional extra specifying a time in milliseconds since the Epoch. The value must be non-negative.
Type: long
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.TIME"
public static final String EXTRA_TIMEZONE
specifying the new time zone of the device.
Type: String, the same as returned by TimeZone#getID()
to identify time zones.
Constant Value: "time-zone"
public static final String EXTRA_TITLE
A CharSequence dialog title to provide to the user when used with a
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.TITLE"
public static final String EXTRA_UID
Used as an int extra field in ACTION_UID_REMOVED
intents to supply the uid the package had been assigned. Also an optional
for the same
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.UID"
public static final String EXTRA_USER
The UserHandle carried with intents.
Constant Value: "android.intent.extra.USER"
public static final int FILL_IN_ACTION
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current action value to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int FILL_IN_CATEGORIES
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current categories to be
overwritten, even if they are already set.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int FILL_IN_CLIP_DATA
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current ClipData to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)
public static final int FILL_IN_COMPONENT
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current component value to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
public static final int FILL_IN_DATA
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current data or type value
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int FILL_IN_IDENTIFIER
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current identifier value to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)
public static final int FILL_IN_PACKAGE
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current package value to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)
public static final int FILL_IN_SELECTOR
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current selector to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)
public static final int FILL_IN_SOURCE_BOUNDS
Use with fillIn(Intent, int)
to allow the current bounds rectangle to be
overwritten, even if it is already set.
Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT
This flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by
the system as described in the
documentation for the singleTask mode.
Constant Value: 4194304 (0x00400000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK
If set in an Intent passed to Context#startActivity
this flag will cause any existing task that would be associated with the
activity to be cleared before the activity is started. That is, the activity
becomes the new root of an otherwise empty task, and any old activities
are finished. This can only be used in conjunction with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
Constant Value: 32768 (0x00008000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
If set, and the activity being launched is already running in the current task, then instead of launching a new instance of that activity, all of the other activities on top of it will be closed and this Intent will be delivered to the (now on top) old activity as a new Intent.
For example, consider a task consisting of the activities: A, B, C, D. If D calls startActivity() with an Intent that resolves to the component of activity B, then C and D will be finished and B receive the given Intent, resulting in the stack now being: A, B.
The currently running instance of activity B in the above example will
either receive the new intent you are starting here in its
onNewIntent() method, or be itself finished and restarted with the
new intent. If it has declared its launch mode to be "multiple" (the
default) and you have not set FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP
the same intent, then it will be finished and re-created; for all other
launch modes or if FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP
is set then this
Intent will be delivered to the current instance's onNewIntent().
This launch mode can also be used to good effect in conjunction with
: if used to start the root activity
of a task, it will bring any currently running instance of that task
to the foreground, and then clear it to its root state. This is
especially useful, for example, when launching an activity from the
notification manager.
See Tasks and Back Stack for more information about tasks.
Constant Value: 67108864 (0x04000000)
This constant is deprecated.
As of API 21 this performs identically to
which should be used instead of this.
Constant Value: 524288 (0x00080000)
If set, the new activity is not kept in the list of recently launched activities.
Constant Value: 8388608 (0x00800000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT
If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an
existing one, then the reply target of the existing activity will be
transferred to the new activity. This way, the new activity can call
and have that result sent back to
the reply target of the original activity.
Constant Value: 33554432 (0x02000000)
This flag is not normally set by application code, but set for you by the system if this activity is being launched from history (longpress home key).
Constant Value: 1048576 (0x00100000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT
This flag is only used for split-screen multi-window mode. The new activity will be displayed
adjacent to the one launching it. This can only be used in conjunction with
required if you want a new instance of an existing activity to be created.
Constant Value: 4096 (0x00001000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_MATCH_EXTERNAL
If set in an Intent passed to Context#startActivity
this flag will attempt to launch an instant app if no full app on the device can already
handle the intent.
When attempting to resolve instant apps externally, the following Intent
are supported:
In the case that no instant app can be found, the installer will be launched to notify the user that the intent could not be resolved. On devices that do not support instant apps, the flag will be ignored.
Constant Value: 2048 (0x00000800)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK
This flag is used to create a new task and launch an activity into it.
This flag is always paired with either FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT
. In both cases these flags alone would
search through existing tasks for ones matching this Intent. Only if no such
task is found would a new task be created. When paired with
FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK both of these behaviors are modified to skip
the search for a matching task and unconditionally start a new task.
do not use this
flag unless you are implementing your own
top-level application launcher. Used in conjunction with
to disable the
behavior of bringing an existing task to the foreground. When set,
a new task is always started to host the Activity for the
Intent, regardless of whether there is already an existing task running
the same thing.
Because the default system does not include graphical task management,
you should not use this flag unless you provide some way for a user to
return back to the tasks you have launched.
for details of this flag's use for
creating new document tasks.
This flag is ignored if one of FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
is not also set.
See Tasks and Back Stack for more information about tasks.
Constant Value: 134217728 (0x08000000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT
This flag is used to open a document into a new task rooted at the activity launched
by this Intent. Through the use of this flag, or its equivalent attribute,
multiple instances of the same activity
containing different documents will appear in the recent tasks list.
The use of the activity attribute form of this,
, is
preferred over the Intent flag described here. The attribute form allows the
Activity to specify multiple document behavior for all launchers of the Activity
whereas using this flag requires each Intent that launches the Activity to specify it.
Note that the default semantics of this flag w.r.t. whether the recents entry for
it is kept after the activity is finished is different than the use of
and R.attr.documentLaunchMode
-- if
this flag is being used to create a new recents entry, then by default that entry
will be removed once the activity is finished. You can modify this behavior with
. When used alone it is the
equivalent of the Activity manifest specifying R.attr.documentLaunchMode
="intoExisting". When used with
FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK it is the equivalent of the Activity manifest specifying
Refer to R.attr.documentLaunchMode
for more information.
Constant Value: 524288 (0x00080000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
If set, this activity will become the start of a new task on this history stack. A task (from the activity that started it to the next task activity) defines an atomic group of activities that the user can move to. Tasks can be moved to the foreground and background; all of the activities inside of a particular task always remain in the same order. See Tasks and Back Stack for more information about tasks.
This flag is generally used by activities that want to present a "launcher" style behavior: they give the user a list of separate things that can be done, which otherwise run completely independently of the activity launching them.
