FOR built in su: export WITH_SU=true FOR adb connect: export ADB_VENDOR_KEYS=~/.android/adb_keys FOR Car builds on Lineage 20 and above see the diff in gta4xlwifi/gta4xlwifi_lineage-20.diff.txt FOR building device image: repo sync -j 4 --force-sync source build/ breakfast lineage_car_gts4lvwifi-userdebug mka target-files-package otatools sign_target_files_apks -o -d ~/.android-certs $OUT/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/*-target_files-*.zip ota_from_target_files -k ~/.android-certs/releasekey --block --backup=true FOR building emulator image: repo init -u -b android-11.0.0_r48 --partial-clone --clone-filter=blob:limit=10M repo sync -j $(nproc --all) -c --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --force-sync source build/ lunch sdk_car_arm64-userdebug # if sdk_car is missing # tar xvf car_sdk-targets.tar -C /AAOS/device/generic/goldfish m && m sdk sdk_repo Troubleshoot Android 11 - sdk_car_ target is missing, fix is above - build succeeds, however emulator doesn't work Android 12 - ccache, read only: rm -rf /mnt/ccache mkdir /mnt/ccache mount --bind /root/.ccache /mnt/ccache Reset changed files - repo forall -vc "git reset --hard" could'nt locale source file: .... - then run the following code make split-select make libaapt2_jni m aapt dmtracedump etc1tool aapt2 aidl split-select zipalign llvm-rs-cc bcc_compat apksigner dx sdk sdk_repo Proprietry files for gta4xlwifi - Extract script from existing image fails. So need to extract from the device first. Or use already extracted files as following: unzip . mv proprietary /LINEAGE/device/samsung/gta4xl-common/ unzip mv proprietary /LINEAGE/device/samsung/gta4xlwifi/ === LOGS === --- car-lineage-19.1-20221013 --- Enabler signed & installed Car App signed & installed Car App Dev signed & installed Car App Staging signed & installed --- Booting works --- car-lineage-19.1-20221021 --- Adb over Wifi is enabled by default Enabled SU by a exporting a flag before building --- lineage-19.1-20240110-UNOFFICIAL-car_gts4lvwifi --- Aiden is removed from the image Signed by publicly availably platform keys --- sdk_car_arm64-20240303 --- Emulator Image Enabler removed Not working --- aosp_car_x86_64-20240305 --- API 30 Emulator 2719 --- sdk_car_arm64-20240307 --- API 31 Emulator 2719 Took 6 resets before functioning --- --- Lineage Build for Tab S6 Lite Downloaded from Source for proprietry files --- --- Lineage Build for Tab S6 Lite Source for proprietry files on Linage 20 by extracting from the device --- --- Linegae Build for Tab S5e Downloaded from lineage original repo Source for proprietry files --- --- Car Build Lineage Build for Tab S6 Lite Rotation works Developer Settings works Adb over Wifi is enabled by default Enabled SU by a exporting a flag before building