When using this flag, if a task is already running for the activity
you are now starting, then a new activity will not be started; instead,
the current task will simply be brought to the front of the screen with
the state it was last in. See FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK
for a flag
to disable this behavior.
This flag can not be used when the caller is requesting a result from the activity being launched.
Constant Value: 268435456 (0x10000000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION
If set in an Intent passed to Context#startActivity
this flag will prevent the system from applying an activity transition
animation to go to the next activity state. This doesn't mean an
animation will never run -- if another activity change happens that doesn't
specify this flag before the activity started here is displayed, then
that transition will be used. This flag can be put to good use
when you are going to do a series of activity operations but the
animation seen by the user shouldn't be driven by the first activity
change but rather a later one.
Constant Value: 65536 (0x00010000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY
If set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack. As soon as
the user navigates away from it, the activity is finished. This may also
be set with the noHistory
If set, onActivityResult()
is never invoked when the current activity starts a new activity which
sets a result and finishes.
Constant Value: 1073741824 (0x40000000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION
If set, this flag will prevent the normal Activity.onUserLeaveHint()
callback from occurring on the current frontmost activity before it is
paused as the newly-started activity is brought to the front.
Typically, an activity can rely on that callback to indicate that an explicit user action has caused their activity to be moved out of the foreground. The callback marks an appropriate point in the activity's lifecycle for it to dismiss any notifications that it intends to display "until the user has seen them," such as a blinking LED.
If an activity is ever started via any non-user-driven events such as
phone-call receipt or an alarm handler, this flag should be passed to Context#startActivity
, ensuring that the pausing
activity does not think the user has acknowledged its notification.
Constant Value: 262144 (0x00040000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP
If set and this intent is being used to launch a new activity from an existing one, the current activity will not be counted as the top activity for deciding whether the new intent should be delivered to the top instead of starting a new one. The previous activity will be used as the top, with the assumption being that the current activity will finish itself immediately.
Constant Value: 16777216 (0x01000000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT
If set in an Intent passed to Context#startActivity
this flag will cause the launched activity to be brought to the front of its
task's history stack if it is already running.
For example, consider a task consisting of four activities: A, B, C, D.
If D calls startActivity() with an Intent that resolves to the component
of activity B, then B will be brought to the front of the history stack,
with this resulting order: A, C, D, B.
This flag will be ignored if FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
is also
Constant Value: 131072 (0x00020000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_REQUIRE_DEFAULT
If set in an intent passed to Context#startActivity
, this
flag will only launch the intent if it resolves to a single result. If no such result exists
or if the system chooser would otherwise be displayed, an ActivityNotFoundException
will be thrown.
Constant Value: 512 (0x00000200)
If set in an intent passed to Context#startActivity
, this
flag will only launch the intent if it resolves to a result that is not a browser. If no such
result exists, an ActivityNotFoundException
will be thrown.
Constant Value: 1024 (0x00000400)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED
If set, and this activity is either being started in a new task or bringing to the top an existing task, then it will be launched as the front door of the task. This will result in the application of any affinities needed to have that task in the proper state (either moving activities to or from it), or simply resetting that task to its initial state if needed.
Constant Value: 2097152 (0x00200000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS
By default a document created by FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT
have its entry in recent tasks removed when the user closes it (with back
or however else it may finish()). If you would like to instead allow the
document to be kept in recents so that it can be re-launched, you can use
this flag. When set and the task's activity is finished, the recents
entry will remain in the interface for the user to re-launch it, like a
recents entry for a top-level application.
The receiving activity can override this request with
or by explcitly calling
Constant Value: 8192 (0x00002000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP
If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running at the top of the history stack.
Constant Value: 536870912 (0x20000000)
public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME
If set in an Intent passed to Context#startActivity
this flag will cause a newly launching task to be placed on top of the current
home activity task (if there is one). That is, pressing back from the task
will always return the user to home even if that was not the last activity they
saw. This can only be used in conjunction with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
Constant Value: 16384 (0x00004000)
public static final int FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION
A flag you can enable for debugging: when set, log messages will be printed during the resolution of this intent to show you what has been found to create the final resolved list.
Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
public static final int FLAG_DIRECT_BOOT_AUTO
Flag used to automatically match intents based on their Direct Boot awareness and the current user state.
Since the default behavior is to automatically apply the current user state, this is effectively a sentinel value that doesn't change the output of any queries based on its presence or absence.
Instead, this value can be useful in conjunction with
to detect when a caller is relying on implicit automatic matching,
instead of confirming the explicit behavior they want.
Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)
public static final int FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES
If set, this intent will not match any components in packages that are currently stopped. If this is not set, then the default behavior is to include such applications in the result.
Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)
public static final int FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND
Can be set by the caller to indicate that this Intent is coming from a background operation, not from direct user interaction.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
, the URI permission grant can be
persisted across device reboots until explicitly revoked with
Context#revokeUriPermission(Uri, int)
. This flag only offers the
grant for possible persisting; the receiving application must call
ContentResolver#takePersistableUriPermission(Uri, int)
actually persist.
See also:
Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)
public static final int FLAG_GRANT_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION
, the URI permission grant
applies to any URI that is a prefix match against the original granted
URI. (Without this flag, the URI must match exactly for access to be
granted.) Another URI is considered a prefix match only when scheme,
authority, and all path segments defined by the prefix are an exact
Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)
public static final int FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
If set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform read operations on the URI in the Intent's data and any URIs specified in its ClipData. When applying to an Intent's ClipData, all URIs as well as recursive traversals through data or other ClipData in Intent items will be granted; only the grant flags of the top-level Intent are used.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
If set, the recipient of this Intent will be granted permission to perform write operations on the URI in the Intent's data and any URIs specified in its ClipData. When applying to an Intent's ClipData, all URIs as well as recursive traversals through data or other ClipData in Intent items will be granted; only the grant flags of the top-level Intent are used.
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES
If set, this intent will always match any components in packages that
are currently stopped. This is the default behavior when
is not set. If both of these
flags are set, this one wins (it allows overriding of exclude for
places where the framework may automatically set the exclude flag).
Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)
public static final int FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND
If set, when sending a broadcast the recipient is allowed to run at foreground priority, with a shorter timeout interval. During normal broadcasts the receivers are not automatically hoisted out of the background priority class.
Constant Value: 268435456 (0x10000000)
public static final int FLAG_RECEIVER_NO_ABORT
If this is an ordered broadcast, don't allow receivers to abort the broadcast. They can still propagate results through to later receivers, but they can not prevent later receivers from seeing the broadcast.
Constant Value: 134217728 (0x08000000)
public static final int FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY
If set, when sending a broadcast only registered receivers will be called -- no BroadcastReceiver components will be launched.
Constant Value: 1073741824 (0x40000000)
public static final int FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING
If set, when sending a broadcast the new broadcast will replace
any existing pending broadcast that matches it. Matching is defined
by Intent#filterEquals(Intent)
true for the intents of the two broadcasts. When a match is found,
the new broadcast (and receivers associated with it) will replace the
existing one in the pending broadcast list, remaining at the same
position in the list.
This flag is most typically used with sticky broadcasts, which only care about delivering the most recent values of the broadcast to their receivers.
Constant Value: 536870912 (0x20000000)
If set, the broadcast will be visible to receivers in Instant Apps. By default Instant Apps will not receive broadcasts. This flag has no effect when used by an Instant App.
Constant Value: 2097152 (0x00200000)
public static final String METADATA_DOCK_HOME
Boolean that can be supplied as meta-data with a dock activity, to indicate that the dock should take over the home key when it is active.
Constant Value: "android.dock_home"
public static final int URI_ALLOW_UNSAFE
Flag for use with toUri(int)
and parseUri(String, int)
: allow parsing
of unsafe information. In particular, the flags FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
flags can not be set, so that the
generated Intent can not cause unexpected data access to happen.
If you do not trust the source of the URI being parsed, you should still do further
processing to protect yourself from it. In particular, when using it to start an
activity you should usually add in CATEGORY_BROWSABLE
to limit the activities
that can handle it.
Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
public static final int URI_ANDROID_APP_SCHEME
Flag for use with toUri(int)
and parseUri(String, int)
: the URI string
always has the "android-app:" scheme. This is a variation of
whose format is simpler for the case of an
http/https URI being delivered to a specific package name. The format
In this scheme, only the package_id
is required. If you include a host,
you must also include a scheme; including a path also requires both a host and a scheme.
The final #Intent; fragment can be used without a scheme, host, or path.
Note that this can not be
used with intents that have a setSelector(Intent)
, since the base intent
will always have an explicit package name.
Some examples of how this scheme maps to Intent objects:
URI | Intent | ||||||
android-app://com.example.app |
android-app://com.example.app/http/example.com |
android-app://com.example.app/http/example.com/foo?1234 |
android-app://com.example.app/ |
android-app://com.example.app/http/example.com/foo?1234 |
android-app://com.example.app/ |
Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int URI_INTENT_SCHEME
Flag for use with toUri(int)
and parseUri(String, int)
: the URI string
always has the "intent:" scheme. This syntax can be used when you want
to later disambiguate between URIs that are intended to describe an
Intent vs. all others that should be treated as raw URIs. When used
with parseUri(String, int)
, any other scheme will result in a generic
VIEW action for that raw URI.
Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public Intent ()
Create an empty intent.
public Intent (String action)
Create an intent with a given action. All other fields (data, type, class) are null. Note that the action must be in a namespace because Intents are used globally in the system -- for example the system VIEW action is android.intent.action.VIEW; an application's custom action would be something like com.google.app.myapp.CUSTOM_ACTION.
Parameters | |
action |
String : The Intent action, such as ACTION_VIEW. |
public Intent (String action, Uri uri)
Create an intent with a given action and for a given data url. Note that the action must be in a namespace because Intents are used globally in the system -- for example the system VIEW action is android.intent.action.VIEW; an application's custom action would be something like com.google.app.myapp.CUSTOM_ACTION.
Note: scheme and host name matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike the formal RFC. As a result, you should always ensure that you write your Uri with these elements using lower case letters, and normalize any Uris you receive from outside of Android to ensure the scheme and host is lower case.
Parameters | |
action |
String : The Intent action, such as ACTION_VIEW. |
uri |
Uri : The Intent data URI. |
public Intent (Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
Create an intent for a specific component. All other fields (action, data,
type, class) are null, though they can be modified later with explicit
calls. This provides a convenient way to create an intent that is
intended to execute a hard-coded class name, rather than relying on the
system to find an appropriate class for you; see setComponent(ComponentName)
for more information on the repercussions of this.
Parameters | |
packageContext |
Context : A Context of the application package implementing
this class. |
cls |
Class : The component class that is to be used for the intent. |
public Intent (String action, Uri uri, Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
Create an intent for a specific component with a specified action and data.
This is equivalent to using Intent(java.lang.String, android.net.Uri)
construct the Intent and then calling setClass(Context, Class>)
to set its
Note: scheme and host name matching in the Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike the formal RFC. As a result, you should always ensure that you write your Uri with these elements using lower case letters, and normalize any Uris you receive from outside of Android to ensure the scheme and host is lower case.
Parameters | |
action |
String : The Intent action, such as ACTION_VIEW. |
uri |
Uri : The Intent data URI. |
packageContext |
Context : A Context of the application package implementing
this class. |
cls |
Class : The component class that is to be used for the intent. |
public Intent addCategory (String category)
Add a new category to the intent. Categories provide additional detail about the action the intent performs. When resolving an intent, only activities that provide all of the requested categories will be used.
Parameters | |
category |
String : The desired category. This can be either one of the
predefined Intent categories, or a custom category in your own
namespace. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent addFlags (int flags)
Add additional flags to the intent (or with existing flags value).
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls into
a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
See also:
public Object clone ()
Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning
of "copy" may depend on the class of the object. The general
intent is that, for any object x
, the expression:
will be true, and that the expression:x.clone() != x
will bex.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
, but these are not absolute requirements.
While it is typically the case that:
will bex.clone().equals(x)
, this is not an absolute requirement.
By convention, the returned object should be obtained by calling
. If a class and all of its superclasses (except
) obey this convention, it will be the case that
x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
By convention, the object returned by this method should be independent
of this object (which is being cloned). To achieve this independence,
it may be necessary to modify one or more fields of the object returned
by super.clone
before returning it. Typically, this means
copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal "deep structure"
of the object being cloned and replacing the references to these
objects with references to the copies. If a class contains only
primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually
the case that no fields in the object returned by super.clone
need to be modified.
The method clone
for class Object
performs a
specific cloning operation. First, if the class of this object does
not implement the interface Cloneable
, then a
is thrown. Note that all arrays
are considered to implement the interface Cloneable
and that
the return type of the clone
method of an array type T[]
is T[]
where T is any reference or primitive type.
Otherwise, this method creates a new instance of the class of this
object and initializes all its fields with exactly the contents of
the corresponding fields of this object, as if by assignment; the
contents of the fields are not themselves cloned. Thus, this method
performs a "shallow copy" of this object, not a "deep copy" operation.
The class Object
does not itself implement the interface
, so calling the clone
method on an object
whose class is Object
will result in throwing an
exception at run time.
Returns | |
Object |
a clone of this instance. |
public Intent cloneFilter ()
Make a clone of only the parts of the Intent that are relevant for filter matching: the action, data, type, component, and categories.
Returns | |
Intent |
This value cannot be null . |
public static Intent createChooser (Intent target, CharSequence title, IntentSender sender)
Convenience function for creating a ACTION_CHOOSER
Intent that wraps the given
target intent, also optionally supplying a title. If the target
, then these flags will also be
set in the returned chooser intent, with its ClipData set appropriately:
either a direct reflection of getClipData()
if that is non-null,
or a new ClipData built from getData()
The caller may optionally supply an IntentSender
to receive a callback
when the user makes a choice. This can be useful if the calling application wants
to remember the last chosen target and surface it as a more prominent or one-touch
affordance elsewhere in the UI for next time.
Parameters | |
target |
Intent : The Intent that the user will be selecting an activity
to perform. |
title |
CharSequence : Optional title that will be displayed in the chooser,
only when the target action is not ACTION_SEND or ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE. |
sender |
IntentSender : Optional IntentSender to be called when a choice is made. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Return a new Intent object that you can hand to
Context#startActivity(Intent) and
related methods. |
public static Intent createChooser (Intent target, CharSequence title)
Convenience function for creating a ACTION_CHOOSER
Intent that wraps the given
target intent, also optionally supplying a title. If the target
, then these flags will also be
set in the returned chooser intent, with its ClipData set appropriately:
either a direct reflection of getClipData()
if that is non-null,
or a new ClipData built from getData()
Parameters | |
target |
Intent : The Intent that the user will be selecting an activity
to perform. |
title |
CharSequence : Optional title that will be displayed in the chooser,
only when the target action is not ACTION_SEND or ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Return a new Intent object that you can hand to
Context#startActivity(Intent) and
related methods. |
public int describeContents ()
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable
instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will
include a file descriptor in the output of writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int)
the return value of this method must include the
Returns | |
int |
a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled
by this Parcelable object instance.
Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR |
public int fillIn (Intent other, int flags)
Copy the contents of other in to this object, but only where fields are not defined by this object. For purposes of a field being defined, the following pieces of data in the Intent are considered to be separate fields:
, or setDataAndType(android.net.Uri, java.lang.String)
related methods.
In addition, you can use the FILL_IN_ACTION
to override
the restriction where the corresponding field will not be replaced if
it is already set.
Note: The component field will only be copied if FILL_IN_COMPONENT
is explicitly specified. The selector will only be copied if
is explicitly specified.
For example, consider Intent A with {data="foo", categories="bar"} and Intent B with {action="gotit", data-type="some/thing", categories="one","two"}.
Calling A.fillIn(B, Intent.FILL_IN_DATA) will result in A now containing: {action="gotit", data-type="some/thing", categories="bar"}.
Parameters | |
other |
Intent : Another Intent whose values are to be used to fill in
the current one.
This value cannot be null . |
flags |
int : Options to control which fields can be filled in.
Returns | |
int |
Returns a bit mask of FILL_IN_ACTION ,
FILL_IN_SELECTOR and FILL_IN_CLIP_DATA indicating which fields were
public boolean filterEquals (Intent other)
Determine if two intents are the same for the purposes of intent
resolution (filtering). That is, if their action, data, type, identity,
class, and categories are the same. This does not compare
any extra data included in the intents. Note that technically when actually
matching against an IntentFilter
the identifier is ignored, while here
it is directly compared for equality like the other fields.
Parameters | |
other |
Intent : The other Intent to compare against. |
Returns | |
boolean |
Returns true if action, data, type, class, and categories are the same. |
public int filterHashCode ()
Generate hash code that matches semantics of filterEquals().
Returns | |
int |
Returns the hash value of the action, data, type, class, and categories. |
See also:
public String getAction ()
Retrieve the general action to be performed, such as
. The action describes the general way the rest of
the information in the intent should be interpreted -- most importantly,
what to do with the data returned by getData()
Returns | |
String |
The action of this intent or null if none is specified. |
See also:
public boolean[] getBooleanArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
boolean[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no boolean array value was found. |
See also:
public boolean getBooleanExtra (String name, boolean defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
boolean : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
boolean |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public Bundle getBundleExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
Bundle |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no Bundle value was found. |
See also:
public byte[] getByteArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
byte[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no byte array value was found. |
See also:
public byte getByteExtra (String name, byte defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
byte : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
byte |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public Set<String> getCategories ()
Return the set of all categories in the intent. If there are no categories, returns NULL.
Returns | |
Set<String> |
The set of categories you can examine. Do not modify! |
See also:
public char[] getCharArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
char[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no char array value was found. |
See also:
public char getCharExtra (String name, char defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
char : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
char |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public CharSequence[] getCharSequenceArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
CharSequence[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no CharSequence array value was found. |
See also:
public ArrayList<CharSequence> getCharSequenceArrayListExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
ArrayList<CharSequence> |
the value of an item previously added with
putCharSequenceArrayListExtra, or null if no
ArrayList |
public CharSequence getCharSequenceExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
CharSequence |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no CharSequence value was found. |
See also:
public ClipData getClipData ()
Return the ClipData
associated with this Intent. If there is
none, returns null. See setClipData(ClipData)
for more information.
Returns | |
ClipData |
See also:
public ComponentName getComponent ()
Retrieve the concrete component associated with the intent. When receiving an intent, this is the component that was found to best handle it (that is, yourself) and will always be non-null; in all other cases it will be null unless explicitly set.
Returns | |
ComponentName |
The name of the application component to handle the intent. |
public Uri getData ()
Retrieve data this intent is operating on. This URI specifies the name of the data; often it uses the content: scheme, specifying data in a content provider. Other schemes may be handled by specific activities, such as http: by the web browser.
Returns | |
Uri |
The URI of the data this intent is targeting or null. |
See also:
public String getDataString ()
The same as getData()
, but returns the URI as an encoded
Returns | |
String |
This value may be null . |
public double[] getDoubleArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
double[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no double array value was found. |
See also:
public double getDoubleExtra (String name, double defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
double : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
double |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public Bundle getExtras ()
Retrieves a map of extended data from the intent.
Returns | |
Bundle |
the map of all extras previously added with putExtra(), or null if none have been added. |
public int getFlags ()
Retrieve any special flags associated with this intent. You will
normally just set them with setFlags(int)
and let the system
take the appropriate action with them.
public float[] getFloatArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
float[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no float array value was found. |
See also:
public float getFloatExtra (String name, float defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
float : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
float |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if no such item is present |
See also:
public String getIdentifier ()
Retrieve the identifier for this Intent. If non-null, this is an arbitrary identity of the Intent to distinguish it from other Intents.
Returns | |
String |
The identifier of this intent or null if none is specified. |
See also:
public int[] getIntArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
int[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no int array value was found. |
See also:
public int getIntExtra (String name, int defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
int : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
int |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public ArrayList<Integer> getIntegerArrayListExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
ArrayList<Integer> |
the value of an item previously added with
putIntegerArrayListExtra(), or null if no
ArrayList |
public static Intent getIntent (String uri)
This method is deprecated.
Use parseUri(String, int)
Call parseUri(String, int)
with 0 flags.
Parameters | |
uri |
String |
Returns | |
Intent |
Throws | |
URISyntaxException |
public static Intent getIntentOld (String uri)
Parameters | |
uri |
String |
Returns | |
Intent |
Throws | |
URISyntaxException |
public long[] getLongArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
long[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no long array value was found. |
See also:
public long getLongExtra (String name, long defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
long : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
long |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public String getPackage ()
Retrieve the application package name this Intent is limited to. When resolving an Intent, if non-null this limits the resolution to only components in the given application package.
Returns | |
String |
The name of the application package for the Intent. |
public Parcelable[] getParcelableArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
Parcelable[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no Parcelable[] value was found. |
See also:
public ArrayList<T> getParcelableArrayListExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
ArrayList<T> |
the value of an item previously added with
putParcelableArrayListExtra(), or null if no
ArrayList |
public T getParcelableExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
T |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no Parcelable value was found. |
See also:
public String getScheme ()
Return the scheme portion of the intent's data. If the data is null or does not include a scheme, null is returned. Otherwise, the scheme prefix without the final ':' is returned, i.e. "http".
This is the same as calling getData().getScheme() (and checking for null data).
Returns | |
String |
The scheme of this intent. |
See also:
public Intent getSelector ()
Return the specific selector associated with this Intent. If there is
none, returns null. See setSelector(Intent)
for more information.
Returns | |
Intent |
See also:
public Serializable getSerializableExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
Serializable |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no Serializable value was found. |
See also:
public short[] getShortArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
short[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no short array value was found. |
See also:
public short getShortExtra (String name, short defaultValue)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
defaultValue |
short : the value to be returned if no value of the desired
type is stored with the given name. |
Returns | |
short |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or the default value if none was found. |
See also:
public Rect getSourceBounds ()
Get the bounds of the sender of this intent, in screen coordinates. This can be used as a hint to the receiver for animations and the like. Null means that there is no source bounds.
Returns | |
Rect |
This value may be null . |
public String[] getStringArrayExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
String[] |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no String array value was found. |
See also:
public ArrayList<String> getStringArrayListExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
ArrayList<String> |
the value of an item previously added with
putStringArrayListExtra(), or null if no
ArrayList |
public String getStringExtra (String name)
Retrieve extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the desired item. |
Returns | |
String |
the value of an item previously added with putExtra(), or null if no String value was found. |
See also:
public String getType ()
Retrieve any explicit MIME type included in the intent. This is usually null, as the type is determined by the intent data.
Returns | |
String |
If a type was manually set, it is returned; else null is returned. |
public boolean hasCategory (String category)
Check if a category exists in the intent.
Parameters | |
category |
String : The category to check. |
Returns | |
boolean |
boolean True if the intent contains the category, else false. |
See also:
public boolean hasExtra (String name)
Returns true if an extra value is associated with the given name.
Parameters | |
name |
String : the extra's name |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the given extra is present. |
public boolean hasFileDescriptors ()
Returns true if the Intent's extras contain a parcelled file descriptor.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the Intent contains a parcelled file descriptor. |
public static Intent makeMainActivity (ComponentName mainActivity)
Create an intent to launch the main (root) activity of a task. This is the Intent that is started when the application's is launched from Home. For anything else that wants to launch an application in the same way, it is important that they use an Intent structured the same way, and can use this function to ensure this is the case.
The returned Intent has the given Activity component as its explicit
component, ACTION_MAIN
as its action, and includes the
. This does not have
set, though typically you will want
to do that through addFlags(int)
on the returned Intent.
Parameters | |
mainActivity |
ComponentName : The main activity component that this Intent will
launch. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns a newly created Intent that can be used to launch the activity as a main application entry. |
public static Intent makeMainSelectorActivity (String selectorAction, String selectorCategory)
Make an Intent for the main activity of an application, without specifying a specific activity to run but giving a selector to find the activity. This results in a final Intent that is structured the same as when the application is launched from Home. For anything else that wants to launch an application in the same way, it is important that they use an Intent structured the same way, and can use this function to ensure this is the case.
The returned Intent has ACTION_MAIN
as its action, and includes the
. This does not have
set, though typically you will want
to do that through addFlags(int)
on the returned Intent.
Parameters | |
selectorAction |
String : The action name of the Intent's selector. |
selectorCategory |
String : The name of a category to add to the Intent's
selector. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns a newly created Intent that can be used to launch the activity as a main application entry. |
See also:
public static Intent makeRestartActivityTask (ComponentName mainActivity)
Make an Intent that can be used to re-launch an application's task
in its base state. This is like makeMainActivity(android.content.ComponentName)
but also sets the flags FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
Parameters | |
mainActivity |
ComponentName : The activity component that is the root of the
task; this is the activity that has been published in the application's
manifest as the main launcher icon. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns a newly created Intent that can be used to relaunch the activity's task in its root state. |
public static String normalizeMimeType (String type)
Normalize a MIME data type.
A normalized MIME type has white-space trimmed, content-type parameters removed, and is lower-case. This aligns the type with Android best practices for intent filtering.
For example, "text/plain; charset=utf-8" becomes "text/plain". "text/x-vCard" becomes "text/x-vcard".
All MIME types received from outside Android (such as user input, or external sources like Bluetooth, NFC, or the Internet) should be normalized before they are used to create an Intent.
Parameters | |
type |
String : MIME data type to normalize
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
String |
normalized MIME data type, or null if the input was null |
public static Intent parseIntent (Resources resources, XmlPullParser parser, AttributeSet attrs)
Parses the "intent" element (and its children) from XML and instantiates
an Intent object. The given XML parser should be located at the tag
where parsing should start (often named "intent"), from which the
basic action, data, type, and package and class name will be
retrieved. The function will then parse in to any child elements,
looking for
Parameters | |
resources |
Resources : The Resources to use when inflating resources.
This value cannot be null . |
parser |
XmlPullParser : The XML parser pointing at an "intent" tag.
This value cannot be null . |
attrs |
AttributeSet : The AttributeSet interface for retrieving extended
attribute data at the current parser location. |
Returns | |
Intent |
An Intent object matching the XML data.
This value cannot be null . |
Throws | |
XmlPullParserException |
If there was an XML parsing error. |
IOException |
If there was an I/O error. |
public static Intent parseUri (String uri, int flags)
Create an intent from a URI. This URI may encode the action,
category, and other intent fields, if it was returned by
. If the Intent was not generate by toUri(), its data
will be the entire URI and its action will be ACTION_VIEW.
The URI given here must not be relative -- that is, it must include the scheme and full path.
Parameters | |
uri |
String : The URI to turn into an Intent. |
flags |
int : Additional processing flags.
Value is either 0 or a combination of URI_ALLOW_UNSAFE , URI_ANDROID_APP_SCHEME , and URI_INTENT_SCHEME |
Returns | |
Intent |
Intent The newly created Intent object. |
Throws | |
URISyntaxException |
Throws URISyntaxError if the basic URI syntax it bad (as parsed by the Uri class) or the Intent data within the URI is invalid. |
See also:
public Intent putCharSequenceArrayListExtra (String name, ArrayList<CharSequence> value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
ArrayList : The ArrayListnull . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, Parcelable value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
Parcelable : The Parcelable data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, long[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
long : The byte array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, byte value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
byte : The byte data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, double[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
double : The double array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, CharSequence value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
CharSequence : The CharSequence data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, boolean[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
boolean : The boolean array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, int value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
int : The integer data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, char[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
char : The char array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, byte[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
byte : The byte array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, Parcelable[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
Parcelable : The Parcelable[] data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, Bundle value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
Bundle : The Bundle data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, CharSequence[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
CharSequence : The CharSequence array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, float[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
float : The float array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, double value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
double : The double data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, int[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
int : The int array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, String[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
String : The String array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, short[] value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
short : The short array data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, boolean value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
boolean : The boolean data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, String value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
String : The String data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, long value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
long : The long data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, char value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
char : The char data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, Serializable value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
Serializable : The Serializable data value.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, float value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
float : The float data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtra (String name, short value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
short : The short data value. |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putExtras (Intent src)
Copy all extras in 'src' in to this intent.
Parameters | |
src |
Intent : Contains the extras to copy.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
This value cannot be null . |
See also:
public Intent putExtras (Bundle extras)
Add a set of extended data to the intent. The keys must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
extras |
Bundle : The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putIntegerArrayListExtra (String name, ArrayList<Integer> value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
ArrayList : The ArrayListnull . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putParcelableArrayListExtra (String name, ArrayList<? extends Parcelable> value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
ArrayList : The ArrayListnull . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent putStringArrayListExtra (String name, ArrayList<String> value)
Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".
Parameters | |
name |
String : The name of the extra data, with package prefix. |
value |
ArrayList : The ArrayListnull . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public void removeCategory (String category)
Remove a category from an intent.
Parameters | |
category |
String : The category to remove. |
See also:
public void removeExtra (String name)
Remove extended data from the intent.
Parameters | |
name |
String |
See also:
public void removeFlags (int flags)
Remove these flags from the intent.
See also:
public Intent replaceExtras (Intent src)
Completely replace the extras in the Intent with the extras in the given Intent.
Parameters | |
src |
Intent : The exact extras contained in this Intent are copied
into the target intent, replacing any that were previously there.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent replaceExtras (Bundle extras)
Completely replace the extras in the Intent with the given Bundle of extras.
Parameters | |
extras |
Bundle : The new set of extras in the Intent, or null to erase
all extras.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
public ComponentName resolveActivity (PackageManager pm)
Return the Activity component that should be used to handle this intent. The appropriate component is determined based on the information in the intent, evaluated as follows:
If getComponent()
returns an explicit class, that is returned
without any further consideration.
The activity must handle the Intent#CATEGORY_DEFAULT
category to be considered.
If getAction()
is non-NULL, the activity must handle this
If resolveType(ContentResolver)
returns non-NULL, the activity must handle
this type.
If addCategory(String)
has added any categories, the activity must
handle ALL of the categories specified.
If getPackage()
is non-NULL, only activity components in
that application package will be considered.
If there are no activities that satisfy all of these conditions, a null string is returned.
If multiple activities are found to satisfy the intent, the one with the highest priority will be used. If there are multiple activities with the same priority, the system will either pick the best activity based on user preference, or resolve to a system class that will allow the user to pick an activity and forward from there.
This method is implemented simply by calling
with the "defaultOnly" parameter
This API is called for you as part of starting an activity from an intent. You do not normally need to call it yourself.
Parameters | |
pm |
PackageManager : The package manager with which to resolve the Intent.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
ComponentName |
Name of the component implementing an activity that can display the intent. |
public ActivityInfo resolveActivityInfo (PackageManager pm, int flags)
Resolve the Intent into an ActivityInfo
describing the activity that should execute the intent. Resolution
follows the same rules as described for resolveActivity(PackageManager)
, but
you get back the completely information about the resolved activity
instead of just its class name.
Parameters | |
pm |
PackageManager : The package manager with which to resolve the Intent.
This value cannot be null . |
flags |
int : Addition information to retrieve as per
PackageManager#getActivityInfo(ComponentName, int) .
Value is either 0 or a combination of PackageManager.GET_META_DATA , PackageManager.GET_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES , PackageManager.MATCH_ALL , android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY , PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS , PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS , PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AUTO , PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE , PackageManager.MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE , PackageManager.MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY , PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES , android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_INSTANT, android.content.pm.PackageManager.MATCH_STATIC_SHARED_LIBRARIES, PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_COMPONENTS , PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS , and PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES |
Returns | |
ActivityInfo |
PackageManager.ActivityInfo |
See also:
public String resolveType (Context context)
Return the MIME data type of this intent. If the type field is explicitly set, that is simply returned. Otherwise, if the data is set, the type of that data is returned. If neither fields are set, a null is returned.
Parameters | |
context |
Context : This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
String |
The MIME type of this intent. |
See also:
public String resolveType (ContentResolver resolver)
Return the MIME data type of this intent. If the type field is explicitly set, that is simply returned. Otherwise, if the data is set, the type of that data is returned. If neither fields are set, a null is returned.
Parameters | |
resolver |
ContentResolver : A ContentResolver that can be used to determine the MIME
type of the intent's data.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
String |
The MIME type of this intent. |
See also:
public String resolveTypeIfNeeded (ContentResolver resolver)
Return the MIME data type of this intent, only if it will be needed for intent resolution. This is not generally useful for application code; it is used by the frameworks for communicating with back-end system services.
Parameters | |
resolver |
ContentResolver : A ContentResolver that can be used to determine the MIME
type of the intent's data.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
String |
The MIME type of this intent, or null if it is unknown or not needed. |
public Intent setAction (String action)
Set the general action to be performed.
Parameters | |
action |
String : An action name, such as ACTION_VIEW. Application-specific
actions should be prefixed with the vendor's package name.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
See also:
public Intent setClass (Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)
Convenience for calling setComponent(android.content.ComponentName)
with the
name returned by a Class
Parameters | |
packageContext |
Context : A Context of the application package implementing
this class.
This value cannot be null . |
cls |
Class : The class name to set, equivalent to
setClassName(context, cls.getName()) .
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
See also:
public Intent setClassName (String packageName, String className)
Convenience for calling setComponent(ComponentName)
with an
explicit application package name and class name.
Parameters | |
packageName |
String : The name of the package implementing the desired
This value cannot be null . |
className |
String : The name of a class inside of the application package
that will be used as the component for this Intent.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent setClassName (Context packageContext, String className)
Convenience for calling setComponent(ComponentName)
with an
explicit class name.
Parameters | |
packageContext |
Context : A Context of the application package implementing
this class.
This value cannot be null . |
className |
String : The name of a class inside of the application package
that will be used as the component for this Intent.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public void setClipData (ClipData clip)
Set a ClipData
associated with this Intent. This replaces any
previously set ClipData.
The ClipData in an intent is not used for Intent matching or other
such operations. Semantically it is like extras, used to transmit
additional data with the Intent. The main feature of using this over
the extras for data is that FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
will operate on any URI
items included in the clip data. This is useful, in particular, if
you want to transmit an Intent containing multiple content:
URIs for which the recipient may not have global permission to access the
content provider.
If the ClipData contains items that are themselves Intents, any grant flags in those Intents will be ignored. Only the top-level flags of the main Intent are respected, and will be applied to all Uri or Intent items in the clip (or sub-items of the clip).
The MIME type, label, and icon in the ClipData object are not directly used by Intent. Applications should generally rely on the MIME type of the Intent itself, not what it may find in the ClipData. A common practice is to construct a ClipData for use with an Intent with a MIME type of "*/*".
Parameters | |
clip |
ClipData : The new clip to set. May be null to clear the current clip.
This value may be null . |
public Intent setComponent (ComponentName component)
(Usually optional) Explicitly set the component to handle the intent. If left with the default value of null, the system will determine the appropriate class to use based on the other fields (action, data, type, categories) in the Intent. If this class is defined, the specified class will always be used regardless of the other fields. You should only set this value when you know you absolutely want a specific class to be used; otherwise it is better to let the system find the appropriate class so that you will respect the installed applications and user preferences.
Parameters | |
component |
ComponentName : The name of the application component to handle the
intent, or null to let the system find one for you.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls into a single statement. |
public Intent setData (Uri data)
Set the data this intent is operating on. This method automatically
clears any type that was previously set by setType(String)
Note: scheme matching in the Android framework is
case-sensitive, unlike the formal RFC. As a result,
you should always write your Uri with a lower case scheme,
or use Uri#normalizeScheme
to ensure that the scheme is converted to lower case.
Parameters | |
data |
Uri : The Uri of the data this intent is now targeting.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent setDataAndNormalize (Uri data)
Normalize and set the data this intent is operating on.
This method automatically clears any type that was
previously set (for example, by setType(String)
The data Uri is normalized using
before it is set,
so really this is just a convenience method for
Parameters | |
data |
Uri : The Uri of the data this intent is now targeting.
This value cannot be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent setDataAndType (Uri data, String type)
(Usually optional) Set the data for the intent along with an explicit MIME data type. This method should very rarely be used -- it allows you to override the MIME type that would ordinarily be inferred from the data with your own type given here.
Note: MIME type and Uri scheme matching in the
Android framework is case-sensitive, unlike the formal RFC definitions.
As a result, you should always write these elements with lower case letters,
or use normalizeMimeType(String)
or Uri.normalizeScheme()
setDataAndTypeAndNormalize(Uri, String)
to ensure that they are converted to lower case.
Parameters | |
data |
Uri : The Uri of the data this intent is now targeting.
This value may be null . |
type |
String : The MIME type of the data being handled by this intent.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent setDataAndTypeAndNormalize (Uri data, String type)
(Usually optional) Normalize and set both the data Uri and an explicit MIME data type. This method should very rarely be used -- it allows you to override the MIME type that would ordinarily be inferred from the data with your own type given here.
The data Uri and the MIME type are normalize using
and normalizeMimeType(String)
before they are set, so really this is just a convenience method for
setDataAndType(data.normalize(), Intent.normalizeMimeType(type))
Parameters | |
data |
Uri : The Uri of the data this intent is now targeting.
This value cannot be null . |
type |
String : The MIME type of the data being handled by this intent.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public void setExtrasClassLoader (ClassLoader loader)
Sets the ClassLoader that will be used when unmarshalling any Parcelable values from the extras of this Intent.
Parameters | |
loader |
ClassLoader : a ClassLoader, or null to use the default loader
at the time of unmarshalling.
This value may be null . |
public Intent setFlags (int flags)
Set special flags controlling how this intent is handled. Most values
here depend on the type of component being executed by the Intent,
specifically the FLAG_ACTIVITY_* flags are all for use with
and the
FLAG_RECEIVER_* flags are all for use with
See the Tasks and Back Stack documentation for important information on how some of these options impact the behavior of your application.
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
See also:
public Intent setIdentifier (String identifier)
Set an identifier for this Intent. If set, this provides a unique identity for this Intent,
allowing it to be unique from other Intents that would otherwise look the same. In
particular, this will be used by filterEquals(android.content.Intent)
to determine if two
Intents are the same as with other fields like setAction(String)
. However, unlike those
fields, the identifier is never used for matching against an IntentFilter
it is as if the identifier has not been set on the Intent.
This can be used, for example, to make this Intent unique from other Intents that
are otherwise the same, for use in creating a PendingIntent
. (Be aware
however that the receiver of the PendingIntent will see whatever you put in here.) The
structure of this string is completely undefined by the platform, however if you are going
to be exposing identifier strings across different applications you may need to define
your own structure if there is no central party defining the contents of this field.
Parameters | |
identifier |
String : The identifier for this Intent. The contents of the string have no
meaning to the system, except whether they are exactly the same as
another identifier.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
See also:
public Intent setPackage (String packageName)
(Usually optional) Set an explicit application package name that limits the components this Intent will resolve to. If left to the default value of null, all components in all applications will considered. If non-null, the Intent can only match the components in the given application package.
Parameters | |
packageName |
String : The name of the application package to handle the
intent, or null to allow any application package.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls into a single statement. |
public void setSelector (Intent selector)
Set a selector for this Intent. This is a modification to the kinds of things the Intent will match. If the selector is set, it will be used when trying to find entities that can handle the Intent, instead of the main contents of the Intent. This allows you build an Intent containing a generic protocol while targeting it more specifically.
An example of where this may be used is with things like
. This category allows you to build an
Intent that will launch the Browser application. However, the correct
main entry point of an application is actually ACTION_MAIN
with setComponent(android.content.ComponentName)
used to specify the actual Activity to launch. If you launch the browser
with something different, undesired behavior may happen if the user has
previously or later launches it the normal way, since they do not match.
Instead, you can build an Intent with the MAIN action (but no ComponentName
yet specified) and set a selector with ACTION_MAIN
to point it specifically to the browser activity.
Setting a selector does not impact the behavior of
and filterHashCode()
. This is part of the
desired behavior of a selector -- it does not impact the base meaning
of the Intent, just what kinds of things will be matched against it
when determining who can handle it.
You can not use both a selector and setPackage(java.lang.String)
the same base Intent.
Parameters | |
selector |
Intent : The desired selector Intent; set to null to not use
a special selector.
This value may be null . |
public void setSourceBounds (Rect r)
Set the bounds of the sender of this intent, in screen coordinates. This can be used as a hint to the receiver for animations and the like. Null means that there is no source bounds.
Parameters | |
r |
Rect : This value may be null . |
public Intent setType (String type)
Set an explicit MIME data type.
This is used to create intents that only specify a type and not data, for example to indicate the type of data to return.
This method automatically clears any data that was
previously set (for example by setData(Uri)
Note: MIME type matching in the Android framework is
case-sensitive, unlike formal RFC MIME types. As a result,
you should always write your MIME types with lower case letters,
or use normalizeMimeType(String)
or setTypeAndNormalize(String)
to ensure that it is converted to lower case.
Parameters | |
type |
String : The MIME type of the data being handled by this intent.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public Intent setTypeAndNormalize (String type)
Normalize and set an explicit MIME data type.
This is used to create intents that only specify a type and not data, for example to indicate the type of data to return.
This method automatically clears any data that was
previously set (for example by setData(Uri)
The MIME type is normalized using
before it is set,
so really this is just a convenience method for
Parameters | |
type |
String : The MIME type of the data being handled by this intent.
This value may be null . |
Returns | |
Intent |
Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls
into a single statement.
This value cannot be null . |
public String toString ()
Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the
method returns a string that
"textually represents" this object. The result should
be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a
person to read.
It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.
The toString
method for class Object
returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the
object is an instance, the at-sign character `@
', and
the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the
object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the
value of:
getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())
Returns | |
String |
a string representation of the object. |
public String toURI ()
This method is deprecated.
Use toUri(int)
Call toUri(int)
with 0 flags.
Returns | |
String |
public String toUri (int flags)
Convert this Intent into a String holding a URI representation of it.
The returned URI string has been properly URI encoded, so it can be
used with Uri#parse
. The URI contains the
Intent's data as the base URI, with an additional fragment describing
the action, categories, type, flags, package, component, and extras.
You can convert the returned string back to an Intent with
Parameters | |
flags |
int : Additional operating flags.
Value is either 0 or a combination of URI_ALLOW_UNSAFE , URI_ANDROID_APP_SCHEME , and URI_INTENT_SCHEME |
Returns | |
String |
Returns a URI encoding URI string describing the entire contents of the Intent. |
public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, int flags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
Parameters | |
out |
Parcel : The Parcel in which the object should be written. |
flags |
int : Additional flags about how the object should be written.
Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE , and android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES |